Chapter 40. The Hero vs. Carrot of the Hissing Voice

He had no idea what was going on.

He received the letter and arrived at the Sacred Tree just as the speech was about to begin. He thought he wasn’t late. But for some reason, someone other than Silviana was under the Sacred Tree.

For some reason, Carrot was holding Silviana by the leg. For some reason, Gagan had been cut in half and was dead. For some reason, Nazar was hiding his true identity and calling himself Errol.

The three of them seemed to be fighting, but there was no way for Bash to understand what was going on. He didn’t understand anything.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know… but from the looks of it, it’s probably a lovers’ quarrel.”

They spoke in hushed tones.

But Zell seemed to have a feeling. After all, he needed his trusted companion.

“A lovers’ quarrel?”

“I read about it in a book I saw a long time ago. It said that humans and beastmen duel when they compete for those they love.”

“You mean Carrot and Silviana fought a duel? If so, why are Nazar and Gagan here?”

“Probably Carrot likes you, mister. That’s why she challenged Silviana, who was on good terms with you, to a duel. Of course, Carrot won, but then Gagan, who likes Carrot, and Nazar, who likes Silviana, showed up and they dueled! Nazar won. The other two are still fighting for their lives. There’s no way a man can beat sister Carrot, though, so the winner is decided.”

She was a master at deducing what had happened just by looking at the scene. People called her “Zell the Detective. Truth be told, though, in her hands, every case became even more convoluted. Of course, a lovers’ quarrel didn’t fall into that category.

“I see.”

But Bash was convinced by her argument. It was so complicated that he only understood half of it, but it was common knowledge that if two orcs wanted a woman to be their wife, they would kill the other and take her. If such lovers’ quarrels occurred even among humans, then such a situation would not be uncommon.

“But Nazar is being ridiculous. The princess loves you, mister.”

“I’m not surprised, she’s a very attractive woman.”

Normally, he would have been angry with Nazar for trying to mess with the girl he was trying to woo, but Bash owed him a huge debt. A huge debt in the form of a magazine, a human treasure. Without this magazine he and Silviana would never have reached this point in their relationship. Besides, tonight he would sleep with Silviana and make her his wife, so he could put all this aside in a relaxed and mature manner.

“What are you going to do?”

“Rescue Silviana and pay my debt to Nazar.”

It would kill two birds with one stone. If he could get rid of Carrot, he could make himself look better to Silviana, and he could also pay off his debt to Nazar. So Bash moved. He moved to the front, protecting Nazar, who was trapped by Carrot’s charm and just waiting to die.


“Yes, I was waiting for you, Sir Bash.”

As she said this, Carrot was dressed in an outfit that was deadly poison to Bash’s eyes and life. It was the most popular succubi costume. Underneath that folkloric costume was a body that would make anyone salivate. If Bash hadn’t been a virgin, he would have been sucked into her, giving the victor what she wanted. But this was not the time. Bash broke his gaze with an iron will and turned to Silviana.

“Lift your foot.”

“Huh?” Carrot had a startled expression on her face, but immediately turned her sharp, strong gaze. “No, I won’t move it.”


“As you may have noticed, Sir Bash, this woman was deceiving you. She planned to approach you so that when you touched her, she would make a fuss that you had forced her to sleep with you, and she planned to involve the entire orc race in it.”


“The Orc Hero put his claws on the beastmen princess. Even if it’s just a lie from the princess, the Beastmen royalty will vouch for her. Because they hate Orcs. And they want to exterminate them if they can.” Carrot grabbed Silviana’s hair and lifted her face. “Wasn’t it?”

Silviana smiled wryly as she put on a distorted expression of pain.

“It’s a lie! Sir Bash, I profess nothing but admiration for you! It’s just that this woman is in love with you and is jealous that we get along so well!”

Then Zell whispered in Bash’s ear again.

“I guess my hunch was right after all.”

“I see.”

The power of the magazines was a frightening thing. It attracted not only Silviana, whom he had targeted, but also Carrot, whom he had not intended to target. It was the same in war. With a magic sword or magic tool that you couldn’t handle, it would also harm your allies without you knowing it.

“How can you tell a lie so blatant and so easily discovered?”

“I’m sorry, or are you angry because I hit the nail on the head? Look, Sir Bash, this is the proof! This w̲h̲o̲r̲e̲ is trying to deceive you!”

“Sir Bash, don’t listen to her. She’s just a lying princess who wants to play with the hero of another country and tried to trick you, and there’s also the human prince who thinks the others are toys… after all, no one in the Four Races Alliance considers orcs and succubi as people. That’s why they play with us like this.”

It was a pathetic behavior… Indeed, Silviana’s attitude left much to be desired. This was not the attitude of a loser. It was an act that would not be surprising if it led to her death, for she was undermining the winner with falsehoods. The fact that Nazar had called himself Errol was also disrespectful as a suitor.