Chapter 66: Discoveries

Name:One-Punch DxD: NEO Author:
Chapter 66: Discoveries

The commoner Peerages stared at the ongoing battle with trepidation and awe.

They came here to experience the challenges of glory and fame, the walls that they must climb to reach the level of the higher class.

However, they did not think that they would see an epic fight on such a scale before them as the stranger and the Strongest King of the newest generation fought.

Rias and the others did not expect Issei to immediately fight someone on the first day of his date with Ravel.

On the stage, Issei still remembered the strength, speed and the combat style of his current opponent.

Bluntly speaking, compared to Garou and Crom, Sairaorg's techniques overall were pretty basic - not involving any specific or complicated style of martial arts. However, Sairaorg made sure that those basics had been covered and executed into near-perfection.

Every strike was sharp and aimed on a single spot, his peripheral vision covered both his opponent and the entire battlefield; he performed no wasted movements or maneuvers, and when he had to defend, he balanced his center of gravity and stood his ground.

Saitama was also basic, but his basics were lethal enough to destroy almost every opponent he faced in a single punch.

Issei was more greedy, wanting the perfection of both technique and power.

Both were grinning, those that took the different paths of the strong.

Issei inhaled as he deflected Sairaorg's heavy right swing as a surge of energy flew from the Bael's fist, not destruction, but pure Ki as it carved a curve of the stadium to the commoner Devils' yelping surprise.

Issei returned the favor with the Explosive Heart Release Fist, his fist punching through Sairaorg's rib as the force exploded through his heart and out his fist like a cannon, sending Sairaorg flying into the wall of the stadium and crashing through it.

"Lord Sairaorg!" Kuisha Abaddon shouted, but her worries died when Sairaorg walked out of the hole in the wall with a grin.

The King coughed as he wiped the spit out off his lips.

"Good punch." He complimented.

"Dad's original recipe with a touch of martial arts. Think I can crank it up a little." Issei's grin widened as dragonfire covered his fists.

"Crank it up well." Sairaorg mirrored Issei's grin as he clad himself in touki to Issei's surprise.

"...So you reached that stage?" Issei asked.

"Yes. You?"

Issei clad himself in touki as well, this time with a touch of God Thunder crackling over his body.

"...Your lightning feels familiar." Sairaorg swore he remembered that feeling.

"Thunder God Lightning. Got it from the Thunder Brothers that roasted my ass." Issei wriggled his brows.

"...What?" Sairaorg looked confused, no, more like too baffled to hear that someone could use Divine Lightning.

"I'll tell you later. It'll spoil the fun if I tell you like this."

Sairaorg contemplated for a moment. He chalked it as Saitama's bloodline taking action.

"Very well. Now, show me your power!"


Issei answered it with Magni's technique.

Explosive Heart Release Fist

He punched Sairaorg's chest again, the shockwave shattering his touki and smashing through his stomach.

Dragon Flame Strike

His fist erupted in dragonfire and engulfed Sairaorg in searing flames.

The spectators dropped their jaws.

"Who the hell is this guy?!"

"I've never heard of a Rating Game player like that!"

"You think he's not in a Peerage?!"

"If so, I want him in my Peerage!"

The civilian Peerage aspirants chattered as Issei jumped back.

Sairaorg emerged from the flames, burn marks mottling his skin, yet his fighting spirit exuded from his determined gaze.

"Got any other tricks other than playing Rook?" Issei asked the Bael King.

"Hmm. Not exactly a trick, but" Sairaorg took a deep breath and straightened himself up.

Several magic circles then appeared around his torso and limbs - they spun for a few seconds before shattering. Then, Issei noticed that the Ki enveloping the devil suddenly grew thicker.

"Uh I'm not a magic expert so what'd you do?" Issei asked.

"Gravity spells that I used to handicap myself." Sairaorg said as he cracked and stretched his neck and arms around. "Been using this ever since I accidentally sent my Rooks to the intensive care unit during exercise."

Issei stared at Sairaorg for a moment.

"...Hah! You actually pulled a Goku on me!" Issei laughed as he resumed his stance. "Well, you're not the only one holding back."

Issei inhaled the Awakening Breath as he exuded all of the powers he could muster. He could tell that he needed this, a challenge to push himself after what he went through with Rizevim.

Sairaorg grinned at the feel of Issei's aura.

The girls and spectators gulped. There was no announcer to start the battle, the field reserved by Sairaorg to use to ready the potential new peerages for the obstacles to come.

Ravel's mind began to race - considering all possible scenario as she watched the match. Looking around between the two combatants and where they were at, she gathered her courage to speak up.

"U-um, excuse me!" Ravel shouted, garnering looks from Issei and Sairaorg, "P-pardon the interruption, but please don't destroy the stadium! T-this is just an exhibition!"

