However, because the battle last night was too intense, Ye Chun and Ziyue were both naked and didn't wake up until noon.

After the two woke up, they made out for a while before getting dressed and leaving.

After Ye Chun sent Ziyuedao Yanyulou, he also returned to his new home.

Lying on the soft round bed, Ye Chun opened the ring register to enter the game.

"Ten minutes later, the national war activity award ceremony will be held..."

"Tomorrow at 0:00, this game will start the World BOSS event. Please look forward to it!"

Two system messages scroll over each player's head.

Ye Chun smiled slightly, Kyushu Kingdom ranked first in the country list this time, and every Kyushu Kingdom player will receive a [Surprise Gift Box]

, this is also considered Ye Chun's contribution to the Kyushu region.

The time is getting closer and closer to the awards ceremony, and more and more people are online.

"Ding~[The Heroes Fight for the Deer] The National Exhibition Activity Award Ceremony starts now!"

Ten minutes just passed, and the entire Hope World was constantly bursting with colorful fireworks.

"Congratulations to the Kyushu Region for winning the first place in the [Fighting for the Deer] National War!"

"Congratulations to every Kyushu country player for getting a [Surprise Gift Pack]! (Platinum to epic-level equipment or props can be randomly dismissed

Millions of streams of light poured into every Kyushu player, and then a beautiful gift bag appeared in the hands of players in other districts with the incomparably envious eyes.

"Hahaha! Epic-level enhancement stone!"

"Mine is an epic weapon!"

"Why should I get platinum shoes!"

"Me too, gave me a useless thing."

Opening a gift package is like gambling. Some families are happy and some are sad.

Ye Chun also held a surprise gift bag in his hand.

He slowly opened the gift bag, and the golden light flashed.

An epic battle axe appeared in his hand.

Not bad, Ye Chun wasn't greedy either, and he put it into his backpack with satisfaction.

Seeing that the Kyushu National Region had a gift bag in hand, there was a commotion.

Players in other areas swallowed.

"Congratulations to Emerina of Tsarist Russia for ranking third in the personal standings..."

"Congratulations to Tsarist Russia's Jili Bankite for ranking second in the personal standings..."


The top three players in the individual standings of each district will receive a spree.

The system will report the areas with lower national points forward at one time.

"Congratulations to Sasaki, Ukuni District, for ranking third in the personal standings..."

A gift bag appeared in front of Sasaki, and Sasaki opened it.

【The Sword of Redemption of Tokugawa Seto】

Quality: Epic

Grade: Rare


"Hahaha, I finally have an epic weapon."

Sasaki looked up to the sky and laughed, extremely arrogant.

"The people of Baga and Kyushu, I will definitely show you a good look in the future!"

Ye Chun looked at it coldly, feeling unhappy in her heart.

Go back ten seconds.

Sasaki opened the gift bag, and a platinum light flashed.

[Marda's Roar]

Quality: Platinum

Grade: ordinary


Sasaki was stunned, and even gave himself the most **** platinum equipment.

Looking at this, Ye Chun was also satisfied.

If Sasaki opens another epic equipment, he might as well go back ten seconds and let him take a look.

"Congratulations to Ryojin Qianzuru from Japan for ranking second in the personal standings."

The golden light flashed, and an epic battle armor appeared in Qianzuru Ryojin's hand.

Ye Chun looked at Qianhe Liangren's smile and didn't say anything more.

In any case, the Japanese did not give him a bad impression.

Ye Chun also acquiesced, not activating abilities to play on him.

"Sakura Inoue in the East-West Japan region ranked first in the personal standings and won the supreme gift package."

Inoue Sakura stood on the podium with a lot of thought, not in the mood to open at all.


Inoue Sakura let out a long sigh, thinking in her heart that she would be removed from the list after receiving the award, she was depressed to death.

He slowly opened the gift bag.

Go back ten seconds!

Seeing Sakura Inoue open an epic piece of equipment, Ye Chun activated the ability without hesitation.

Another golden light flashed before him.

It turned out to be another epic piece of equipment!

Ye Chun snorted coldly.

Go back ten seconds!

This setback was incredible, and a dazzling orange light appeared, which attracted everyone's attention.

It turned out to be the king's equipment!

The gift packs for the top three players in the individual standings are different from the gift packs that all Kyushu players received before.

[National Surprise Package] You can open up to the epic, but the top three packages can open up to the king.

And the higher the noun, the greater the chance of getting good equipment.

This time Oolong made Ye Chun angrier. Unexpectedly, I was self-defeating and gave Inoue Sakura a king equipment.

"Go back ten seconds!"

The golden light flashed, and it was epic equipment again.

Give me another ten seconds back.

This is Ye Chun's sixth time going backwards for ten seconds. After running out, this ability will enter a five-minute cooldown.

So this is the last chance.

【Akilia's Blessing Blade】

Quality: Epic

Grade: Rare


Another epic piece of gear.

Ye Chun had no choice, and the ability went into cooling.

Inoue Sakura was expressionless, and indifferently took this epic sword into his pocket.

Thinking that he was about to be expelled from his nationality, he couldn't be happy at all.

"I didn't expect Inoue-kun to be so calm."

Sasaki exclaimed inwardly, swearing in his heart that he must learn from Sakura Inoue in the future.

Afterwards, it was the Silla Kingdom and the U.S. Empire that issued gift packages.

Oppa and Bobbydale have issued an epic gear and a diamond gear.

Ye Chun didn't care either, after all, the two of them had been cast out by Ye Chun now.

Even if they were given epic equipment, they would not dare to come to Ye Chun to make trouble.

"Congratulations to Qingzhi from Kyushu National District for ranking third in the personal standings! Received the [Legendary Gift Pack]!"

"That's what she is!"

Qingzhi, who was on the field of some Japanese kings below, couldn't help but say.

"This woman is really fierce, one person chases the six of us and cuts!"

"No, I was killed ten times by her that day..."

"Oh, it's a pity, it looks so good, but it's a tigress..."

Qing Zhi didn't hear the discussion under the stage, she waved her jade hand.

[Goddess of the Night's Sickle of the Moon]

Quality: Epic

Grade: Rare

Unexpectedly, it was her own natal equipment, and Qing Zhi's face immediately lit up with joy.

For other epics, the exclusive weapons of Godhead can improve their own attributes much more.

"Congratulations to Zhiqiu Yezhiqiu from Kyushu National District for ranking second in the personal standings! Received the [King Pack]!"

Yiye Zhiqiu spat on the palm of his hand and couldn't wait to open the gift bag.

[Shurita's Desert Armor]

Quality: Platinum


There was a burst of laughter from the audience, this should be the darkest-faced person in the top three.

Yi Ye Zhiqiu's heart was broken in half, and she felt aggrieved.

Alas, help him.

Seeing Yi Zhiqiu who was so sad, Ye Chun sighed.

Go back ten seconds!

[Fist of Riot: Extreme Flame Hell]

Quality: Epic

Grade: Rare

Well, it turned out to be an epic glove, and Yi Zhiqiu happily led it.

Ye Chun also nodded with satisfaction.

"Congratulations to the sigh of the king of the Kyushu region for ranking first in the personal standings list! Received the [Supreme Gift Pack]!"

The audience was silent, and everyone looked forward to this majestic figure on the podium...