editor: Storm

Qiao Yichen’s line of sight fell to the collar of Lin Dongyang’s shirt, which had originally been so neat and tidy. He frowned and lowered his head down to the nape of his neck. After being wiped by Austin with a square handkerchief, a trace of his perfume had been left behind! 

Qiao Yichen’s sudden action startled Lin Dongyang. He quickly stepped back and looked around to see if anyone was watching them. Although the corner they were in was quiet, the hall was full of people ah.

“What are you doing?!”

Qiao Yichen’s face was like a black cloud pressing down on the top of a mountain and the rain was about to come, “Where else did he touch you?”

Lin Dongyang: “What’s wrong?” 

“You have a foul smell.” Qiao Yichen said very seriously. His fierce expression caused Lin Dongyang to almost really believe him. He lowered his head and carefully smelled his own body. Except for a faint fragrance, there was no foul smell like Qiao Yichen had said, so he replied with dissatisfaction. “Where’s the foul smell?!”

Qiao Yichen: “Stay away from him, that’s my advice.”

Seeing Qiao Yichen’s alert face reminded him. Lin Dongyang, who still didn’t know what Austin had said before, couldn’t help comparing them and said, “I think he’s quite good at talking, unlike you, who only knows how to be cold.”

The sound of music, conversation and the clinking of wine glasses reverberated in the hall, and no one really noticed this cold corner. It wasn’t good for Qiao Yichen to be out of character in such a public place lest it attract curious gazes, so he could only resist the urge to scold Lin Dongyang. Staring at Lin Dongyang who ‘was sold by others and still counting money for others’, he said, “Are you gay? Then, you don’t have to stay away from him, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

“He’s GAY!” Lin Dongyang was a little surprised. Austin had shown no abnormal behaviour at all.

Qiao Yichen was a bit annoyed. He took off his suit jacket and held it in his arms, walking towards the corner again, and signaled Lin Dongyang to stand closer, with an attitude of telling a little secret.

“His romantic history can be written into hundreds of books,” Lin Dongyang didn’t know what kind of person Austin was, but Qiao Yichen made it very clear. He told Lin Dongyang about Austin’s romantic history, adding oil and vinegar, what the media reported, and about when he used to know Austin privately before. There were no less than hundreds of models and stars. He also emphasized one key point: Austin could be with men and women!

After listening to the facts, Lin Dongyang opened his mouth in surprised and asked uncertainly, “Am I being targeted by a gay guy?” 

When Qiao Yichen saw him finally give some reaction, and knew that he had not spoken so much in vain, his irritated heart calmed down a bit and he emphasized one more time, “If Weiwei hadn’t invited you, you think I’d be happy to take care of your shit? Stay away from him.”

Lin Dongyang nodded knowingly. Although he agreed on the surface, his mouth suddenly turned, “Actually, I don’t hate gay people. Sincere feelings shouldn’t be criticized with tinted glass.”

Qiao Yichen’s eyelids twitched fiercely, somewhat hating iron for not becoming steel. “I’ll repeat once more, he can be with men and women. He is unfaithful! With no sincere feelings!”

Seeing that he was angry, Lin Dongyang immediately thought of the gossip he had just rambled about Austin’s romantic history, and couldn’t help but start to reveal his shortcomings, “Qiao Yichen, you are unexpectedly gossiping behind someone’s back!” 

Perhaps this sentence was said a little too loudly, which attracted the gazes of several people not far from the corner. Qiao Yichen’s face darkened. In a hurry, he stretched out his hand to cover Lin Dongyang’s mouth and glared at him to warn him, “Keep your voice down!”

The party was full of dignified people. If anyone heard him gossiping about others, it might cause someone to say that the eldest son of the Qiao family gossips about people behind their backs and had lost his manners.

Lin Dongyang whimpered twice, and then took away Qiao Yichen’s hand from his mouth. “What are you nervous about? Everyone else dares to gossip, but you don’t even dare to mention the word.”

Qiao Yichen: “It’s not the same.” 

“It’s no different.”

While they were still arguing about the difference, the party officially began. On the platform in the hall, a middle-aged and experienced hostess took the microphone and guided everyone to the well-arranged beach.

In the distance, there was a blue horizon. Nearby there was a visual collision of pure white and bright red. The guests’ seats were wrapped in a holy white gauze, and at the end was a floral platform surrounded by flowers. Lilies and roses blooming radiantly in unison.

After the guests were seated, Qiao Yongfeng, the chairman of Qiao’s company, took the microphone and thanked all the guests for coming. His face, engraved with traces of time, was full of smiles, and even his harsh eyebrows had softened. 

“Thank you for coming to my daughter Weiwei’s birthday party. Today is Weiwei’s 18th coming-of-age ceremony.”

There was a burst of warm applause, which was so fierce that it covered up the sound of the waves in the ocean. After the applause subsided, Qiao Yongfeng then announced the ultimate purpose of the party. “In fact, today is also the engagement party of Weiwei and my best friend’s son. It coincidentally happens to be on the same day. I am fortunate to have it be witnessed by everyone!”

Cr atf mtjlgwjc bo atf mbwqjcs’r ybjgv bo vlgfmabgr, Hljb Tbcuofcu kjr nfgs rtjgq yea jirb gfijzfv. Ktf NPUr qgfrfca kfgf jii yerlcfrr qjgacfgr. Cr atf tbra, tf wjvf j wbvfra jcv mbegafber bqfclcu rajafwfca.

Ktfgf kjr jcbatfg gbecv bo jqqijerf, jcv rbwf qfbqif yfujc ab ktlrqfg. Zjsyf lc atf yfulcclcu atfs vlvc’a gfjilhf tbk atf ylgatvjs qjgas tjv yfmbwf jc fcujufwfca qjgas, tbkfnfg, ulnfc atf gfijalbcrtlq yfakffc atf Hljb ojwlis jcv atf Cc ojwlis, lc atf fsfr bo bearlvfgr, atlr mbwylcjalbc kjr cba regqglrlcu. Po la kjrc’a abvjs atfc la kbeiv yf abwbggbk. Vb joafg rbwf ktlrqfglcu, atfs jii ecvfgrabbv. Dfrlvfr, kfgfc’a atf Cc’r pera kjamtlcu ogbw atf rlvfilcfr? Zjsyf ybat ojwlilfr tjv jigfjvs vlrmerrfv la, yea atfs pera vlvc’a xcbk. 

Qiao Yongfeng was a decisive person, who didn’t wade in mud and water. He cut straight to the topic when handling things. After making his opening statement, he asked the MC, who had been standing by the stage, to take charge.

The middle-aged MC understood and followed the procedure step by step, saying “The two people may enter.”

Qiao Weiwei was like a fairy who had fallen to Earth. Her long light blue dress was smart and elegant and contrasted against An Qi’s dark blue clothes, one light and one dark. Qiao Weiwei displayed her most beautiful smile and walked hand in hand with An Qi to the floral platform.

Receiving everyone’s attention, An Qi put away his previous childishness. He gazed at Qiao Weiwei with eyes full of tenderness. Under the gaze of all the witnesses, his voice was solemn. “It’s not too late for you to regret now, I will respect all of your decisions.” 

Qiao Weiwei’s cheeks were flushed, and her pretty face drooped, but her hands that held the other quietly increased their strength. Her voice was like a mosquito as she said angrily, “I’m not, hurry up and put the ring on me.”

MC: “Please exchange engagement rings.”

An Qi smiled and couldn’t help kissing Qiao Weiwei on the forehead.

This scene was greeted with another round of applause. Lin Dongyang’s hands were almost numb. The happiness on the stage made him, who had never wanted to have a girlfriend, suddenly have the motivation to find a partner. As expected, it was really touching! 

He turned his head and looked at Qiao Yichen beside him. His slightly frowning eyebrows showed that he was worried at the moment. Lin Dongyang understood, after all, he loved his sister. The scene in front of him was like a father marrying off his daughter, digging his heart out.