Sairaorg blinked in realization, as well as Issei. However, both of them had conflicted expressions as they had hyped themselves too much.

Issei stared at Ravel for a moment in thought.

"...Hey, mind inviting me over to your place whenever after this for the full course?" Issei asked.

"Hmm. Not that I mind, but it'd be a shame if we cut things short at this point." Sairaorg smirked, "...May I propose a condition as an alternative?"

Issei shrugged with a tilted head, prompting Sairaorg to continue.

The Bael heir stepped to the middle of the stage, where he drew a small circle on the floor with his feet, before he placed his one foot within the circle.

Issei blinked in recognition as Sairaorg said, "Shall we have a contest of skills and toughness here?"

Issei starred before he grinned in return, "Interesting. I'm game."

Soon, Issei had shrugged his jacket and top off, revealing his lean, muscular body and joined Sairaorg in the middle of the stage by planting his one foot in the middle of the circle, right next to Sairaorg's own. The two were practically only a few centimeters apart before they assumed a boxing stance.

"The rules are simple. Whoever steps out of this circle loses." Sairaorg explained.

"...No problem."

However, as soon as Sairaorg nodded in approval - Issei quickly struck his liver, the Bael grunting yet not moving as he continued his onslaught without wasted momentum, hooks, jabs, and more at his side and ribcage.

For the first minute, it appeared that Sairaorg was completely under Issei's mercy. Before Sairaorg put a stop on Issei's onslaught by delivering a sharp jab on Issei's temple.

Sairaorg returned the favor as he forced Issei on the defensive, striking Issei in the same manner.

However, Issei reduced the damage by blocking most of Sairaorg's attempts, unable to block some of Sairaorg's punches at this distance.

In a way, this taught Issei how much he had to learn for him to be this troubled in close combat. Issei took this to note as his eyes glowed, his focus sharpened as he pushed his limits.

Sairaorg watched Issei slowly adapt to his tempo, blocking and parrying. Issei had the endurance of a brawler and the mind of a martial fighter. Sairaorg could tell that if this continued, Issei would dominate him.

So he used the video of Issei's fight with Modi as a reference as he grabbed Issei's left arm and pulled him in for a strong right punch into his side.

Everyone could hear the impact resounding the air as Issei coughed spitting, lurching over from the surprise blow.

However, Issei grabbed Sairaorg's head and pulled him down as he pulled himself up and smashed his knee into Sairaorg's chin.

And then Issei raised his elbow and slammed Sairaorg's head, bringing himself back down into position as Issei followed with a strong left uppercut to Sairaorg's jaw.

The blow rattled Sairaorg's brain, his footing began to crumble, as the foot within the circle swayed, but Sairaorg grit his teeth as he set his foot down and launched a haymaker.

But Issei bashed his head into Sairaorg, moving past her haymaker, his forehead striking his nose dead center.

The last blow was finally able to force Sairaorg to take a couple of steps, his foot leaving the circle in the middle.

Sairaorg grit his teeth, holding his bleeding nose. His legs tensed as if moving back in, but stopped when he saw the circle.

"...Tsk." Sairaorg clicked his tongue. "...I sincerely wished we could continue."

Issei understood that feeling. He also wanted to fight until one of them dropped.

"Good fight." Issei offered his hand, which Sairaorg grasped in a firm shake.

"Next time will be different." Sairaorg replied with a dignified smile.

"Hmm, by that, you mean having your butt kicked differently." Issei snarked.

Sairaorg bellowed with laughter at his dare.

"We shall see!"

The Hero Faction had bases all over the world.

It was easy to accrue a fortune with the power of the Divine Weapons, raiding hidden tombs, and acquiring lost treasure to fund their campaign to become the heroes they dreamed.

The members dwindled after their first encounter with Garou.

They were wiped out, powerless, the symbol of their courage and hopes shattered like Cao Cao's spear.

It was a terrible, traumatic experience for Cao Cao, but that experience led him down a path that made him reflect on his goals.

He continued as he was for a while, only to reflect even more after talking with the Son of the Strongest Man and his criticism of his shallow-mindedness.

Then Indra told him about the origins of the one that repaired his spear, a hidden story of God and his beginnings.

Cao Cao had a goal now, a worthier goal to pursue. Indra handing Garou over to them was unexpected, but he knew that Indra planned to use them while teaching them.

But when they decided to train, there was only one place where they could go all out without alerting the other factions.

Within the misty realm of Dimension Lost, the Hero Faction members trained. Every member must participate, even those of lower ranked, those with mediocre Sacred Gears.

This time, the Malebranche were present, the twelve demon zodiacs in the center of it all, watching the Hero Faction duel with Alichino's transformed clones.

Hercules faced off against Superalloy Darkshine, the toughest hero.

Siegfried against Flashy Flash - the fastest hero.

Jeanne against the ever-tenacious Metal Bat.

