Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Subduing the Elves, Anna's Gratitude

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Subduing the Elves, Anna's Gratitude

"By the way, there's one more thing," the old man remembered, continuing, "While helping you fuse the divine-level talent, a wisp of the Undead Lord's remnant soul merged into your body. I'm not sure if you managed to destroy him, so you should stay vigilant."

"Remnant soul?" John was puzzled. He hadn't noticed anything unusual within himself.

On the contrary, after signing a soul contract with the Tree of Life and sharing life, his body was brimming with immense vitality.

"Alright, I need to go back to my slumber. You take care now." The old man gave John a deep look before his figure shifted. He moved into the depths of Death Land, transforming back into his tortoise form, continuing his deep slumber.

"This guy doesn't seem like the type to cling to life so desperately..." John murmured to himself as he watched the giant tortoise disappear. With a thought, he also left Death Land.

The Land of Elves.

The three women felt much calmer now that they knew John was safe, though they were still somewhat worried.

Just then, a flash of light appeared, and John materialized before them.


"Old man!"


The three women cried out, their eyes reddening as they threw themselves into John's arms.

Sini even started sobbing quietly; she had been genuinely scared that something might have happened to John.

John felt touched and gently patted the three of them, softly comforting, "There, there, I'm alright, see?"

Anna, finally coming to her senses, blushed and quickly stepped out of John's embrace.

Although she had been intimate with John before, it had been under the influence of a potion, and she still felt shy facing him now.

"John, we finished clearing the battlefield. We found some amazing things," Sini said, remembering the important matter. She handed two items to John and continued, "These were dropped by the orc leader."

"City Building Order! An epic-quality item!" John exclaimed in surprise, looking at the small black token, his face full of joy.

Finally, the City Building Order had dropped!

The drop rate of the City Building Order was extremely low. Even with John's Plunder talent, which doubles the drop rate of items, it took the slaying of eight third-tier rare bosses to obtain a single City Building Order.

With the City Building Order in hand, John could move forward with his next plan: establishing a city and developing his forces.

John then looked at the other piece of equipment he held-a belt of epic quality.

[Blood-forged Belt: Epic, Tier 3; Health +1000, Defense +100, Constitution +80]

The three attribute bonuses made it an outstanding piece of epic equipment.

The only downside was that it required a tier 3 class to equip.

Additionally, the battle had yielded over a thousand gear enhancement stones, more than five hundred tier 1 inlay gems of various types, and over a thousand skill stones.

Sini handed all these items over to John.

"Savior, I want to see The Tree of Life," Anna approached, looking at John with pleading eyes.

She knew The Tree of Life was no longer in danger, but she wouldn't feel at ease until she saw it with her own eyes.

John nodded and looked at the gathering elves, saying, "You can all come along. Just don't resist what's about to happen."

The elves nodded eagerly.

The recent battle had been devastating, leaving only about six hundred survivors out of the original thirteen hundred-more than half of their number had been lost.

John connected with Death Land through his mind, and with a thought, transported all the elves into Death Land.

A gentle breeze blew, and the area was lush with greenery. The massive Tree of Life now dominated most of Death Land, which was vibrant and full of life, a stark contrast to the previous desolate and withered landscape.

It seemed more fitting to rename it the Land of Life.

"The Tree of Life is even more powerful now!" Anna exclaimed, caressing the thick trunk of The Tree of Life with delight and surprise.

She could clearly feel that its vitality was stronger than ever before.

If they could find the Elven Spring, The Tree of Life would be able to nurture new elves once

while the other guided him to her entrance. She took a deep breath, biting her lip, and lowered

herself onto him.

"Ah..." Anna moaned in pain, feeling as if she were being torn apart, followed by an

indescribable pleasure that reached her very soul.

Her arms clung tightly to John, her face buried in his neck, her body trembling uncontrollably.

The intense sensation from below sent her into an instant climax, her arms holding onto John as her strength seemed to drain away.

But John wasn't planning to let her go so easily. He lifted her hips and began to thrust slowly.

"Ah... Savior, it hurts..." Anna winced in pain, crying out but still trying to match John's


John kissed her cheeks gently, but his movements grew faster and deeper, his length

penetrating fully.

Anna felt completely filled, the tip pressing against her deepest part, a sensation that was

both painful and incredibly alluring.

She wished it could last forever, even though it was painful...

Anna tilted her head slightly, her body trembling uncontrollably. She reached climax once


Her moans turning into pleas for mercy.

"Savior, you're too strong... Please, let me go. Anna can't take it anymore..." Anna's body

trembled, convulsing all over. She felt John inside her, and it seemed like the climax never


This was a pleasure she had never experienced before, but her body was on the verge of


"Savior, I'm going to break, I'm really going to break..." Tears streamed down Anna's face as

she begged for mercy.

John laid her on the ground, thrusting fiercely, and said softly, "Just endure a little longer, it's

almost over."

"Savior, I'm scared... I really can't take it, I feel like I'm going to die..." Anna begged, her

painful moans breaking off intermittently.

John was nearing his limit. He didn't hold back, his thrusts becoming faster and more

forceful, Anna's moans and cries of pain echoing in his ears.

Finally, he reached his limit, releasing his pure, potent energy.

"Ah..." Anna let out a long moan, feeling the intense heat inside her. Her senses reached their

peak again, the overwhelming pleasure leaving her with a mix of satisfaction and pain. She slowly lost consciousness, her body still trembling and climaxing.

"What a temptress!" John reluctantly pulled out, his length still standing firm, the fire inside

him not quenched.

But he knew Anna had reached her limit. Continuing could genuinely harm her. "Bring Sini in!" John thought of Sini, and using the Death Land token, he sensed Sini outside.

At that moment, Sini and Tracy were sitting outside, looking bored while waiting for John.

"Hmph, that big bad guy!" Sini pouted in annoyance, having an inkling of what might be happening. Beep!

Her private chat alert went off. It was John. Godslayer: "Sini, I'm bringing you into Death Land. Don't resist."