Chapter 646 Feng Xian'er's Plans

Name:Otherworldly-Cultivator Author:
646 Feng Xian'er's Plans

"What kind of item can make it easier for us to go to the higher realms, Xian'er?" Zi Gang asked her.

"A teleportation portal, and it will connect us to the home realm of the owner of those ruins."

Feng Xian'er's answer surprised Zi Gang, especially since he also harbored a dream of going to other realms. Unfortunately, his cultivation was still in the early stages of the sovereign realm, so he still needed a very long time to reach the peak of mortal cultivation, and he felt that his lifespan would not be enough to achieve it.

Unlike his best friend, Di Xiong didn't give it much thought, particularly because he already knew about the Tianyi Realm and that Chen Li would eventually marry Di Chen, so he was confident that he would take them to the higher realms in the future.

Feng Xian'er smiled, knowing Zi Gan's thoughts. "Unfortunately, it is not easy to repair the teleportation portal, which requires some materials that only exist in the upper realms, so it will take a lot of effort and time to repair it, and we still have to discuss this matter before making a decision."

Zi Gang nodded in understanding to Feng Xian'er, but they suddenly heard the loud roars of several beasts coming from the cemetery, so they decided to head there. When they arrived there, they could see that the protective formation protecting the cemetery was starting to crack in some parts.

*Crack... Crack..."

Xiao Shijian's lips curled up, and she took the last step before breaking the protective formation. The moment it broke, all the beasts in the sovereign realm and above instinctively pounced towards him, and the beast in the lead was a black phanter with two long fangs like a sabretooth.

"Foolish kitten." Xiao Shijian muttered softly before reaching her right hand forward, and she flicked the beast's snout, sending it crashing into several other beasts behind it.

After witnessing this, Di Xiong and Zi Gang exchanged glances with bitter smiles. Despite the black phanter's superior strength to theirs, Xiao Shijian was able to defeat it with a single flick without using her cultivation.

Xiao Shijian's action did not deter the other beasts, who charged at her. However, she waved her hand directly, causing them to freeze as if time had stopped. "If it were not for my old friend's desire to engage in combat with you, I would have immediately executed you all."

"You're still fierce as ever, Big Sis." Xiao Kong'er immediately locked all the beasts in her void prison. "Shall we check this cemetery directly?"

"Let's check inside." Feng Xian'er answered Xiao Kong'er as she walked towards the biggest tomb, especially since it was the only one with a door and a tall staircase leading underground.

Zi Gang, Di Xong, and the spirit women trailed Feng Xian'er down the stairs, but the interior was surprisingly dark due to its prolonged abandonment. She then summoned Fang Xueyi and Mikaela before ordering them to fly down, and their bodies of fire instantly lit up the entire area. When they descended, they discovered countless petrified demihumans of various races inside the tomb, along with numerous treasures used as offerings for the dead.

After that, they immediately left the tomb and returned to their camping area, but Feng Xian'er then led Xiao Shijian and Xiao Kong'er to the main ruin before going to the central room of the teleportation device.




"Can you use your time reversal to restore this crystal?" Feng Xian'er immediately asked Xiao Shijian as soon as they arrived there.

"Yes." Xiao Shijian replied with a nod before touching the crystal. "Unfortunately, I will fall into a deep slumber again after I restore this crystal, and I probably won't wake up for another few hundred years."

"Why do you want to recover this crystal, Xian'er?" Xiao Kong'er curiously asked. "I can bring all of you to the higher realms if you want that, but I don't want to do that because they are still too weak to stay in the higher realms."


"Forget it then." Feng Xian'er then turned to Xiao Kong'er and asked her. "How long will it take for you to go to the Tianshan Realm?"

"Hmm?" Xiao Kong'er pondered for a moment, rubbing her nose. "The Tianshan Realm is a moving realm, and they are constantly moving around this universe. That's why I can't be certain of their current location, and since I have to traverse this universe to find them, it will likely take me a considerable amount of time to return here."

"I see." Feng Xian'er nodded in understanding. "If that's the case, we should wait for my hubby to finish his dual cultivation with my mother-in-law, and we'll talk to him about this matter afterwards."

"Why do you want to recover this crystal, Xian'er?" Xiao Kong'er curiously asked. "I can bring all of you to the higher realms if you want that, but I don't want to do that because they are still too weak to stay in the higher realms."

"Haha." Feng Xian'er chuckled before telling her. "That realm is already destroyed now, so I believe those people no longer care about that realm. Moreover, I aim to restore this crystal not for our own benefit but for the benefit of the people in this realm, who could potentially become valuable allies if they gain strength. After all, those people have killed and captured many of our old allies, necessitating the need for numerous new allies."

Xiao Kong'er immediately agreed to Feng Xian'er's idea. "All right, I will go find the Tianshan Realm after we discuss it with Chen Li."