Chapter 35: Outcome

Name:One-Punch DxD: NEO Author:
Chapter 35: Outcome

Here we are with another chapter! Enjoy! ^_^

"You're betting against a God? An actual god?" Issei asked, completely in disbelief. "How connected are you? Wait, how the hell did you become king of a fighting ring?"

"To answer your last question the previous king of the arena retired. At my behest."

Issei did not pursue the topic any further.

"Interesting, but are the fights worth my time? I don't see anyone interesting down there." Vali asked, his eyes scanning the combatants as the announcer continued commenting on the fight.

"Monsters and men come here to fight for money and glory. This is also a betting ring between the greater powers. If you want to join, feel free to stretch your limbs in the arena." Silver indulged.

"...Do we have to sign in or something?" Issei asked, eyeing the minotaur tackling the orc.

There were no ropes cordoning them, and when the Minotaur dragged the orc out of the marked circle and into the wall of round stadium, there was no call for a ring out.

"None so. You are my associates. Just tell the men guarding the ring entrance my name and I'll do the rest. The Blacks are here as my Well, they are like the angels to their God. Even the word angel translates to messenger, after all."


The announcer shouted through the speakers as the Minotaur continued beating on the large orc with his heavy fist.

They watched as the Minotaur continued wailing on the orc for some seconds until the minotaur threw the orc back into the ring, picking his discarded weapon back in his hands as hot steam snorted from his nostrils.

"What are the usual levels of the combatants?" Sona asked with curiosity.

"Using supernatural terms the highest would be the ultimate class and above. I am the above." Silver answered. The heiresses felt the need to test his claim, but decided against it for now. "But to satisfy the kid's estimates, Disaster Level Tigers are the usual contenders. There are Disaster Level Demons here, but not as many as I'd like. Meaning there are only high class combatants as average. You cannot enter this private club without the help of a high-class patron as your sponsor."

Akeno looked at Silver. She knew what disaster levels meant from her chat with Issei at Summer Camp. She decided to explain the terms to Rias and the others later at home.

"...Is this even legal?" Rias asked.

"Was illegal. Now it is more like an exclusive club at this point. We do have many locations where the fodder and average can fight to prove themselves and earn some money on the side. This ring belongs to the upper class where they can throw their champions to fight, where fighters can truly earn their glory and wealth."

The Minotaur charged towards the downed Orc, however, the Orc instantly rose and grabbed the Minotaur by the horns, using the ox's own momentum against him before slamming him down headfirst into the ground.

The horns were stuck into the stone as the orc jumped on his back and strangled him with an arm bar.

"Ohhhhhh, what a comeback!" Saji immediately got engrossed in the fight setting as the minotaur struggled, frothing by the teeth.


They watched as the orc roared at the crowd, banging his chest in victory as the spectators rose out of their seats with cheers.

"So, what are they fighting for?" Akeno asked.

"The details are sketchy, but they are fighting over a magical weapon. Not like a sacred gear, but something probably just as old Or older." Silver informed.

"They aren't that strong. I thought this place was for VIPs, the strongest." Vali complained.

"Not everyone has the strongest fighter in their arsenal." Silver retorted. "It is an important card to send out a weaker contender to bait the opposition into walking into the arena and tie their hands. Which is what I am doing with Pretty Boy here." Silver gestured to Yuuto.

Yuuto blinked, then his mind connected the dots, "Are you saying. You're making me fight for you in very high-risk matches?"

"Do you want me to slave you until the end of time for that debt? Not even I have that much time and patience for something so dragged out." Silver retorted.

Everyone could agree with that logic.

"...What would happen if Yuuto loses?" Akeno asked.

As if answering, Silver rose from his seat and walked up to Yuuto.

Yuuto looked up at Silver as the latter towered over him, looking down on him menacingly.

"Do you want to know, little man?" Silver asked. His explanatory, calm, indifferent tone was more menacing than any growl or rage-filled shout.

Yuuto and Saji simply shook their heads in return.

"...I thought so." Silver smiled knowingly again and gave the boys some space.

Silver then smirked knowingly and snapped his fingers, prompting one of the attendants to arrive by his side through the door on the side.

It was a woman with snow-white skin. Issei recognized this one as a yuki-onna, dressed in a formal business suit. The woman handed him something.

"You. Use this to sharpen your swords." Silver ordered as he took the item from the woman's hands, pinched it between his fingers, and handed it to Yuuto.