Leonardo faced a super creature that rivaled the Trihexa in immenseness and monstrosity of aura and form, the Monster King Orochi.

Georg against Evil Natural Water.

Cao Cao dueling with the master and his brother, the one who taught Garou, the Wind of Blood Brothers.

The Malebranche were mostly bored and decided to entertain Cao Cao's request to train them to Garou's level.

The Malebranche laughed at him for thinking that he could reach the level of a True God, making the heroes scowl at them for their ridicule, but they obliged for the entertainment.

The lesser sacred gear wielders were facing random monsters Alichino picked at random since they were not worth his attention, from random monsters of Garou's memories to Chimeras and angels and Devils.

Missile after missile, no matter what Hercules threw at the sack of shining dark muscles, the macho man flexed his ridiculously toned body before he tackled the reincarnation of Hercules, breaking his bones and armor.

Wielding the cosmic jian and Gram, Siegfried could not handle the ninja's ridiculous speed. The smiling blonde ninja in full bodysuit danced around his attacks before five to ten stab puncture wounds appeared on Siegfried, blood spilling out, forcing the swordsman to retreat.


Jeanne's battle was challenging. Her opponent became stronger the more she injured him, and his weapon was forged using Garou's creation arts, meaning it was ridiculously unbreakable and smashing through every sword she made. He even bashed the Stake Victim Dragon she summoned into pieces.

Leonardo watched Orochi pierce every single creation he could make, the monster towering over the little boy as the tendrils of his head threw the anti-monsters into his mouth, chewing on them. No matter what Leonardo could make, this Orochi would destroy every single one of them.

And worse, Orochi did not bother to attack the boy to demonstrate his superiority.

He even killed and devoured his newest creations based on Garou's Demon God form. There was one creation he made using Albion and Ddraig as the base, a two-headed dragon warrior creature of immense size and Orochi killed it just like that.

A water elemental was something Georg heard of but never faced. But he had never faced something as broken as this formless mass of water holding two massive eyeballs.

Where in Hell did Garou encounter this thing?

This thing is stupidly overpowered, and worse, it was drinking in the moisture of Dimension Lost. Mist is but moisture, water in gaseous form. And this thing was growing bigger and bigger without end, ravenously consuming his realm until it drinks all the entire Dimension Lost into oblivion.

It was the worst matchup in existence, and Georg just found out that he could not evict the creature since it anchored itself into his realm. The other combatants could not help but steal glances at the thing just to see how much bigger this thing could get. It was already reaching the size of a mountain and growing larger.

The Malebranche laughed at Georg summoning all of the Fireballs he could shoot at the thing, every fire spell to vaporize the stupid thing as it slowly meandered towards him by Alichino's will so the Demons could drink in Georg's panic.

As for Cao Cao, the combination of two masters was overwhelming him.

Despite being elderlies in their 70-80s, they still managed to overshadow Cao Cao in the art of close combat. They already forced him to use his Balance Breaker.

A halo shone behind him, seven treasures with different abilities at his beck and call.

Kahabateiratana activated, creating warrior-like existences into the fold.

The two tore them to shreds before they proceeded to beat the living soul out of Cao Cao.

They were fast and relentless, not letting Cao Cao the time to strategize or think of which ability he could use against them. Worse, they could smack away his orbs without being affected by their abilities, including Hatthiratana.

Their reflexes were absurd as they deflected all of Cao Cao's attacks, evaded his light projectiles or broke through it and resumed beating him into a bloody pulp with their martial arts.

The training continued until every hero was on the floor of Dimension Lost, groaning in agony as they bemoaned their wordless woes.

Cao Cao's face sported swellings, deforming his handsome features.

"Ahahahahahaha!" Ciriatto laughed.

He is a gray demon with a stomach of obesity, two boar-like tusks protruding from his mouth. The creature had no eyes or nose, only a large mouth while tentacles dropped from his head as he clapped his large demonic hands.

"Oh, this is so much fun! Alichino, next time, throw the monster centipede at them! I want to see them throw everything they had at it before they scatter like ants!" Ciriatto bellowed with a deep, booming voice.

"Oooooh, good idea~! Maybe I should throw in those two apostle monsters for effect! Oh oh! Ddraig and Albion!" Alichino giggled with delight.

The Hero Faction paled as they shook their heads at the Demon weapons.

They do not want to deal with a copy of Ddraig and Albion. They would definitely die and be erased from existence if this continued.

"...Please. Heal us." Hercules begged while Superalloy Darkshine flexed atop of his body.

Siegfried was bleeding out with multiple stab and slash wounds. He could not land a single hit on the ninja despite his superior weapons.

"What do you offer us?" Malacoda asked.

"...What do you want?" Cao Cao groaned.

"You will fight the giant centipede and evil water elemental at the same time and entertain us." Alichino demanded.

