Chapter 95: Call Back Home

Name:One-Punch DxD: NEO Author:
Chapter 95: Call Back Home


The little one waddled across the blue Dae grass and brushed against the bulbous petals of Alfheim's flora. Through the grass, it tripped, rolling forward three times until its back and leafy exterior.

Four legs wiggled in the air before it threw itself to the side, rolling back to its feet and resumed its waddling. It craned its serpentine head up when it felt the weight of the older dragons circling across the sky.

The older dragons were moving too much. They usually sleep most of the time in their caves.

It could smell the air, filled with so much pollen, hear the buzzing of the little insects and pitter-patters of the animals in its surroundings.

The pillar of light, a blinding obelisk of so many colors, chromatic colors both real and never-before-seen, colors that could not exist in the branches of the parent tree, was where she was.

It tripped again, rolling into the row of purple, colorful ferns, the leaves tickling its creamy skin under its leafy coating and out to the other side


It mewled when it saw her.

Her long, silken hair was a gorgeous pink, her stag horns protruding from her brows. Her robes were opaque, a shadow of her figure between her neck and waist, standing on thigh high boots of silvery branches entwining around her legs.

"Ah, Coco." She turned to the little sacred tree dragon as Coco mewled and waddled towards her.

"Good grief, Coco" Her smile was motherly as she crouched, her arms welcoming the little one as she carried Coco.

Coco squeaked and mewled in her arms with concern.

"I am aware, little one. Thank you for worrying about me. I know what he is but this is still within Silfurbarn's wisdom."

She looked at Silfurbarn - the Great Tree of Light towering over her.

Bathed and nurtured by the souls of Alfheim in countless years, the silver tree branched from the soul and reached a great height. It was at the height of Midgard's tallest mountain, yet it was still a sapling reaching the next stage of adolescence.

A tree constantly generating an aurora of polychromatic light both old and new, a tree of otherworldly beauty and resplendent value destined to ferry the souls of the dead once Ragnarok comes.

Coco squeaked frantically and nipped her chin.

"The descendants of the fallen Morningstar shall lay their eyes on our world, the child of the Primal Seed and the holy savior shall take one sacrifice of each wild innocent on its first day with rampant hunger, the children of the shadow shall inherit the primordial old and the mother shall try to seduce while the light vies to repel, the Son of the Awakened One battling in the heavens Muspelheim having a new King. Silfurbarn has its way with prophecies." She shook her head.

Coco cooed with reluctance.

"Yes, Coco. Silfurbarn is also reluctant to share its secrets." She giggled as she tickled Coco's stomach. "The Great Silfurbarn knows, dear."

Coco wiggled with squeaks, pleased with the attention.

She smiled sadly, before she looked into the distance, at the entrance to Leynistadur.

Soon, it will be breached for the first time since it was made. The first visitor from outside the realms will step foot in this sanctuary.

And she must prepare to receive him as her duty demanded as Silfurbarn's Guardian.

Issei returned to Boosted Gear.

Now that the party was over, he had time to deal with the past users. The shades of the previous users only have one place they could go. They could not hide in this realm in the first place, stuck in the section where they were prisoners forever trapped within a perpetual nightmare.

He stood before the shades, so many huddled back from his presence.

Genghis Khan no longer bore that arrogant face.

No, he was trying to maintain it, but failed. Their ultimate trump card could no longer function like before.

"Sucks that it didn't turn out like you wanted, huh?" Issei casually regarded Khan with a mocking smirk before.

"Y-Y-You you're still"

"If you think trying that shit again will work on me, Ddraig won't stop me this time."

Speaking of Ddraig, the giant Welsh Dragon was standing behind him.

Khan ceased his arrogant banter. His teeth clenched so hard that it looked like they would crack under the pressure.

"Yeah, I thought so. Never tried this before, let's see if I can do what Ddraig couldn't now" Issei raised his hand at them. The sensation of the lightning techniques he used in his berserker state, he could remember the feeling of him trying to vaporize the souls past the point where Ddraig's true flames could not.

He could pull off the same stunts, but it would not be as strong as before.

Without his armor probably.

The sight of the past users displaying their fear through their pathetic miens was tantalizing to his inner evil, but he should get this over with before Asia and the rest give him the eyes.

However, Issei stopped upon noticing the fluttering shadows overhead.

Strange, Issei realized that there was no light source here acting as the sun yet the shadows exist thoughts for later.

He looked up - large dragons of unknown origins descending upon him in a spiraling descent.

"Huh" Issei hummed as the massive dragons landed behind the shades, their gargantuan weight shaking the ethereal atmosphere as dust blew over the shades and through Issei, forcing him to cover his face to block the dust.

When the dust settled, he took in the forms of the new arrivals.

They were of different origins, one standing on two legs and having two arms like Tannin, another was like a mountain drake, heavily bulk and covered in stone-like plates with massive wings.

The one at the vanguard, a wyvern-like dragon, with massive wings spanning more than Ddraig's body width.

"W-Where were you?!" Khan shouted as he turned around.

From his tone, Issei surmised that Khan had met the dragon before.

"Now's our chance! We can still take down this monster and-"

"Silence." The dragon growled.

His voice was deep and menacing, his eyes a piercing sulfur yellow, his gaze sharp and heavy, pressuring Khan to silence to Issei's surprise.

The dragons regarded Issei, their gazes meeting his.

Issei remembered Euclid's boast; they were the dragons Euclid used to fuel his abhorrent Sacred Gear.

"So you have finally shown yourselves. I was wondering when you would introduce yourselves since Issei stole you away from Euclid." Ddraig greeted the dragons.

There were five in total.

"...My name is Rhycden Tud, the Grand Winged Dragon of Yore." The leading dragon - Rhycden answered. "You may not have heard of me, for I am a dragon of Jotunheim. Tales of the Welsh Dragon reached the realms of the giants."

Rhycden slightly bowed its head in respect.

"I apologize for our late introduction for we have suffered through terrible ordeals. I speak for my pack. We wish to parley with the Demonic Dragon Lord and you."

To Issei's surprise, the rest of the dragons lowered their heads.

