Chapter 139: Eve of marriage

At dinner, Jian Mei was still hesitating and entangled whether Lu Xingwang would be interrogated by his parents, who knew that his parents had already been chatting with him hotly, and Shen Meina couldn't help giving Lu Xingwang food during dinner. The enthusiasm made Jian Mei almost think that he picked it from which pimple nest.

After eating, Lu Xingwang offered to offer: "I'll clean up."

Shen Meina quickly said: "No need, just let auntie clean it up. You and Sui Sui will go for a walk to digest or something."

Jian Mei said: "Walking at this late hour?"

Shen Meina glared at him.

Jian Mei coughed slightly: "I suddenly wanted to go out for a walk."

As they were talking, Jian Changjia just outside came back. He heard about the dangers of his parents during the day, and knew that the benefactor who saved them was at his home at the moment, so he was very polite and proactive when he came in and saw Lu Xingwang. Shaking hands and saying: "Hello, I'm Jian Changjia, I really thank you for things during the day."

Lu Xingwang whispered: "You're welcome, it's easy to do."

Shen Mina also smiled and said: "Xing Wang is really young and promising, and people are also humble. It is our blessing to meet him."

I don't know what's going on, Lu Xingwang seems to have always liked his elders.

Jian Mei guessed that this might have something to do with the environment in which he was born. His Royal Highness, the prince, had to deal with the adults in the palace since childhood. How should the emperor, empress, and noble concubine deal with these people? Men are all clear.

Jian Changjia looked at her younger brother hesitantly and said to Lu Xingwang, "Where are you going?"

"We are going to go for a walk." Jian Mei said with a smile.

Jian Changjia frowned and said, "What steps are you going to take so late?"

Shen Meina glared at her eldest son and said: "You didn't have a meal to take care of other people who are full, and you just go for a walk if you don't want to, you eat your meal!"

Jian Changjia was taken aback.

And here, Shen Meina had let her son and Lu Xingwang leave together.

After they left, Jian Changjia hesitated and said, "Dad, Mom, what's the matter with them and what's the situation?"

"What else?" Father Jian said with a sigh on the sofa: "I'm left in a big deal."

Jian Changjia:?

He was stunned for a long time before he realized what his father meant.

However, my elder brother couldn’t accept the news that his brother was abducted after being absent for only one day: "Parents, are you outrageous? Do you know who that man is? He doesn’t know what his family background is, how can you rest assured? Let ambiguity follow."

Shen Meina said: "We don't know, but we are not clear."

Father Jian was lying on the sofa while saying: "Don’t you understand the ambiguity of the character? He has been unsettled for the past few years. Although it seems normal, he actually doesn’t know where he is going. A few years ago, after he finally returned from the ghost gate of the hospital, his body was abnormal, and various deeds afterwards showed that there must be a lot of people and things that we don't know about."

Shen Meina also said: "Since he is waiting for this person, now it's time to wait again. If we are going to dismantle it, how many more years will he have to wait?"

"You don't know the temper of your brother." Father Jian picked up the fruit on the table and took a bite: "He hasn't been there in the past two days, but do you think your brother has thought about Fengyue again?"

Shen Meina also nodded: "As long as he has a good life now, your father and I won't ask for anything."

It is said that the parents know their children best. This sentence can be said to be true at all.

Jian ignorantly thinks that he is hiding it very tightly. In fact, everything he does is in the eyes of his parents. Even if the parents don’t know about Steinstar, they are the people who care about their children the most in the world, so why don’t they understand? Well, but they all know that some things shouldn't be pursued too much. If you really have to fight hard, it will not be good for anyone.


Jian Changjia saw that his parents had said so, of course, he couldn't argue with anything.

However, when he was washing his hands and preparing to eat, he was a little dazed to think of a question, that is...why did he think that the man's voice today is so familiar, as if they had spoken a long time ago or not long ago. !


Next day

Jian Mei finally resigned at the hospital and explained to his parents that he was going to travel abroad for some time to relax. He finally climbed the invisible warship Lu Xing stopped in the mountains and could return to Stein.

He thought that not many people would remember him after he had been away for the past few years, but things were just the opposite. It was completely out of his expectation. When he landed, Zuo Qingshan teased the following: "I won’t see him for a day. Like three autumns, we haven't seen the ambiguity for several years, it's like a few centuries."

A few years later, Zuo Qingshan looked more mature.