"That's not enough. We should throw in something bigger! How about the Biblical God as well?" Libicocco, the female fire elemental, suggested.

"...It is supposed to be training. Not torture." Georg was drenched with bruises, the symptoms of mana depletion making him look haggard.

"Oh, but you want to reach the level of True Godhood, don't you? You won't reach that realm if you whinge at every obstacle," Barbariccia reminded.

Cao Cao grimaced as he furiously thought of a way to convince the demons. They were good for pushing them to their limits, but their apparent sadism was too much. It would kill them at this rate.

Then an idea struck him.

Of course, why has he not thought about this before? Garou transcended above all common sense, so why not try it?

"...Can we even reach that level with the limits God placed on us?" Cao Cao asked as the two old masters perked a brow.

"...Hmmm." The Malebranche pondered unanimously. "Interesting question though our wielder is not as blessed as the humans yet he reached the level of True Godhood. But the difference in origins and anatomy sparks questions."

"...Is it possible for Garou to remove the Curse of God from us? With your powers as well?"

Georg, Leonardo, Siegfried, Jeanne, and Hercules turned to Cao Cao. Every other members turned to him, surprised by his question.

The Malebranche exchanged glances at each other.

"And what do you offer us in return for that?" Malacoda asked.

"Aren't you curious?" Cao Cao smirked. "Don't you want to know what the current generation is like without our limits? At our full power? And see what we can achieve?"

Malacoda, the skeletal demon, leaned forward.

"Ohhhh, you're learning. What say you all?"

"Ohhh, I am curious. We should try it." Alichino nodded.

"We have nothing to lose. It will be an accomplishment!" Ciriatto bellowed.

"Grrr. I'm curious yet furious that he's 'playing us' like the humans say." Cagnazzo, the five-eyed hound growled.

"Come on, I want to see it. Let's do it!" Graffiacane urged.

Grafficane was a monstrous demon with three tentacles ending in sharp blades for each shoulder, three eyes on his head, his 'feet' nothing but a mass of barbed tentacles. A head of a monster hound protruded from his chest, snarling and demonic, fangs dripping green venom and abysmal eyes gazing at Cao Cao.

The eyes unnerved him when he met its gaze.

"We shall see if we can undo God's curse. It is an opportunity to further explore the reaches of our powers." Barbariccia advocated.

"Good way to show that we're superior." Rubicante gurgled.

"Then it is decided." Malacoda agreed. "We shall do it for free. You will have the privilege of being the first humans free of God's curse! Be honored for you shall taste your kind's true potential!"

Cao Cao grinned with anticipation.

The Big Bad had finally arrived.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

It was Silver Sperm, the silver macho standing over the smaller Dulio.

"Alright, are we good?" Black asked.

"Yes. We need to lure everyone back into the Church so we can deal with them. We cannot let Father Pilaro corrupt the entire town." Dulio nodded.

"How do you plan to do that? Is there something like an emergency meeting or something in your religion we can trigger?" Black asked.

Dulio paused as he furiously pondered.

The gatherings only happen every Sundays and a few days have passed since.

There was nothing in the bible that could force a meeting other than emergencies.

"...What if we spark an emergency or something?" Dulio suggested.

Silver and Black stared at Dulio.

"...Are you serious?" Silver asked.

"...You sound like you don't have a tool that can do that, don't you?" He asked.

"Do I look like I can summon ghosts and zombies conveniently? I can use my little selves to wreak havoc but that will cause an issue of trust. And I don't harm humans without just cause anymore." Silver added.

Dulio sighed as the other exorcists grimaced.

"Here's an idea." Silver pointed at Dulio. "How about you gather them outside and attract their attention in one spot?"

Dulio pointed at himself in confusion.

"Me? What do you mean?"

Silver and Black smiled.


An hour later, Dulio was in the center of town with his exorcists.

"Attention everyone!" One of the exorcists, a redheaded female with an ample bust, called out through a magical speaker that amplifies her voice.

"We are the Exorcists from the Vatican Headquarters! We are here to help protect this town from the rising evil that has plagued this world! Please come outside so we can take into account those that are still alive!"

The civilians stared at the strange group in priestly attire destroying their peaceful silence.

"We have been blessed by the Light of The Lord! We are fully equipped to guarantee your safety!"

To show his sincerity, Dulio spread his ten angel wings and halo, illuminating the already bright street in midday.

Normally, it was taboo for Dulio to show his reincarnated form, but he needed to save these people from damnation.

The people around were starring at Dulio with amazed and stupefied expressions.

"Are those wings?"

"An angel"

Crom widened his eyes when he saw that the gatekeeper was blind, his eyes missing from their sockets.

"I see, friend of the transcendent one. I can understand your motive now. I cannot imagine him falling into trouble, yet strangely I can. A man like him is a fire that beckons creatures, a bright flame from beyond the heavens that draws the eyes from far above.