All heads lowered towards Issei, the greatest sign of respect and submission a dragon could give to anyone.

Extremely rare that they would lower their heads to someone not of their kind.

Issei found himself on the spot. He glanced at Ddraig, who raised his eyebrow as if silently saying, 'it's your show now'.

"Um. What do you want from me?" Issei asked after taking a few steps forward.

"...The miserable cretins approached us first and bargained for our support. To aid them in your defeat. Under the condition that they prove themselves worthy." Rhycden explained. "But you You surpassed the Welsh Dragon and proved yourself superior. We desire our freedom from this prison if you can grant our request, we would offer ourselves under you."

"Oh" Issei nodded slowly, looking back and forth before he put his hands together a bit awkwardly, "Okay, look, err I'm all for it if you guys want to be free, but. To be honest I've already gotten my hands full with this giant lug over here." Issei pointed at Ddraig who gave him a flat look, "So your service offer is appreciated and all, but I'm good, you guys can go free and do your own thing."

"...But we cannot leave. We believe that you can release us. You stole us from our prison. You have the power to liberate our souls." Rhycden answered.

Khan grit his teeth, the other shades unable to vocalize their dissent at the mighty dragons.

They were without fangs, their plans exhausted and their existence under Issei's mercy.


Now this was tricky. How could he set them free?

The reason why he could transfer them from Euclid to here was because he took their cage and merged it with this one.

He pondered on this problem for a moment

Wait, there was that one technique he made Ersi teach him, the one where he could summon Elsha and Belzard if he wished, but never used it.

"I think I can try something but I don't know if it'll work since you guys don't have physical bodies anymore." Issei explained.

Thinking about it, he could use this technique to expel the shades and let them vanish by themselves to who knows where.

"A shame. But the first step is the most important when it comes to climbing the mountain of giants." Rhycden understood.

"That works. Now, if you excuse me, I have to evict these unwanted tenants."

Issei turned to the shades and aimed his palm at them.

"Hope you'll burn in Hell, fuckers."

The realm of Boosted Gear turned red.

The shades felt the realm bending under the host's will, his rage directed at them coloring the realm.

"No no! Don't!" Khan shouted.

But Issei clenched his fist. Immediately, Khan vanished from Boosted Gear.

Issei opened his eyes in the material world to see if it worked.

"Hello there, you son of a bitch." Issei smiled at the panicked face of the dark shade of Khan.

Panicking in his room.

"You! Send me back!" the ghost then roared and marched towards Issei, "Let me in!"

"How about no?" Issei summoned his crimson lightning and fired.

Issei was not alone in his room. Azazel and Asia were also there, watching Issei vaporize the soul of Genghis Khan.

Not a trace left when the crimson light faded.

"...Was that the spirit of Genghis Khan that I see vanished before me?" Azazel pointed at the smoking scorch marks on the floor.

"Pretty much." Issei shrugged, "That's one case closed for now."

"Wait, so you're not done yet?" Azazel asked.

"Do you think this room can fit all of the past users?" Issei regarded the limited space of Alfheim architecture around them.

"Oh, good point. But seriously, this is the first time I saw actual progress in resolving the Juggernaut Drive Curse. Do you mind if I can have the rest for study?" Azazel offered.

"Only if you have a way to give the other dragons bodies."

"Dragons? Oh, oh! Right, from Euclid's." Azazel remembered, "I might be able to forge something like Regulus Nemea or my Downfall Dragon Spear with some help but"

"Yeah, they don't need to be there. Not sure about being the pack leader of a bunch of dragons though. That's more Ddraig's thing."

"Okay. What did they ask you? Did you talk to them?" Azazel asked.

"They just want to be free from the Sacred Gear. Though they're offering to my underlings if I do set them free"

Azazel raised an eyebrow, "...Are you do you even know how much of an honor it is to have a pack of dragons as your followers? Many would kill to be in your position!"

"I already have one 'dragon' to take care of and his name is Rover. My house can't feed five more dragons that big." Issei flatly rebuked.

"That thing barely counts, it cannot talk." Azazel scoffed. "And how dare you categorize the dragons in there as dogs, shame on you!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Issei waved off, "Back to housings - do you think Alfheim can house five dragons?"

"Alfheim is half the size of Saturn, mind you. Of course it can house five dragons!" Azazel flabbergasted. "And it is bad enough you think dumping them on this world would solve the problem! Since when are you the kind of kid that abandons responsibility?! You want to end up like Saitama?"

Issei narrowed his eyes, "Don't bring my dad into this! Where else can I put five large dragons, huh? Earth is out of the question!"

"You alright, alright. There is Tannin if you think about it." Azazel suggested.

"Think Halrim has room for five more dragons on his back?" Issei recalled the Dragon Mountain on the baby World Turtle's back.

"Think so. The Underworld should have the resources to sustain five more dragons at least."

"Still, you should consider Wait, I'm getting a call."

Azazel summoned a magic circle and pressed it to his ear. He listened to whatever feedback he was hearing before his expression turned stony, "...Oh, shit."

"We've been saying the S word a lot these days." Issei pointed out.

"Fenrir is down. And Euclid is dead."

Issei blinked at the news, "..Oh shit, indeed."

The news of Euclid's death was the last thing on Issei's mind. He did not think Rizevim had the balls to take out his own subordinates like this.

They immediately moved out of the room to check on the situation.

At the yard behind the palace, the legendary Fenrir was prone on the ground - the infirmary in the palace could not house its massive body, so they had to make do.

Everyone from Midgard and Asgard were gathered there, even Loki and Thor.

"By Odin's beard, I never thought to see the wolf in such a state." Thor expressed his shock.

Fenrir's left and right front legs were mangled, bones jutting from the skin and fur, his left eye was missing, a chunk of his fur was ripped from his muscle, exposing the meat under the skin from his left side, his right horn was torn, rammed into his gums.

What left them speechless was that more than half of Fenrir's teeth were missing, gums caked with dry blood.

Loki frowned, all he could do was kneeling next to his 'son' and run his hand softly through Fenrir's fur, providing any semblance of comfort through the wolf's suffering. The other elves were also busy running diagnostics and casting healing spells.

