Occasionally, Ye Chun would not give up this good opportunity, and take advantage of all available opportunities to strengthen himself first.

Come now. !

Ye Chun returned to the place where the magic was hidden and began to look for magic that he could practice. There's a lot of magic in it, and thousands of them. In addition to the eight things, there are some special Jiu Ji magic, and these magic skills exist because of their existence. This is because, after completion, their power is no less than that of the general eight-product subordinate power of divine skills.

In addition to practicing magic, Jeremy Ye spent the rest of his time practicing himself in various mysteries. Although life is boring, it is also very fulfilling.

one year later!

The sky roared through the empty space, and a man rushed to the sky, full of powerful divine power, as if a **** of war.

"Honor the King"

Ye Chun felt that there was a majestic power in his body, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes. The last point of his body was finally refined, and his realm broke through the realm of revering the king, and the power he could wield was much stronger than before.

But this year, the ancestors of the gods did not appear again, and asked You Yechun to make a phone call, but did not respond, as if he had disappeared from the thin air. In this regard, Ye Chun gradually stopped calling, but the whole body and soul became practice.

Time has passed, five years have passed.

On the ninth floor of the "self" mystery, the sky suddenly burst, and Jeremy Ye jumped out of the air, full of the amazing power of God. There is no change in his appearance compared to five years ago, but there is a subtle tendency in his eyes to appear in the sky.

"Five years have passed, and it's time to go out."

Ye Chun looked back at the empty space and had to go out. For five years, he had been worried about gods and gods. Also, his piggdan has run out of food and he cannot continue without a food source.

"Finally out"

Ye Chun took a deep breath and was looking for an exit in the land of light during his practice. After searching for more than ten days and spending so much effort, he finally found the exit.

Looking up, looking around, the ruins of the ground and the dilapidated hall are full of various post-war destructions, a gust of wind blows the fly ash on the road, full of desolation.

If it wasn't for his own eyes, it would be difficult for Jeremy Ye to connect the ruins in front of him with the prosperous City of God in the past.

"I don't know what happened to them, Grandpa." Mori Yechun, who was full of sorrow, was quickly swept away and walked towards the temple.

When he got there, Ye Chun was stunned with fright. What he saw was an empty place, and there were still traces of God's bell pressing on the ground, but the entire temple seemed to have disappeared from the thin air.

The temple disappeared.

Ye Chun's emotions are up and down, have the ancient gods been destroyed? With that in mind, he became more worried.

five years.

Although it is not long, it is enough to change a lot of things. If Daxing continues to fall into famine, it will not be difficult for the ancient gods to be destroyed.

"I didn't hear anything, so don't jump to conclusions." Ye Chun comforted himself and suppressed his unease. All he has to do now is go back to the spirit and God, by the way, and see what has happened in the last five years.

Putting his mind down, Ye Chun flew up.


Six special scents come in.

"The Powerhouse in the Starry Sky" Ye Chun's pupils shrank and stopped immediately. Just now, he urgently needed to understand the situation in the middle of the famine.