Chapter 105: Chasing Resentment - 2

Name:Otherworld TRPG Game Master Author:
Chapter 105: Chasing Resentment - 2

There is a prison constructed in a circular shape.

While resembling a panopticon in structure, there was a crucial difference—there was no central watchtower. The circular design ensured that all prisoners could see each other.

Room Number 1 is the Hell of Fire. The floor and walls are heated to searing temperatures, enough to cook flesh.

The child trapped in Room Number 1 endures constant boiling.

They suffer burns and blisters that burst and reform repeatedly. A continuous healing spell is active in Room Number 1, so the victim will never lose their lives.

However, the body, subjected to relentless boiling and burning, gradually loses its human shape after multiple iterations of destruction and repair. His lower half already resembles that of a slime’s.

Room Number 2 is the Hell of Starvation. It contains everything: interesting books, a comfortable bed, a clean bathroom, and showers. However, it’s missing just one thing. There is no food.

The starvation continues. However, Room Number 2’s victim receives sustenance via mana, ensuring survival despite starvation.

The human body, evolved to crave sustenance endlessly, sends signals. This is because the smell of cooked flesh is wafting in from the neighbouring room. Seeing herself drooling over the smell of her friend being continuosly burned alive, she cried in shame.

Room Number 3 is covered with spikes on the floor. Whether standing or lying down, there is no respite from pain. The victim becomes akin to a living cactus.

Room Number 4 suffers from a leaking roof. Just as the victim is about to fall asleep, a single drop of water falls on their forehead. The victim has not been able to sleep even until now.

Room Number 5 is plagued by periodic nightmares that manifest the victim's worst memories and then disappears.

Room Number 6 is....

Room Number 12 is the Hell of Knots. While not subjected to physical torture, the occupant's mind is linked with the suffering of the children from the other rooms. A fraction of their pain slowly seeps into her consciousness.

Though she feels the burning, the stabbing spikes, and the insomnia, she cannot scream. It's not that the pain isn't excruciating; rather, she simply felt sorry for her friends.

She could see her friends screaming out directly in front of her eyes. Begging for death. She could see it all clearly.Ne/w novel chapters are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

The pain she felt indirectly is already overwhelming.

The other kids are actually experiencing this, just how much pain must they be in?

I shouldn’t be a crybaby. I have no right to cry. I only bear a small fraction of their pain. Since... Since I feel the least amount of pain, I must endure it.

I have to tell everyone they can do this. To be a beacon of hope for all my friends.

I mustn’t cry.


Feeling sadness at others' tears, empathizing with their pain, is a natural reaction. Emotions are contagious to some extent after all.

In this prison of agony and screams, the girl understood this fact very well. She had to smile to help her fellow prisoners endure.

She forced a smile.

Her eleven friends see her smiling and wrongly assume that she receives no torture. So, they despised her. They questioned how she could be the only one so comfortable while they suffer.

At the very least, shouldn’t she have the decency not to mock their pain?

As long as the tragedy remained etched in her memory, she could not turn away from the path of vengeance. Revenge could not be delegated to others; it was hers alone to pursue.

Yuna clenched her fist so tightly her nails dug into her skin.

“..... The Royal Guards do not operate outside the Golden Ring. ‘Boy Knight’ is also on a business trip. That leaves us with two primary concerns: the power of the Black Wizards and... the Capital Knight Order’s Commander.”

“The Capital Knight Order’s Commander.... What kind of person are they?”

“They have reached Sublimation. You can describe them with many different words. ‘Budget Destroyer’. ‘Walking Earthquake’, ‘Starving Demon’, and most notably, ‘Battle Maniac’.”

“Battle Maniac.... You say”

The Second Prince recalled the Capital Knight Order’s Commander: always challenging the Boy Knight, charging headfirst into battles when encountering strong opponents. She was a woman who was crazy about fighting.

Almost everyone in the Capital Knight Order had a strong sense of justice, but she was the sole problem child that had popped up out of nowhere.

If the Purple Tower Master is spotted by the Capital Knight Order’s Commander, you can say that a fight is almost guaranteed to break out.

She enjoys fighting, not killing, so she would not aim to take a life or cause a fatal accident.... But it would be problematic nonetheless.

“Going off of what I heard, the Capital Knight Order’s Commander has an unbelievable amount of Mana. I heard that she fights with brute force.

The Second Prince quickly briefed us on the intelligence gathered by the Defence Bureau agents. The blueprint of the mansion, the safer routes with fewer people, and an emergency base were all provided.

“I wish you luck.”

And, wished us success on the operation.

The plan was finalized. Now, the only task left was its execution.


After 『The Lamb』 left, Duke Redburn Maximus played chess alone. The only knight remaining on the board was the black one. The white knight existed only in the duke’s memories.

Tap. The white queen took control of the battlefield.

“If the sewage hideout was destroyed, they will be coming to my mansion next. No matter which path they choose, they will be lured here.....”

Tap. He threw a bait to pull in the white queen.

“The Capital Knight Order’s Commander is like an enraged boar, so just a slight push would be enough. . Using the pawn I planted within the Knight Order, I’ll leak that the Purple Tower Master snuck in unauthorized.... And is soon going to head towards the Duke Redburn’s mansion.”

Tap. He used the black queen to restrict the white queen's movements.

“Even without interference, the Capital Knight Order itself must be drawn out. There can be no obstacles when hunting a target.”

Tap. He used a pawn to divert attention.

“The Capital Knight Order’s Commander recently caused a big incident. Even that idiot would understand the need to avoid property damage. She’ll drag the Purple Tower Master far away to fight.”

Tap. The white queen left the white king’s side.

With no pieces left to protect the king, Duke Redburn quietly advanced the black knight.

“When the Knight Commander separates Purple Tower Master and the target, go ahead and kill him, my son.”

From the shadows, a man with slicked-back crimson hair stepped forward and knelt before Duke Redburn.

“Yes, Father. I, Rodeus, the Redburn Duke’s second son, 『The Nightmare of Wizards』 will complete the mission.

He had the ability to directly touch and destroy Mana, making him the perfect counter for their current target, a /genesisforsaken