After a long gruelling argument between me, myself and I in the shower. I have come to a decision,
to drop...
chapter 100 somewhere in the first week of October.
It will be different from the original chapter 100 that was posted 2 months ago [later deleted].
I will, before chapter 100, drop a summary of the changes through the hiatus and also edit previous chapters with said changes.
Keep in mind that I do have 5 courses in my first uni semester... which is now. And it's online. So it will probably be 1 chapter every other day with an occasional bonus if I can manage it as it is quite difficult to do so from remote learning.
I like writing because it gives me a chance to escape the shackles of school and other fundamentals. It will remain a hobby and might be put on breaks due to midterms (later Oct.) and final exams, of course.
See you then.
- Paradox.
PS. Discord will keep you updated for more... updates? And it has more detail on hiatus changes and other incentives like Top-20 leaderboards, devil fruit list, more info on Damien and his crew, etc.