"Will you help me prepare for what I must do?" Crom asked the gatekeeper.

"Your heart beat is resolute you desire much out of necessity Very well. Follow me. I know what you seek. But if you come here seeking power for good, you must overcome yourself first."

Crom understood as the ram bleated and turned around, Crom followed the man down the mountain slope, towards the monastery that would bring him to the next step.

"...Oh my dead father Hah."

Within the laboratory of machine, sterile air, and test tubes, Azazel sighed as he stared at the silver statues of Pilaro and his cohorts, those that accepted GOD's power.

Michael and Black were with him.

Ophis was sitting on an operation table, eating from a box of pockies as she watched.

"Could you do it?" Michael asked Azazel.

"Can I do it? Do you know how troublesome it is to remove someone's power like this? Honestly, the energy readings It defies what I know. Their power doesn't operate on magic power. But it is mimicking the applications of magic somehow, a creature of another species perfectly mimicking the behavior and habits of the animal that is us." Azazel ranted. "These 'apostles of GOD.'... The power is fused within them on such a level, it is like trying to extract a Sacred Gear at this point. No, it might be harder. They accepted a full impartation of power willingly, making it even more difficult to extract the power, and as far as I know, the power doesn't want to be extracted this time. It is like a Divine Pact at this point. You know how hard, no, now nigh impossible it is to break one, Michael."

Ophis continued munching on her pocky sticks as she took in Michael's facial displeasure.

"...The Baldy somehow did it." Black mentioned.

"That person was Garou, right?" Azazel asked.

"Yeah, he was stronger than shit even before he binged on Divine steroids." Black affirmed.

"And these people are your average humans. We need transcendental powers, beyond God level magic to pull this off without killing them."

Ophis held another pocky in her mouth as if holding a cigarette.

"...Can I help?" Ophis asked.

Azazel was about to refute when he suddenly paused - power beyond god.

"...Maybe" Azazel rubbed his goatee in thought. "How knowledgeable are you in the extraction of power and the breaking of Divine Pacts?"

Ophis stared at him and tilted her head while munching on the pocky stick.

"Right, you're not experienced in magic or combat." Azazel sighed.

"I know magic." Ophis pouted.

"On instinct, maybe. Still, let's give it a shot. Can you pull out the power somehow?" Azazel asked.

He brought Ophis here to help educate and see if they could use her to harm and destroy GOD somehow in case they encountered him. Ophis obliged by Saitama's cajoling, and she wanted to be useful to him.

"...Let me try." Ophis hopped down from the operation table and walked towards the statue.

She levitated until she was at Pilaro's height, staring right into his eyes with a hum.

"...Intriguing." Ophis commented.

"What is?" Michael asked.

"Reminds me of Saitama. Only darker." She commented.

She placed a hand on Father Pilaro's silver head and inhaled, closing her eyes as she hummed.

Ophis' aura slowly elevated, rising in increments as she poured more and more effort into extracting the power out of the cleric.

"...I cannot do it." Ophis admitted with a frown as she opened her eyes. "It is stuck like superglue."

Azazel quirked on how she knew about superglue. Perhaps when she was out with Saitama shopping or something.

"...What about your snakes?" Azazel asked.

She shook her head. "My snakes can only give power, not take them. Once it's inside, it is theirs. I cannot take it back without resorting to force."

They did not know that. It only showed that the dragon god loli still had much to learn.

Black perked, "Wait, I just have an idea."

Everyone turned towards the imp.

"There's this hero called Blast where I'm from. He's the number one hero there, well, not exactly stronger than the Baldy for good reason, but anyways, hear me out. I overheard that he somehow took the power from GOD completely maybe we don't have to extract the power. We just have to extract the power from GOD completely here! They can keep it as a bonus this way!"

The archangels perked at Black's idea.

"Of course, there is that option! Brilliant!" Azazel hammered his palm. "...But overcoming the authority of another Divine is no small feat. It might require tremendous willpower, skill, and concentration."

The three turned to Ophis, the dragon girl with no experience in a clash of willpower or in a struggle in her life.

"...Yeah, I don't think she's that kind of person. The Baldy, maybe, but" Black gave his input.

Ophis pouted at them.

"I am strong."

"In power, yes, but you're not experienced. All right, I have an idea. We can't rely on Saitama forever to clean up this type of mess, so we'll do it ourselves." Azazel pointed out.

"...What is your plan?" Michael asked.

"...We have to cross that line sooner or later. In a way, I am kind of thankful that we kept Kokabiel alive for this moment." Azazel sighed in defeat.


"It's time we practice Ascension. We no longer have a choice. We cannot remain like this anymore."

Malecoda stood before Cao Cao.

Sitting on his knees, Cao Cao gulped as he braced himself, staring at Barbariccia that transformed into a white-tipped spear, the demonic language glowing burning orange alongside the shaft.