Yuuto stared at the it looked like a whetstone. Although it was covered in red magical runes in an ancient language he could not decipher.

"...What is this?" Yuuto asked as he accepted the whetstone.

"It is the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd." Silver answered. "Legends said that any sword sharpened by this will have its sharpness increase depending on the courage of the wielder. However, in return, if the wielder is filled with fear the edge dulls. I won this from a leprechaun if you're wondering."

Yuuto then stared at the whetstone, running his finger on its runed surface with new fascination in his eyes.

"Another fun fact. It's Welsh like that red failure in the kid's arm."

[Do you want to have at me, you arrogant punk?]

Ddraig dared the macho.Read latest chapters at Only

"It will be fun wrestling with an ancient dragon and showing him his place. But, alas, you're in that pitiful state." Silver reminded.

Issei snickered at the banter as Ddraig grumbled with indignity while Yuuto held the whetstone to his eyes.

"Go on. Use it. I heard that Sacred Gears can absorb certain materials to augment themselves in some cases." Silver urged.

"Where did you hear that?" Issei asked, quirking a brow.

"Please. I am everywhere, kid. I can do almost everything. Especially researching the past of sacred gear users as much as I can get my hands on." Silver reminded as Yuuto wondered

"Oh, and you cannot use Muramasa." Silver added. "She is confiscated until you achieve victory."

"Eh?" Yuuto was astonished at the confiscation rule.

On cue, the sword in question suddenly manifested in a flash of ethereal light, standing by Yuuto's side, before she glared at the muscular creature.

"You can't possibly have my master to fight in such an. Uncouth setting without my aid!"

Issei and the rest stared at Muramasa. He looked at Rias silently asking since when could she do that. Rias shook her head, sharing his equal confusion.

"I can, and suffice to say, I don't want him to be the kind of worthless man that can't do anything without a woman by his side. It is shameful." Silver rebuked sharply like a dagger coated in fire.

Muramasa's glare deepened, but Yuuto stopped her from doing whatever she had in mind by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"That's enough, Muramasa." Yuuto said.

"But, master-!" Muramasa's protest was silenced by a smile from Yuuto.

"...I got myself into this mess because of revenge. It is my duty to get myself out of this hell," was all Yuuto said, before he returned his gaze back to Silver. "Besides, I want to see this through. Who am I facing in this match?"

Silver smiled, "Oh, I don't know. Plutus there wants it to be a surprise from both sides. Makes the match more exciting, he said. He did make me swear not to bring out anything that could crush even a Dragon King, or another one of me. As for the rules, it is simple. Force your foe into slumber or surrender. Do not harm the spectators. There are no ring outs, however. Drugs are also prohibited Oh, and while killing is not prohibited, it's kind of frowned upon here."


The crowd roared in response outside the glass.

"That's your cue."

Yuuto walked out of the metal doors into the arena, calmly taking a breath as he walked under the spotlight, the light glaring at him from above as he looked around, seeing the many eyes of all races looking down upon him from the bleachers, the pressure, the expectation, it was overwhelming, a tangible weight pressing onto him from all around.

From the VIP room, those from the Occult Research Club could only watch with worried looks - Muramasa, in particular.

[FROM ONE SIDE, WE HAVE THE Oh?! It turns out that the Silver King chose a newbie! All we have is his name, Yuuto Kibaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!]

The spotlight then was focused on Kiba, who looked for the announcer as he stepped onto the stage.

The announcer was atop of the stadium in another booth overlooking the arena.

Imagine his surprise when he saw that the announcer was a fallen angel in a suit.

[And from Plutus' side, we have Oriah Nibellllllllllll! As for who he is, I don't know!]

The doors on the other side opened.

Yuuto stared at his foe, calmly appraising him.

He looked like a devil noble judging by his black robes and suit, his collar folded inward as golden patterns decorated his clothes from his shirt to his fine leather pants and shoes.

What caught Yuuto off guard was that he was also a Devil as well, but his last name did not place him amongst the noble families.

His face was just as handsome as his, but there was a wild look in his eyes. His hair was combed slick, a bob-cut hairstyle. He had a pendant around his neck with a clean, faceted blood jewel along with a golden ring on his left finger.

"...I know you." Oriah pointed at Yuuto. "You are one of those participating in the Rating Game, right? Let's see which master, which master I forgot. Though I know your King is female."

There was something strangely familiar about his aura. No, it wasn't as if he met the person before, Yuuto was sure of that. It reminded him of something he could not put his finger on it.

"Gremory. Rias Gremory."

