Chapter 82: Green grassland

Jian Mei didn't think that it was because of this reason. He wanted to laugh, but couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud with a "pouch".

Lu Xing raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"No" Jian Wei said curiously: "Does a good student like you feel bored?"

Lu Xing opened his lips and said, "Why not."

Jian Mei just thinks this feeling is quite novel, like someone who has always been very powerful in your heart, and then one day you find that he is also a mortal.

Jian Mei: "Will you skip class, too? Will you be lazy and don't want to do your homework?"

Lu Xing was watching the memorial, and he paused when he heard the words. He said, "I generally won't be accused of skipping class."

Jian Mo said: "Huh?"

"When I skip class, the teacher will think that I'm going to deal with business." Lu Xing said lightly: "There is no case of not doing homework, because I have excellent grades in every major and I don't need to do homework."


Jian Mei was shocked.

How does he feel now? Probably, the last second he felt that he and Xueba might be very close, the next second he felt that the gap between him and him was a world apart.

Jian Mei sighed from the bottom of his heart: "I'm so envious, you're so amazing."

Lu Xing said, "Is there anything I admire. No matter how powerful it is, I can't solve your math problems?"

Jian was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing. The unhappiness in the school today seemed to disappear slowly. Slowly, he felt that after he came to this world, he felt that he was very concerned about the new words and new words. Really know nothing about Lu Xingwang's knowledge, and how difficult was it for Lu Xingwang?

In the end, what kind of person can integrate this knowledge to the level of junior high school in three months? The previous professors always said that Lu Xingwang is so talented and excellent. That is just a comparison to Jian Mei. A vague concept, but when this kind of thing was converted to himself, he really felt it.

My big brother, he seems to be really amazing!


He is really good too, why is there such a good person.

Jian Mei's heart was hot, and she said softly: "Brother Da Zhuang, why did you help me so?"

Lu Xingwang was reading the memorial, and after turning a page, he slowly realized what Jian Mei asked. His Royal Highness the straight male prince had no idea, and honestly replied: "Something happened at the time and he fell ill. He was in the palace. Being idle is also idle."


There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

Lu Xing said hesitantly, "Hello?"

The phone hung up after a while.


His Royal Highness was stunned. Why did he hang up? Did he go to do his homework in a hurry?


The second day

When it was time to hand in the homework, most of the people wrote their own thoughts, but Jian Ambiguous really didn't know how to write, so they could only hand it over to a blank paper. Of course, the result was very tragic, and was criticized by Professor Hu Kan. .


Professor Hu Kan said very mercilessly: "Students like this really don't know why they can enter the SA class or our school!"

Such harsh criticism is indeed merciless.

Jian Mei looked up and said, "The principal asked me to come."

Professor Hu Kan was taken aback, his tone was bad: "Do you still dare to talk back?"

"No." Jian Mei was innocent: "Didn't you ask the professor why."

He just answered questions normally.

When he finished saying these words, Professor Hu Kan seemed to be stunned for some reason, but he couldn't say anything to refute it. After all, Jian Mei seemed to be answering questions normally.

The professor was frustrated and sarcastically: "Only you are smart."

Jian Mei said softly, "Thank you Professor."

Seeing the professor's shortness of breath, the other students couldn't help covering their lips and laughing. They were very happy after this class.

Professor Hu Kan still felt angry before he left, and felt that it was a loss of face in front of the students, so he slapped his words: "You didn't complete the homework carefully. You will be fined for deducting 10 credits and staying to clean the classroom for a week. ."

Jian Mei nodded softly, meaning she knew it.

"I hope all of you will study hard for me, and don't think about crooked ways and wrong thoughts all day long!" Professor Hu Kan snorted again: "Everything depends on your own strength instead of luck. Don't be like some people. In the same way, thinking about relying on crooked ways, not trying to study divine power to find ways to improve oneself, but relying on glib tongue and sophistry to survive!"

This is more than just referring to Sang cursing Huai, and there is almost no name.

Jian Mei didn't care very much. After listening, he put his left ear in and right ear out. After Professor Hu Kan left with angrily, he calmly put away his stationery and prepared to clean it up for a while.

The other students all leaned in.

