2529 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and fifteenth chapter: goods color!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

On the air of Xuancheng, when the head of the black robes, the monks behind him push down!

They didn't directly destroy the city. After all, their goals were men's killing, the woman left!

Below, Qin Guan looked up at the scholars who rushed down and calm.


At this time, a swager suddenly rushed to the sky, followed by a Xiao family, did not react, the head is flying directly!


At this time, Ye Xuan appeared in the horizon.

When he was instantaneous, the remaining scholars were slightly changed, and they stopped, and they looked at Ye Xuan!

The head of the head of the black robe looked at Ye Xuan, just to open, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly went forward, and slammed!


Human swords!

Qing Xuanjian!

This sword is out, the old man is suddenly shrinking, and his arms have a sharp place forward. He has directly formed a special spatial structure directly. At the same time, a horrible three-time concession Come!


As a shocking fried, the special space in front of the old people in the black robe collapsed, and the old tall of the black robe was directly retired, and when he stopped, his flesh was directly broken!


The old people in the black robes are directly in the same place!

I am a border!

Is it so bad? Although some are very big, it shouldn't you!


And this person didn't have a state of mind, this situation is something else!

When the old man in the black robe is still in the jealous, Ye Xuan suddenly sword!

Qing Xuan Jian is in front of the old man!

The old people in the black robe suddenly shrink, although only the soul left, but he won't sit, when the sleeves, a horrible soul is swept!

However, others have not retired!

He has confidence to resist this sword!

However, when the Qing Xuan sword touched his horrible soul power, his power instantly cigarettes!

The old man is big, "how it is possible!

The voice just fell, and Ye Xuan's Qing Xuanjie is already in his eyebrows, and his soul is nail!

The old man in the black robe is shocked, and when I am busy: "I am a man of the Xiao, you dare to kill me!"

In the distance, Ye Xuan looks to the old man, "What do you say?"

The old people in the black robe angry: "I am a person of the Xiao!

You can listen clearly!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "listening clearly!

After finishing, he refers to the first quarter, the Qing Xuan sword is trembled, directly absorbing the black robe old!

God's soul!

Seeing this scene, the sides of the saters of the sidelines are all!

killed? What is this? Anyone who kills the Hous? Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, and Qing Xuanjian returned to him. He turned to look at the group of the Qunzun, see Ye Xuan, and the group of the Hi's strong face has changed, one is about to speak. Qing Xuanjian directly in the hole in his eyebrows!


The man is instantly a soul!

See this scene, the rest of those people are very awkward, and they will not take care of the Qian people, and they will escape.

Ye Xuan looked at the end of the sky, the look was calm, "Go back to tell the Xiao family, even though it is retaliated, how many people can come!

After finishing, he turned and left.

At this time, Qin Guan went to Ye Xuan, she blinked, "will it be too arrogant?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Only let them think we have no terrorism, they will be taboo, they will come to talk to us!

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "I didn't want to talk to them!

Ye Xuanmi shook his head, "The Xiao is a top ten super forces, and the underlying forces are at least ten thousand, under which at least billion creatures are directly destroyed.

Said, he once again shook his head again, "It's too cruel!

Qin Guan expression stiff.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You go!

I will guard the view of Xuancheng!

After finishing, he shaped, came directly to the city wall, and he sat in the ground, Qing Xuanjian suspended on him.

Qin Guan looked at the Ye Xuan on the wall. After a long time, she smiled slightly and turned away.

On the city wall, Ye Xuanyi sat in the ground, he recalled the battle!

Just now, the old border is also a border, but it is too much too much than the other side of Ye people!

Obviously, the borders are also weak!

At this moment, he is naturally excited, because the facts have proven that he is able to kill the stations in the country!

And almost a spike!

During this time, there is no white fee!

Ye Xuan also took out a crystal king!

Continue to absorb!


Ye Xuanzhao killed the HK strongman's thing was spread throughout the area, and it was still spreading around with an extremely fast speed!

Kill the people!

This Xiao is one of the top ten super forces!

This is like God in the heart of the world!

Now, the people of the Xiao are killed!

Not the other nine power killed, but from a name that is not seen!

This is interesting!


North side, the battle city.

On the wall, Chu Tianxing looked at the intelligence in his hand, after a long time, he looked softly: "Ye Xuan.

Said, his heart is afraid!

I am afraid that if I really take the 100,000 expedition army to go back to Ye Xuan, now I can already disappear from the world!

