Chapter 156: I have a sentence MMP I do n’t know if I should say it inappropriately?

When Simon explained to Arudo, the blushing Matas roared, pushing the ice fist caught in the pectoral muscles hard, and at the same time, a majestic momentum surged up.

Roya's 30% strength is not good, he even has the illusion that his heart is broken. But even so, he resisted the attack hard and did not fall.

"Woohoo! It's so handsome! I'm the most handsome !!!"


Loya walked away from him with a six-pattern, twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"Fuck! Isn't this a Super Saiyan? The more you fight, the more powerful!"

If you really get stronger and stronger, does that mean that the strength of the other party will soon catch up with you!

This is farting!

However, Loya thought about it and threw this guess into his mind.

Although Simon has not yet revealed the news, if the opponent's fruit ability can really achieve that effect, then Matas will never appear in the seventh game.

The post is definitely not just a major general.

But now that he is here, the best strength that represents him has not yet reached that level.

in other words......

There is a limit to the increase of the other party!

And this limit will soon be reached. The best way to deal with it now is to kill with one hit before his strength reaches the top!

"Hum! Look at my handsome charge!"

At this time, Matas, who knew his ability was easy to be understood, roared, lowered his center of gravity, and rushed to Loya. He had to slam Loya before the opponent didn't fully eat it. Otherwise, it was just the punch he had just made, and he couldn't stand the second time without strengthening the effect.

As the charge distance gradually increased, his momentum became stronger. If at first it seemed like a bicycle was rushing towards Loya, but when he rushed to Loya, he was already a heavy tank.

"This face and this muscle can't bear to look straight!" Closer, looking at the sweaty bronze skin of the other side, Loya wrinkled his forehead.


The magic shook, and a blue light appeared on his fist.

"Ice Dragon's Frost Fist!"

Uh ... Kank Kahk!

The cold wind blew through, Matas's rush forward stopped suddenly, and a thick layer of ice froze him from the inside out, leaving him unable to move.

But even so, he did not lose consciousness.

Seeing this, Luo Ya had to sigh about Lai Phi, who was capable of the fruit of the other party. This increase effect was unreasonable! Obviously it is just a rooster, and now it is impossible to even kill the dragon magic!

"Oh ......... oh ... really ... is handsome ice ... frozen, I ..."

"I'm a bighead!"

Matas's words were interrupted, and the aura that continued to strengthen on his body was instantly broken. With a roar, Loya rushed up and caught him in a mess.

Every punch and every foot went in his face.

"Friendly shame!"

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang!

Matas looked like a rag, and was dropped and dropped by Loya.


"Game seven, pass!"

While Roya stopped and panted, the fire general declared the results loudly. Then quickly let people go up and drag the captivating Matas away.

It will be disfiguring if you fight again!

Even if his face is a regular and indestructible environment building, even a map, but he can't afford to modify data by this hacker, Loya!


Seeing Matas being carried down, Loya let out a sigh of relief.

Lying down, playing muscle brother or something, it's too basic!

But it's really cool!

Boxing to meat or something ...

Matas looked miserable. In fact, it was all skin trauma. After a little inspection, the medics made a "no problem" gesture to the mountain.

The soldiers in the stands and a senior navy officer were also relieved.

Although Loya's ability to cause trouble was gone, at least he also knew how to show mercy to his men.

However, while thinking about it, they couldn't help but simulate it in their hearts. When a muscular brother is rushing towards him with enthusiasm, can he suppress the nausea and punch him with a punch.

Maybe ... will it?

At this time in the gladiatorial field, after the farce, Huo Shaoshan suddenly looked at Luo Ya with a strange look and solemnly announced his opponent in the next game.

"Game eight ... your opponent is, Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant Mole!"

Loya: "..."

Sure enough, it is the lieutenant general of this department! No wonder Simon's expression would be so ugly. Without my strength, it would be almost like this ...


Luo Ya looked back fiercely, looking at the position of the general Lieutenant Burning Mountain.

How dare you believe it!

Sure enough, the iron-faced mole, holding his sword in his left hand, walked out slowly from the passage.

At this moment, the mole's face was ugly, and even darker than the armed color.

The ghost knows why it is him!

Obviously there are so many lieutenant generals in the idle vacation in this department, why did they draw themselves!

What a mess!

And not long ago, all of them were seen by their colleagues, and they still had no idea what they were domineering. Everyone knows that he is not Loya's opponent. Should I play or play?

However, no matter how he was lying, the lottery was witnessed by everyone, Zefa had already prepared an order, and he would not be able to play.

"Hey, Simon, how long do you think the Mole will last?"

Arudo's face was relaxed, and his usual thick and honest face was at the moment a wretched fight with the yellow apes.

Is Mole strong?

Of course, it is not a problem to suspend all members of the elite camp except Loya, or they should go together.

But can Mole win?

Of course ... impossible.

As early as Lu Qi kicked the pavilion, Loya was no weaker than him. It may not be able to catch up with the latter in the six styles and actual combat experience, but with the dragon-destroying magic and unique armed color domineering, the victory between the two lives is between eight and two.

Loya eight, mole two,

In addition, Luo Ya's resilience is too strong, if you can't kill with one hit, you will be invincible innately.

Moreover, his armed color domineering strength is not weaker than any of the generals of the headquarters, and even stronger. With the ice armor that can basically be maintained at all times and the ice coffin at critical moments, how easy is it to kill?

For these reasons, Simon heard a question in his ear, and Simon smiled slightly and took out a simple red note with a simple printing workmanship: "I don't know how long it can last, anyway, I bet it is five minutes."

"So clever !?" Arudo said in surprise, and then took out a piece of red paper from his pocket: "I also bought five minutes!"

"No!" Mingde, who had been in the background for a long time, had just taken out the note, and suddenly he was aggressive: "Simon, aren't you the dealer? What do you buy?"

"Uh ... I'm not a dealer ?!" Simon answered, strangely.

But then, his face became very ugly.

"Hey, I said. Shouldn't you be the note pulled from Loya?"

The rest were almost dumb ... Why was there a sudden bad feeling?


Looking at the Mole who walked in slowly, Loya pretended to know nothing: "Yeah! It is a large population of Mole General!"

"Just give me nonsense!"

The iron-faced mole snarled, and loosened the cloak on his shoulders, neatly set aside.

Wow, the purple striped suit shirt that was worn out was ripped off, revealing the tightly-fitting ... purple shirt below.


Visual inspection was that the sharp katana twenty-one worker was severely pulled out, and the sword pointed at Luo Ya.

"Come on, give me a good day!"

The Mole's expression was very tragic, like an unyielding fighter who went to the execution ground.

There are many guardians of the death row in the jail ~ ~ but the mole is probably the most aggrieved one. Because before that, he was responsible for the eighth game of the two prison fights.

In one match, the opponent he met was a red dog. The other game was the yellow ape.

This tm is awkward, isn't it!

There will be sixteen people in this department. The customs clearance is decided by lot. Many people have not been the last time. As a result, he did well, not only when he became, but also twice!

This is the third time!

The first two times, Sakaski and Porusalino passed the checkpoint he was stationed at, when they were just two recruits!

This is already a black spot that cannot be erased in his life, even if the other party is the current general Red Dog and Yellow Ape.

Now it seems that this third breakthrough has already been nailed!

The Mole sighed, I have a sentence mmp I don't know when I should say it inappropriately ... To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: