Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Testing John, Accepting Sini as a Goddaughter

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Testing John, Accepting Sini as a Goddaughter

The Blues Family resides at the foot of Cloud Mountain.

This place is a bustling small town, full of life.

People were farming, hunting, and working...

While there were modern elements, it was almost entirely isolated from the outside world.

The Blues Family is self-sufficient, living a peaceful life, seldom leaving the vicinity of Cloud Mountain.

"This is beautiful!" Sini admired the surroundings, deeply enchanted by the atmosphere.

Smoke from cooking fires rose gently, children played by the roadside, young men returned from hunting and work, and an old man carrying a fishing rod-all wore contented smiles and greeted each other.

The sudden appearance of John and Sini only piqued curiosity among the townsfolk without causing any concern.

This place seemed like a paradise.

"Please, come in." Chris invited John and Sini to a spacious living room. Although the furniture was a bit old, it was clean and tidy, clearly maintained daily.

Chris sat down and said, "We rarely have guests here. Please forgive any shortcomings in our hospitality."

"Elder, you're too kind." John bowed, looking around. He sincerely said, "This place feels very comfortable."

Chris couldn't hide his pride; the family was his everything, and he was delighted to receive compliments.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

At that moment, a servant brought a pot of tea, placed it on the table, and respectfully left. Chris personally brewed the tea and looked at John, "Young friend, words cannot express my gratitude for saving my life. I toast to you with this tea."

"Elder, you flatter me." John was about to stand up when a cup of tea flew towards him, wrapped in Chris's strong internal energy.

It was clear the old man wanted to test him.

John remained calm, twisting his wrist to rotate the cup in his hand without spilling a drop.

He caught it steadily, took a careful sip, and said, "Good tea."

John wasn't a tea connoisseur, but he could tell this tea was more fragrant and memorable than any he had tasted before.

Chris smiled, having recognized that John was not an expert. He said nothing more.

"Well, Brother John." Peter spoke up, struggling with how to address John. His father called John a young friend, but he couldn't call John an elder.

He scrutinized John and continued, "My daughter says you knew my late wife, but you don't seem that old."

Peter's eyes flashed with cunning; he wanted to expose John's true nature in front of his daughter, making her see John's real character.

John wasn't flustered; he had prepared for this. He put down the teacup and said apologetically, "Actually, I lied about that. I learned about the Blues Family from Sini."

He pointed at Sini.

Sini opened her mouth; when had she ever told John about the Blues Family?

But knowing John had many secrets, she just smiled and nodded in agreement.

John continued, "Sini greatly admires the Blues Family and told me many heroic stories about them, so I've also come to admire and yearn for the Blues Family."

A string of compliments followed, making Peter smile broadly and even reducing his hostility towards John.

Chris sipped his tea silently, occasionally glancing at Sini. He wasn't as easily fooled as Peter. However, he could sense that John and Sini indeed had no ill intentions, so he didn't expose them.

John continued, "When I got a Life-Sustaining Pill, I always intended to give it to the old patriarch. However, the Blues Family is quite elusive, but then I unexpectedly met Miss Tracy. Tracy is clever and sharp, and she had some hostility towards me. Unfortunately, I had to make up a lie."

Standing behind Peter, Tracy beamed at John's compliment.

Peter looked a bit exasperated and said, "Young man, you're exaggerating a bit."


The teacup John had just used shattered instantly, spilling tea all over the table.

Peter's eyes widened in shock and surprise, "Father, your internal power has improved

again?" Chris wore a look of exasperation, "Is your brain not working, and now your eyes too? John did this."

"John?" Peter was baffled, "But that kid had no hint of martial power."

"You were deceived, and even I almost was. His power is quite unique," Chris said, looking at

the shattered teacup. He vaguely suspected that John's power might be related to that game,

the world of Gods.

Peter approached the broken teacup, confused and shocked. He didn't think he could do it, and he didn't believe John could either.

He still couldn't accept it, "Father, even so, we can't entrust the Blues Family to a stranger

with an unclear background."

"I've investigated him. His background is clean," Chris said, looking at Peter's skeptical expression without further explanation.

Given the Blues Family's future, he wouldn't make a hasty decision. During his time in the world of Gods, he contacted friends in the military to investigate John's background.

His identity and character checked out, and he indeed had a feud with the Griffin Family. Most importantly, he had connections with the military Glenn Family.

The Glenn Family, though a secular power, operates with strict principles. If John had any issues, the Glenn Family would never associate with him.

Peter remained silent. Since his father had made a decision, it was not his place to argue


However, the thought of his adopted daughter and his own daughter both becoming John's women made him feel somewhat uneasy.

"By the way, how's the progress on ordering the gaming helmets and game pots?" Chris

asked, turning to serious matters.

When he entered the world of Gods, he felt that the game was extraordinary, especially with its

ability to heal real-world injuries.

Thus, it seemed likely that training in the game would have real-world benefits as well.

the world of Gods might significantly impact Earth's various powers, potentially even leading to a reshuffle of power. The Blues Family needed to seize this opportunity. Although the Blues Family had remained reclusive, they still had numerous enemies.

Peter replied, "They're on their way. We had limited funds, so we ordered thirty thousand gaming helmets. Only a few core members of the family got the initial game pots." "That's enough for now. We can upgrade the game pots as we get more funds. Alright, I'm off

to play. You carry on with your work," Chris said, stretching and humming a tune as he left.

Peter was left speechless, muttering, "That old man is getting more and more unserious. He's

addicted to the game."


Suddenly, a shadow flew towards him-a shoe sole.

Peter was startled and quickly dodged. He then remembered that Chris's injuries had almost fully healed, his strength mostly restored, and his hearing was incredible.

"Hmph, dare to badmouth me behind my back again, and I'll skin you alive!" Chris's angry

voice echoed from outside.