Hi is he didn't do this at the beginning!


Chu Tianxing shook his head.

Regardless of the more powerful forces, if you can't get rid of people, you are crying only in the evening!

Chu Tianxing looked up to the distance, he took a sigh of relief, and now the Chu family, because Chutian joined Ye people, it is already high, the status is even more rising, even the rest of the nine power, you must give Point!

Before this, he still floated!

But now, he has no feeling.

Low-key modest, always is not wrong!


The things of the people who gave the mission to the Xiaoyu, the passing, has passed to the ancient area!

The ancients is divided into foreign domains and internal domains, and the external domain is an ancient ribbon. It is some small forces survive, and the ancient inner domain is ancient core, and it is also a place where the top ten super forces live.

Of course, more than ten power, but, it is not a general force!

The man of the Xiao is killed!

The Xiao family is naturally impossible!

On this day, a Xiao family has left the Xiao family with a Xiao family.

This thing is naturally not to be alarmed the whole of the Xiao!

Of course, the Chi people did not despise this matter, this is not good, so they directly send an inner elder and a core inner disciple!



On the mountain, a woman is obsessing on a mountain stone, she is toned, holding a roll of ancient books in his hand.


At this time, a woman wearing a golden armor appeared in front of him, the woman was slightly rude, and then whispered.

After a while, the sorrows of the book suddenly put down their books, sit and looked at the Golden Women, "Watch the Academy, Ye Xuan?"

The gold armor woman nodded, "Yes!

After the eyes of the eyes, after a moment, her mouth slightly, "interest!

really interesting!

He actually dare to kill the people!

It seems that he is not easy than I think!

The gold armor woman Shen Sheng said: "The Xiao family has sent an internal elder and her mad and the inner core disciples Xiao Che-time to go to the school!

When the corner of the mouth suddenly slammed a smile, "This Xiao is always a good gang, the Xiaozi sent him, it is clear that the Xiao family does not want to be good!"

And they sent it more cautious and more wisdom, it is clear, they are also cautious!

The gold armor is silent.

After the silence of silence, smiled: "Help me investigate the Ye Xuan!

The gold armor woman nodded and turned away.

He took the body, she saw a look at the four weeks, the mouth is slight, "Go and see!

After finishing, she disappeared directly.


View Xuancheng.

Get up, from the internal domain to the foreign domain, if it is a general power, I am afraid that I have to fly a few months, because the ancient land is too big!

And Xiao Ming and Xiao Ca have used it less than a time!

Because the Xiao family also has a conveyance array in ancient land!

On the way to Xuancheng, Xiao Ca's face was gloomy, and Xiao Che-looked calm.

Xiao Express Xiao Mad, then laughed: "Nine old, but is angry?"

Xiao Ming nodded, noodles were cold, "" Let me kill my husband, this is not putting my Xiao family in the eyes!

Xiao Ci nodded, then said: "It is true!


Speaking of this, he turned around, then said; "This person dares to kill my Xiao people, there must be some reliance, this matter, we have to figure out!

Xiao Mad looked at Xiao Ce, "After you know? If you have someone behind him, are there anything?"

Xiao Che laughed: "What kind of person is behind him!

Xiao mad looks calm, "No matter what person behind him, if he is not dead, what is the brother of the Xiao?"

Xiao Che smiled slightly, "I will let me talk to him!

Xiao Man hesitated, then nodded.

Although he is old, he is still ignoring for this !

This, although it is not a Church, it is also the object of the Xiao family, the future is auxiliary world, this kind of person, decisively give up the battle of the world, the future, although it can't be a child, but it must be Can live in high!

Not long, the two came to see Xuancheng.

On the wall, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his crystal king has been swallowed down!

Ye Xuan watched Xiao Che E-you, smiled: "Is it coming?"

Xiao Che smiled, "It seems that you are waiting for us!

In this case, then I will open the door directly!

You dare to kill my Xiao people, there must be some relies, right? "

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Do you know the owner?"

Xiao Express looked at Ye Xuan, "You know the owner!

Ye Xuan nod.

Xiao Che shook his head smile.

On the side, Xiao Mad suddenly ridiculous: "It is a mixture that often mixes everywhere!

Others gave him a little bit, he really tried himself!

If it is not in that year, he is working with Ye Emperor. Who will you see the face? It's ridiculous, he really makes yourself!

It's a ridiculous thing that you have thought that he can give you the waist.

Do you know what is it? "

No side: "???"

Ye Xuan: "???"
