Chapter 847 Pre-Vacation Treat

Name:One Wild Night Author:
Chapter 847 Pre-Vacation Treat

Lucy's gaze was fixed on her laptop screen as she read the progress report from each department in her team, while she also tried to give Jade her attention.

Across from her desk, Jade was perched on the visitor's chair, her brow furrowed as she scrolled through her phone while she waited for Harry to be done with the meeting in Tom's office.

"You know you can't leave any comments, right?" Lucy asked when it seemed like Jade was fighting the urge to not comment.

Since Jade got to her office, she had been busy going through the comments on every blog post that carried the press statement of Mia's husband.

"I'm honestly contemplating opening an anonymous account just to respond. How can he say she is crazy? How can her own father say such words?" Jade asked as she met Lucy's gaze, her eyes filled with tears.

It amazed Lucy how Jade could be so angry and fiercely loyal to Mia whom she didn't seem very close to.

Without waiting for Lucy to respond Jade continued, "I can't even imagine how she must feel. It's one thing for her husband to do this, but her dad? What kind of father does this to their own child? Isn't he supposed to love and protect her? If he being her dad is like this, why won't her husband treat her like shit? No one deserves this, Lu," Jade said as she swiped at her tears, and Lucy looked away from Jade.

She was a sympathetic crier and she knew that soon she would begin to cry as well so she looked at her computer monitor.

"Maybe her husband has something over her father and made him say all of that," Lucy said logically.

"I know that might be the case. But shouldn't a father be willing to lose everything to protect their daughter regardless of what is at stake? Shouldn't he be willing to lose even his life if that is what it would take to keep his daughter safe?" Jade asked and Lucy looked at Jade.

"I don't mean to lecture you, Jade, since you're the lawyer here. But I mean, by now you should know that the world is not a bed of roses. Every father isn't like your dad or mine. There are some who would rather use their kids as a shield than protect them," Lucy said logically.

"Yes, I am aware. I know all of that. This isn't a case I'm handling, so I don't have to be logical right now. I can afford to be emotional. And even if it was a case I was handling, I would feel this way too. God knows how many times I cried myself to sleep after going through some cases. The world is such a mean place," Jade said and Lucy nodded in agreement.

"You are right," Lucy said, and for a moment she couldn't help but think about what Mia's life must have been like before now if her dad and husband were this way and going to such length to make her come back.

"You okay, Luce?" Jade's voice cut through the fog of her thoughts.

"Yeah. Just thinking," Lucy admitted. "About Mia's husband. He seems very determined to get her back. And I think he is really dangerous. The whole situation gives me the creeps."

Jade nodded, "When Harry first told me about him, I thought it was just a case of an abusive husband, but after he told me about the phone call, and after seeing this clip, I don't think so. His eyes are dead cold. He is soulless."

Lucy shuddered, "Let's talk about something else. By the way, I was thinking about our conversation the other night," Lucy said and Jade arched an eyebrow.


"The one about being clingy and exercising boundaries," Lucy said and Jade sighed.

"That. What about it?" She asked curiously.

"I think I need to get a hobby too," Lucy said and Jade looked at her, surprised since that wasn't what she had been expecting Lucy to say.

"Why? Did anyone complain about you being clingy?" Jade asked and Lucy giggled.

"You don't only need to have boundaries because of clinginess or anything. It is important for every relationship to have healthy boundaries. Besides, before now I was sort of shut out from the rest of the world and all I did was work and stay locked up indoors. Now I want to be able to do more. And thanks to our conversation, I realized I needed a hobby aside reading novels," Lucy said and Jade pursed her lips.

"Have you figured out what you want to do now?" She asked, and Lucy grinned as she nodded.

"Yes. I want to take cooking classes," Lucy said, thinking that she would like to learn how to prepare all of Tom's favorite dishes and add some news ones to it, and also be able to make really nice meals for the kids she wanted to have with Tom.

She really liked how Evelyn had given the helps a leave, and taken to the kitchen to prepare all their meals during their stay at the family house. She would like to be able to do that in the future too.

"Cooking? You can't cook?" Jade asked, taken aback.

Lucy laughed, "I can make edible meal. But it can't hold a candle to the meals Samantha makes. I can't subject Tom to such barely tolerable meals," Lucy explained and Jade smiled.

"So, you're doing it for Tom?" She asked, and Lucy shrugged.

"And for myself too. For fun. After that I'm going to take up other classes too," Lucy said, and Jade smiled, impressed.