Unfortunately, Alfheim's healing spells could only do so much on the critical absence of skin, bone, and muscle tissues.

"Holy shit" Issei added another to the swear jar.

"...Who or what could've done this?" Even Sinmara could not help but be overwhelmed by the sight as she uttered her thoughts.

"...There's only one person brutal enough to do something like this, one strong enough to overwhelm Fenrir." Grayfia knew of one creature that could do this.

"Indeed. The sole witness to the culprit informed me that the one known as Djall arrived at the prison. He spared little mercy to my poor son." Loki answered with emotional grief.

Issei, Kiyome, Asia, and Grayfia tensed at the mention of Djall going this far against the legendary Fenrir.

Rover was whining at the brutal sight of his fellow canine. It was the first Issei heard Rover being a little scared of a macabre sight.

"...Why did Djall leave Fenrir like this? If I knew him, he would have just eaten him." Grayfia asked, using their past conversations as a basis.

Fenrir was an exotic beast, a Divine Beast, something Djall would butcher and devour if he gave into his instincts.

"The witness said that he wanted my son's teeth for a project of his from the sound of it, he seemed to be an artificer." Loki added.

"Arti-what now?" Thor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A maker of magical items. I heard that Djall managed to obtain Fenrir's divine god-slaying properties after eating his fangs"

"Who told you all of this?" Sinmara asked.

"Sycorax." Loki answered.

Titania and Celiphrana grimaced.

"...And she said that he killed Euclid in cold blood. The body is in pieces." Loki pointed his thumb at a bundle of blood-stained white sheet covering.. Something.

Grayfia covered her nose and mouth at the repulsive stench permeating. She swiftly made her way towards white sheets and quickly lifted the blanket and saw the white eyes of Euclid's severed head staring right at her in return.

She grimaced and closed her eyes in grief, holding back tears from escaping through her eyelids as she was conflicted. Despite the crimes and sins Euclid had committed, by the end of the day, he was the only living family she had left from the past.

A hand softly landed on her shoulder; Grayfia could tell whose hand it was as she immediately threw herself into Sirzechs' embrace, quietly sobbing on his chest.

The others decided to give the couple some time alone as they turned their attention towards the survivor of Djall's attack.

Asia stepped forward, "I I would like permission to heal Fenrir." She spoke with a nervous, but determined look on her face.

The elves exchanged glances before looking at their monarchs, who nodded at them. Loki stared at Asia with a somewhat curious look before gesturing to her to do what she wanted.

Asia took a deep breath and readied her Asclepius, along with her Twilight Healing. Her wings spread out, and she floated above Fenrir's frame before a golden dome began to encase her and the wolf below her.

Issei smiled at the sight of Fenrir recovering under Asia's care.

"She really has grown to be a reliable angel." Issei could not help but comment when Fenrir's teeth slowly regrow, replacing what Djall stole.

Skin grew over the patch of muscle, then the thick hide washed over by fur. His horn regrew, his eye socket filled with a new eye as the God Slaying Wolf stirred.

Loki found himself amazed at Asia's sheer healing power, "Fascinating"

"Ahahaha! Her prowess as a healer surpassed all I know in Asgard! What a sight!" Thor praised with a guffaw.

The elves' jaws were dropped at the sight of the wolf's recovery; Fenrir then woke up, and he slowly uprighted himself on his rear before looking up at his savior, his tail wagging giddily.

"Are you okay?" Asia smiled at the wolf as she descended upon him.

The wolf stared at the fairy-angel as she placed her hand on his head.

Loki wondered if Fenrir would bite Asia like he would bite Tyr's hand off. Fenrir has a record of pride, never letting anyone treat it as a basic animal. Imagine his surprise when Fenrir proceeded to poke the tip of his tongue on Asia's face, eliciting a small yelp from the latter.

Everyone witnessed and heard Fenrir's letting out a pleased noise as he proceeded to smother Asia with his snout, prompting the latter to giggle.

"I'm glad that you are feeling all better, Mr. Fenrir!" Asia said mirthfully, her arms reached out to caress Fenrir's face.

While everyone was marveled at the sight of the infamous god-killing wolf playing with the angel, Loki smiled in amusement before he turned to Issei who was smiling proudly at Asia.

"I must know - where did you find her?" Loki asked with a curious tone.

Issei sighed out, "I'm not sure myself, but I kind of feel like it's the other way around."

Loki hummed in return as he returned to watch his son playing with one Asia Argento - he made sure to remember that one.


While the focus of everyone was on Fenrir and Asia, they did not notice the struggle of the other angel that wielded the current Excalibur.

Griselda Quarta had been having a restless sleep since last night - or more precisely, ever since she absorbed the gestalt malice of the Curse of Juggernaut Drive. Her slumber was haunted by nightmares filled with taunting voices and noises, combined with an incomprehensible heat pooling in her body, threatening to burn her inside out.

Even now, throughout the day - despite Alfheim's mild climate, Griselda had been casting a cooling spell on her own person, or else sweat would drench her body and clothes. While she felt bad for Fenrir, her flustered face could be chalked off as a distress at the news of Fenrir's injuries and Euclid's apparent demise.

What really worried and confused her, however - whenever a certain Red Dragon Emperor was within her sight or senses, the heat that pooled in her core always spread out; her face felt warmer and her vision became hazy, as some inexplicable desires about him wormed its way to her mind - much to her shame.

"Sister Griselda?"

The woman nearly gasped at the sudden familiar voice calling out to her. She turned and saw Issei's face before her. She inwardly scolded herself for failing to notice his approach.

"Are you okay?" Issei asked with a concerned look, "You've been looking. Off for a while now. Something wrong?"

Her pulse quickened. She could almost hear the sound of her heart beating against her ribs right in her head. There was a whisper of something inside her wanting to get closer to Issei, more intimate at a level someone of her age should not dare.

But It excited her to think about it.

"I-I'm alright! Please excuse me." Griselda needed to get back into her room.

