Chapter 31: The Special Event

Name:Only I Can See The End Author:
Chapter 31: The Special Event

[1:13 PM, Saturday 6th of May, 2023]

~Special Event: <KILL ALL ENEMIES>~

The System Icon buzzed in my mind as I entered the rundown hotel, its incessant hum an eerie backdrop to the desolation.

A cold gust of wind swept through the empty lobby, making me shiver, as though the very building itself recoiled at my intrusion. The air reeked of decay, mixed with a sickly sweet scent that had to be the smell of demons, a noxious perfume of malevolence.

Shadows danced menacingly on the walls, seeming alive with evil, twisted shapes that whispered dreadful secrets.

The thirst for blood hung in the air, making my heart race and my grip tighten on my only weapon.

Broken furniture lay scattered around, relics of a time long gone, now reduced to splinters of nostalgia. The once grand chandelier, now tarnished and broken, swung overhead, casting eerie moving shadows that seemed to writhe with a sinister intent.

Weak sunlight filtered through shattered windows, casting a sickly glow on twisted figures strewn across the floor, their contorted forms a testament to the horrors that had unfolded here.

I scanned the area, expecting demons at every turn, keeping my guard up, my senses on high alert.

"<Focus>" I whispered with bated breath.

The power of <Focus> surged through me, sharpening my senses and heightening my reflexes.

A throbbing pulse coursed through my veins, like a coiled serpent ready to strike. I needed every advantage I could muster to win; and also not to die.

I took a deep breath, ready to use <Sprint> for a burst of speed that would allow me to strike down demons quickly, before they even had a chance to react.

The pressure weighed heavily on me, but I pushed fear aside. There was no room for it in this new world where the battle between humanity and the demonic had become all-consuming.

I took a cautious step forward, and the creaking floorboards created a haunting melody in the silence.

As I moved forward, excitement mounted within me. The future was uncertain, obscured by malevolent energy in the air, yet I couldn't wait.

Each step brought me closer to the heart of darkness, and the bloodlust in the building grew stronger.

I felt eyes on me, unseen malevolent gazes tracking my every move

'They're coming!' I grinned and whispered, "<Sprint>."

Energy surged through my veins, and I prepared my legs to move.


With all my preparations made, and the clock ticking, I officially welcomed myself to the Special Event.

"You're up first... 'Rock'."


Sending my projectile hurtling in one of the many regions I sensed an ominous presence, I instantly heard a loud sound of impact.


... And then, even more!



The Energy Rock bounced around like a vengeful spirit, causing as much havoc and damage as it could in the short window of opportunity that was presented to me. Because, after that...


... The true challenge emerged.


As the demons lunged out from the shadows, their grotesque forms contorted in unnatural ways, I felt a chill run down my spine.

Their sharp claws and hungry jaws were deadly, a terrifying display of savagery. There was an intense ferocity in their eyes, a hunger unlike anything I had encountered before.

"They look the same as the ones outside, but... something's different." I quickly realized this as I observed their quick movement and bloodthirsty demeanor.

These demons had a palpable menace about them, their malevolence etched into every sinew of their otherworldly forms.

Reacting instantly, I summoned the energy within me, channeling it into my hand, where my Rock had returned.

The pulsating Energy Rock, my only weapon in this barren world, crackled with power as I unleashed a barrage of shots, each one an explosion of light and fury. nove/LB)In

With precision, I directed the energy projectiles toward the encroaching demons, ensuring they met their end before reaching me.

The bullet-like Rock obeyed my commands and sent them hurtling back, though the attacks seemed nowhere near enough to take them down, even with a couple of hits.

Unfortunately, a few demons broke through the ranks held at bay by my Energy Rock and closed in with alarming speed, their sinister intent clear.

'Looks like I'll have to fight!' I thought, determined to protect myself against this relentless horde.

Thanks to <Focus>, my heightened senses allowed me to discern the demons in meticulous detail.

I could see the malevolent gleam in their eyes as they lunged, their bodies contorting with demonic grace.

With <Visualize>, I predicted their strikes, evading and countering their every move with the ease of a seasoned fighter.

With a burst of speed granted by <Sprint>, I danced among the demon horde, my body a blur of motion.

Their claws swiped through empty air as I gracefully sidestepped their attacks, striking back with swift and precise movements. Each blow landed with a resounding impact, driving the demons back with a mix of fear and pain.

The Energy Rock, returning to my hand, blazed with radiance, illuminating the grim surroundings with an otherworldly glow.

"Die!" I roared, thrusting the rock straight into a Demon in front of me, using both my strength and the spiraling ball of energy hovering above my palm.


The explosion sent shockwaves through the room, casting demons aside like broken dolls.

With no time to dwell on the devastation I caused, I leaped backward, creating distance from the advancing demons.

With unwavering focus, I guided the energy projectiles toward those daring to approach, and small explosions erupted as they found their marks, tearing through demonic flesh mercilessly. The room became a battlefield.

Blood stained the ground in dark, twisted patterns, and demons dwindled under my unyielding assault.

However, for every demon I dispatched from afar with my Energy Rock, more closed in on me, their insatiable bloodlust driving them to madness.

With fierce determination, I seamlessly shifted from ranged attacks to close-quarters combat.

My body moved with preternatural speed and agility, striking with lethal precision. Each punch, each kick, was delivered with the force of my unwavering will to survive.

"Die!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the hotel's desolate corridors.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel against flesh and bone mingling with the anguished cries of demons.


The hotel's walls reverberated with the sounds of violence, a grim symphony that drowned out all other thoughts.


With each passing moment, I grew more attuned to the battle's rhythm, anticipating the demons' moves before they happened.

"DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I roared as the Energy Rock in my hand exploded with power, sending another demon to oblivion.


Time seemed to warp as the battle raged, the line between seconds and hours blurring into a whirlwind of chaos.

Yet, through sheer willpower and my honed skills, I persevered. One by one, the demons succumbed to my relentless assault.

Until finally...

"Haaa... I did it."

... The last of them crumbled into lifeless heaps.

[2:31 PM, Saturday 6th of May, 2023]





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