Chapter 61: S2. Resentment Wished Upon The Stars - 4

Name:Otherworld TRPG Game Master Author:
Chapter 61: S2. Resentment Wished Upon The Stars - 4

S2. Resentment Wished Upon The Stars 4

After burying the cats corpse in the front yard, the three of them gathered around a blood-stained box placed in the middle.

A chilling warning. The announced attack caused a state of continuous tension. It was like guerilla tactics to prevent the enemy from resting during a war.

Therefore, the most certain method was to find and deal with it first. Bennett looked at the warning and spoke.

Can we track the sender?

[If we get a bit more information. With what we have currently, its still insufficient. I analyzed the footsteps coming and going in front of the mansion, but it seems like it was a different person each time. And they all appear to have a certain level of physicality.]

To summarize, it mentions a God and seems to be an organization capable of commanding multiple people. But it fits so perfectly that its actually suspicious.

Bennett fell into thought upon hearing Niolles analysis and Tara, sitting next to him, banged the table and vented her anger.

Its definitely those guys from the Order of the Silver Twilight or whatever!

Do not jump to conclusions. The Order of the Silver Twilight has no reason to interfere with the research. Abrahams research, which calculates the speed at which a cosmic disaster is approaching, does not appear to have any religious implications. This religious message might be a disguise.

Then who else could it be?!

Abraham said he was a professor, a scholar. It might be a dispute with another scholar. It is the most likely reason for stealing or obstructing research.

[But if a rival scholar orchestrated this.would they go to such chilling lengths? Putting surveillance around the mansion and even mentioning a God seems unnecessary.]

Niolles opinion was valid. Bennett nodded in agreement, then summarized his conclusion.

I wont deny that the Order of the Silver Twilight is suspicious. However, we should make conclusions after we find solid evidence. After all, there is a chance of making a mistake.

As Bennett pronounced mistake, he looked pointedly at Tara. Niolles sense of justice was definitely excessive, but so far, there had been no particular need for concern; unlike Tara, who clearly had a strong attachment to Abraham.

However, Bennetts gaze was not noticed by her. All Tara was doing was biting her nails, thinking about whoever sent this malicious parcel to Abraham.

I swear, if I catch whichever punk did this, I wont let them off easily!

Lower your voice, Tara.

Are you not even angry?!

It is not worth getting so upset about. After all, he is not one of us.

And someone who we had only met four days prior. Bennet swallowed the latter part of his words.

Moreover, Abraham was from another world. In the end, getting attached only led to loss. In addition, there were suspicious circumstances around Abraham. What was so important about this research to the old man that he continued despite such threats?

We should focus on something else. Im talking about the Shining Trapezohedron. We need to find out what it is, how it looks, and who has it.

[But how should we go about investigating that?]

The Crazy.. Wizard mentioned it in his report. That means the wizard was able to obtain information about the Shining Trapezohedron. There must be clues somewhere.


Niolle pulled her knees up and thought deeply, before quickly writing something on the whiteboard as if she had an idea.

[Maybe the Academy, no, the Uni-versity has information?]

The University..Miskatonic? The place where Abraham is a professor?

[Yes. I heard its an educational institution with many books. If it exists in this world, it would be recorded, so maybe the library of Miskatonic University]

Thats right! We need to protect Abraham for the investigation, right? Since Abraham is a professor! He could take us to the university

Before Niolle could even finish writing her sentence, Tara interjected with sparkling eyes. Bennett clicked his tongue at her blatantly transparent motive.

They were at a crossroads. Whether to continue the search while leaving Taras emotions as an unstable factor or to point it out and criticize her for it. Was it something to be solved or tolerated?

Bennett weighed various aspects on a scale. The insane professor sending students to an otherworld under the guise of an academic subject. The search with guaranteed safety. The goodwill towards the kind-hearted Abraham and the risks that were becoming increasingly apparent.

And the rising irritation.

Bennett impulsively came to a conclusion.

Or lets ask Abraham to look into it. He knows a lot, so hell definitely...


Bennett slammed his fist on the table, cutting off Taras words. Then, he spat out with a low voice, full of venom.

You seem to be misunderstanding something important.