Behind him was Cagnazzo, the Vitiate, the Demon that Devours Perfection. The five-eyed demon hound, four eyes on the sides, a giant eye in the middle, growled as his twin scorpion tails stung into Cao Cao's shoulder as he winced.

"Grrr, the first tail is to remove your resistances and strengths. The second tail has the poison to inflict the Poison of Ravenous Imperfection. Be careful. I can make you so vulnerable that even the oxygen in the air can destroy your cells."

Cao Cao sweated at the power of the Cagnazzo.

And to think that Alichino's power was overpowered, this one was beyond lethal.

Cagnazzo growled, "I have specifically targeted only the curse inside you. We know where to look. Malacoda, he is ready for the experiment. Try not to die, 'hero.'" Cagnazzo retreated, backing away as Malacoda raised Barbariccia, the demonic spear.

The others held their breath when Malacoda impaled Cao Cao with the spear, the demonic language searing to life as Cao Cao howled.

It was like his entire being was being torn apart, and he could not find the will to reject the pain.

The poison of Cagnazzo could even remove the will to reject on a subconscious level, on a genetic level.

Cao Cao felt something being stripped from like, like he was skinned alive, his organs torn in two, his marrow sucked from the calcium,

He howled as the he felt something leaving him, something that was always with him torn out of him then as if a dam was removed, a wave of heavenly catharsis washed over him.

"...It is actually working." Draghignazzo leaned forward with interest as Malacoda ripped out the spear from Cao Cao.

A darkness in the shape of Cao Cao was held on the spear, hands holding the shaft in a struggle to break free.

"Interesting." Malacoda raised his skeletal palm at the entity and clenched his fist.

The dark effigy vanished.

It died.

Malacoda's power inflicts death. Death of energy, death of life, death of creation, the power of Oblivion on his fingertips.

Cagnazzo stung Cao Cao again with his stingers again.

"OW!" Cao Cao shouted.

"I injected you with the antivenom. I eliminated my poisons from your being." Cagnazzo growled as Cao Cao's cheeks puffed as he lurched forward and started vomiting something out of him.

It reeked of the foulest waste Hercules, Jeanne, Georg, Siegfried, and Leonardo ever graced as they held their noses.

Cao Cao continued vomiting for a moment as he coughed and wiped his lips.

"Ugh What did I just throw up?" Cao Cao asked as he looked at the disgusting, odorous black contents he ejected.

"Every impurity you have accumulated in your life." Rubicante informed, the red flesh covered in a pale calcium shell.

"Yes. It reminds me of the Eastern practices. Their cultivation techniques are also designed to purge one's soul and body of defective contents to improve growth and the flow of energy circulation within their bodies, purifying it of material bonds to transcend though the practice seems to be dulled nowadays in favor of strengthening auras and their souls as it is less time consuming and more efficient." Libicocco gave her input.

"Ugh why is that?" Cao Cao asked.

"It is also a gamble since not everyone has affinity with the practice. Another way to purge impurities is a derived technique to slowly excrete it out of your anus." Libicocco shrugged. "The only major benefit is that one can attain godhood and immortality. But again, it is a gamble."

"I see." Cao Cao coughed as he wiped the putrid fluids off his lips.

He felt lighter. He was not sure if it was because of the putrid impurities he vomited or something, but he felt as light as a feather.

In fact, he never felt so good in his entire life.

"Georg. Mind getting me some mouthwash and something to get rid of this aching headache." Cao Cao requested as he inhaled the air of Dimension Lost deeply while Georg nodded and left Dimension Lost to retrieve said items.

Cao Cao slowly felt his headache fading away.

He looked at his hands as he flexed his fingers.

"...How did Lucifer call upon his powers again?" Cao Cao asked.

Other than the change, he did not feel different. No swell of power or something like that when he wielded the True Longinus.

"Channel the power that you haven't called within you for so long." Malacoda answered. "It is always there. Reach in, find it, and pull it out from within."

Cao Cao clenched his hands into fists.

He was the first human that broke free from God's curse. He closed his eyes with silent anticipation slowly boiling in his gut.

He inhaled, tasting the air for the first time in such vivid details. He could feel it, the burden that he never knew was there uplifted, his spirit, his body, disenthralled from the world.

Everyone, the minor heroes and the main members and the Malebranche, watched as Cao Cao's aura formed, a divine golden aura coating his form like golden flame. It was a warm feeling, his body like a hearth burning for the first time in years. Cao Cao could feel the power within him exuding, a formerly untapped well of energy and potential he could draw upon, with a bottom he couldn't yet find.

He exhaled as he let his power, his unsealed power, flow throughout his veins, his blood, his flesh.

Malacoda approached Cao Cao and placed a finger on Cao Cao's forehead.

Cao Cao flinched as he felt a rush of knowledge flow into his mind, yet his mind absorbed it like a sponge to water so fluidly.

