editor: Storm

Qiao Yichen threw his clothes over his shoulder and walked out. Lin Dongyang, who was blocking the door, consciously made way for him. As soon as Qiao Yichen passed him, he went into the bathroom. Lin Dongyang immediately understood that he was going to take a shower. 

He immediately grabbed the door that was about to close, pointed to Qiao Yichen’s bandaged left arm and asked, “Do you want to take a shower like this?”

Qiao Yichen still maintained his ‘closing the door’ posture and said, “Let go.”

Lin Dongyang: “You just put on the medicine, wait and wash it at night.”

Qiao Yichen: “Uncomfortable, unable to wait.” 

Looking at his insistent attitude, Lin Dongyang didn’t want to find trouble for himself, so he stopped blocking the door and let him go. “Well, I’m too lazy to worry about you.”

The door slammed shut, and Lin Dongyang held the clean clothes in his arms. He casually patted the dust off the sofa, his clothes were dirty anyway. With one leg on the edge of the sofa and one leg bent to support the ground, he fell onto the soft sofa with a ‘whoosh’ movement. It was a tiring and frightening day. Extremely mentally exhausted, he lay down on the soft sofa and soon became sleepy, until the sound of the bathroom door opening woke him up.

Lin Dongyang got up and saw that the bandage on Qiao Yichen’s left arm showed no sign of wetness. He raised his eyebrows in surprise but didn’t ask questions. Anyway, it was futile to ask the man with a stubborn temper, he wouldn’t listen, but Lin Dongyang really wanted to know: Did the bruise on your back hurt when the hot water touched it?

Looking at Lin Dongyang, who was a little sleepy, Qiao Yichen said, “Order takeaway.” After that, he took his mobile phone out to the balcony and began to make a phone call.

As soon as Lin Dongyang looked at the time he saw that it was already past 1pm in the afternoon. They had not stopped since 7am, running east to west. Their chests were already sticking to their backs. He wanted to order a hamburger, fried chicken, and so on, but it suddenly occurred to him that he didn’t know the delivery address here.

He looked at Qiao Yichen, who was on the phone behind the sound insulated glass, and planned to ask him after he finished selecting. Originally, through the glass, the sound of normal speech could only be vaguely heard, but at this moment, it suddenly poured into Lin Dongyang’s ears very clearly.

“This kind of terrible mess, I’ll trouble you to settle it next time! If anything happens to Weiwei, you won’t have time to regret it.”

“B*stard! Is that the way you talk to me?” Father Qiao’s angry voice came from the other end of the phone. 

Qiao Yichen’s bandaged hand was clenched into a fist forcefully, and the blue veins on the back of his hand were obviously protruding as if holding back a magma-like anger before a volcanic eruption.

“I don’t care. If the people don’t get dragged out, there will only be more □□ at the Qiao family and An family’s engagement banquet.”

As soon as father Qiao’s thunderous roar sounded, Qiao Yichen hung up the phone decisively. He turned and opened the sound insulated glass and walked in, then he saw Lin Dongyang sitting on the sofa looking at him questioningly.

Qiao Yichen calmed down his irritable mood, but his tone was still as cold as before, “What’s the matter?” 

On the verge of a person’s explosion, it’s best not to talk nonsense because you don’t know which sentence will tip the scales. Lin Dongyang shook his head blankly to withdraw his doubts and said, “Uh… nothing. I just wanted to ask you what you want to eat.”


“Lbk jybea qlhhj? Ktf ibmjalbc lr gfijalnfis mibrf.”

“Ccsatlcu klii vb.” 

“P vbc’a xcbk atf jvvgfrr tfgf.”

Coafg ajixlcu ab tlw, Hljb Tlmtfc kfca lcab atf yfvgbbw. Ktf akb-wfafg-klvf yfv kjr yjgf fzmfqa obg atf wjaagfrr atja kjr mbnfgfv klat j qegf ktlaf rtffa, ktlmt jirb rtbkfv atja cb bcf tjv rifqa lc atf yfv gfmfcais. Hljb Tlmtfc iloafv atf rtffa jcv abbx bea akb venfar ogbw atf kjgvgbyf.

Just after Lin Dongyang ordered a good meal, he heard Qiao Yichen’s shout from the bedroom, “Come here.”

“What?” He put down his mobile phone and went into the bedroom. He saw the duvet thrown on the bed. 