There was something wrong with her. The others thought she purged the darkness which wasn't true. All she did was keep it all within herself, and now the darkness demanded escape, and for reasons unknown its intentions were directed at Issei.

It awakened something else inside her and turned it against her.

Kuroka could also smell it while Issei could not as she brushed past her, the hormones leaking out of her in this environment rich with the scent of nature's bounty and the scent of blood from the god wolf.

And it was the same negative stench that Issei exuded when he went berserk in his demonic form.



A breath of relief after warm water splashed his face, Issei ran his drenched hand through his brown locks, then he stretched his arms inside the water of the luxurious hot-spring within the palace. Within waters so rich with druidic energy and minerals so high-class that Midgard could not rival, he felt the water washing away all of the stress and lingering negative emotions within him.

Baptized in the waters of Alfheim was the only best description of the effects, true baptizing, all impurities within absorbed by the waters to be carried away to the soil of the wilds, to be recycled into something new.

After this unexpectedly long day, he and everyone else would return to Midgard by the next day.

He spent the time after the Fenrir debacle dealing with the rest of the past users, minus Elsha and Belzard.

It was cathartic, destroying the cause of his miseries personally from within.


Probably because of this god-class water, there was something off about Genghis that was bugging him. Issei did vaporize his soul but compared to how the other shades were vaporized, there was a lingering presence of Khan

A faint echo of his essence haunting him for some reason; not that he knew why - Issei shrugged, not like Khan could return from Ginnungagap anyway.

His mind next wandered towards a certain sister. Since the treatment on Fenrir's injuries, followed by forensics and burial on Euclid's remains - Griselda Quarta had not been seen, even during dinner.

Even during news of Djall's escapades in the Royal Library, elves unfortunate enough to cross Djall drugged and left alone in a pile.

It took Asia a while to detoxify Djall's harmless poisons.

Issei's face morphed into a small frown - what was wrong with Griselda? Additionally, when he approached her earlier that day, he felt Something tugging from within was reacting to something about her.

Not her, but something in her

"Could it be" Issei needed to check if she did something too reckless to save him.

Issei's thoughts drifted as he felt his eyelids getting a bit heavier. His body relaxed a bit more.

"O-ohhhh, I can no longer live with Japanese hot springs anymore" Issei muttered with half his face in the water.

Barely registering that someone else had entered the hot-spring as their visage was concealed by the steam of the water.

"...S-Sir Ise?"

Issei jolted awake and his eyes recognized the sight of Griselda Quarta standing over the ledge, a small towel did not cover much of her bare front. His mind nearly went into an overdrive as he swallowed a small lump. He found himself sinking his body a little deeper into water with his legs crossing to suppress his physical reaction.

"Um. Hi." Issei averted his eyes away from Griselda's form.

Come to think of it - was he ever told or mentioning about the hot-spring being a mixed bath? If he recalled, everyone else claimed that they had tried the hot-spring when he was out cold after the fight with Thor.

Issei inwardly cursed - he should have asked if the men's and women's section was separated.

"I I'm about to leave." Issei slowly raised from the water, "Enjoy-!"


Issei was stopped by Griselda's hand grasping his wrist. He looked back to see the sister had entered the water and her flustered face was avoiding his gaze.

"I-Is it alright if you're to stay for a bit longer?" Griselda muttered, "I'd feel more comfortable if there's a familiar face to talk with."

Issei's jaw tightened as he swallowed another small lump, but he slowly sank back to the water as Griselda also settled by sitting next to him by arm's length.

"...So have you tried Japan's hot springs before?" Issei started a conversation to escape the awkward atmosphere.

"I Have tried a communal bath with Irina and Xenovia in the town if that counts as one."

Griselda replied, doing her best to focus on enjoying the spring. To no avail, as her eyes would steal brief glances at the boy next to her.

"...To be honest, I can no longer enjoy the hot springs back home anymore Alfheim is the best" Issei slowly relaxed himself as the waters washed even his current anxiety away.

Issei smiled a little as he tried to relax, focusing his mind on the spring.

"I believe I can see why." Griselda found herself smiling as well, "...I feel myself being revitalized already." She said as she scooped out some water in her hands, watching the faint reflection of herself on the water.

The two fell into another silence as they enjoyed the water some more Until their awareness of each other's presence gradually made the silence become another awkward one.

"...So uh"

Issei began again - the awkwardness was intense.

"...Love the design of your balance breaker quite er" Issei found the awkwardness too high to surmount.

"...Amazing." Issei's expression looked a little like sucking a lemon after finishing.

Way to go with words of compliments there, Issei Hyoudou.

The corners of Griselda's lips twitched upward, "...Thank you. You've been doing well yourself as well, Sir Issei."

Issei nodded as he sank deeper to the water until his chin, as the awkward silence returned.

"Hey, uh" Issei found another topic, "...Earlier today, are you okay? You look, err Off. Everything alright?"

Griselda flinched as she clutched her chest. The darkness pulsed within her, as if encouraging her to close the distance between herself and Issei.

"I I'm just a little tired. I am hoping that the waters can alleviate my condition."

"Right, right" Issei nodded and he glanced at Griselda before looking away, "So? Is it working?"

"It's Working so far, I think." Griselda replied hesitantly as her body squirmed inside the water.

The mystical waters were working its magic to help her condition, but it could only do so much to wash away the darkness inside her.

It would not leave her so easily.

"...You think you can make some God tier holy water from these Hot Springs?" Issei asked - the question sounded silly, but anything to alleviate the awkward tension between them.

Griselda forced a smile and a giggle, equally attempting to match Issei's effort to ease up the atmosphere, "Well Probably, assuming the elves would allow us to bring these waters back to Midgard."

"I feel like almost anything's possible at this point. Sacred Gear destroying poisons, stolen Devil powers Dad being king." Issei rolled his eyes at the last one.

"Mhm" Griselda hummed, running out of ideas for a reply as silence descended upon them again.

"...Will you be alright? Being a prince of one of the Nine Realms I am sure that news will travel to Midgard." Griselda asked with curiosity.

"I just hope it doesn't affect my daily life, or have some asshole declare some political war on Muspelheim or some crap if they're being dumb enough."

