Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Trapped in the Abyss, A Terrifying Beast

Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Trapped in the Abyss, A Terrifying Beast

"He can fly too?" John was taken aback and hastily called out to Black Turtle for help. "Old man, give me a hand here."

At his current strength, John was already struggling to deal with the six-star demon lords, let alone the even more formidable demon emperor.

"Damn it!" Black Turtle cursed under his breath. He had attempted to come to John's aid several times, but the two demon emperors kept him fully occupied.

Forced to focus on his own battle, he could only shout, "Kid, just get into the Death Land!"

John continued to maneuver through the air on his flying sword, showing no intention of retreating into the Death Land.

He had finally encountered a group of six-star demon lords, and he wasn't about to let this opportunity slip away. He needed to take them down.

But more importantly, he was here to stop the demon race's genius, Owen, from obtaining the demon race's treasure.


Suddenly, a powerful wave of dark energy swept over John, almost knocking him off his longsword. He glanced to the side in shock.

Owen had already defeated the Demon King's phantom.

Though it was only a projection, the Demon King's phantom still held the power of an eight- star legendary figure.

And yet, Owen, with his seven-star legendary rank, had managed to overcome an eight-star opponent. His talent was undoubtedly extraordinary.

The Demon King's voice echoed, "Boy, you have passed my test. You may now enter the Demon King's castle."

The phantom no longer blocked Owen and vanished from sight.

However, the surrounding demon lords and demon emperors did not disappear. They

continued their relentless assault on John and his companions.

Owen smirked coldly. Instead of entering the Demon King's castle immediately, he unleashed

a Dark Orb that annihilated the demon emperor facing Glenn.

"Attack!" he commanded, leading the charge against Black Turtle.

"Kid!" Black Turtle was alarmed and immediately called out to John for help.

"Damn it!" John cursed under his breath, filled with frustration.

Black Turtle was no match for Owen, and continuing the battle would put his life at risk.

With no other option, John used his mental connection to the Death Land to summon Black Turtle back.

Owen's powerful strike hit nothing but air, and he glared at John with rage. "Glenn, seal the space! Don't let this guy escape!"

Seal the space?

John's face darkened as a sense of foreboding crept over him.

He tried to reconnect with the Death Land to escape.


Suddenly, a spatial force rippled through the air, severing his connection to the Death Land entirely.

"You're dead, kid!" Glenn sneered, his dark energy forming into a pitch-black arrow that shot toward John with deadly precision.


The arrow pierced John's heart, and a massive damage number flashed before his eyes. -4,408,200

[You have been killed by seven-star demon emperor Glenn. Lifesaver talent activated...] The notification appeared, signaling that John had been killed once more. The Blessed Ring had already triggered once before, so this time, his Lifesaver talent activated.

"Huh, still not dead?" Glenn stared at John in disbelief. He couldn't understand how, despite striking twice with enough power to kill him instantly, the human before him was still alive. "I don't believe you can't be killed," Glenn muttered, charging at John once more.


Dark energy surged, and John was sent flying, killed instantly once again.

[You have been killed by seven-star demon emperor Glenn. Undying and Immortal talent activated...]

Yet, John still didn't die.

"What's going on?" Glenn's brow furrowed as he watched John with suspicion, suddenly hesitant to attack again.

"Betraying an ally after crossing the river-you demons really are despicable!" John wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, glaring at Glenn, and once more tried to connect with

the Death Land.

But there was still no response.

Thankfully, these two didn't have any soul-attack abilities; otherwise, he would have been in real danger this time.

Owen, also surprised by John's survival, spoke up, "Stop wasting time. Banish him to the

Abyss."CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

deep sense of frustration.

Suddenly, he felt the ground tremble as waves of terrifying energy surged around him, and

the mist began to churn. Dark, massive shadows started to emerge.

They were enormous, grotesque beasts.

"Well, well, a newcomer?" A melodic voice echoed through the air. A dark silhouette swooped

down from above.

It was a unicorn.

But unlike the legendary, pure creatures, this one was shrouded in dark energy, radiating a

malevolent aura.

"A human? And such a weak one at that!" A deep voice echoed through the mist, and a massive figure emerged.

That is a Behemoth, one of the legendary giant beasts.


"Ah, how I miss that taste. Let me devour him!" roared a terrifying black dragon with three


Its enormous, foul-smelling jaws inching closer to John.


A bolt of black lightning crackled through the air, forcing the three-headed dragon to retreat.

The unicorn coldly declared, "I saw him first. This little guy is mine."

"Stop the bickering. Let's stick to the usual rules-draw lots," suggested another voice. A

Minotaur, wreathed in black flames and lacking a lower body, floated towards them.

"Agreed," the other creatures chimed in.

John watched these terrifying monsters-a collection of legendary beasts, all at the seventh

or eighth rank-with a growing sense of irritation.

Even a dark elf was among them.

The creatures began to draw lots, casually deciding John's fate.

"Excuse me!" John interrupted, eyeing the fearsome beasts around him. "Shouldn't you at

least ask for my opinion?"

The beasts glanced at John, their expressions filled with disdain.

The three-headed black dragon sneered, "Does it matter? You're just food."

The fiery Minotaur grinned, "I'm curious, though. Who would you choose, little one?"

The unicorn tossed its mane, adding, "It should be me. I'm far more elegant than the rest."

The Behemoth looked John up and down, smacking its lips, "I'm not interested. This little guy isn't even big enough to be a toothpick."

John shot a glare at the Behemoth and then cut in, "Actually, I have a way out of here, but I

need to reach the ninth rank. You all seem pretty powerful, so how about one of you sacrifices yourself to help me level up?"

For a moment, the beasts were stunned, their expressions a mix of disbelief and amusement.

Yet none of them seemed angry.

The fiery Minotaur exclaimed in surprise, "By the heavens, this little guy actually startled


The Behemoth, now intrigued, asked, "What did you do to get thrown into the Abyss, little

one? Did you spy on the Demon Emperor's daughter while she was bathing, or did you sleep

with the Demon King's wife?"

John's face darkened. As an upstanding man, he'd never do something so despicable.

The Behemoth reminded him a lot of Black Turtle, equally vulgar. "Interesting," mused the three-headed black dragon, its heads bobbing as it scrutinized John. "I almost feel bad about eating him now."

"How about we try something new?" suggested the unicorn.

The dark elf spoke up, "He's too weak. I'm afraid we might accidentally kill him."