“Help me set it up.”

“As if you don’t have hands…” Lin Dongyang, who was called, instinctively wanted to complain that Qiao Yichen must not have any hands to ask him to spread the quilt, but he swallowed the rest of the words into his stomach before he finished speaking, and then made the bed sincerely, because the other party was indeed a ‘one-armed knight’ now!

Qiao Yichen leaned against the wardrobe and looked at the busy Lin Dongyang. Because of his hand injury, he confidently commanded, “Clean the living room later, there is dust.”

Lin Dongyang shook one of the duvets and aligned the four corners with the mattress, before spreading the other quilt in the same way. Only then did Lin Dongyang retort angrily. “It’s none of my business, it’s not my home. Plus I haven’t settled the account with you for today’s affairs yet. I have no grievances with them, but I was inexplicably treated as a hostage. How is this mental loss calculated?” 

“You don’t need to repay the debt.”

“Really??” Lin Dongyang’s eyes lit up. In an instant he was in high spirits, and the grievances from just now, disappeared.

Qiao Yichen hummed in agreement, which meant that he was serious.

“Then, the sentiment is really good, we are also brothers’ sharing trial and tribulation!” Despite the foreign debt of 130,000 yuan being a false display and Qiao Yichen also not really making him pay it back, he still felt somewhat uncomfortable to have it pressed on his head. 

“I’m sorry.”

Qiao Yichen, who was in an aggressive and domineering state just a moment ago, suddenly bowed his head and apologized. The totally different attitude made Lin Dongyang feel surreal and even awkward. He scratched his head and said with a smile, “… I’m not used to seeing you like this suddenly.”

Qiao Yichen: “It has nothing to do with you. The other one they were looking for is An Qi.”

Lin Dongyang: “I guessed it, but how did they know that you were in Athena? And were they not afraid to expose themselves when they committed a crime in the building’s parking lot? They were so courageous.” 

“Time was too urgent.” Qiao Yichen threw out an explanation that wasn’t an explanation. He didn’t say anything more, and Lin Dongyang didn’t have the nerve to keep asking questions even though he had a lot of them. Was it a public grudge or private resentment? Is the father-son relationship not good? What does it have to do with An Qi? But after some of these personal questions hovered in his mind for a long time they finally disappeared. In this way, both of them had their own thoughts.

Looking at the soft and comfortable big bed, Lin Dongyang pounced on it regardless of his face. He hummed comfortably, his hands lying on the soft duvet.

Qiao Yichen, who had apologized just now, turned his expression faster than turning the pages of a book, and said with disgust, “Get up.”

Lin Dongyang rubbed his face against the quilt. “I’m exhausted and want to sleep for a while. I’ll leave when I wake up.” 

Qiao Yichen: “Sleep on the sofa.”

“Wow, crazy ah!” Ling Dongyang protested.

Qiao Yichen said casually, “Could it be you want me to sleep on the sofa? Or do you want to share a bed with me?”

As soon as he heard this, Lin Dongyang immediately got up from the duvet, accepted his fate and said, “Then I’ll sleep on the sofa.” He didn’t want to sleep in the same bed with Qiao Yichen. If the other side kicked him in the middle of the night, who would he reason with? 

The doorbell suddenly rang and Lin Dongyang was a little nervous. After the matter at noon, he was a little scared. He confirmed from the door’s peephole that it was the delivery person before opening the door.

Looking at his cautious appearance, Qiao Yichen comforted, “Don’t be nervous, it won’t happen again.”

Lin Dongyang took the pizza from the delivery brother and locked the door again. “Where do you get your confidence? The other party wants to mess with you, shouldn’t you put in some effort?”

“Very amateur.” Qiao Yichen gave a very pertinent evaluation. 

“Then how did you get beaten black and blue?” Lin Dongyang rolled his eyes. He felt that Qiao Yichen was not only stubborn, but also arrogant. The bandages were tied and he still said the kidnappers were amateur.

Qiao Yichen: “You were holding me back.”

“Was I?”

“Were you not?” 

“I wasn’t ah. For the sake of my small life, I exerted out all of my milk energy,” Lin Dongyang felt that he had put in enough effort. If it weren’t for him running everywhere, how could they have delayed it for so long? Fortunately, both of them had passed the long-distance race before.

