Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Jade City Wanted List, Hidden Quest

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Jade City Wanted List, Hidden Quest

John watched the elite cavalry charge at him, a bit surprised.

In the world of Gods, the rulers of major cities were all Dark Humans.

They typically didn't interfere in player skirmishes, even within the city.

This unit of Dark Humans cavalry was clearly targeting him.

However, John was unfazed.

Jade City was merely a Level 1 city, and these elite cavalry were only second-tier, their levels not exceeding 60. They were no match for him.

He waved his staff, casting two consecutive Thunderstorms. The lightning struck the leading cavalryman first.

Obliterating him in one hit, leaving no trace of his body.

[Killed level 55 Jade City elite cavalry leader, gained 370 experience points]

[Plunder talent activated, constitution +1]

Dark Humans were considered monsters as well.

With their leader dead, the remaining Dark Humans cavalry became even more enraged and charged at John.

He remained indifferent, waving his staff to summon a Rain of Fire, engulfing the entire cavalry force.

Massive damage numbers flashed, and over a hundred elite cavalrymen were instantly killed.

The notifications kept popping up.

[Killed level 50 Jade City elite cavalry, gained 160 experience points]

[Plunder talent activated, strength +1]


[You have maliciously killed Jade City guards. The Jade City lord has issued a bounty on you] "On the wanted list?" John sneered at the notification.

A weak Level 1 city lord was nothing to him.

More Jade City guards flooded the streets.

Because of their interference, Dark Angel and his men weren't reduced to level 1 and managed to escape Jade City in a panic.

John's anger now turned towards these guards.

"Boss, I'm here to save you!" At that moment, a loud shout was heard as Ritchie led a team of men rushing in from the teleportation point.

"Damn, it's the Jade City guards!" Ritchie exclaimed in shock as he realized that those

attacking John were not players, but the Jade City guards.

He had just received news that John was being ambushed by players in Jade City.

The surrounding guards also noticed Ritchie and his team and shouted angrily, "They're with that Godslayer! Attack!"

With a shout, hundreds of guards charged towards Ritchie and his men.

"Interesting!" Ritchie was unafraid. He held Diamond Giant Shield in front of him and led the charge, commanding his team to engage the enemy.

The team Ritchie brought was the elite of the Flame Legion, all above level 40, just barely able to withstand the guards' attacks.

"Ritchie, don't get tangled up with them. Retreat!" John called out.

He wanted to wipe out the Dark Humans in Jade City, but doing so would provoke them and bring reinforcements from higher-level cities.

John knew he wasn't yet strong enough for an all-out war with the Dark Humans.

said slowly.

These past few days had been too comfortable. She needed to break out of this comfort zone, improve her strength, and help John.

"What?" Tracy was startled and exclaimed, "Sini, are you crazy?"

She was a support class priest with negligible combat power, and Sini had fallen to level 30.

They were no match for level 40 monsters.

Hunting level 40 monsters was tantamount to suicide.

However, seeing Sini's determined expression, Tracy didn't say anything more and silently

supported her.

The two women left using the teleport point.


John arrived at a mansion in the city.

The mansion was vast but dilapidated. The heavy front door lay askew, and the courtyard was overgrown with weeds, indicating it had been abandoned for a long time.

John entered the mansion. From the remaining architectural features, it was evident that this place had once been splendid, and its owner must have been wealthy and noble.


Suddenly, a wine jar shattered in front of John. From the decrepit loft above, an impatient voice called out, "Another debt collector? Take anything valuable and leave me alone!"

John looked at the broken wine jar and smiled. This must be the guy.

He headed toward the broken loft.

The old stairs creaked under his weight, seemingly ready to collapse at any moment.

"Damn it, didn't you hear me? Get lost!" The man noticed someone coming up and grabbed another wine jar, hurling it toward John.

John easily dodged and reached the loft. He curiously observed the middle-aged man before


The man reeked of alcohol, with disheveled hair and beard, dressed in rags like a beggar. John didn't underestimate him. "Hello, I was passing by the courtyard and got curious, so I came to take a look. Sorry for disturbing you," he said.

Hearing John's words, the beggar slightly lifted his head, his eyes lifeless as he glanced at John. His tone, however, softened a bit. "Are you an adventurer? This is private property, not open to outsiders. You should leave."

John remained unfazed. Instead, he found a relatively clean spot to sit down and said, "It

sounds like you owe quite a bit of money for drinks? I have some gold coins here; perhaps they

can help you out." With that, he took out ten gold coins and placed them in front of the beggar.

The beggar didn't reach for them. Instead, he looked at John with a wary expression. "Kid,

what's your angle?"

John placed the coins down and said, "Everyone goes through tough times, but that's no reason to give up. I might not be able to do much, but I can help you a bit."

A flicker of light passed through the beggar's dull eyes, followed by a self-deprecating smile. "Young man, I used to be as naive as you. But I like what you're saying. Come, have a drink

with me." With that, he grabbed a nearby wine jar and tossed it to John.

John didn't refuse. He caught the jar, took a hearty swig, and sighed in satisfaction.

The wine in the world of Gods was spicier and more stimulating than that in the real world.

"Haha, you're a straightforward guy," the beggar laughed, taking another swig himself. His dull eyes began to regain some life. "Young man, would you like to hear a story?"

John knew the beggar was about to reveal a hidden quest. He nodded and said, "I'm all ears." The beggar took another swig, glanced around warily to ensure no one was listening, and then began his tale.