"Ah, that! Yes! The knight of the sister of the strongest Demon Lord?"

Yuuto let out a small smile. It was actually a devil king but this one seemed nice. His discomfort must be his imagination.

"The one and the same. Let's have a good match, shall we?"

"Ahhh, well, I don't know." His casual face suddenly flashed a belligerent grin. "I don't think I can play well against other Devils."

Yuuto immediately summoned his swords to his side. He could still summon holy demon swords thanks to his connection with Muramasa though he did not know how since she had the Blade Blacksmith.

[Combatants! Begin!]

Yuuto made the first move. These two swords were meant to boost his speed as he sliced the distance and swung his blades into a cross slash.


However, the Devil bent down as if playing limbo.

"Fast!" Then the Devil grabbed Yuuto's arms. "But you're weak, aren't you?" The Devil flashed a sinister smile as his face contorted.

Yuuto finally realized why he was unsettled.

The Devil before him was a Chimera.

The once-devil transformed, arms expanding as horns started growing from his head, branching out into antlers as his chest bulged as muscle swelled, size enlarging until Yuuto found himself caught in the arms of a monstrosity.

His face was a monstrous ape with four eyes, black fur covering his hand and neck and arms. His stomach area was covered in plated bone, his tail a monstrous horned snake with fangs as six devil wings of great size expanded from his back as he rose on his digitigrade saurian legs.

In summary, the Chimera was a cross between an ape with the legs of a dinosaur, a vicious dinosaur-like snake for a tail, and devil wings from his back.

"I wish I could eat you." The Chimera chortled at Yuuto as the Knight struggled to break free. "But I like my life, so train, train, and train I must. Master promised me dragon meat if I win, so I must work hard." He smiled, showing Yuuto his wicked fangs as the Chimera raised Yuuto high.

He was going to slam him into the ground painfully, trying to crush him in one go.

"Sword Birth!"

On command, several demonic swords of various shapes sprouted out from the arena ground when the creature swung his arms. The rising blades met with his falling arms, piercing his hide much to the fallen Devil's chagrin as his fingers reflexively released Yuuto.

Yuuto immediately flew away and maintained distance as he panted, his heart thumping into his chest as the Chimera growled at him and brushed the broken blades off his forearms.

"You're tricky." The Chimera spoke with surprising lucidity.

What was worse was that the blood stopped flowing immediately, meaning the thing had regeneration as well. Yuuto grit his teeth as he formed an iai stance, summoning a katana to aid him.


"...The god actually sent a trained chimera." Issei mused aloud as he watched Yuuto summon a katana this time. Issei expected Yuuto to surpass the creature in terms of speed, but the chimera dodged his quickdraw with surprising alacrity, his agility and reflexes even more impressive when he hopped over Yuuto and landed on his ape hand, his dinosaur snake tail lashing at Yuuto. The fangs were definitely dripping poisonous liquid. "...And first time I saw one that can talk like normal, or this well-trained. Is this even legal in the Underworld?"

Rias stared at the creature oppressing Yuuto into the defensive.

"Legally, no. Chimeras are dangerous creatures consumed by their own power, but it is possible to tame and train one enough to return some sanity and intellect. We never allow Chimeras to go too long in the outside world because they have the tendency to gain strength from consumption. The stronger the victim they devour, the more power they receive."

"...And if one is well-fed and undergoes proper training?" Issei curled a brow.

Silver simply gestured with his glass at the ring, "The monster below is a prime example, but it depends on the individual. Some of them are absolutely impossible to teach and train. They also might eat the trainer if they failed to provide it food."

"Interesting" Vali rubbed his chin in thought.

The tail started to breath green fire at Yuuto, forcing him to split it in twain with an upward slash. The snake tail started breathing green mist in return, prompting Yuuto to retreat as Yuuto started summoning swords, each levitating around him and launching them at the creature.

"Makes me wonder what would happen if a Chimera manages to devour an ultimate-class devil." Vali mused aloud.

"That's an amusing thought, but ultimate-class devils are not fruits that can be plucked from a farm." Silver chuckled in a mild amusement, as he took another sip of his drink.

Koneko joined Akeno, Saji, Sona, and the others with a cup of soda and a bag of snacks in her hands.

She slurped on the soda nonchalantly as she watched Yuuto summon a sword that sucked in all of the green mist while continuing to fire blades at the creature. The blades bounced off of the creature's hide.

[And Oriah is closing in! Oh, he is using magic?!]