Nan Feng grinned and said: "Xiao Meimei, the professor's mouth is a bit poisonous, you are not uncomfortable now, if you are uncomfortable, let me cry in my chest, and open it for you for free!"

Jane has been oiled by him.

Ying rolled her eyes, walked from behind, and knocked Nan Feng's head: "What nonsense are you talking about, just your chest, I don't know how many people have cried, and I don't feel bad about it!"

Nan Feng "his" covered his head and yelled: "I have told you how many times, you are not allowed to hit the head, what if you mess up my hair style, I want to get my sister!"

Ying sneered: "Just so if you still have a sister, be careful of your sister breaking your leg."

Nan Feng scolded back: "You, you, what do you know, I am very popular, you think everyone is as fierce as you, if you are so fierce, beware that no one wants it!"

Two people quarreled while hitting outside the window from the classroom, which became a daily routine.

When they fight, Jian Mei, of course, continues to clean up honestly.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was ready to work, someone came over.

It is the child of the Westinghouse family, Westinghouse Heng. This child is always good at speaking and does not usually have a high sense of presence. It really surprised Jian Mei that everyone could still see him after they had left.

Jian Mei squatted down to look at him, and smiled slightly: "Why haven't you left here yet?"

After waiting for a while, the child said: "I will wait for you to go back together."

Jian was stunned. When get out of class was over, he would invite Westinghouse Heng to go back to the dormitory together, because he felt that this child was young and was afraid that he would be dangerous by himself, but the child has never spoken much. He thought that the other person was also I didn't take myself very seriously, I didn't expect to say this suddenly, but it was a bit touching.

Jian Mei smiled and nodded gently: "Okay."

He started to clean up the classroom simply, which was not difficult for him, because when he was serving the young master in the mansion, he was used to doing these things. After he quickly cleaned up, there is no more time, Jian Meiling To Westinghouse Heng said, "Xiao Heng, what shall we have for dinner?"

Hiroshi Nishio answered much faster this time: "Fan."

Jian Mei found that this child was not always dull. As he became familiar, his answering speed would slowly increase. Only when facing strangers and unfamiliar people, he would be particularly slow. In Westinghouse In Heng's heart, there may be a small world of his own.

Jian Mei suggested: "I found out today that we actually have a small kitchen at the bottom of the building. To be honest, I'm tired of eating in the cafeteria. Tomorrow is the weekend. How about we go out and buy some ingredients today? I'll come back and make some good food for you."

Westinghouse Heng nodded slowly and said, "Okay."

Jian Mei took the child's hand and walked out.

Although I said it was going out, it was very late and it was not very good to travel far. In fact, there is a shopping plaza in the school which also sells some loose food. Jian Mei is planning to go there with the children. They are wearing SA school uniforms. , Every time it appears in a public area, it is as eye-catching as a walking light bulb.

There are quiet voices everywhere:

"It's from the SA class."

"Wow, why are they all out shopping today."

"I haven't seen that child, is it a new student?"

Jian Mei has slowly gotten used to it recently. After he took Nishio Hiro to pick some dishes in the supermarket, he unexpectedly met Sakura at the corner. Sakura's red hair was very eye-catching. She would stand in the corner and don't know what she was looking at.

Jian Mei took the initiative to say hello: "Ying..." The girl leaning against the corner became stiff, and when she looked back at Jian Mei, she quickly made a silent gesture: "Hush."

Jian Mei was very puzzled. Following her gaze, she saw that Nan Feng was standing by a tree not far away, surrounded by many girls. One of the girls gave a small gift, and Nan Feng accepted it. The uninhibited boy smiled very handsomely. He pulled out a leaf at random and grew a vine like magic, and the vine automatically twisted into the shape of love.

The girls screamed and cheered.

Then, Nanfeng gave the loving tree vines to the girl, and the girl's face instantly turned red, and the two people seemed to have a lot of pink bubbles inexplicably.


Jian Mei looked up again, and she saw Sakura in a daze next to her.

Sakura’s eyes were deeply saddened. Jian Mei could feel it. She was not very happy. Sakura was always carefree, like a tomboy, but she would show a fragile expression. It’s true. She looks like a girl.

Jian Mei whispered softly: "Sakura..."

Ying returned to her senses, as if she was about to cry, but still forcibly raised her spirits: "Let's go."

Jane hesitated: "Are you not buying anything?"