Our goal is not to protect Abraham. In some cases, it might even be beneficial for us if Abraham dies. After all, it would eliminate a danger and secure us a base.

What? H-How can you say that! Are you saying youll kill Abraham?


As Bennett brought up an extreme hypothesis, Tara sprang up from her seat and glared at him, causing the pushed chair to tumble over.

Bennett gritted his teeth. After quietly pushing his chair back, he stood to face Tara directly, without avoiding her gaze. He had to achieve his goal. Therefore, he could not just overlook herplaying house, which lowered the success rate of the plan.

He raised his voice.

Listen properly. I did not say I would kill him. I said it might be beneficial for him to die in certain situations. I am telling you to be aware of this. So that you do not hesitate at a crucial moment!

I cant believe it. Do you even realize how well Abraham has treated us so far?!

Anger flared in their eyes and the veins on their necks bulged.

He is a person from another world. This is not where you live! Did we not form a team to prevent the bloodshed that will happen at the Academy?!

So, are you saying its fine for him to die because hes from another world?! Do you really think this place is an illusion or fake? Do I need to remind you something as obvious as how life is precious?

A confrontation between parallel lines. And at the end of it

There is a hierarchy to life!

Dont you dare try to take away my family.!!



Niolle threw a chair. It flew between Bennett and Tara, before making a loud noise as it rolled on the floor. Only then did both of them turn to look at Niolle.

The whiteboard she had put down was filled with phrases like, Dont fight and How about we talk camly. But now, there were only traces of erasure.

Niolle took a deep breath, exhaled, and then

[Ill take Tara with me, Bennett. Tara. Lets talk about this again tomorrow.]



The situation had concluded. Niolle led Tara up to their room, and Bennett, with a throbbing headache, began to tidy the disheveled living room.

It wasnt something he needed to raise his voice on.

There could have been a gentler way to say it and perhaps staying silent would have been the better choice.

Looking back, Bennett seemed to be angry. As he watched Tara openly share affection with anyone, he might have despised his own incapability of doing so. If so, it was truly a ridiculous situation.

After all, it was already far too late for him to go back to such a state.

Bennett thumped his head against the wall and murmured to himself. A bitter self-mockery sliced through his lips and pierced his heart.

Whoam I?

Someone who would do anything to get his young sister back.

One who would cause chaos and fear at the Academy, ultimately leading many students to their death.

A Black Wizard.


Her disobedience to the orders guidelines was the greatest rebellion her conscience would allow. And she knew just how meaningless it truly was.

I know. I know too. That doing this wont bring back Mom and Dad

Tara pounded the bed with her fist. Over and Over. Then, she vented out her inner thoughts that contained the longing she held for her family.

But, but.Even if it is for just a moment Even if its a completely different world Doing so means I can recall those happy times


Niolle silently patted Taras back. Tara cried in Niolles embrace.

A pale pattern briefly shone in Niolles eyes, then disappeared.

That night passed quietly, occasionally disturbed by sorrowful sobs.


Bennett could not sleep. Was it because of the sobbing he happened upon in the corridor? Or was it the turmoil growing in his heart? Suddenly, he thought of the night sky. He climbed the stairs of the trapdoor to the rooftop.

Abraham, who was counting the stars, turned around.

Whos there? Ah, its you.


Bennett avoided the old mans gaze.

It might be because of the guilt remaining in his heart. Even if the subject in question wasnt around Even if his intention was to remind Tara of her purpose

Spatting out that it might be better to kill Abraham pricked at Bennetts conscience. After all, the old man had treated them with such kindness.

The old man stroked his beard several times, then spoke quietly.

Tara and Niolle havent been coming out of their room. Did something happen?

We fought.

I wont ask what about. But it seems you could use a change of scenery too. Care to sit next to me?


Bennett dragged a round chair over and sat next to Abraham. The cool breeze and twinkling stars were pleasant. But the way the sky seemed unusually dark appeared to be a matter of his mindset.

Abraham spoke with silence as he looked through the telescope. Like casting a motionless fishing line into the sea, silence was a very good bait for conversation. In the quiet, Bennett suddenly inquired.

We saw the parcel.

It is rare for youths to take an old mans advice, after all. I understand. Since youve already seen it. What did you think?