"But your father is the strongest man."

Issei shrugged, "True say, I've been wondering What's your current relationship with Black - I mean, are you still working at his Terra D'Oro? How's everything back at the Church so far?"

"The Church is managing. The enemy stoked many to declare that our Lord is dead. A few of the pantheons are supporting that claim to eliminate the Lord's influence from their lands. I believe it's only a matter of time until I am summoned to the Vatican to help with the investigation and respond to this threat." Griselda then stretched her limbs out, "...As for Terra D'Oro. I am still working part-time. That place is where I can unwind sometimes."

Issei blinked at the later answer, "Um Can you actually 'unwind' while working there of all places?"

"Sir Issei. There was a time when I wasn't always a model nun." Griselda smiled.

Issei took in Griselda's words and expression before shrugging, "...Right, fair enough."

The two fell into another silence. However, after spending time for sometime, Issei had begun to get used to Griselda's presence. Their eyes finally met, and Issei managed to smile at her without feeling awkward at the sight of a naked attractive woman.

However, Issei had to blink when Griselda reacted by averting her eyes away while biting her lower lip.

Ah, of course - Issei might had gotten used to her presence, but Griselda might have another case. The boy looked away as well and scooted further to give Griselda more privacy. Rather

"Well, it's been a good talk." Issei rose from the water, ensuring to keep his back turned on Griselda, "I'll turn in first. Goodnight, Sister Griselda - don't stay too long or you can catch a cold."

"Ah, wait-!" Griselda suddenly found herself going after Issei, reaching out to him as he was in the middle of getting out of the water.

She tripped in her panic and lost her balance. Issei who glanced behind managed to react fast enough to move in to catch her fall. However, the abrupt movement and the slippery floor of the bath caused him to slip and lose his footing as well.

By the time they regained their bearings, they froze at the position they were at.

Issei was sitting on the ledge by the water, his arms were supporting Griselda - wrapped around just below her breasts. Griselda herself was leaning against him - her hands on his shoulders, her breasts pressed against his chiseled front; and their faces were only a few centimeters away.

Brown and blue eyes locked on each other - the two were seemingly lost in each other's gaze as they could also feel each other's breath against their faces.

Words bubbled in Issei's throat, but the proximity he shared with Griselda somehow clogged his throat shut.

Noud 'tossed' the three symbols at Rias and Sona, the glowing ever-changing letters hovering before their eyes.

"Grasp for the information you would normally see through your eyes, and apply that logic through touch. Feel it, use your magical gifts to sense what it means."

"What are you teaching us?" Rias asked.

"...Yes?" Noud answered as if it was obvious.

"What - what magic is this?" Sona approached the three symbols.

This one was new, he had never tried something like this when she was looking. She focused her gaze onto the left symbol but her vision started to blur. Then the symbols dissipated, dispersed into particles of purple dust, snapping Sona out of her attempt to parse.

"Are you stupid? If you continue staring like that, your corneas will burn out." Noud reprimanded Sona.

"You haven't answered the question." Rias retorted.

"Have I? Oh, right. It's something from my family. My dad is not fond of me teaching it to outsiders though." Noud explained.

"And What clan do you come from, if you don't mind us asking?" Rias pushed on.

"What 'clan'? Do you-lomph?!"

Noud's reply was abruptly interrupted by Lelez's shoe kicking his face in.

"Shut up!" Lelez hissed at Noud, before she turned to smile cutely at Rias and Sona, "You probably never heard of our family. It's better you don't try to find out than wasting your time."

Noud rubbed his face, albeit no damage marred his features.

"Really?" Noud frowned.

"This isn't the time." Lelez frowned back, then she smiled again at the two heiresses.

Now Rias understood why Sona did not consider these two as Nobles. They were too estranged even by Devil standards.

"...Saying that only makes me more curious." Rias pointed out.

"Let's just say our fathers were exiled from their homelands during the old times. When Lu the Original Satans were still around." Lelez explained.

"Right" Rias nodded with a skeptical look on her face.

However, before the conversation could have carried on, Sona blinked as she received a telepathic transmission from one of her servants.

Bringing her hand to her ear, Sona looked to the side as if she was talking to a phone, "Yes?"

Rias and the two students then watched Sona nodded her head subtly at whatever she was hearing before her eyes widened in horror. The latter then ended the transmission and turned to Rias.

"Rias, we have to go. A situation has come up."

Rizevim was not the only one GOD made contact with.

He was but one of the first, the most useful in the grand scheme to sow chaos in this world, even if he had to give Rizevim the freedom due to his weakened condition.

Once he regained more of his power, GOD changed his approach when corrupting a world for his goals, experimenting and prodding the reactions of the man that brought him to his heel.

The same nightmare that plagued Saitama's home returns - Evolved.

Within the darkness of a hidden cave in America, robed figures gathered before an altar of stone, the sacrifice chained to the flat stone, the fear present in the boy's face as he struggled to fight against the chains.

"L-Let me go! I'm warning you people for the last time!"

The child entering his teenage years called upon the power within, the artifact God forged from stolen souls and powers.

But the chains reacted and burned the child's wrists and ankles as he cried in agony, the chains suppressing his attempt to summon his Sacred Gear.

"Let this be our offering to the TRUE Lord of our reality! The one above all! May the one above our creator prosper from this sacrifice! I beseech your favor with this child's soul and the artifact contained within!"

The leader of the cultist, loathed as the most evil human in modern history, voiced his praise as he held a dagger in his hand.

He was one of the rare damned souls that praised the evil entity and saw GOD as his ideal deity - a being that rewards atrocities if the results are well.

His face smiled with glee as he raised the dagger as the boy screamed before he brought the dagger into the boy's throat.

No ritual chanting or verses.

GOD needs not useless waste of words, only action and results as the cult leader smiles with mad, childish glee.

His hand twisted the dagger and dug the metal deeper into the boy's throat, actively relishing the despair and agony from the sacrifice.

As the other robed figures watched, evil humans from centuries ago, one winced as he turned around to the entrance.