"I gave you the knowledge of basic spells learned by Lucifer. Now, cast a simple fireball spell." Malacoda stepped aside.

Cao Cao blinked.

"Wait, I can use magic?" Cao Cao asked.

"Yes. You are unshackled. The power to call upon the mystical powers is always there, yet only a chosen few could wield it by chance. Until now."

Georg returned just in time to hear Malacoda's exposition. The mage gawped a little to hear that their leader now possessed the capacity to use magic like a mage.

"...Would you do the honors of lifting God's shackles from my friends?" Cao Cao asked.

"Hahahahahahaha. We may follow your will, but this is just a donation. We will follow our pact, but we are not your servants." Malacoda reminded.

Cao Cao clenched his fists at the skeleton. It was a fair argument as Cao Cao stated the terms of them working together as equals for his goal. This was a trial he must overcome.

"...How about a wager?" Cao Cao decided to gamble, a win-win scenario, in a sense. "If I can defeat a creature of your choice, you will do the same to my friends." Cao Cao offered.

Malacoda's skeletal sockets gleamed dark blue.

"Oh? And if you lose?"

"You can put everyone, including me, under whatever hell you like."

Everyone pale with fright at Cao Cao's sacrificing their physical and mental health to the demons. They could already imagine the unspeakable horrors the demons would unleash upon them, the chaos and the screams.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, interesting, interesting! Oh, the fun we will have! Well there is one creature we can use. Alichino. Use that."

Alichino giggled maniacally as he raised his demonic hand over his head.


He dropped it down.

Cao Cao flinched when Alichino turned into

Another version of Garou.

The difference was that one of his eyes was crimson red, his hair mottled with the color of blood.

"It would be unfair if we throw in something you cannot stand against. So we shall throw a previous iteration of our wielder in his chaotic days. It is more symbolic this way."

Cao Cao shuddered as he repressed the despair he felt when Garou shattered his spear.

He summoned the golden spear of Longinus and aimed it at Garou with an excited grin.

"Just so you know, he has no sacred gear or magical artifact. This is a man that earned his might through trials and blood. Let us measure your current worth."

To be Continued..

Omake: Dropping by The Phenex House.

"Thank you for having me, Lord and Lady Phenex."

Issei slightly bowed from his seat.

Wealth and Victorian opulence themed their current space, a luxurious and extravagant living room, Issei and Ravel sitting in front of a couple, both resembling Ravel and Riser in their later years.

He was a bit nervous about meeting the parents. Ravel's mother looked young and beautiful, a woman of grace - it would not be a stretch to say that she was what Ravel was likely to be in another ten or twenty years. He was glad that Riser was not here, or else Issei might take out Ascalon and ram it through him at the possible, slightest mention of Isami.

"Now, now, no need to be so formal, Mr. Issei May I call you Ise?" Lady Phenex pleasantly replied, earning a small nod from the boy. "Our little Ravel has been speaking nothing but praise about you in her letters. It warms our heart that she has someone to look up to."

"I haven't done that much, though." Issei shrugged.

Lord Phenex lightly snorted with a good-natured smile, "Nonsense. You have made waves, dueling against two Gods during the ball. Many want you in their peerages, a human that can defeat a God in single combat. In fact, I am considering recommending you to my eldest son's peerage."

"You're not the only one pestering me with Devilhood. And my answer is still no," Issei politely refused.

"Now, dear. Ise here is our guest, let's not overwhelm him so soon, yes?" Lady Phenex lightly chided her husband, who simply nodded without another word.

"Speaking of Where are the others?" Ravel asked.

"Ruval is currently training his peerage after the Demon God Incident. Some of Ruval's Peerage briefly perished before brought back to life. Your second brother is at work, Riser" Lord Phenex paused for a second, exchanging glances with his wife, before continuing.

"He's currently spending some Quality time with his peerage."

Issei raised his eyebrows; Ravel blushed for a moment before composing herself - she was once a part of Riser's peerage after all, she had accidentally walked in when Riser was having some 'quality time' with his harem occasionally.

"When Riser learned how his peerage perished, it snapped him back to his senses to give the women he was with the attention they deserve." Lord Phenex sighed with relief.

On cue, Issei and Ravel turned to see the man in question walking down the stairs - his face was oddly refreshed for some reason. He was clad in a simple robe, allowing Issei and Ravel to spot several hickeys and marks around his chest and neck.

Issei mentally prepared to throw Ascalon into Riser at any moment.

"...So guess you're finally living out the ideal harem life. How are you doing these days?" Issei called out to Riser.

"...Oh, Issei Hyoudou. Ravel as well." Riser greeted as he approached the table and helped himself with an extra cup of tea. "...Regarding your question, I just realized how much I love my girls."

Issei hummed while nodding with a slight approval, "Good for you. Live it out the best you can, dude."

