“We feed them well and let them sleep. They are as fat and healthy as you can see.”

The “food” shook his heavy body with a sense of languor and he walked over to a table set up in the room. Then he began to eat all the food on the table. When he finished eating, he lay down on the bed in the middle of the room and began to doze off.

Lying on his back, the figure looked strange to Bash’s eyes. Although his body was white, his face was generally reddish-black and he had dark circles under his eyes. He was huffing and puffing, as if he was tired or perhaps having trouble breathing.

Really healthy, huh?

During the war, many of those who were able to gain weight lived long and healthy lives. On the other hand, those who were thin tended not to live as long. If you were thin, you got sick easily, and your wounds were hard to heal. Since their physical and muscular strength was less than that of the fat ones, they were more likely to die in battle. So Bash also thought that “being fat is a sign of good health”…

But the man below him didn’t look like that. In fact, he looked like he could see death coming.

“Oh, it’s almost time to eat.”

He looked up to see someone enter the room.


It was an incredibly attractive woman. She had a lot of exposed skin, as was typical of a succubus, long wavy hair, large breasts, and a great ass. Any man would have wanted to throw her to the ground and sire his own offspring.

Bash looked at the man. This was the important part, how was this man going to sleep with this attractive woman? As food, he would be a man who slept with women every day. And many times a day. He must have had a lot of experience. This time he wanted to observe and use it as a reference.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me.”


The ‘meal’ was over in a few minutes. The succubus unilaterally touched the man who lay like a corpse. The man didn’t even move his face. Even when Bash watched intently as the succubus undressed herself, the man did not even look at her, just stared at the ceiling with vacant eyes. The “job” was done by the succubus and finished before Bash had time to ask, “Why isn’t the man moving?”

The succubus was very excited, and so was Bash, but the lying man did not seem to be as excited, and did not move at all, not even changing color until the end.

“The man never moved, did he?”

“Yes, that’s right. There were some who cooperated at first, but after a month, they all became like that. After all, being ‘eaten’ is hard work, so I guess it can’t be helped.”

“I guess the succubi don’t use the ‘charm’ either?”

“…? Of course we don’t. We don’t need to use it to get our food.”

“I see.”

“It is impolite to use the charm. It would be disrespectful to those who provide our food.”

Venus said, looking at the glass again. Inside the room, a second succubus had just entered and was approaching the “food”. Bash watched him closely, but the man did not move, and the succubus ended up sucking his semen without him being active.

To be honest, Bash was disappointed. But when he thought about it, that was to be expected. Men didn’t come here because they wanted to. No woman in an orc breeding ground would want to have orc children, but it was the same thing. There was no way anyone would actively try to have rough sex with a succubus.

“As you can see, the food spends its days in comfort. What do you think of that?”

“I see…” He was sorry to hear that, because what Bash wanted to see wasn’t exactly that.

“A-Are you unhappy with anything?”

“No, not particularly.”

“Of course, we’ll continue to do everything we can! For example… hmm?” Venus raised her eyebrows. There was something unusual in the room under the glass. Another succubus, who had entered the room to have her turn with the man and was eating, was agitated for some reason. The man lay on his back with white eyes, foaming at the mouth and convulsing. “What’s wrong, was it too much suction?” Venus quickly asked a nearby succubus who was about to do something about it.

“No, it was her first suction. He hadn’t reached his daily limit, or maybe he’s sick…” But the succubus was just as confused.

“He could he’s sick, or worse! Follow me!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Venus said and ran from the room. As Bash looked down, Venus jumped into the room and began to cast some kind of spell on the still convulsing man. Probably some kind of healing magic. But it was too late, Bash knew. The man was going to die for sure. Thinking back, there was a hint of death coming from the man for some reason.

“What’s wrong?”

“Maybe someone poisoned him.”

“Ah, that’s how they die, isn’t it?”

Orcs rarely died of poisoning. They had strong stomachs that could digest most poisons. However, they had seen enemies die of poisoning during the war. They would die rolling their eyes and going into convulsions.

“Could you cure them him your powder?”

“I don’t know, but let’s try! Come on!”


Zell said, and they went downstairs to follow Venus and the others.