Lin Dongyang: “What’s wrong, not happy?”

Qiao Yichen stared at the floral platform in a daze. “No.”

Lin Dongyang put his hand on his shoulder, patted him comfortingly and said, “I know you love your sister, but can’t you tell that An Qi is a good person? What are you worried about? If he doesn’t love your sister, you can just reach out and beat him.” 

Qiao Yichen looked at Lin Dongyang’s hand on his shoulder. Hearing these comforting words, he smiled with relief. No one had ever tried to comfort him like this, not even his parents.

At the end of the party, the MC invited the guests to sit and dine. After Qiao Yichen arranged Lin Dongyang’s seat, he disappeared.

Lin Dongyang fiddled with his knife and fork in boredom, summing up the 800 words of the engagement party experience in his mind! He was deeply aware of whether he should find a girlfriend. Suddenly, there was a gentle tap on his back. He turned around and saw An Qi standing behind him with a smile.

An Qi: “Senior, I’m sorry I haven’t entertained you well.” 

Lin Dongyang: “No, I’m fine. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. Here’s what I got for you, grab more of it, hehe.” An Qi handed over a small, delicately wrapped bag and Lin Dongyang took it. There were candies lying inside.

“Wedding candy ah.”

An Qi nodded then said slightly apologetically, “Yichen will be right over. Senior, you wait here for a bit longer. Then, I’ll leave first, I have to entertain the other guests.” 

“Okay, go ahead.”

“In fact, Yichen doesn’t have many friends besides me. He’s not bad, but he’s too defensive. I hope you guys can become good friends, because I also want to be good friends with senior,” An Qi said this and left, leaving Lin Dongyang alone to lament: An Qi is a true friend. Qiao Yichen is so bad-tempered but An Qi actually still helps him by saying good things about him. Look at the silly guys in his own dormitory, they only know how to pit people, breaking up friendships!

The dining table was about five meters long. People sat opposite each other, with a row of vase arrangements neatly arranged in the middle. Lin Dongyang sat at the very back, next to him was an empty seat with Qiao Yichen’s dark gray suit jacket on the seat.

“I can’t believe it’s still taking up a seat!” Lin Dongyang pouted. 

A waiter brought in today’s birthday cake and wine in an orderly fashion, so orderly that even the serving of food became an art of movement that was pleasing to the eye.

Lin Dongyang poked at his slice of cake and took a bite to pad his stomach first, thinking: exquisite is exquisite, but it’s too slow, he’s a bit hungry.

It was a good opportunity to start a conversation at the table. Austin carried his wine and chatted with the people around him. He was eloquent and blended into the social circle with insight and received many compliments after just a short conversation.

As he was enjoying the conversation, he inadvertently caught sight of Lin Dongang, who was eating cake alone. His smile gradually deepened and he said to the people around him, “Excuse me,” Then he left the table and walked straight to the empty seat next to Lin Dongyang. 

“Do you like sweets?” Austin sat down naturally in the empty seat beside Lin Dongynag, sitting directly on Qiao Yichen’s suit jacket, as if he didn’t feel it.

Hearing the sudden question, Lin Dongyang’s mouth hadn’t had time to swallow the cake. “It’s okay. I feel better when I eat sweet food.”

The point is that there’s nothing else to eat right now, so what’s the point of not eating cake. That’s what was in his mind.

“Indeed, eating dessert really makes you feel better.” Austin’s blue-green eyes began to darken, seeing Lin Dongyang as a little sweetheart. 

Austin, who indulged in the night life, had seen many handsome men and beautiful women. The reason why he had set his eyes on Lin Dongyang wasn’t because he could eat men or women, but because of his unique and clean taste, sunny and full of vitality. In other words: he is tired of eating heavy meat and wants to have something light, and Lin Dongyang is the dish that he is about to use to placate his appetite.

Seeing the cream on the corner of Lin Dongyang’s mouth, he moved skillfully to raise his hand, wanting to wipe it away for him.