Oriah charged in with his arm as a battering ram, coated in a thick layer of blue energy. Yuuto attempted to throw more swords at the creature, but it bounced off the blue layer like sticks off stone.

On the battlefield, Yuuto grimaced as he summoned three speed-enhancing swords, one between his teeth and two in his hands as he evaded the nimble creature.

The opponent was agile, strong, able to attack him up close and from a distance due to his snake tail. Not only that, the creature can fly and use magic to attack him from above.

It was a completely outrageous combination of traits and skills that most on the creature's level would have a difficult time dealing with.

Yuuto continued running, avoiding the fireballs spat from the creature's tail as he furiously tried to think of a solution. He needed to bring the creature down to his level and Yuuto took a deep breath.

He was starting to think that Black forced him to watch many anime specifically to use his head like this.

Yuuto grit his teeth. It was dangerous to experiment with new swords in the middle of combat, but if he did not adapt and master it as soon as he made it, he would be a terrible wielder of something like Sword Birth.

The creature continued jumping around, standing on his palms or feet as its tail started firing more long range attacks, this time lobbing poison balls at Yuuto. Yuuto grimaced as he fired anti-poison swords at the projectiles, nullifying them before he placed his hand on the floor, taking a deep breath as he started summoning blades around him.

Oriah curled his brow at Yuuto's actions before it cartwheeled to his legs, swinging his snake tail like a whip while the snake exhaled a wave of fire.

Yuuto nullified it with Flame Delete as he ran, summoning a trail of swords bursting up the earth behind him, even as Oriah destroyed most of them or knocked them out of the earth with his reinforced tail.

There were no words exchanged in this high level battle as Yuuto continued summoning swords around and behind him, leaving a trail as he ran towards the creature.

"Thinking of something, huh?!" Oriah was the first to break the tense silence as he jumped over Yuuto, landing beside the trail of swords. "I can see your plan! It won't work on me!"

The plan being to limit Oriah's movements by placing pointy swords around the battlefield.

"But it won't work on me! Time for my other trick!" Oriah shouted as he sling his tail at Yuuto, the snake flying faster than a bullet with its mouth open.

Yuuto activated his trap sword.

The snake snapped on him before it crashed into the wall of the arena, crushing the stone.

However, he did not taste the blood of Devil meat with his snake tail.

He was confused. His confusion turned into pain when he felt the familiar searing of holy energy cutting into leg.

"YEOW?!" Oriah jumped and looked down, seeing his opponent hanging onto the sword that was jammed into the side of his knee.

"Did Yuuto just teleport?" Issei squinted. He was sure that a small wisp of light enveloped Yuuto before he was eaten by the giant saurian snake tail.

"My, my, he did." Akeno nodded.

"How the hell did he do that? Those swords?"

Yuuto reappeared beside the swords he left behind. Issei got an idea of what he tried to do now with that tactic, he was playing this smart. The sword he was wielding was also smoking the knee-meat and bone of the well-fed chimera as well.

"He is also going for his legs to slow him down." Vali added as they watched Yuuto stab into the knee with a dagger before he dropped down.

The dagger exploded into a corona of holy and cursed energy, wrenching a monstrous roar of pain as the announcer commented on Yuuto's actions, drawing cheers from the crowd.

Yuuto landed on the floor as Orian landed far from him.

The creature hissed as he looked at his leg, seeing it smoking and the gaping wound festered.

"You are really tricky..." Oriah hissed in pain when he tried to stand on that leg.

"I can say the same to you. There's no way I can fight you normally."

It was the first time Yuuto fought a Chimera that knew how to absolutely abuse his body's advantages to their limits.

Now Yuuto must find a way to handle the snake tail. If Oriah flies, then Yuuto could handle him.

Their gazes met, eyes staring into the other, the snake tail swishing back and forth while the serpent hissed at Yuuto.

Yuuto summoned more levitating swords around him, ready to teleport him close.

However, he would have to remain still if wanted to teleport without suffering disorientation. Fighting while teleporting was more difficult than anime gave him credit for, and anime did not cover the disorientation. The teleport sword also causes him strain when used, the longer the distance the more strain. It also had a second of delay as well.

Oriah then charged in flight since his leg was wounded, enveloping his frame with the forcefield magic to meet Yuuto's barrage of swords head-on.

However, one of the swords shocked the magic armor and cracked it.

"Hm?!" Another sword followed and exploded, shattering his armor and burning his arm with cursed holy energies as Yuuto charged on with his katana.

