When Jian Mei saw the news, the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling enthusiastically, and he unconsciously watched the news in a daze.

Cheng Yu, who was next to him, saw that he was abnormal and asked, "Ambiguous? What's wrong?"


Jian Mei forced her attention back up, but Cheng Yu, who was next to him, had already seen his abnormality, and asked, "Is there any problem?"

Jian Mei shook her head slowly.

Even if four or five years have passed, he thought he was calm enough, at least a more mature person. What he didn't expect was that even if it was so, his heart would be difficult to calm down, even if it was just a little bit possible. It made him feel frightened and hard to calm down.

Cheng Yu's intuition was wrong, but he didn't force it.

Although Jian Mei didn't say anything, he could guess a little bit. This person must be related to the news.

When Cheng Yu sent Jian Mo home in the evening, Jian Mo got out of the car. He looked back at Cheng Yu and smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Yu."

For the first time, he called his very familiar name.

Cheng Yu's heart was a little bit sad. He didn't feel happy because of it. Instead, he had a hunch that Jane was going to say something next to him. It shouldn't be what she wanted to hear.


Jian Mei said, "I know that you are very good and outstanding. Many people like it. You can actually have more and better choices. I am very grateful for your care for me, including In junior high school."

He mentioned when he was in junior high school.

Cheng Yu recalled their years in junior high school, and mixed emotions emerged in his heart.

In many, many times, he would think, when did he like Jian Mei, and why he would be different to this child from others? Maybe it was a long, long time ago, when Jian Mei trusted him without reservation. , And maybe one day in the future, he discovered that in this world where everyone cares about gains and losses, Jian Mei may be the only one, perhaps the last one, who has treated him sincerely.

It's like a person in the dark, suddenly seeing the bright light will subconsciously want to get closer, and he will be no exception.

It's a pity it's too late...

Why is it that the time has passed, it seems that someone who can compete strongly with him has never appeared, but he has never won.

"Ambiguous..." Cheng Yu wanted to say something, but after seeing Jian's ambiguous gaze, he slowly realized that what he said was useless.

But he still didn't want to give up.

He just chuckled and said, "It's getting colder, go back to the room."

Jian Mei didn't know if he understood what he meant, but he returned to the house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his brother sitting on the sofa and staring at him.

Jian Wei had a sense of guilty conscience and asked: "Brother, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

"Where have you been?" Jian Changjia judged her younger brother: "Following a man for a drink in the middle of the night?"

Jane quibble: "It's just a gathering of friends and no alcohol."

"The kid I have met before, the second son of the Cheng family, he took his eldest brother off at a young age, what do you think it is a simple thing, you have a deep mind." Jian Changjia warned him: "Away from him. Do you hear me?"

Jian Mei said softly: "It's an old classmate, it's not the mess you think."

Jian Changjia acted as a hammer to him: "You still want to have something messy."

Jian Mei clutched his head: "I was wrong, I will come back so late without drinking from now on."

Jian Changjia let him go.

But the younger brother can't be managed as an older brother when he grows up, he can prevent Cheng Yu, Cai Zhenzhen, and even the doctors and nurses in the hospital who like to be simple and ambiguous.

From time to time, during the New Year’s and holidays, there are many more gifts and roses from other little girls. Nowadays, the girls in society are very active, especially Jian Mei, who is long and handsome, has a good family background, and is a piece of fat. generally.

But after a long time, Shen Meina was also a little worried: "You said, why don't we keep talking about the object of ignorance."

Jian's father also realized the seriousness of the problem and hesitated: "Could it be because I haven't met the right one yet."

"How is it suitable? There are so many little girls, and many people like him." Shen Meina said: "But you see, these are almost two years after graduating from university, and there is still no sound..."

Jian's father looked at his single happy son and sighed and said, "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Maybe they will meet the right one someday, and suddenly they will take them home."

Shen Meina did not believe: "Is it possible..."

Father Jian smiled: "Anything is possible."

Jian Mei is not too anxious about the family’s worries. Recently, he cherishes the opportunity to go out to study in the hospital. This time it is a physical examination activity in the poor mountainous area to help the elderly in the mountainous area have physical examinations and help the children with physical examinations. Inspection is a very meaningful activity.

