Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Soloing Monsters, Plundering Attributes

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Soloing Monsters, Plundering Attributes

John said, "Hello, I don't need any potions. Do you need any help with anything?"

"Not buying anything?"

Enzo's smile faded, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "I do have some trouble, but you're too weak to help me."

"I can try."

John knew that the alchemist had a quest that required players to be Level 3 to accept.

However, if you persist, the alchemist will still give it to you.

"Alright." Enzo thought for a moment and then nodded. "These past few nights, the Tusked Wild Boars in the forest have been sneaking out to destroy my herb field. If you can kill the Tusked Wild Boars and bring back their tusks, I will exchange each set of tusks for a low-level magic or health recovery potion."

[Ding! You have triggered the E-level novice village quest: The Alchemist's Request. Kill Tusked Wild Boars and bring back their tusks to exchange for low-level health or magic recovery potions. Do you accept?]


John accepted the quest without hesitation.

Leaving the novice village, John headed straight to the Demonize Hare territory.

The Tusked Wild Boars were Level 3 monsters, and John was only Level 1, far from being their match.

He needed to level up to Level 3 first, then head into the forest to hunt the Tusked Wild Boars.

n the Demonize Hare territory, there were many players, most of whom were in teams of three to five, barely able to kill a single Demonize Hare.

Demonize Hares had 40 health points, 7 agility points, and their strongest attribute was their physical attack, which reached 8 points. When using the skill "Strike," their damage reached 12 points.

Novice players would be doomed if a Demonize Hare got close to them.

John's base magic attack reached 9 points, and his Level 1 Fireball spell could deal 13 points of damage (base magic attack + spirit attribute * 50%).

As long as he kept his distance, John could kill a Demonize Hare with four Fireball spells. John distanced himself from the grouped players and soon found a lone Demonize Hare.

Keeping at maximum distance, John waved his staff, and a Fireball shot out, hitting the Demonize Hare precisely.


The Demonize Hare's fur was scorched by the flames. It looked up with blood-red eyes, locking onto John, and charged rapidly.

John quickly retreated, waiting for the Fireball spell to cool down.

The Demonize Hare's speed far surpassed John's, and the distance between them closed rapidly.


The Demonize Hare leapt and used its skill, Strike.

John's eyes were sharp, closely watching the Demonize Hare's movements.


With the Fireball spell cooled down, John waved his staff, and a Fireball shot out, hitting the Demonize Hare precisely.



The flames surged, and the Demonize Hare staggered and fell to the ground, its expression dazed.


The Demonize Hare's "Strike" skill was forcibly interrupted by John's Fireball spell.

This level of combat technique was something John had learned through countless life-and- death battles.

Clearly, this was beyond the Demonize Hare's comprehension.

John quickly retreated, widening the distance between them.

The Demonize Hare, recovering from its surprise, bared its sharp fangs and charged at John again.



As soon as the three-second cooldown ended, John fired another Fireball spell, taking the opportunity to pull back further.

John's expert kiting ensured that the Demonize Hare could never get close; each time it did, John's Fireball spell would precisely interrupt its attack.

With the fourth Fireball spell, John successfully killed the Demonize Hare, remaining unscathed.

[Killed Level 1 Demonize Hare, gained 10 experience points]

No items dropped.

A player needed 100 experience points to level up from Level 1, so killing 10 Demonize Hares

would suffice.

"Carry on!"

John targeted another Demonize Hare and repeated the process.

A damage number floated above his head.

With 12 points of magic resistance, John's defense reduced the Green Snake's attack to just 2

points of damage.

The snake seemed momentarily stunned by the negligible damage it had caused.

John then launched his attack, casting a Fireball spell that struck the Green Snake.



Despite the snake's 9 points of magic resistance, it still took 10 points of damage,

which was acceptable to John.

Hissing in pain, the Green Snake flicked its tongue and abandoned its magic attacks, opting to

slither rapidly across the grass towards John.

Remaining calm, John quickly retreated and fired another Fireball as soon as its cooldown




John continued to hit and run the Green Snake.

Its speed was far inferior to the Demonize Hares, making it easy prey.

With the sixth Fireball spell, the Green Snake fell.

[Killed Level 2 Green Snake, gained 11 experience points]

[Plunder talent triggered, Spirit +1]

As expected, the Green Snake provided a Spirit attribute point.

John was lucky, as his Plunder talent triggered on his first Green Snake kill.

To reach Level 3, John needed 200 experience points,

which required killing 19 Green Snakes.

This time, John didn't hold back. Instead of attracting one snake at a time, he lured three


The Green Snake's magical attacks posed no threat to John, and their speed was no match for

his. He easily overwhelmed them.

Soon, John leveled up to Level 3,

gaining an additional 2 points in Spirit from his Plunder talent.

He allocated all 4 free attribute points to Spirit.

Now, his Spirit attribute reached 19 points.

Fireball had also leveled up to Level 3, dealing 60% of his Spirit attribute as fire magic


This brought his Fireball's damage to an impressive 31 points.

"Should I continue hunting Green Snakes?"

John hesitated. With his current strength, he could handle the Level 3 Tusked Wild Boars.

However, the Spirit attribute points from the Green Snakes were too enticing.

"Forget it. Let's complete the quest first."

After some thought, John decided to focus on the novice village's hidden quest. Although he had four days to complete it, he needed to be fully prepared.

Just as John was about to leave, a massive Green Snake suddenly emerged from the grass.


A gust of wind surged, transforming into a blade that slashed towards John.


His robe was torn.


A damage number floated above his head.

"A boss!"

John was thrilled. The creature before him was clearly a leader-level Green Snake boss!