Oriah growled - the distance between him and Yuuto was already too close for comfort. Still, he shifted his body position mid-air as much as he was allowed to, but it was futile, as the length of Yuuto's sword provided the Knight the necessary range of reach.

His blade sunk into the monster's hide, sharpness enhanced by design and ability, as Yuuto drew a gash from the stomach to the shoulder as the wound smoked, blood vaporizing on contact as the creature let out a roar of pain before it crashed and tumbled into somersaults.

"Aaaggghhh, that hurts!" Oriah shouted, holding his long gash wound, as his snake tail elongated and snapped at Yuuto with poison and fire.

Landing on his feet, Yuuto simply side-stepped the poison and blocked the fire with his sword.

He placed a dagger in his mouth just when the serpent tried to bite him.

Zooming into the booth, Sona saw an illustrious figure. With breasts so large that it rivaled watermelons coupled with hair so white, one could mistake it as silk woven from clouds.

A flawless beauty - she was looking at Sona's way she blew a kiss at her.

Sona blinked as she lowered the binoculars, taking the women's appearance in mind - seductive beauty, greek clothing

"Is that. Aphrodite? That Aphrodite?" Sona asked, completely shocked to see her appear here of all places.

"What? Aphrodite? Are we talking about the goddess of beauty and lust, Aphrodite?" Issei asked.

"Yes. That Aphrodite. She has her eyes on the little man here she is an interesting one." Silver confirmed. "She practically lives here, almost always present in the fights - she's also one of Hidden Circle's sponsors; in exchange of unlimited VIP service and a generous cut of our incomes, she will provide us with staff to keep this place functional: bouncers, secretaries, waitresses, attendants, those with skills that the little mes do not have."

Silver then smirked knowingly at Saji, who was looking at the contents of the letter, then at the neighboring goddess back and forth.

"...And the same goddess sent you an invitation to her room." When Saji gave a flustered and bewildered look, Silver continued, "She lives to her reputation to the letter, one who fancies boys that fall in her range of attraction. Consider yourself lucky, boy - go on. Manhood awaits you."

Saji did not get to see Aphrodite's appearance, but he had heard enough of her legend and reputation among men and women alike. The idea of the Goddess of Love and Beauty inviting him for some quality time, caused his lips to slowly grow into a grin.

...Only for Sona to banish the idea by pulling on his ear while wearing a bemused expression. Momo had also joined the bandwagon by pinching on his cheek while pouting at him. Ruruko's expression herself was also not amused.

"We appreciate the invite, but I'm afraid my Pawn still has other duties to attend to. I hope Lady Aphrodite will not be offended?" Sona asked pointedly at Silver, who shrugged.

"It is an invitation, not a summon. However, she is as fickle as fate. She has the habit of losing interest in her targets before long."

Saji then spoke up, "Well, I honestly don't think listening to what she has to say won't hurt Ow, ow, ow! President, Momo, stop pulling my face!"

"We are leaving, now."

Saji could only weep as he was dragged out of the room with the rest of the Student Council. Tsubasa stayed behind in favor of leaving with Issei.

Speaking of which - Silver noticed that there was a continuation of Aphrodite's invitation on the back of the paper.

"Ah, the invitation also extends to the hosts of the Two Heavenly Dragons. It seems she wishes to try riding a dragon or two. Hah!"

Issei and Vali paused for a second, then exchanged glances.

"...Not interested. I'm leaving once I talk with that monkey in the arena." Vali said with a tone of dismissal as he left the room first.

Issei, on the other hand, caught the girls from the ORC, his mother and Genos staring at him.

Tsubasa was giving him the death glare of womanly wrath. Koneko was pouting at him. Akeno and Rias were leering at him, every girl peer pressuring him not to give in to the Devil's, or Divine, temptation, which was ironic.

Haruka was giving him the judgemental eyes that screamed 'not the right time or place.'

He gave in to peer pressure; he did not want to bed a random woman in the presence of his mother, even if she was indeed a goddess of beauty.

"...I still have to check on Irina when we get back. Actually, let's go right now. Yuuto probably needs a ride back home, though."

Everyone nodded approvingly. Issei then walked away, prepping the exhausted Yuuto by his shoulder - much to his gratitude, with Muramasa taking the Knight's other side.

"...I'll see you around, Silver." Issei said his goodbyes as the others began following him.

"It's been a pleasure to meet you, Silver." Sirzechs nodded as he and his father were the last to leave the room.