However, when Riser walked back towards the stairs, his mother sighed, "...Are you not done yet?"

"Of course not, mother. It's still Siris' turn now." Riser casually replied, before he paused. "Oh, before I forget. Wait a moment, Issei Hyoudou. I'll be right back."

Issei blinked and glanced towards Ravel, who shrugged in return. A few minutes later, Riser returned with a piece of envelope.

"Tell me something You are related to Isami, are you not?"

Issei's posture went frigid for a second, holding himself back from summoning his holy swords. "...What makes you think that?"

"The surnames, of course. Not to mention both your and my dear Isami's appearance are alike." Riser then handed the envelope to Issei. "It's not urgent, but I will appreciate it if you can relay this letter to her."

Issei stiffly accepted the letter, with Ravel scooting closer to steal a peek. Issei had to hold down his cringe when he noticed a scent of perfume coming from the paper - it was a love letter directed to him.

"Now, if you excuse me." Riser returned upstairs to resume his fornication.

Once Riser was out of sight - Issei turned to Ravel, asking her with his eyes if he could stab her brother.

Ravel shook her head vehemently.

"...Are you really related to my son's latest crush?" Lord Phenex asked as he leaned forward.

"...It is complicated."

Lady Phenex hummed as she tapped her chin.

"...Say, does your mother have any relatives? Your father?" She asked.

"...I don't know about mom's side of the family." Issei admitted with great displeasure. "Dad well"

"...Is the lady that captured Riser's heart somehow you?"

Issei immediately started hacking his throat with serious coughs, choking out of surprise. "W-w-what?"

"Oh dear." Lord Phenex widened his eyes. "Oh my dear Satan we were simply guessing but"

Issei paled with horror. He blew it. These were skilled politicians, and he blew his cover just like that with his reaction.

"We are high-class nobles for a reason." Lady Phenex smiled at Issei sadly. "We did a bit of investigation on this Isami. The only history she had was with Serafall, other than that, she is a complete mystery. The only clue we had was that she was a very strong human and then she disfigured Riser greatly. To think that"

"I had no consent in that stupid magical girl show. Do not tell this to anyone or I will swear to the dead God, I will stab Riser with a holy sword to death." Issei frowned at his nadir as his eyes turned red with rage.

"Very well, very well, we know better than blowing this matter out of proportion." Lord Phenex placated. "...More importantly, what are you going to do with that letter now?"

"I'll burn it." Issei stated without hesitation. He will not read it. If he did, he will kill him.

"Now wait a moment." Lady Phenex interrupted, "Despite my son's.. Quirk, will you at least give it a read? Riser might be a defiant, but he's been sincere when it comes to women who catch his fancy."

"You're speaking as if you think I will be a part of his harem."

"I'm not asking you to give him an answer, I simply ask you to read and respect his efforts at least." Lady Phenex implored.

Issei exchanged another long glance with Ravel, who could only shrug again in return, before turning towards the parents, who were staring at him. A few moments later, Issei sighed.

"...Whatever, might as well get this done and over with."

Issei tore the envelope open and pulled out the contents as he unfolded the paper. Ravel also leaned closer to have a look.

A few seconds later, Issei's face grew pale, albeit the first one to blow was Ravel.


With a flustered face, Ravel snatched the piece of paper before she slammed the letter repeatedly on the table while screaming. Her parents raised their eyebrows in amusement when Ravel resorted to roll back and forth on the ground while still screaming.

Issei immediately summoned Ascalon, holding the sword minaciously as he stood up.

"Ma'am. I'm going to kill your son now." Issei declared with finality.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Lady Phenex pleaded as she took the note on the table and inspected the contents.

"...Oh, dear." Lady Phenex uttered when reading it.

Lord Phenex was busy restraining Issei by hooking his arms under the boy's shoulders, "Honey? How is it looking?"

"Errr.." Lady Phenex said with a somewhat conflicted expression.

Issei was starting to drag Lord Phenex with him in his rage, the father struggling to pull him back.

"P-Please reconsider your resort to violence. I well, I have no words Do you mind if we compensate you for your emotional duress instead? As in Phenex Tears?" Lady Phenex pleaded.

Issei stopped in his tracks.

"...Can I at least castrate him?" Issei asked.

Lady Phenex looked troubled.

Issei remained silent as Ravel finally stopped screaming in the background, shouting how stupid her brother was.

"...Ravel." Issei asked.

"...Yes, Lord Ise?" Ravel meekly asked with blushing shame.

"Please, take us back home before I decide to give in to the urge to kill."

"Right away." Ravel sent a quick nod to her parents as she joined the boy, before she and Issei disappeared in a burst of flames, teleporting back to the human world.

Their date did not turn out well in the end as Issei spent the rest of the day in his room screaming his anguish and curses at Azazel and Serafall with all of his hate.