A black strand of ash flowed towards him like a serpent riding on the air without wind, tainted dust blowing into the imposing cultist as he grimaced and clutched his head.

Whatever flowed into him, it filled a missing void that he had forgotten was there for so long, like a part of himself returning.

[Genghis Khan.]

An omnipresent presence entered their sacrificial sanctum. The cultists ceased all movement at the voice, trembling with awe and terror.

The leader and the rest turned from their slaughtered sacrifice towards the member addressed by their deity.

"He has spoken. Kneel, you fools! Prostrate yourselves!"

The leader demanded as everyone in the room fell and bowed to their God and savior who liberated them from perdition.

Genghis Khan also kneeled without resistance.

[An opportunity has presented itself. Former wielder of Boosted Gear.]

He had suffered in Hell for so long because of his atrocities.

The ego he nurtured as a conqueror burned away many years ago in Malebolge.

"Great Spirit that surpasses Tengri, I am honored to hear my name from your words! This warrior awaits your divine will!"

Unlike the shade, his eloquence and sense of self was balanced. A proper individual compared with the shades left within Boosted Gear.


His shamanic faith known as Tengriism died when he fell to Malebolge, the great sky God failed to reward his faith.

Thus he shall entrust his entire being to this superior being, something far greater than the primitive Gods that died away centuries ago.

[I shall grant you a boon of my power. Bring me worthier sacrifices. Your quarry is hiding outside of the cave. You have been discovered by our enemies. Bring them here and offer them in my name.]

The Supreme one ordered, before his presence disappeared as fast as it arrived.


Not far from the location where the sacrificial ritual was being held, a small group of people were huddling together under the cover of the night and thick forest.

"We have to help him!"

"There is nothing we can do if we go in there! We have to leave and warn everyone about this!"

The ones arguing were a young woman wielding a stave wearing a robe and a cloak, and a thin man with leather armor and a sword on his hip.


Another one - presumably the leader, since the two arguing immediately turned their attention to a man who looked like a cowboy. Next to him was a hulking figure reaching 3-meters tall with a muscular frame.

The cowboy turned to the young woman, "I'm sorry, but he has a point." He gestured his head towards the thin man, "We are outnumbered and we barely know anything about what we are dealing with. We need to alert the Alliance about this."

"But we can't just leave him." The female wizard tightened her fingers around her staff.

"I know but I fear it's too late." the cowboy frowned.

"It already is, little cubs."

The group tensed at the voice. They turned to the entrance, a muscular Mongolian gazing into their direction.

"The true Sky God sees all. Today, I shall prove myself worthy of his blessings with your lives. Do resist, for it shall exemplify my worth to he."

In his right hand was a spear and in his left a sword.

Both weapons were made of a warped organic material, hard chitinous resin molded and warped in the shape of weapons, organic and leaking malevolent auras. The otherworldly malicious aura exuding from the cultist was crushing, as if a titan pressing its palm onto them.

The group immediately went into their battle position. Despite the overwhelming terror washing over them, their only choice was to resolve themselves for the fight that would change their lives forever.

To be Continued..

DnD Specials III: Four more to the Party

"Right, glad to have you girls with us." Issei smiled as everyone prepared for another session of Dungeons and Dragons.

For the session - the participants were Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Ravel and Kuroka.

Saitama was unable to join the session since he had been summoned to placate another quarrel between Haruka and Yasaka.

Vali had decided to take a rain check, saying per his quote, "I need a break from this bullshit." Kuroka invited herself in as his substitute.

Asia, Irina and Xenovia had obligations they needed to fulfill as angels.

"Thank you for having us, Ise. Ufufu, since I'm inexperienced, please take care of me." Akeno said with her signature pleasant smile.

"I-I'm inexperienced too, but I'll do my best! I've done a bit of research on how this game works!" Ravel was looking eager to play.

"So do I. In fact, I have prepared my character sheet in advance." Rias smiled proudly at the papers she had.

The girls and boy sat around the table with Black as the evil Dungeon Master, smiling viciously.

"Hehehehehe. Have you girls read the rulebook?"

Akeno handed the creature a small notepad. Black quirked his brow and grabbed it, eyes digesting the contents and flipping the pages.

"Oooh" Black smiled his sinister smile.

"What?" Issei and the others didn't like that smile.

"Nothing particular. Anyways, time to get this party started!" Black cackled as he handed the notepad back to Akeno.

The others turned to Akeno, the nephilim giggling with mischief.

"After the party defeated the skull-cracking brain-slurping penis"

Black's narration garnered baffled looks from the girls sans Koneko, who turned to regard Issei with quizzical looks, which the latter returned with a shrug.

"...A trap of the goblins separated the party. The dragonborn sorcerer got lost and was separated from the others. He stumbled and fumbled his way into the lower levels and got lost. His barbarian friend was the only one with him, the diminutive white haired warrior unconscious on his lap. You managed to help the girl up and about, some damage here and there. You wanna take a short rest and heal up?"

"Why not?" Issei shrugged, exchanging nods with Koneko.

Black then nodded before continuing his narration, "...You're both healed up and ready for action."


"Damn, we left our backpack with the muscle wizard."

The dragonborn clicked with irritation that their food and drink supply was gone. Including their potions and loot.

There were only the unknown dangers ahead in the dark cavern in front of them.

"We can't survive here without food and water. Only got some potions and scrolls on me. What about you, Koneko?" The Dragonborn asked his barbarian companion.

Koneko hummed as she rummaged through her inventory, "...Ropes, some first-aid kit, and some potions as well Oh, and a smoke-powder bomb."

"So the bare minimum alright." Issei produced a ball of fire with his left as a makeshift torch while wielding his magic staff in his right hand. "Let's do this. Hope our luck is in the right hands."

They ventured forth into the darkness, wary of their surroundings. They encountered goblin scouts and guards, but the party managed to maul them without issues.

But then they came across a creature that defied the rules of its species.

"My my, to think that fortune has graced me a chance to dine on dragon flesh."

In an open cavern, they stumbled upon a Hill Giant.