Jian Mei, the man standing behind him, didn't recognize it at first sight, but after a daze, she finally tentatively said, "Little class?"

The handsome boy with a military cap rushed over and gave him a huge hug: "Ambiguous!"

The two friends have reunited for so many years are a bit of excitement.

Jian Mei asked with concern: "How are you all these years?"

"I am fine, because during the period of the epidemic, I will atone for my merits. The Marshal did not sentence me to punishment, and he also allowed me to join the army so that I could become a member of the regular army." When the small class spoke, the corners of his eyes were smiling: "This year At the beginning of the year, I was promoted to the rank of major because of a combat meritorious service."

Jian Mei then noticed that the small class had a badge on the shoulder of his uniform.

Time has made this impulsive teenager become a lot more mature. His skin is healthy and wheatish, and his smile is purely confident. He is no longer the boy who couldn't lift his head before.

"Everyone treats me very well." Xiaoban chuckled lightly: "So does the marshal..."

Jian Mei saw the feeling in his eyebrows when he mentioned Zuo Qingshan, and when he looked sideways, he found that Zuo Qingshan's gaze had been on Xiaoban's body. He immediately understood it completely, and a kind of happiness for friends emerged spontaneously. : "That's good, that's good."

When the small class saw Jian Mei, he also understood that Jian Mei should have lived well in the past few years.

They recounted the past together and talked about the changes over the years. They mentioned that Ping Ping has now achieved academic success and entered the hospital to work, that Nan Feng and Ying were engaged last year, and that Yun Sung has now become a consul of a hospital. He no longer rejects studying medicine, but has become a very good doctor.

The years are rushing, and everyone is moving forward.

Jian Mei was very emotional after listening. When he just wanted to say that he wanted to find a chance to meet everyone, he heard Xiaoban say: "Everyone is here."

Jane was stunned for a moment.

"You and Your Majesty are going to get married." The small class smiled at Jian Wei and said, "So everyone has put down their work and come over."

Jian Mei looked at Lu Xingwang in shock.

He didn't expect a big wedding, but the man beside him said, "Did you forget that we are engaged."

Zuo Qingshan came over with a smirk and said: "In the past few years, I have been urged to death. The harem of the king of a country is empty and there is no one. Our country is peaceful and there is no war. Those ministers will urge marriage when they are idle every day. !"

Jian was puzzled and said: "Using marriage?"

"Hurry up your marriage with your majesty."

Jian Mei wanted to say that she was dead here, and how could she urge her to marry.

But when he returned to the palace with such doubts, he found that there were lights and festoons in the palace. This was indeed the preparatory ceremony for the wedding, and he also saw Aruo in the meeting hall.

Aruo smiled and said, "Immigration, you finally came back?"

Jane said hesitantly: "Do you know where I went?"

"Of course!" A Ruo replied, "You were not saved by the elder of the Witch Clan, and then you were severely injured and couldn't go out. After several years of training, have you been okay recently?"


What a perfect reason!

Aruo sighed and said, "Your Majesty has really been waiting for these years. We are all looking forward to your return."

Only then did Jian Mei slowly realize that during the years when he and Lu Xingwang would not necessarily meet, Lu Xingwang has always believed in their reunion, even if it may be far away, even if the journey That kind of remoteness has never been given up.

When the red uniform was sent over, he was even a little tranced.

The outside is very lively and crowded.

Someone came in from outside, it was Lu Xingwang. He stood at the door, looked at Jian Mo and said, "Did they scare you?"

Jian Mei shook his head. He picked up the red uniform and said softly, "I don't know if it will fit, but I think it will look more handsome."

Lu Xing walked up to him and gently pulled him into his arms.

Jian Mo buried his head in his arms, and the two embraced for a while. Lu Xingwang heard Jian Mo's inquiries softly, "How can you tell others that I am not dead? What if you can't find me."

Lu Xingwang whispered: "I will find you."

Jane smirked: "So confident."

"If you can't find it in a day, you can use it for a month. If you can't find it in a year, you can use it for three or five years..." Lu Xingzuo's voice came in a low voice, full of firmness and concealment in it, deep. Love: "I will always stick to it."

Jian Mei's heart began to beat, just as his feelings for Lu Xingwang had been enthusiastic.

Lu Xing's low and magnetic voice was in his ears: "Because I know you are waiting for me."


I will not give up either.