When the weather went up the mountain, the sky was clear. Who knew that when it was halfway up the mountain, there was a heavy rainstorm. The lack of weather forecast made a group of people caught off guard, especially because the mountain roads here are very rugged. It was on the trail in the mountains. The sudden thunderstorm caught everyone off guard, especially since they had a colleague before. The younger girl left the team and went to the toilet, but she never came back.

The people in the same group are a little worried:

"Nothing will happen, right?"

"Why haven't you come back?"

"Do you want to find it?"

"But it rains so hard."

Jian Mei, who is next to him, has always had a good relationship with the little girl. The two of them entered the hospital together for internship. The girl was very courageous, probably because she was frightened by the rain.

Jian Mei said softly: "I'll go find her."

Everyone agrees, after all, no one wants to look for Jian Mo after all.

Jian Mo cleaned up and put on a plastic raincoat and went out. The toilet was not far away from them, but the little girl had never been found. Jian Mo was a little anxious, so he had to go farther and look for it. He walked on the stone road. After a while, it seemed to vaguely heard a faint shout. When he was in a hurry, the soles of his feet slipped and he fell.

The rain pounded on him, drenching him all over.

Jian Mei’s face was covered with water, and he couldn’t see how he could see the way. A little embarrassed when he tried to get up, he found that his ankle was sore. He guessed that he might have a foot when he fell. It was really a leak in the house. Every night it rains, everything is left to him.


There was a thunder and lightning in the sky, and the rain did not tend to decrease. On the contrary, it got bigger and bigger.

Jian Mei tried to stand up, but her feet hurt so badly that she couldn't get her strength at all. Jian Mei was angry and anxious. At this time, it was not working well. He could only try to get it from his pocket. I took out the phone, and the screen of the phone soon got wet, the touch screen was not very good, and it was unlocked for a long time and I didn't open it.

When he was in a hurry, suddenly, the rain that had surrounded him within three feet stopped.

It was still raining around, and only around him was as if everything in the space had been still, without any drop of water falling, even the sound was much quieter.

Jian Wei raised his head with some doubts, and there was a cloak that fell from the sky, it was warm, it seemed to carry body temperature, and it was his most familiar taste. It was the taste of his thoughts and thoughts. When he looked sideways, he saw it. A face that makes me think about it, I can only see it in my dreams at midnight.

Lu Xingwang stood in the rain, but not a single drop of rain fell on him. His supernatural power could manipulate the wind and rain, so he did not invade the wind or rain, the surrounding rain was still falling, only the place where they were standing was clean. of.

Jian Mei looked at him in a daze for a long time.

Lu Xing went up to him step by step, slowly but firmly, squatting down slowly in front of him, the man reached out his hand to wipe off the rain on Jian Mei's face, and whispered, "Why is it so embarrassing."

Jian Mei's breathing paused, he was a little unsure whether it was a dream of his own, but the pain in his ankle made him understand that it was not a dream.

"Does it hurt..." Lu Xing looked at his feet and frowned, "Why are you so careless..."

When the man raised his head and looked at Jian Mei, Jian Mei's eyes were red.

Then, Jian Mo threw into his arms, hugged him tightly, and whispered, "I'm not dreaming."

Lu Xingwang's body froze first, then he curled his lips and whispered, "No."

I haven't seen each other for many years. There are many things I want to talk about, many things I want to talk about, but I don't know how to speak. Jian Wei has too many questions to ask, but at the moment I just want to hold him.

The surrounding rain was still falling, and the two of them cuddled closely together.

At this moment, Jian Mei's cell phone rang to break the silence. He was taken aback, and quickly said: "It should be my colleague."

The phone was drenched in the rain, and the screen was not properly connected, but it automatically picked up.

Lu Xing was the closest to the phone. He picked it up and didn't know it was connected. He just handed it to Jian Mo and said, "Are your colleagues also nearby?"

Jian Mei quickly answered his question and said: "Yes, there is a little girl and a few others."

Jian Changjia on the other end of the phone originally thought that the weather forecast was not right, so he called his younger brother, but he heard the voice of a strange man, and suddenly became vigilant and said, "Hey, who are you?"

Lu Xing looked down at the phone and raised his eyebrows without speaking.

At different times and in different places, the same two people communicated again via mobile phones.

It seems that these two people have always had some special fate.

Jian Changjia said: "Why do you hold my brother's cell phone, I am his brother, who are you?"