An intelligent Hill Giant, with a stone staff fitting his hand. The giant looked down at them, before he took a few steps forward, prompting the adventurers to retreat a few steps back.

Issei and Koneko prepared to move - their perceptions then caught something behind the giant.

The cavern was not deep nor too dark, allowing them to see a large prison cell that the giant had been guarding. Moreover, they could see several moving shadows from the said cell.


Their bodies were dirty, abused. There were also corpses behind them, or perhaps people who were too injured or starved to move. The locks on their cells looked flimsy and rusted from the lack of maintenance and care, brittle enough to be destroyed by a spell or strong impact of a weapon.

Issei recognized the race of those who were the closest to the bars. A human, a Rhea, an Aasimar, and an Elf - all of them were women.

Koneko glanced around, despite the rocky terrain, there was not much hiding spot they could exploit - should a fight break out, they would have to defeat the Hill Giant there and then.

"The little snotlings have delivered me another one, but alas, the meat is too little. No matter, the queue is already full. Your gray matter is not required."

Issei looked up and saw the spiky stalactites just in time, he could bring the ceiling down on them to take out the giant.

"Koneko, you said you have a smoke powder bomb, right?" The Dragonborn asked.

Koneko nodded.

"Throw it to the ceiling." Issei smiled as he readied his firebolt cantrip.

The petite barbarian nodded as she took out the gray ball filled with gunpowder.

The giant squinted when Koneko threw it into the air, high to the ceiling.


The dragonborn threw the bolt of fire at the smokepowder. Be it luck or skill, the flames struck the powder when it touched the ceiling and ignited an explosion.

"You meatbags!" The hill giant looked furious, some of the stalactites cracked, chunks of sharpened stone descending onto the giant.

The giant moved, but his weight and bulk cost him an arm and a leg.

Literally, a spear of stone pinning both his arm and leg into the cavern ground, the giant's pain bellowed out his throat.

The dragonborn and barbarian dodged the falling rocks as they retreated from the giant.

The doors of the cell rattled, stray falling stone dislodged the metal doors, years of rust revealing the weakness of the prison.


"I roll a strength check!" Rias suddenly declared with a childish smile.

"On what?" Black asked, pausing on his narration.

"I will break the lock of my prison cell with my strength and set myself and my compatriots free!" Rias replied with absolute confidence in her voice.

Everyone stared at the redhead. Issei and Black exchanged glances before the latter cleared his throat.

"...Well, not saying that you can't - but are you sure you want to try that? Unarmed attacks aren't exactly your class' bread and butter."

"Of course, I am! I'm a Champion, for goodness' sake! My strength points are high!" Rias reassured boastfully.

"Alright, but you get Disadvantage."

"...What do you mean?" Rias asked, clueless of the grave she dug herself in.

"You roll two dice. The lowest result is the one you get."

Rias took two seconds to process that information.


"Because you're in a bad condition - you're malnourished." Black explained.

"I alright, fair. Roll them!" Rias demanded, praying to Binbougami that she would be the hero.

Black rolled the dice, throwing them with his tentacle head.

"...Kahahahahahahaha! Two ones!" Black cackled as he pointed at the double ones.

Rias stared at the two lowest results she could've mustered.

"You broke your wrist and got a bacterial infection from the stupid attempt! Enjoy!" Black cackled with tears.

The table was filled with snickers and giggles directed towards Rias - whose face was growing the same shade as her hair.

"...Oh! Can I use spells?" Akeno raised her hand.

"Only cantrips."

"I use Eldritch Blast on the cell door!"

"Roll concentration because you're in a similar spot as the redhead right now." Black ordered.

Akeno rolled her dice, and her result was one.

"Pffff- ahahahahaha! Your spell exploded and launched you to the wall! You took like 2d10 Force damage plus charisma!" Black rolled two dices and grinned, "You lose nineteen health!"

"Oh, my" Despite her graceful reaction, Akeno's eyes were glaring at the die that betrayed her.

"O-Oh! Can I cast healing spells on the others?" Ravel raised her hand.

"Uhhhh, you only have like I don't know, pray to your God and let's see what happens. You're dehydrated and on your last legs since you're small. Roll a saving throw." Black made up some random conditions for Ravel.

"I cast Mass Cure Wounds!" Ravel rolled the dice.

"...Ahahahahahahaha! You fainted! And blood splutters from your nose!" Black laughed maniacally at the sight of another one.

"Nooo~!" Ravel slumped onto the table.

"What about you, kitty cat?" Black turned to Kuroka, who was enjoying everyone's reaction at their bad luck, "Since the gals have tried, maybe you want to give it a shot too?"

Kuroka leered at the cursed dice.

It was almost as if Binbougami was in this room and toying with their fortunes for fun.

She grabbed the dice in her hand and inhaled.

"...I use haste on myself, and then I use up a wild shape charge to change into a blue jay, nya."

Black raised an eyebrow in intrigue, "Oh? You're gonna die girl. Your HP is low, but screw it! Let's do this!"


"I will burn your souls to the Nine Hells for what you've done!"

The intelligent Hill Giant was furious as he threw a fireball at the duo.

The two barely weathered the storm, and he casted protection from energy on Koneko while the Giant couldn't use a turn. The giant's left arm and leg was useless, his strength and dexterity greatly reduced, but his spellcasting was strong and he casted Haste on himself before he launched that fireball.

Suddenly a Bluejay fluttered into the fray and sneak-attacked him.

"What is-?!"

He couldn't finish his sentence when the bird pecked his left eye.

"Tiamat's feces!" The giant roared as he stumbled, holding his eye in pain, surprised by the attack.

Twin Magic: Immolation

The dragonborn used his only fifth level spell slot and set the giant on fire, using his Sorcerous powers to enhance the spell to strike him twice.

"You wretched lizard!"

Koneko roared as she channeled the spirit of the tiger, granting her the speed and ferocity of one as she charged with her battle-ax raised high. With the giant still burning and disoriented from Issei's Immolation spell, the barbarian swung her axe towards the giant's leg - back of his knee, to be precise, in order to bring the hulking figure down a few notches.

The Bluejay Druid fluttered in and pecked the giant's other eye.