"Buy something?" Sakura seemed to be puzzled, and finally came to the shelf and took a few bottles of wine, and then said: "Go, go back!"


Jian Mei led Xiaoheng to follow behind.

On the way back, Sakura didn't say a word. When Jian Mei was in the kitchen making food and invited her to dinner, Sakura looked back at him and said: "Ambiguous, do you have someone you like?"

Jian Mei was taken aback for a moment: "Huh?"

"The one you like." Ying repeated again: "Do you have one?"

Jian Mei was asked.

He is a little confused, and he doesn't know what kind of talent is considered to be the person he likes.

Sakura saw that he was stupid and stupid, and explained to him: "The person you like is that you always think of him when you do things. If he ignores you, you will be sad. If he treats you well, you will be very happy. , I want to be with him all the time, and I want to share any happy things with him."

Jane said suspiciously: "But wouldn't you have this kind of sentiment for your very good friends?"

Sakura had no choice but to release her assassin: "But you want your friends to be happy, for example, would you want me to be happy? In the future, you will meet a good person who will marry, get married, and be blessed."

Jian Mei nodded seriously: "I hope."

"That's right!" Ying smiled: "Then you think about it, if there is such a person, once you think that he may be with others in the future, and live with others for a lifetime, he will not stay with you forever At that time, will you feel sad?"

Jian Mei thought about it seriously.

Xiaoban, Young Master, Ying, Nanfeng, Shen Huai, these faces appeared in turn, and finally fixed on a person's face, thinking that if he would have his own wife in the future, he might not be with him forever, Jian Mei An unwilling emotion actually appeared in his heart, and even a terrible emotion emerged from him, hoping that he would never get married and would only accompany his own thoughts forever.

Jian Mei was taken aback by herself.

Sakura smiled after seeing his reaction: "Really?"

Jian Mei is not sure yet, is this what she likes?

Ying sighed, feeling that she and Jian Mei might be both fateful, and she waved: "Anyway, tomorrow weekend, let's have a drink. We won't be drunk!"

Jian Mei said: "I don't know how to drink."

"It's okay, I can teach you." Ying said with a sad face: "You won't have the heart to leave me alone?"

Jane can't be ignorant of her.

Dinner was eaten in his room. There was a small balcony outside. It was there. Nishiwuheng was eating obediently. Jian Mei and Ying had a drink. During the meal, he had been listening to Ying scolding Nan Feng. The curse became more and more ugly, and she cried at the end of the curse.

"He's just rubbish." Ying held the wine glass and lowered her head and sniffed: "There is nothing good about **** like him. He has no eyesight at all. He can't see that people are just trying to use his power and identity. He really likes him and said that he doesn't like me. Who he thinks he is? His Royal Highness, dare to pick and choose."

Ying began to scold, "I didn't even ask for this, he dare to dislike me!"

Jian Mei comforted her and said, "Don't be too sad, maybe there will be better in the future."

Sakura drank another glass of wine, she put the glass on the table abruptly and wiped her face: "I am ignorant, you are right, I can't admit defeat, otherwise, do you think there is hope for me and the prince? ?"


Jian Mei was silent.

He didn't want Ying and the prince to have hope, because he was a selfish person.

But Sakura was so aggressive that it was not easy to refuse, so Jian Yi compromised and changed the subject: "I have almost eaten. I'll take a shower. You can eat slowly."

Sakura waved her hand: "Go, go."

Jian Mo smelled of alcohol all over, so he wanted to clean it, so he simply took off the ring and put it on the table, took a change of clothes and went in.

Just as he was taking a shower, Sakura, who was sitting on the balcony and drunk her sorrows, heard the annoying ticking sound from the information terminal on the table not far away. She endured it, and finally picked it up unbearably: "Hey. , Who are you?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone

quite a while

A low male voice came and asked Sakura: "What about others?"

"Who?" Ying was drunk. At the moment, she was full of men with no good things, so she was justified and patient, and because of her temper, she replied, "He went to take a bath."

Lu Xing had a sudden pause: "Have a bath?"

"Yeah," Ying was too lazy to explain to him, just wanting to continue drinking with Jian Mo for a while: "Okay, well, we still have business tonight, you can call it tomorrow if there is nothing serious about it!"