(PS: yesterday, in the cry of a group of RBQ, I was brainwashed successfully. The name of the Pirate Group was changed to the faceless Pirate Group. I don't need to go back to see it again, just know it.)

After the "excited" discussion, the pirate flag that Luo Qing personally operated was also finished.

The pattern is a man with unlimited gloves on his right hand who is snapping his fingers, but his face is hazy without anything.

Luo Qing is very satisfied with his masterpiece!

He did not waste his efforts to soak up the flowers of the Department of fine arts!

Although beauty and small money are the most powerful nuclear weapons in the cause of seducing girls, it seems that it can achieve half the result with twice the effort to deal with some literary and artistic girls. Therefore, Luo Qing has worked hard for them in order to get rid of them!

Not to mention that he is proficient in all kinds of poetry, songs and Fu, at least he can have a chat with any kind of literary and artistic girl, and can have a more in-depth discussion and exchange in some aspects.

Although each time finally communicated to the bed, but can not deny that he is a person of perseverance, even if this momentum has not been used in the right place!


Another sunny morning, Luo Qing and Na Mei, dressed in cool sunglasses, were lying on the sun chair, enjoying the happy life of corruption (harmony) and defeat.

And the hard pressed Kirby is doing push ups.


After 250 push ups, Kebi collapsed on the sweaty deck. He was too young and weak, so Luo Qing did not dare to make a heavy training plan for him.

But only do 250 push ups on the tired like this, is really enough 250!

"Don't lie down and dress up. Clean up the deck quickly!"

"By the way, bring me another glass of juice ~" Nami also habitually ordered.

"Two! It's just that I'm out of it

Luo Qing thought it was a wise choice to turn Kebi onto the ship! Such a hard-working miscellaneous... Where can I find my apprentice!

After taking a few puffs of breath, Kirby was forced to prepare juice and clean the deck. How could he feel that it was more difficult than that in the yallita pirates?

"That's how you become a teacher? How do I feel that you're looking for a free handyman? "

lying on the sun chair, drinking the juice and the sun, make complaints about the sun.

Luo Qing once again in her cool sexy three-point style dress up sweep, is very righteous and awe inspiring said: "you take me as what person! I do it for his good

"Hard training can exercise his body and will, and that's where he will be, and he will suffer in the future."

"If you want to be strong, how can you train without risking your life?"

Then he saw the look of disdain in the eyes of Nami after she took off her sunglasses.

"Cough! I'm different. I have special strengthening skills, so I don't need that much training

Believe your evil yo!

After Nami snorted, she collapsed and went back. This kind of small day was also very good ~

at this time, a newsbird landed on their boat.

Luo Qing and Na Mei are too lazy to move, so...

"today's news, teacher."

"Well, put it here. Have you finished cleaning the deck? After cleaning, go in and clean up the room, and then come out to do 500 squats. "

Kebi left with a bitter face again...

LUO Qing opened the newspaper and read it. After waiting for so long, he finally arrived!

"It's all over your hometown."

"Let me see!"

Nanmei suddenly came over, smelling the orange smell on her body and the hair that always ran across her face inadvertently, Luo Qing felt that life was more and more comfortable.

And from his point of view, we can see some benefits that make people snort nosebleed!

Whoa! Calm down! chill!

If it reacts, it's a shame!

"Good looking?"

"Well? What looks good? "

In one thousandth of a second, Luo Qing actually responded, and then sent out the performance skills of the film emperor, and began to act stupidly.

Nami snorted with a sneer. She didn't care about them any more. She was not afraid of him.

And it happens that Luo Qing also thinks so. Since you dare to wear it, why don't I dare to see it?

"What is the origin of this smog? How can we eliminate so many branches of the Navy at one go? "

Luo Qing casually replied: "he is a student of zefa, a former Navy General, and is naturally a capable person of demon fruit. Unfortunately, he is a cold headed youth. He disobeyed discipline and offended his boss, so he was thrown here to grind his temper."

"Do you know?"

"I don't know, but I've heard some rumors, otherwise I wouldn't dare to poke it into his side.""The world still needs some such cold headed youth who are as jealous of evil as smog."

Nami also nodded. Although she was completely disappointed with the Navy, she still hoped that the Navy could regain justice and remember its duty to protect the weak and protect the people!

Then Naomi got nervous. "The news said that this guy is chasing us. Don't worry?"

Luo Qing drew out the reward list and said with a smile, "it's OK, but we can't beat the head office. Besides, we don't know where we are going now. How can the Navy find us?"

Listen to the captain do not worry, she is a navigator will not worry about this, her duty is when the captain said he wanted to go to the destination, accurate to bring the ship there!

And that reward list is exactly the Navy's definition of this vicious attack.

Luo Qing, the golden right paw!

The following notes are the massacre of the yallita Pirate Group, the Dragon Pirate Group, and the attack on the village of hoksia and the captain of the 16th Division of the Navy, etc!

There is no accident. It is impossible for the Navy not to cover up the truth of such a big accident!

After all, smog is just a colonel of the East China Sea Branch. It's very normal that the report will be changed.

The only thing that made Luo Qing puzzled was how the reporter got this picture?

In the photo, he is just like a man with flat head. With short white hair and sharp beast claws, he is indifferent and disgusted. In addition, he has a handsome face!

Luo Qing thinks that next time there is a chance, would you like to send an anonymous thank you letter to the news headquarters?

Thank them for making themselves so handsome?

Journalists in the pirate world are definitely the most pervasive profession. There are hidden reporters in the small village of hoh Yaxi, and they have not been discovered.

Compared with CP, those secret organizations have not made much concessions!

It's terrible!

Even the title of "golden right claw" is too bad to hear!

What the hell! Can't have a nice nickname!

Luo Qing's original worry really became a fact. This low forced nickname is really out of the question. SHENTE Mo's "golden right paw"!

It's decided!

Send a fart thank you letter!

The threat letter is almost the same!

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