.How is it that you continue your research? It does not seem like it will end with mere threats. It is not like you need a source of income either. Isnt that so?

Seems like youre curious about why this old man stakes his life on research, huh?

Abraham laughed heartily. The old man turned away from the telescope to face Bennett. After rubbing his wrinkled hands together and gathering his thoughts

I am not being obstinate, just because I dont have much time left. After all, I still wish to live long. Theres still so much I havent done and I havent reconciled with my daughter yet.

Then, that is all the more reason to stop.

But you see, this research will definitely benefit humanity. Even if it leads to the worst possible outcomesat least it would give people time to prepare. Moreover, if we are lucky and we get a few billion years of reprieve, it could provide clues to uncover the intimate secrets of the universe.

But that very same humanity is threatening you, Abraham. While sending things like cat corpses.

From what Benentt could see, the world seemed inundated with malice.

The number of times people killed others for their own purposes was uncountable. It was as numerous as the stars in the night sky. Bennett himself was one of those ominous stars.

In a harsh world, living for oneself seemed to be the only option. Why bother doing anything for others? To this question, Abraham grinned widely, showing his teeth.

I know as well. People are shitty. They are like flies that dont care about whose corpse they land on.


Bennett stiffened momentarily at Abrahams aggressive language. The old man just laughed heartily and continued.

How many people do you think I have met at my age? I already know most live while only looking a step ahead and would readily stab anyone with a knife. But if we all responded by flinging the same shit back. Wouldnt the world just have an even greater number of sad people? This is simply an arithmetic of gains and losses. And.


Isnt contributing to a leap for humanity quite a cool thing?

Cool. You say?

Yes. Its what every scholar dreams of. Using the theory I created to save the world. Its been my dream since I was young.

Bennett looked skeptical, as if questioning whether it was merely a jest, but Abrahams eyes were sincere and clear. The old mans pupils sparkled like those of a boy with a dream. It might have seemed like a childish reason, but

Bennett felt like he somewhat understood.

It was because, like every young boy, Bennett had once dreamed of being a hero. One who carried a sword, defeated villains, and saved princesses.

The pure fragments of those days, swept away by time, shattered by circumstances, were visible in the old mans eyes.

A dream, that is.

His purpose remained unchanged. He would do anything to save his sister, even if it meant hurting many at the Academy. However..

If he was given even a single chance

If the object known as the Shining Trapezohedron could show a way that neednt harm others. Maybe. Just maybe.. He would want to walk that path. Bennett felt a bit of the burdensome weight lift from his shoulders.

With a somewhat lighter heart, Bennett engaged in conversation with Abraham. The old man happily joined in the young mans dialogue. They exchanged stories.

And like that, the night deepened.


Morning. In the corridor, Bennett encountered Tara. An uncomfortable silence flowed between them. Behind them, Niolle wondered what she would have to throw if they fought again.

After a brief standoff, Bennett was the first to speak.

I think my words were too extreme. I apologize, Tara.

Did you eat something wrong?

Bennet took a deep breath, organized his thoughts, and then spoke.

My thoughts have not changed. If it comes to a situation where we absolutely have to sacrifice someone, I would choose Abraham over you two. So.


Lets try our best not to let it come to that. Is this much acceptable to you?

Sure, well Eung.

Bennett extended his hand and Tara took it. Niolle clapped in celebration of their monumental reconciliation, thinking it was finally okay to relax a tad.

The breakfast table that day was filled with warmth. Bennett, also a bit more relaxed, conversed freely with Abraham. Tara also enjoyed the atmosphere. From a distance, their interactions might have resembled those of a close-knit family.

Shouldnt you at least start doing the dishes by now. Niolle and I have been taking turns until now.

I only use two plates, but you use three. In order to be fair

Right then

With a Creeeeak The door to the mansion opened.

Clack. Clack. The sound of heels. A woman dressed in a pure white dress, her snow-white hair flowing, entered the house.

Was it because of her attire? Or was it because of the distant look in her eyes? There was an air of mystique around her, as if she belonged to another world.

Abrahams eyes widened like never before and his mouth dropped open.


It seems like the family has grown since Ive last seen you, Father.

Abrahams daughter, Isaac, had /genesisforsaken