Chapter 194

Close to the east gate of the mausoleum, Liu Yun, wearing a mask and a ghost robe, walks carefully in the crowd. Her eyes are quietly looking at the people around her.

Sure enough, there are several players with Tiangong City token at the east gate.

They stand in a remote place, or they stand together to talk, but those people's eyes are always carefully looking at the people who come and go, but those who wear cloaks are carefully looked at. When you see Liu Yun with a mask, you ignore it directly.

Liu Yun glanced at those people and quickly left the city.

At this moment, on the way to luanjiegang in the eastern suburb of Lingcheng, there are still a lot of players upgrading to fight monsters. Now the public level of players has entered the second level, and it is gradually becoming hot here.

However, it is worth noting that many players' tokens are from Tiangong city.

Liu Yun walked quickly, holding kuyun in one hand, keeping alert of the surroundings, and covering the "cloud movement" influence card in his waist with the other hand.

When they saw a man wearing a wooden mask coming here, they all looked at it curiously and looked at it carefully. When they saw the person who was not the one they should pay attention to, they did not see much.

The distance from the random burial mound is getting closer and closer. There are more and more wandering spirits and wild ghosts around. Some players in Tiangong city are also reflected in Liu Yun's eyes.

They gathered together in twos and threes, running around, not playing strange, more like searching for something.

"Hey, be careful, don't lead the strange!"

A voice came from the group that was coming up ahead.

"So many of us are afraid of these ghosts?"

"If ghosts are not afraid, they are afraid of people!"

The man said with awe.

"Afraid of people? Who are you afraid of? "

"Nature is a cloud moving man! The two members of Yundong are hiding now. We have packed this disorderly burial post. They will send a message for help! "

"Why don't they have to go back to the city roll?"

"Back to the city roll?" The man said with a deep smile: "there is a magic weapon in our forces, which can make a region unable to transmit in advance. Even if the two people have returned to the city roll, they can't go back!"

"Ha ha, what a foresight

Several people walked and chatted, laughing from time to time.

Just at this time, Liu Yun, who came face to face, immediately stopped their discussion.

The members of Tiangong city all looked stiff, and their eyes fell on Liu Yun's body.

After all, wearing a wooden mask is very different Usually, those who cover their faces are those who are in the wind. What kind of masks do people in heaven and earth wear?

When people look at his waist, they can see that the power token on his waist seems to be inadvertently covered by his left hand, and there is no sign of which faction it is This is a real weirdo Most of the tokens on your waist can't be collected. This is the representative of identity. If you take it away, it means taking off the identity.

Liu Yun looked at them, speechless, and stepped up.


Just as he passed by, one of them suddenly frowned and called out.

Liu Yun heard that, but he didn't stop and went on.

"Well, our captain told you to stop! Didn't you hear me? "

A huge, as strong as a bear, undead put his hand on Liu Yun's shoulder and roared.

Liu Yun stopped at once.

"My friend, we are in Tiangong city. You can't go in. Leave quickly."

The man said.

Liu Yun still did not speak, even He didn't even turn his head.

A few people look at the dark doubt, but also alert.

Although, this man is not wearing a cloak "Friend, do you hide information? We want to check your name, please show your name! And your token Don't worry, we won't do anything to you! "

The man secretly toward the people next to make a wink, several people immediately surrounded, will Liu Yun surrounded.

"You want to see my power token?"

Liu Yun suddenly turned around and looked at the man with a smile.

"We have no malice!" The man shook his head.

"I have!"

Liu Yun said with a smile. Suddenly, there was a trace of killing in his eyes. The withered cloud in his hand suddenly rose and stabbed into the man's chest with the power of lightning.

"- 198%, critical strike!"

A startling injury floated from the man's head.

The man was no more than a fairy. After eating this sword, his vitality became empty in an instant. He looked at Liu Yun with wide eyes, and his body slowly softened.

Ding! System: you deliberately kill the player "Tianma" and get 100 sin points.

Ding! System: due to the effect of "unknown wrist guard", the player cannot know your identity.

The voice falls, Liu Yun suddenly pulls out the withered cloud from the man's chest, turns and cuts to others."My period!"

"He's seconds, Captain!"

The people around him were immediately flustered, staring at the scene one by one. The quick action had been reflected, and they attacked Liu Yun one after another.

This person's life force can be as much as 150% of his life force!

"Is his vitality more than 500%

One of them took a sharp puff of air.

"No No way

The others trembled.


The sound of Fu ghost frightening God roared all over the mound. Then, several people crouched down in unison and entered into a state of panic.

Aiming at the crispy skin of several people, the withered cloud is destroyed again, and the long sword flashes like a startled goose and breaks through the air.

"- 178%, critical."

"- 218%, crazy sword."

"- 181%, sword shadow, erosion."

Amazing damage output and suffix trigger make almost 200% damage of each sword! Except for immortality and heaven and earth, all other professions only need one knife!