Silver did not reply to the goodbyes, as he simply smiled, sipping from his drink while watching the rest of the event unfolded.


When Issei and the others got out, they walked the stairs down to the first floor.

The lobby was filled, restaurants and shops of all cultures staking their claim of the territory, from Italian to Chinese, waitresses and workers, mostly non-human staff. The staff were mostly from Japan's mythology as well.

Vali already split from the group to deal with his companion, waiting for him when the match ends.

"How did you get here anyways?" Issei asked his mother.

"Oh, Genos drove us here. Rias' relatives kindly pointed the way for us."

Issei wondered what this place looked like on the outside. This place was a derelict building far far away.

"Father. I would like to discuss the matter of your surveillance without my permission once we return home." Rias called out her father.

"Oh, by the way, I've decided to stay in your house alongside my son and daughter, Issei. I hope you don't mind. I conferred with Mrs. Hyoudou on the matter."

Issei pursed his lips as he took in Rias' horror-twisted mien.

"Well, you did build the mansion."

By the moment they left the building, Issei looked back only to see a door embedded on the alleyway. There was a symbol drawn atop of the doorway on the chipped brick.

"Seriously? Are secret magical doors popular nowaday like in Harry Potter?"

"How else can Youkai and our kind skirt around the public eyes?" Sirzechs smiled.

"Good point. Anyways" Issei stared at the vehicle outside the alleyway.

"Nice to see your taste in vehicles hasn't changed." Issei snorted.

Everyone else stared at the car.

It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. A singular large turbo engine jutted from behind. The wheels looked sleek, the body as sharp as a spear, jagged edges and spikes erected from the top and front, giving it a daedric theme.

"That's your car?" Koneko pointed at the very uniquely themed vehicle.

"Did you make it yourself?" Rias eyed it with interest. She knew someone that would definitely want something like this.

"With some help from Azazel. It is designed to be the ultimate defense transport, wheels made of rubber extracted from the sap of a world tree, the hull made of a mithril-fulgurite alloy, engines fueled by the latest experimental generators that could power a nation for centuries." Genos replied as he sent a command via the link the car shared with his in-built computer.

Watching the car door open vertically instead of horizontally like normal cars, Issei then mused out loud, "That's a cool car and all, but how many people can it house?"

" Only eight." Genos admitted. "Originally, I made it to defend you and your mother in times of emergencies."

"So it has weapons?" Akeno asked as she leaned forward, taking a closer look.

"Yes. It has state of the art defense weaponry designed to fend off any supernatural beings."

"Wait, Wait, wait can it transform?" Issei guessed.

"Azazel once considered the idea, but no. Adding that feature will require dismantling some of its essential parts, so I compromised; the car cannot transform, but it has a hover jet and prepulsor that will allow it to fly."


Everyone sans the Haruka and Genos marveled at the car, even Sirzechs and Zeoticus.

"But time is wasting. Dinner period has already passed and tomorrow is still a school day." Genos ended the topic.

"But we are more than 8 people. How are we gonna squeeze into that thing?" Issei asked - gesturing at his mother, Tsubasa, Rias' peerage plus Muramasa, Sirzechs and Zeoticus.

Genos scanned the passengers, then replied, "Muramasa can revert back to her sword form, can she not? Koneko Toujou can sit on your lap, Ise."

"I second that idea." Koneko maintained her stoic expression, but her tone was eager.

"That's still 9 people." Issei retorted.

"The car also has autopilot." Genos replied.


"Activating teleportation." Genos simply spoke in return then disappeared in a flash of light.

Issei and the others stared at the spot where the cyborg once stood, dumbfounded.

He looked back at the car and pursed his lips.

"I call the driver's seat!" Issei shouted as he ran towards the car.

"What?" Rias and the others stared at him jumping for the driver's seat.

"Shotgun!" Sirzechs ran after him.

Sirzechs swatted Issei's wrist from the handle, but the boy's other hand grabbed the handle. The Devil King did not give up as he chopped Issei's grip into letting go as he grabbed the handle.

When Sirzechs opened it, Issei immediately dashed into the car just as Sirzechs moved, both clashing into each other, cheeks squished against cheek as they gave each other a challenging sidelong glare.

"I called dibs!" Issei and Sirzechs said in unison.

The rest watched amazed as the scuffle descended into a childish brawl between Red Dragon Emperor and Devil King.

