Chapter 49 – Advancement
It was still early afternoon when I reached home. My house was empty, allowing me to have it all for myself. Tired from the intense sex, I rested for a while, alternating between watching TV and playing on my phone. With today’s happening, I realized how physical of an activity sex was. And this was multiplied for every new participant. Even though I was as much into sports as any other teenager, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to train a little bit more in anticipation of the future. Who knows what sort of situations I could find myself in, especially because I was voluntarily seeking sexual happenings.
When my energy was restored enough, I went for a run outside, going around town at the same time. My jogging efficiency wasn’t the best considering I sometimes slowed down to leer at random people having sex here and there. No matter how many times I saw that happening, it never stopped being fascinating to me. I also noticed that it was relatively rare to have more than two participants, even though it sometimes happened. Another point was that it seemed there were a few men who were really into sex. As such, it wasn’t right to say that all men were uninterested in it.
I came across one magnificent scene where a duo of motivated men had met a duo of women also totally into it. What they were doing was so hardcore I thought I was still too young to think about those things. This was still the zone where I slowed down the most, mesmerized by the discovery of how deep the world of sex was. It gave me such a boner that I chose to head back home to calm down after that. I had run enough anyway, being so distracted by my surroundings that I had been going at it for almost two hours.
After a quick shower, I spent the rest of the evening with my family, chatting peacefully about everyone’s day.
He wasn’t in a hurry but didn’t drag his feet either. He couldn’t run because he didn’t want to tire Wade’s body unnecessarily but he also couldn’t stay out too long. The longer he was up, the less rest the boy would get. Having lived close to 200 years, he wasn’t upset about having so little time to stay “awake”. He had already experienced most of what life could give to someone and had no plans of obstructing the life of his host due to his greed. Plus, the purpose of his creation was to counter the Surivs. It wasn’t yet certain what would happen after his mission was accomplished but any result would be acceptable for him, including passing away peacefully.
He tried to plan his search methodologically. He began from the western outskirts of town and slowly went from north to south. When he arrived at the southern border, he would head east for about one kilometer and resume his walk north. Just like this, he divided the town in a sort of grid and scrutinized everything on both sides.
This method proved to be correct because he got a response after about 45 minutes. This was a different contact from the other eight Surivs he had already come across. Since he knew where the manager lived, it could only be the last Suriv girl, the one he was looking for.
The house was a small inconspicuous home on the furthest northern side of town, looking no different from any others. The detected Suriv was awake and located at an underground level, probably in the house’s basement. Now, he only had to think of a way to meet and have sex with her.
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