Nazar was determined. Even if he couldn’t win, there would be times when he would have to fight. He had always been protected because he was the prince. To save his life and ensure the victory of the humans, many generals had fought and died in battles they could not win.

I must escape somehow. Even if I have to leave Princess Silviana behind…

But it was not yet his time. For there was no one to carry out his will after his death. The world was full of people who thought only of themselves. If he died, the defeated nations would be swallowed up immediately, and the next war would be between the Four Races Alliance. No, before that, Carrot would resurrect Gediguz, and the Alliance would be destroyed.

At this thought, Nazar’s body suddenly felt light. The equipment he wore all over his body glowed for a moment, and then the light faded with a chill. But Nazar could not move. He could not move because he saw the huge back of the orc in front of him.

“Lift your foot.”

Nazar lifted his own foot as quickly as he could. He thought he had told him to. But there was nothing under either of his feet. He didn’t seem to have stepped on anything.

It’s due the “charm”… When his feet moved, Nazar understood that the “charm” had risen. At some point, Carrot’s eyes stopped glowing red.

“Huh…?” Carrot looked stunned for a moment, but her lips moved immediately. “No, I won’t move it.”


“As you may have noticed, Sir Bash, this woman was deceiving you. She planned to approach you so that when you touched her, she would make a fuss that you had forced her to sleep with you, and she planned to involve the entire orc race in it.”


“The Orc Hero has the Beastmen princess in his claws. Even if it’s just a lie from the princess, the Beastmen royalty will vouch for her. Because they hate Orcs. And they want to exterminate them if they can.”

Nazar heard this and thought about how possible it was. There would be no way to defend him. Princess Silviana’s bad feelings towards the orcs were well known. Rumors had circulated that she had changed her mind after the riots in the royal palace, but it was impossible for such a radical change in attitude to happen so quickly. If she was approaching Bash, it was probably for this purpose.

“Wasn’t it?”

Carrot grabbed Silviana’s hair, lifted her face and asked. The princess’ face was contorted with pain, but she smiled wryly.

“It’s a lie! Sir Bash, I profess nothing but admiration for you! It’s just that this woman is in love with you and is jealous that we get along so well!” Her eyes darted from side to side, her voice quavered, she was dripping with cold sweat, and even out of the corner of her eye you could see that she was somehow trying to escape with any excuse she could think of. Everyone could see it was a lie.

Bash looked a little confused, but when the fairy whispered something to him, he seemed convinced.

“I see.” Bash’s words sounded like a sigh. It was as if he knew it was a lie all along.

“How can you tell a lie so blatant and so easily discovered?

“I’m sorry, or are you angry because I hit the nail on the head? Look, Sir Bash, this is the proof! This whore is trying to deceive you!” Silviana’s words were incoherent, desperate and painful to watch.

Finally, Carrot sighed and turned to Bash as if she could no longer deal with her.

“Sir Bash, don’t listen to her. She’s just a lying princess who wants to play with the hero of another country and tried to trick you, and there’s also the human prince who thinks the others are toys… after all, no one in the Four Races Alliance considers orcs and succubi as people. That’s why they play with us like this.” Carrot said and held out her hand to Bash as if asking for a handshake. “Sir Bash. I intend to fight to restore the pride of all the races of the Federation. Please take my hand and fight with me.” She begged Bash with sincere words. When Bash nodded, she continued her words by revealing the plan she believed in so much. “To tell you the truth, we don’t have much time. So I’ll give you a detailed explanation and strategy later. First, let’s kill this lying woman and this joke of a prince and get out of here.”

Apparently, Carrot hadn’t finished recruiting Bash, but that was just for now. No matter what Nazar said, Bash wouldn’t change his mind. His words would have no effect on him. From Bash’s point of view, he was humiliated at the royal court for following someone who claimed to be called Errol. He would be furious if his true identity was that of a human prince. It would not be surprising if the Beastmen and Humans were in cahoots to overthrow Bash. It was too late to say that they had no intention of doing so. He should have identified himself as Nazar from the beginning and gone to apologize when he heard about the commotion in the royal palace. But he was looking for those who planned to resurrect Gediguz, and this was not the time…

The deciding factor would be Princess Silviana’s last lie. She lied when she should have at least apologized. She even made fun of Carrot. From Bash’s point of view, she treated him politely, even if he felt humiliated and betrayed by the princess.

“…” Bash was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Nazar.

…There is nothing more that can be done… At that moment, Nazar was ready to die. He thought about getting away from this place somehow, but he didn’t feel like he could escape. Bash, the Orc Hero. His intimidating presence was unlike any other warrior he had fought in many battles. Recognized by himself and others as the strongest human swordsman, Nazar had the ability to see the difference between his own strength and that of others. He was ready to die. He was ready to fight. But that was all. He didn’t feel that he could win, and he didn’t feel that he could escape. He thought of that moment right after he had defeated Gediguz. The feeling of despair when Bash appeared.