Sirzechs moved first as he drove his palm against Issei's torso, pushing him away from the door. However, before Sirzechs could have stepped into the vehicle, Issei grabbed his thrusted palm and pulled himself back to Sirzechs mid flight as his other arm hooked around Sirzechs neck from behind and threw all his weight, pressing his feet against the ground as he tried to lariat-throw the Crimson King.

With his airway being cut-off for a second, Sirzechs let out a strangled sound before his body was sent rolling to the air for a second before he dropped to the ground. Issei finally seated himself on his intended spot, closed the door and punched the lock button.



Zeoticus stepped into the backseat with an amused laugh, "It seems you have to let this one go, son. Not to mention, this is technically Ise's family car. It'd be impolite if you claim the driver's seat for yourself."

Sirzechs let out a defeated sigh, but his face was smiling - from the brief scuffle alone, he could tell that Issei would go far. He opened the door to the other front seat and sat next to issei.

"That was an impressive counter against someone that was holding back immensely." Sirzechs made himself comfortable in the leather seat, rubbing his throat a little.

"Really? You're going there? Is your pride worth more than admitting defeat to a teenager?"

Issei and Sirzechs made eye contact. Sparks seemingly danced as the others went in.

Issei heard a knock on the door. He looked out the window, seeing the petite white-haired cat-girl staring at him.

"...Oh, right. Come on in, Koneko."

Koneko smiled as Issei opened the door.

Issei stared at the buttons in the vehicle, a couple of levers and the steering wheel in front of him. Koneko was nuzzling against him, her fluffy ears tickling his chin as she watched the road run by them, the car literally driving by itself as it made a left turn down the road.

Issei was staring at the big red button on the center of the steering wheel he was tempted to press it just to see what would happen.

[Arriving at destination.]

The notification of the computer alerted him from the temptation.

The car drove through gates of the mansion as it parked before the door. The doors opened automatically.

"Awww." Koneko dropped her cat ears.

"What's wrong?" Issei asked.

She shifted on his lap. He could feel her tail swishing against his chest. A single pouty look from her gave everything in her mind away.

Issei simply smiled indulging as he patted her head, "Once I get my driver's license, wanna go for a drive?"

In return, Koneko simply smiled cutely while gesturing her hand like a cat, "Nya!"

It was the first time he felt his heart skip. Koneko was being absolutely adorable right now.

"Do you want to hold my hand as we go in?" Issei offered.

In return, Rias from behind the driver's seat reached out and pinched his ear.

"Alright, alright!" Issei then sighed as he carried Koneko out of the car, everyone following after him.

"Issei!" Xenovia and Irina opened the front door, the latter running up to him and throwing herself into his arms, prompting the boy to let go of Koneko as the catgirl pouted at Issei.

"Well, he is as popular as I envisioned." Sirzechs commented with an impish smile at his sister. "You're going to need to improve your course if you're going to win him over, dear sister."

"Brother." Rias pouted at her smiling sibling.

"Come on, kids. Since we're late, we're going to cook the leftovers for dinner." Haruka called out.

The group entered the manor. After they changed their clothes, they sat on the dinner table.

Asia was sitting next to Issei with Ball Rover in her hands and Rassei curled around her neck.

"Oh, right. Asia."

Issei stored the rod in his item storage after they dropped Yuuto in his home.

"Yes?" Asia asked as she looked at Issei.

"Got a gift for you." Issei summoned the white and gold rod with the golden serpent spiralled around the shaft in his hand.

Asia could feel the divine energies swirling from the rod as the boy handed it to her.

"...Ise?" Asia asked as she placed Rover on her lap.

"Meet the Rod of Asclepius. Black kind of went out and above to give it to you. Well, more like gambled it for you, but that's not the point. It is a Divine staff from a God of Healing. He said it's for you."

Asia was lost for words for a few seconds, "I.. T-this is too much! I-I mean, the rod looks so beautiful and-!"

"Asia." Issei silenced her with a gentle smile on his face, "When Black is generous, trust me, he knows how to be generous, even to you. Just take it. You deserve to have this more than anyone."

Asia blushed as she stared at the divine rod. Words could not express the feelings in her heart. She never had something like this before even back in the Church.

"U-Um A-Alright!" She said with a mustered confidence as she gingerly accepted the Divine Rod, holding it in her hands. "It feels a little heavy." Asia admitted as she slowly waved it up and down.

Rassei chirped as he flew from her neck and coiled around Asclepius in opposite of the golden snake. Asia smiled upon feeling Rassei trying to make the rod lighter.

"Don't worry. You'll wield it in no time." Issei assured.