"I'm glad I was able to inspire you," Jade said and Lucy giggled.

"Thanks. And you can't tell Tom about it though. I want it to be a surprise when I prepare his meal," Lucy said and Jade grinned.

"My lips are sealed then," Jade promised, "By the way, have you heard from Sonia?" Jade asked and Lucy nodded.

"She's having the time of her life, and our little Ryso in the oven seems to be having fun too. Sony said she hasn't been experiencing any nausea," Lucy said and Jade giggled.

"I suppose the baby wanted them to tie the knot," Jade said and Lucy laughed too.

"I don't remember the last time I had a good massage," Harry said fifteen minutes later as they drove out of the company premises.

"A massage? Well, I'm sure you won't mind being massaged by a masseur, 'cause there's no way I'm letting a lady touch you," she said and Harry chuckled.

"Why not? What are you scared of? Besides, you will be there," Harry said and Jade looked at him with a frown.

"I'm not scared of anything. I just don't want anyone touching my man," she said and Harry chuckled.


"Yes, Jonas. Yes," she said and he laughed.

"How do I get a massage then?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I will buy you a good body massage chair if you want," she said and he grinned as he turned to spare her a glance.

"And you think I can't afford to get one myself? Nothing beats the human hands. It touches spots that the massage chair can't touch."

"The masseurs do have human hands," Jade pointed out.

"There is no way I'm letting a man touch me. I prefer female human hands..."

"Well, good news, your girlfriend is both female and human and she has two hands," Jade said raising her hands for his inspection and Harry chuckled.

"Alright. So, can I get a massage from my female human girlfriend with two hands today?" He asked with a suggestive wink and she laughed.

"So, that was where you were headed. Well, I will think about it after we enjoy our couple bonding spa day," she said with a happy smile.

Twenty minutes later, they walked through the doors of Aurora's spa.

The receptionist, a young lady with a warm smile and knowing eyes, greeted them.

"Jade? Welcome! Aurora's been expecting you. She's just finishing up with a client, but why don't you take a seat in the waiting area and have some herbal tea?" She suggested.

Settling into a plush couch, Jade received a mug of fragrant tea, but Harry politely declined.

Moments later, Aurora emerged, a radiant smile lighting up her face and Jade handed Harry her mug as she rose to greet Aurora.

"Jades!" she exclaimed, pulling Jade into a tight hug. "So glad you could make it! I thought Harry wasn't coming until later. You're welcome Harry," Aurora said as she smiled at Harry.

"Thanks. You have a lovely place here. I take it you've purchased the place," Harry said and she nodded.

"Yeah. And I've moved completely too," Aurora said and Jade looked at her in surprise.

"Really? When? Why didn't you say anything?" Jade asked excitedly.

"Come let me show you around," Aurora said to Jade and then turned to Harry, "We will be back shortly, Harry," Aurora said and when he gave them a nod she led Jade away.

"So? When?" Jade asked as she followed Aurora.


"What? That is almost a week ago and you didn't even say anything to me!" Jade said and Aurora smiled.

"I was going to tell you when we met at the yacht party but there was no time. Same with the wedding. And I've been busy setting up this place to my own taste, so I invited you over to break the news to you today," Aurora explained and Jade embraced her happily.

"I'm so happy for you, Aura. The place looks fabulous already. And I'm happy to finally have a friend here," Jade said and Aurora arched a brow.

"Shouldn't that be my line? You have Sonia, Lucy, Candace and now Andy," she pointed out.

"Candace and Andy are not based here. They live in Sogal. And that aside, they are all more like my sisters-in-law, compared to you who is a friend. And I've known you longer than them too," Jade said and Aurora smiled.

"Still, you all have a special relationship. One I love and admire," Aurora said and Jade smiled.

"I guess. Still, it would also be nice to have you here. Sony and Lucy are best friends, and same goes for Candace and Andy. I want my own friend too. And now I have you here," Jade said and Aurora giggled.

"Well, I'm glad you think of me that way. The feeling is mutual," Aurora said and they continued their tour around before going back to join Harry.

"Let's get you both into comfy robes. We have a whole afternoon of pampering ahead of us," Aurora said as she ushered them into a luxurious couples' treatment room.

"No massages for Harry. I don't want any lady touching my man or seeing his perfect body," Jade whispered to Aurora and she laughed softly as Harry chuckled.

"Whatever you want, Jades. Whatever you want."