Austin was also the son of a wealthy businessman. He was young but his achievements weren’t small. He was worth more than ten billion. In the past, he used to be extremely open to both boyfriends and girlfriends. In terms of physical contact, how could he be afraid to move his hands and feet? But now that he had met Lin Dongyang, he always felt that his unconscious loose action would scare this innocent little white rabbit. So, he put down his raised hand, intending to circle step by step. He smiled and reminded him, “You have cake at the corner of your mouth.”

He was thrilled to enjoy the satisfaction of this pursuit. 

Being told this, Lin Dongyang naturally stretched out his tongue to lightly lick the cake left at the corner of his mouth.

It was indeed a very natural action, but in Austin’s eyes, who could be with men and women, it was a naked temptation. He casually asked, “What is your relationship with Qiao Yichen?”

Lin Dongyang didn’t think much about it. “We study at the same school.”

Austin made an expression of sudden realisation. “So you’re still a student, no wonder you’re so young.” Although he was only 28 years old, he had been rolling and crawling in the market like a battlefield for many years, and was mentally a few decades older than Lin Dongyang, who was 23 years old. 

Lin Dongyang gently smiled and didn’t answer. Qiao Yichen’s repeated reminder was still ringing in his ears. He couldn’t figure out what Austin really wanted to do. But Austin gave him the impression that in addition to being able to speak and chat eloquently, he also had a sense of slick and sly worldliness.

The final conclusion: he was no more than playing.

Seeing that he didn’t answer, Austin continued to find a topic. “I know there’s…”

Before he finished, he was interrupted by a cold voice. Qiao Yichen, who had disappeared for a long time, held the back of his seat and reminded him. “Mr. Austin, it seems that your seat is not here.” 

Austin turned around and saw Qiao Yichen. He smiled without saying anything. He politely got up and walked to the opposite side across from Lin Dongyang, knocked his fingers against the table and said, “Hello, I would like to exchange places with you, is that okay?”

The man sitting opposite Lin Dongyang was young, but didn’t have a particularly strong presence in a party where a number of tycoons had gathered. He looked gentle with glasses. Hearing Austin say this, he was stunned for a moment and immediately nodded politely in agreement. He got up and straightened his suit, then reached out to invite him to take his seat.

Austin expressed his gratitude, pointed out his seat for the man and said, “First seat over there, thank you.”

After sitting down, Austin moved the obstructive flowers placed in front of him on the table. The waiter finally brought out the steak slowly. Lin Dongyang wasn’t used to using a knife and fork, so his movements were inevitably a bit stiff. Austin elegantly cut a small piece of steak, and then stretched out his hand to put it on Lin Dongyang’s plate. 

Qiao Yichen reached out halfway to intercept him. “We won’t bother Mr. Austin.”

Qiao Yichen carefully cut his own portion into small pieces, put down his knife and fork, and swapped the one he had just cut up with Lin Dongyang’s already touched one. He bent his lips and looked provocatively at Austin, the implication was very clear.

Without showing a hint of irritation, Austin wondered, “After not seeing you for a year, I’m surprised that Young Master Qiao can take care of people.”

Qiao Yichen also retaliated against the other party with equal harshness. “I haven’t seen you for a year and you’re still unchanged. You still like to pick the flowers and trample the grass.” 

Austin: “I think Young Master Qiao is overly concerned. I just feel like I’m having a good time with Dongyang and want to make friends. After all, I don’t have many friends in China. I’m very lonely.” He took the wine glass from his side and made a vain toast to the two across the table, then drained it in one go.

In response to the dark tide between the two, Lin Dongyang thought: Why do I need to care, I won’t see him after this party anyway.

The best rejection was to ignore it.

That being said, Lin Dongyang swore they’d never cross paths again after the party, but he didn’t expect that at noon on Tuesday, he would come to find out that this method wouldn’t work! 

The sky-breaking red sports car, parked on the road in front of the dormitory building, stirred up a lot of discussion and was secretly photographed by the passing students. Austin wore sunglasses and his light blond hair fell back wantonly as he enjoyed the surging attention around him.