"...How does it work?" Xenovia interjected from the other side of the table, staring at the divine item.

"Yeah Didn't bother to ask. Oh, well. We can wing it." Issei shrugged.

"Dinner's ready!" Haruka arrived with the microwaved leftovers.

Issei and the rest safely ate their dinner as Issei narrated the events.

Xenovia, Irina, and Asia listened with interest and surprise when Issei told them about Silver. Koneko inflated the imagery by painting the picture of a silver-skinned titan with the body of an olympian demigod athlete.

After they finished their food, hell came after in the form of embarrassment when the adults decided to play the footage they got from the school's parent-day, much to Rias' embarrassment and Issei's slight mortification.

If Sirzechs and Zeoticus were gushing over how their little 'Ria-tan' excels in her studies, Genos was critically analysing Issei's performance in his class, albeit the cyborg was more lenient towards Asia, Xenovia and Irina, since they spent most of their lives outside of Japan.


When it came to bedtime, he laid on his bed with Irina next to him like before.

"...It was like riding one of the attractions in the amusement park, but you're on the VIP seat and control seat for free. I actually almost went and pushed this big red button."

"Do you even know what the button is for?" Irina asked with an amused tone, brushing stray locks out of Issei's hair.

"Nope, not a clue! I guess it's a good thing I didn't go for it." Issei chuckled at himself.

"You're hopeless." Irina giggled herself as she moved up to nuzzle her head against the base of Issei's neck.

Issei exhaled - it was another night where Irina wanted to share a bed with him. So far so good, both of them were clothed, and Irina was having a good time with his story-telling. It looked like there was an improvement on Irina's mental state.

However, Issei felt a slight shiver run through him as he found Irina pressed her lips against his neck and kissed sweetly.

"...Irina?" Issei blinked as Irina looked up at him with a loving smile on her face.

The girl did not say anything in return, as she simply closed in and took Issei's lips on her own. The kiss lasted for a couple of seconds, before Irina broke it off before Issei could have reacted.

"Et tu, Irina? You okay?"

"Shh" Irina, however, simply shushed him with another searing kiss, which Issei reciprocated instinctively.

As they made out, Irina's hands began to slide under Issei's t-shirt, roaming on the skin of his torso, sneaking their way to his back. They only broke the kiss to take a quick breather, before they resumed their heavy make-out.

Issei's own hands also began to roam across Irina's curves, and the girl took one hand away from the boy to guide his hands to hold her breast. Irina's hand that was on Issei's back had also trailed down until his nether region, where her hand began to touch and softly massage his bulging member.

However, Issei managed to regain his senses as he broke the kiss and pushed Irina away from him. When he was about to ask what was going on, though - the words died in his throat when his eyes registered the look of desperation and longing on Irina's face.

Issei exhaled softly, causing Irina to look down in shame as tears welled up in her eyes. In response, Issei softly caressed Irina's crown and touched her forehead with his.

"...That bad?"

Irina simply nodded against his forehead.

"At school At home. They just keep coming." Irina said. "Asia, Xenovia, and some of the classmates helped in distracting me, but They never go away."

Irina then leaned closer, prompting Issei to embrace her with his arms, placing her head right under his chin.

"The only moment when I completely forgot them. Was when we did it that night." Irina whispered.

Issei blinked, before his face turned into a small grimace. As if sensing Issei's hesitance, Irina looked up to meet his gaze with hers.

"You - you don't have to do anything. I, I" Tears then leaked out from her eyes, "...No matter how much my mind refuses to remember My body does. Just Just let me have this. Please."

Things had become much worse - Issei's heart ached at the desperation on Irina's face. In response, he simply pulled Irina back into his arms as he refused to budge when Irina struggled. Thankfully, the struggle did not last long as she calmed down soon enough.

"...Just stay focused on getting some sleep tonight." Issei spoke and pressed his lips on Irina's head, "I'll be with you, okay?"

Much to Issei's relief - while she did not say anything in return, Irina complied as she closed her eyes and basked herself in his warm hug.

Issei remained in the position, his mind considered the next step - he had to do something, but he could not do this alone. He needed to help - at least to keep Irina from breaking down a while longer. Come to think of it, how did Valper keep her from breaking down during that one year?

Then, his mind clicked when he just remembered - Valper, who was responsible for Irina's current condition, was a scientist; and there was actually someone in the house that Issei knew was a scientist as well, wasn't there?

There you have it. ;) Thoughts?

The next chapter can be read early in you-know-where site.