183. Entering the forest of death

183. Entering the forest of death

Tomoka didn’t even bother listening to Anko as she interrupted Ibiki’s speech to give hear own instructions. Though she will admit she did look Anko up and down. The purple haired woman wore a body mesh that left nothing to the imagination. The only thing keeping some of her decency being the black bra visible through the mesh, her mini skirt and a coat wide open.

“Nice.” Even though the whisper was so quiet no one should have been able to hear it. Tomoka's head was impacted by a pair of pencil’s thrown by Hinata and Nozomi. The girls had used their full force knowing Tomoka could take it.

Anko didn’t even bother with the small disruption as her introduction and instructions had already been given. Instead she just leapt out the same window she had come through. A moment later everyone began leaving, after all, they needed to prepare for tomorrow.

“To~mo~ka~” Hearing Hinata’s sing song voice made Tomoka shiver lightly.

“To.mo.ka” On the other hand Nozomi’s curt tone made her realize something.

“hehe, I’m in danger.” Before Tomoka could try to flee, a pair of hands caught her by the neck of her shirt.

“Naha you ain’t getting out of this one so easily.”

“Yeah, the only way we found to keep distracted once you got us going and left us wanting was to read.” And read they did. It had happened a year back when they got their hand on a book called Kamasutra. It had introduced the both of them to that world and after they could not stop. They couldn’t help themselves imagining doing all those things to Tomoka. That is why once finished they also got other related books.

The girls continued chatting until Anko once again made her appearance. She quickly explained the rules and objectives. Signing the waiver was a none issue and no more than half an hour later each team found themselves inside training ground forty four, also known as the forest of death.

““So what’s the plan?”” Both girl’s asked at the same time looking towards Tomoka who began grining.

“Sorry, I couldn’t sleep properly last night so I am not feeling all that well. I will be leaving it to you.”

“You can’t be serious.” Tomoka didn’t bother to give Nozomi any other answer aside from a simple shrug.

“She is serious.”