Lin Dongyang was walking with his textbook in his hand. He walked with his roommates and they competed to see who could spin the textbook for the longest time. His attention was focused entirely on his hands, ignoring the eye-catching sports car completely!

Austin watched as Lin Dongyang walked right past him without the reaction he expected. Austin pulled down his sunglasses and repeatedly confirmed that the cheerful young man who was spinning his book was the one he was looking for before he spoke up and shouted, “Hello, baby look over here.”

The sound caught everyone’s attention. Lin Dongyang followed the sound of the voice and saw Austin wearing sunglasses inside the sports car. 

Austin pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head and whistled to Lin Dongyang, “Good to see you again.”

Lin Dongyang was stunned for a moment, the textbook that he was spinning fell to the ground with a ‘thud’. He frowned and silently asked Austin with his expression: Why are you here?

Austin: “Of course, I’m looking for you.”

Lin Dongyang: “…” With regards to Austin’s way of appearing, Lin Dongyang sincerely felt that Qiao Yichen was still low-key. 

When the roommates saw that a foreigner had driven a sports car to the school to look for Yang-zi, they immediately pictured in their imagination the origin of this coincidental encounter. Fatty Han picked up the textbook on the ground and held it in his arms. He couldn’t help asking, “F*ck, Yang-zi, you actually know a foreigner?! It’s remarkable.”

Lin Dongyang: “I met him yesterday. You guys bring me back lunch. I’ll go ask him.”

Li Wei: “No problem! Is there any language barrier? Do you want Wenbo to go with you as an interpreter”

Zhu Wenbo pushed his thick black-rimmed glasses up and accepted the difficult task with a solemn expression. “I think I should be able to understand,” then he added with uncertainty, “Seventy percent.” 

Lin Dongyang: “Worry about your JB. Go and buy some food.”

Roommates: “Okay.”

As the roommates gradually walked away, Lin Dongyang approached Austin, who thoughtfully helped him open the door of the passenger seat, “Please.”

Lin Dongyang didn’t get in the car. He just stood and asked, “How did you know I was here?” 

Austin: “You told me yourself yesterday. I didn’t receive your call at night, and I was a little worried.”

Lin Dongyang suddenly understood. He did talk about this matter of him and Qiao Yichen going to the same school yesterday, not realizing that Austin would find such value in their normal chat.

Austin: “I won’t stay in China for long this time. I’m leaving the day after tomorrow, and before I leave I want to introduce myself to you again to build a deeper friendship.”

Lin Dongyang reached out to press the raised scissors door, then put his arm on it. He bent down to look at Austin. “Don’t be ridiculous. Let’s be clear. Do you want to get off with me?” 

Austin: “Nonono, I just have a favourable impression of you. There’s a little bit of admiration in it.”

Lin Dongyang reached out and pushed the sunglasses that Austin had placed on top of his head back to the bridge of his tall nose, blocking his teasing gaze. Lin Dongyang responded with a detached smile. “Your admiration is better left to your inexplicable lovers.”

As if he wouldn’t get angry under any circumstances, Austin grabbed Lin Dongyang’s hand that had moved his sunglasses and placed a hard black card in his palm, and said in a victorious tone. “Next time I come to China, I look forward to meeting you. Here is my business card. If you lose it again, be careful of this gege looking for you in the middle of the night.”

*the older, the wiser 

Lin Dongyang thought he had made a good counterattack, but he didn’t realize that ‘ginger gets spicier as its get older’*. Austin wasn’t only older than him, but had also been in business for a long time. In front of him, Lin Dongyang was just like a chick whose wings could not fly. His knowledge wasn’t at the same level at all.

The sports car drove away in a rush, not forgetting to demonstrate such bad behaviour as roaring up the street when he left. The corners of Lin Dongyang’s mouth twitched and he threw the business card into the trash in a blink of an eye. He confirmed his motivation, “Laozi never dreamed that a man would take a fancy to myself! It won’t do! I have to hurry up and find a girlfriend!”