The giant swung his staff at the bird wildly. It almost managed to hit it, the bird barely evading the killing swing.

Then it swung down on Koneko, ready to smash her.

But the bluejay intervened and wildshaped into a panther and clawed at the giant's face, distracting it from the others as Issei threw a fireball at the giant.

However, the giant dropped his large staff and grabbed the panther.

He saw the fireball just in time to throw the panther at the fireball due to his Haste boost.

The panther, somehow, managed to backflip over the fireball with outstanding acrobatic dexterity.

The fireball landed right into the giant's face, forcing him to howl in pain as his hands flailed around his face to abate the blazing heat.

"...Wait, wait, wait, wait!"

Koneko suddenly shouted, and the world paused and glitched to a standstill.


Everyone on the table paused when Koneko stared at her elder sister, then at the die that had been rolled for some time.

"...What is it, Koneko?" Rias asked curiously.

Koneko then narrowed her eyes, "Big-sister Kuroka, did you cast a spell on the die?"

Everyone else blinked at the question. Black, Rias and Ravel were scrutinizing Kuroka for answers, while Issei and Akeno turned their attention to the dice. Kuroka herself on the other hand, looked around and found the walls to be very interesting.

Issei and Akeno then blinked again when their eyes could perceive a residual aura on the dices, whose flow of energy was faintly, but surely connected to Kuroka's hand.

"...Fucking hell, Kuroka."

"...You sneaky little bitch."

Issei and Akeno commented as they were half-mortified and half-impressed at Kuroka - why did they not think that themselves?


"You're unbelievable!"

"Bad kitty."

Rias, Ravel and Koneko also voiced their displeasure; with Kuroka herself taking them in stride as she smirked mischievously.

"Hey hey hey! While I respect your nonexistent balls to tilt the odds, not when I'm the Dungeon Master! Time for Divine Retribution!" Black pointed his tentacle at Kuroka.

Kuroka's smirk was gone, replaced with panic, "Whoa, wait, wai-!"


The druid failed her landing and tumbled. All four of her legs and paws shattered as she crashed into a fallen stalactite.

As if luck had turned against her, a chunk of stone fell from the ceiling and dropped atop of the panther.

The damage pulled her out of wildshape, returning to her wood Elf form, wounded and weak.

"I will reduce you to unrecognizable viscera!"

The giant showed the reason why its intelligence was unusually high. Its mind pulsed showing signs of psionic activity.

From Issei's knowledge in the arcane and psionics, the giant's brain must've been tampered with; replaced most likely since he understood that Illithid tadpoles could not induce ceremorphosis in giant kin.

Either way, it fired a wave of psionic power at the wood Elf and knocked her out.

Whether her mind collapsed from the attack or not, the duo did not know as the giant turned to them.

First, to Issei's dismay, it used Create Water on itself to douse the flames.

And made itself wet so that it would receive half the fire damage at the cost of receiving twice the frost and lightning damage.

Second, it summoned a spherical barrier to protect itself, a force field of magic.

"Congratulations for pushing me this far, meatbags. You shall experience all of the wrath I can muster to annihilate your existence!"

"...Shit." Issei's only other spell that's not a fire spell was witch bolt and Ray of Frost but it might not be enough to break through the barrier

Only one thing to do.

He took out a scroll and shouted.

"Dispel Magic!"

The scroll glowed and burned as the giant's magical defenses faded.

"You cur!" The giant picked up the staff it dropped and disappeared, leaving mist behind.

"Oh shit!" The dragonborn recognized its Misty Step.

He cursed when the giant appeared before the dragonborn.

The first two strikes barely missed the dodging dragonborn, but the third smashed him with his giant wizard staff three times and then swung its staff and smacked the dragonborn away like a golf ball.

The staff clattered near the fighter, right outside of her cell.


"I want to perform another saving throw!" Rias announced.

Everyone blinked again, before Black asked, "Um, explain?"

"I may have broken a wrist, but I still have one more working arm." Rias began, "Issei's staff is within my reach, no? I'll use what I have to grab that staff and get us out of our cell."

Black wanted to say another wisecrack, but he clicked his mouth shut, "Eh, fuck it - let's do this. Have it your way."

Rias then took the dies and shook them in her hands, praying to whatever deities up there to bless her luck. She rolled the dies on the table, waiting with bated breath.

Then all eyes widened at the die Rias rolled.

"Holy shit!"

Two twenties.

She rolled two twenties on a disadvantage as she broke down her cell.

"Wait, hang on!" Kuroka interrupted, "How do we know that she didn't use a spell on that thing?!"

"Like you're one to talk!" Rias rebuked.

The others wanted to call on Kuroka about pot calling the kettle, but just in case - Issei used his meta-vision to look at the dice and lo and behold - the die roll was thanks to pure luck.

"Aha! What does this staff do?! No, wait, I want to throw it at the giant after making it unstable!" Rias continued while smiling triumphantly at the pouting Kuroka.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. How do you make my staff unstable? That thing can cast firebolt and is great at enhancing my fire spells! It ain't cheap!" Issei called out.

"...Are magical items indestructible?" Rias asked.

"Technically no, but they ain't something a random warrior can snap in half." Black answered. "Hmmmm since the staff got smashed by the giant maybe? Hold on, another me is reading the item handbook fuck it, I'll allow it. Ahem, the staff is an old piece that was discarded for a reason. It was made by a bumbling pyromancer with flimsy materials. With luck on her side, because of how poorly made the staff is, it was patched by another wizard to be barely usable. Now that it withstood the weight and force of a giant's rage, the patchwork came undone as the core of the magic was unstable. Roll a saving throw. You fail, it'll blow up in your face. And you need a high result."

Issei was not happy that the staff he had was an unstable patchwork piece, demonstrated by his frown.

"Okay, okay, I've rolled twenty, I can do that again." Rias took a deep breath as she performed the same prayer before she threw the die to the table.

Everyone watched intently as the die's roll slowed down, holding their breath as the numbers showed up

Those who are horny enough to want to know what happens between Kuroka and Griselda, go to my (P). atreon! XD

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!