Qiao Yichen curled his lip and didn’t explain that fights had happened occasionally before. He had experienced it since elementary school. He would have been very lucky if he managed to grow up without gaining any fighting skills, but this time an outsider was involved because of him. He had to concentrate most of his energy on Lin Dongyang for fear that he would owe him again.

He didn’t like to owe others, and he didn’t like others to owe him. He made a clear distinction between things, and stayed alone for years.

Although the five people of Flower shirt’s group finally put down their malicious words and fled, their situation was no more optimistic. Especially for Flower shirt himself, whose foot suffered an internal injury right at the beginning. Apart from Flower shirt’s skill in bluffing, Qiao Yichen couldn’t see any usefulness. Maybe the people who hired them couldn’t find the kind of desperate kidnappers who were willing to be sworn enemies of the two business giants, Qiao and An. 

“Let’s eat, it’s getting cold.” Lin Dongyang opened the box, which contained a 12-inch pizza and two drinks. Both of them casually filled their stomachs. Lin Dongyang was so tired that he fell asleep on the sofa after filling his stomach, without changing his clothes.

As a result, he slept until 7pm in the evening. He opened his eyes and the room was completely dark. Through the window he realised that it was already dark outside. From the tall building, he could only see the blurred bright spots in the distance. He had planned to go back to school in the afternoon but accidentally slept for such a long time.

The room was very quiet. Lin Dongyang wondered if Qiao Yichen wasn’t at home. Taking advantage of the faint moonlight coming in through the glass window, he got up and fumbled his way to the bedroom and turned on the light switch by the door. Only then did he see Qiao Yichen still sleeping soundly wrapped up in a quilt, and he still didn’t wake up at this point.

“Get up!” Lin Dongyang yelled with a loud voice. 

Qiao Yichen was lying curled up in bed, his long legs were still hanging outside the bed. One corner of the quilt was wrapped tightly around his upper body, and his face was flushed.

Seeing that he didn’t wake up, Lin Dongyang stepped forward and reached out to shake him, only to be surprised by the hot body temperature when his hand touched the other party’s skin.

“Qiao Yichen? Qiao Yichen,” Lin Dongyang patted his hot and flushed face. His eyebrows weren’t relaxed even in his sleep and he looked a bit restless.

Qiao Yichen’s eyelashes twitched. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was blinded by the light above him, and pulled up the quilt to cover his head. He was in a daze for a while. He not only had a splitting headache but he was also weak. Lin Dongyang unhesitatingly pulled down the quilt, and put his hand on his forehead. The originally slightly cool palm touched the hot forehead and the result was immediately confirmed. “You have a fever, do you have any fever-reducing medicine here?” 

The hospital visit at noon was just to treat wounds and bruises, and the doctor only prescribed some new gauze bandages and anti-inflammatory medicine, not something like medicine to reduce fever.

Qiao Yichen felt the slight coolness on his forehead and nodded slightly. He said in a hoarse voice, “In the small side table’s drawer in the living room.”

Lin Dongyang turned on the light in the living room and opened the drawer of the side table, one of the few pieces of furniture. There were some commonly used medicines in it. He looked at the instructions one by one, then took out the fever-reducing medicine, put it on top of the side table, and ran to the kitchen. As a result, he was dumbfounded, there was almost nothing in the kitchen…

Lin Dongyang was in a state of confusion, why is it so clean? There was only a refrigerator, not even a pan. He had just praised Qiao Yichen for having some sense of self-awareness and knowing how to prepare common medicines, only to have his face slapped in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, there was still a kettle, so it wasn’t completely empty. Except for the stove and the upside down drinking glass, it was impossible to see that this place was actually a kitchen. 

Lin Dongyang rinsed the kettle and then used it to boil some water. He poured the boiled water out and boiled it again before carrying it to the bedroom.

“Get up and take your medicine. I told you not to wash and you wouldn’t listen. If you dare to not take your medicine, I’ll press you down and beat you now!” Lin Dongyang behaved as if he was an old auntie, doing hard work running back and forth.

In response, Qiao Yichen tightened the quilt around his body and looked impatiently at him with a red face. Even a feisty person was still weak when he was ill. At this time, Qiao Yichen had lost his strong momentum, living like a sickly little sheep, Lin Dongyang sighed to himself, “It’s a hard life.”

He felt that it wasn’t him who restrained Qiao Yichen, but it was Qiao Yichen who restrained him!