After the panic was relieved, three more people died here, leaving only the one with one-third of life force left. He was as strong as an ox.

The man under the mask suddenly gave a sneer, and the hand that covered the token had been put down.

"Cloud moving You You are indeed a member of Yundong power! "

The big man didn't die, his eyes widened and he was afraid. He was not sure it was a cloud. After all, the cloud was characterized by a black cloak, but the man was wearing a mask.

But Why are all cloud moving people so strong? Liuyun has been able to compete with the holy beast. Can you run out of heaven and earth wearing a garbage mask with one sword per second?

The big guy feels his mind is completely pinned.

Liu Yun is not soft, a sword straight stab, will wear a cool heart.

Undead's big eyes shrunk, his body pulled out, and then fell dead.

Liu Yun put away his bloody sword, glanced at the huge red name on his head, took off the wooden mask, put on his vision cloak, and rushed forward quickly.

It's getting closer and closer to where the coordinates are.

Careful to avoid searching for easy water cold Tiangong City players, Liu Yun checked the current position.

"It's on the other side of the hill ahead!"

Liu Yun ran over quickly.

However, just on the hillside, a look! But see below head everywhere is the player of heavenly palace city!

There are dozens of players in Tiangong city. They are looking for them one by one.

There are many pits here. Some of them have space holes, but they have been taken away by players. The pit is a dead end and can only be used as a special terrain.

Liu Yun glanced at the pit and put his eyes on the last one There, is the hiding place of the dragon and Yi shuihan!

"I'm here!"

Liu Yunchao sent a message to the dragon.

"Boss, listen to the voice. I feel that many people have come to Tiangong city this time. You should leave first! I'll try to run again

Cut the Dragon back.

"I'm all here, but you want me to go?"

"Er I feel that they're targeting US this time. As our boss, you can't die... "

"I'm not going to die!"


"They're going to find you. They're going to do it!" Liu Yun looks at the road ahead.

How many of them are there

"Roughly, there are seventy-eight or eighty people."

"This Are you kidding, boss

"It's just conservative. There are many other places. I'm afraid that there will be nearly 200 people in Tiangong city to make us move cloud!"

"But the river crab is dead. There are only three of us Three people to 200... "

Chopping the dragon is not confident.

"Do you want to surrender?"

"How could it be?"

"Well, we can't run and we don't want to surrender. What's left but kill?"

The dragon was silent for a moment.

The two men were attacked secretly. Although they escaped temporarily, they were still in a state of battle and could not be offline. What they can do now is have no other way but to fight.

"Fight, young master! To die, at least you have to pull on a few cushions

At this time, Yi shuihan suddenly sent a message to Liu Yun.

Chopping the dragon can't help it any more. He even said, "that's good! Just die once! I've never been afraid of anything. "

"Good!" Liu Yun nodded, staring at the distant Tiangong City players.

At this time, they gathered about a dozen people and headed for the last pit.

"Kill in 7 seconds! I'll pick you up from outside! Remember, we all have to live! "

When the news was sent out, Liu Yun clenched his teeth in secret, and immediately ran forward for a distance. When he got down the crack, he entered the casting range. Then he immediately closed his eyes and recited the formula, and his hands kept turning!Whoosh, whoosh All of a sudden, the whirlwind began to rotate around the palm of the cloud, and the speed of rotation was faster and more frequent The energy contained in his palms seemed to be irresistible. Liu Yun looked at the front, and his pupils flashed a Tai Chi pattern. He immediately aimed at the crowd at the last hole in the earth and waved it hard.


Langlang giant sky above, suddenly hit a huge incomparable palm.


Those players who are ready to enter the pit are all bombarded by the huge palm, and a huge palm print appears on the ground instantly, and the players' heads are also flying with damage.



"- 258%, critical strike!"

The damage of Tianzun Wuji palm is 30% higher than that of ordinary attack. For the magic damage, Liu Yun's output is extremely high. If this palm goes down, almost half of the players will be killed, and the crispy skin of critical attack will be killed directly!

Ding! System: you kill the player's "in a hurry", the sin value increases by 100 and a fairy dies.

Did you just kill one?

Liu Yun raised his eyes and looked, but there are still two Lingfeng, only 10% less than the vitality.

If another one dies! Liu Yun can also blow a hand, send off these people!

However, even if it is a palm, the damage is also terrible enough.

People in Tiangong city are completely flustered.

Inexplicably, all of them were beaten into residual blood, and all people's brains were ignorant.

Tianzun Wuji palm belongs to the three-layer human level magic. At this stage, Liu Yun is the only one who can achieve this cultivation and learn. These people do not know.

"What's the matter? Who made that blow? "

"I didn't get a prompt from the system But But the monsters around don't have this skill? "

The crowd was completely flustered. They took out the liquid medicine and began to sit down and replenish.

At this time, the two players who were killed suddenly came out of the pit , the fastest update of the webnovel!