Chapter 652 Beast Tamer Visit

Name:Otherworldly-Cultivator Author:
Chapter 652 Beast Tamer Visit

Chen Li was spending time with his twins, discussing their plans with Feng Xian'er. "Which island should we choose? Beidao, Dongdao, or Xidao Islands? Nandao Island's only inhabitants are beasts, making it a potentially monotonous place to stay. The ancient King Island is a graveyard, so we can't possibly stay there. The myriad demon island is where the demons live, so I have no interest in staying there."

"Hmm?" Feng Xian'er, with a gentle tap on her chin, contemplated the advantages and disadvantages of each island, particularly given that a vast ocean separated them. Besides, the sky and oceanic beasts in that realm were powerful, so they wouldn't be able to travel as easily as in the Seven Moon Realm. "Honestly, I find meeting human cultivators boring, so I think it would be better if we stayed on the Beidao island, especially since that island is home to the demihumans."

Chen Li turned to Feng Xian'er, and the mischievous smile on her face made him realize her idea. "You want me to look for female demihumans as partners, right?" Expplôre uptodate stories at no/vel//bin(.)com

"Hehehe." Feng Xian'er chuckled at her husband's guess. "That's right; you already have several human and beast partners, but you don't yet have any demihuman partners, so you might as well find some on Beidao Island. They are stronger than humans, and even though they are still inferior to beasts, they will be useful to you."

After hearing that, Chen Li let out a heavy sigh. Feng Xian'er's words reminded him of someone, causing his expression to turn sad. "When I was still alive as Emperor Long, I only had one concubine from the demihuman race. Ren Yaxing was a good woman, but she was the weakest among them, and my stupidity caused her to die from the effects of the poison."

"I can understand your feelings, hubby." Feng Xian'er hugged Chen Li's waist and rested her head on her shoulder. "However, you don't have to regret their deaths, as we can't turn back time. Instead, we should focus more on those who are still alive and in the custody of the traitors. Ren Yaxing and the others should have undergone reincarnation, and they may have found better lives in their new lives."

"Yeah, you're right about that." Chen Li replied with a slight nod before looking up at the night sky. "I don't know where they are now or what their new identities are, but I hope they have a happy life. As for the others, I must regain my old strength as soon as possible, and I'll do whatever it takes for that. Otherwise, I will never be at peace until I save them and take revenge on those traitors."

"Since you've thought that way, you can stop holding yourself back and find as many partners as possible when we go to the Azure Mystic Realm in a few days." Chen Li nodded in agreement with Feng Xian'er, as he had also thought about it. "In my opinion, you can use those female demon cultivators for your own purposes, especially since you've given them safe lives by moving them to that realm." Otherwise, they would have perished, especially since their home realm was too chaotic back then. To make things easier, you can reveal your identity to them as Emperor Long's reincarnation, and I believe that they will be willing to serve you."

"I'll think about it later after we arrive in that realm, and I just want to accompany them for now." Chen Li spoke as he observed his wives, friends, and family members approaching them. "How's your training going?"

"Not bad." Chen Wei'er was the first to answer his question. "All the beasts in this forest are stronger than us, even though we are on the same level, so this place is indeed the best training ground for us now. However, we cannot continue to come here once you and Xian'er have left for the Azure Mystic Realm, and Sister Kong'er has also departed to search for the Tianshan Realm."

Xiao Xianglin shook her head and reminded her best friend. "Wei'er, we still have Sister Shijian and the others, remember? Since they didn't go with our husband to that realm, then we can ask them to bring us here if we want to train in this forest again."

After that, Chen Li went to the training ground area, where he resumed his swordmanship practice because he needed to reach the sword manifestation stage in order to use the seventh move of the sword origin technique.

Early in the morning, Chen Li found that they had woken up when he came out of the Tianyi Realm, and they looked eager to continue their training. So he, Sun Xing'er, and the spirit women guided them through their training.




In Holy Moon City, two men were standing in front of the Moon Palace, and they were the people from the beast tamer tribe, Shou Xun and Shou Liang.

"Have you contacted them, brother?" Shou Liang asked Shou Xun.

"Yes." Shou Xun replied with a nod. "I have contacted the two women who came to us a few days ago."

After they waited for a few minutes, Shao Xiying and Shen Yuying finally arrived at the place, and they immediately led the two men to meet Bai Lanhua.

Before long, they had arrived at the main hall of the Moon Palace, and Bai Lanhua immediately spoke to them. "Welcome to my place, Shou Tianxian's descendants."

Shou Xun let out a soft sigh before replying to her. "I have long suspected that you are the reincarnation of a cultivator from the Five Divine Heavens, particularly due to your unusually fast cultivation speed for someone born in this lower realm, and my suspicions have been proven today. What was your name prior to your reincarnation?"

"Even if I tell you my old name, I am sure that you do not know me because I was a small cultivator in the past." Shou Xun and Shou Liang wore doubtful looks, especially since small cultivators would not know their ancestors. "My past name is Sheng Luo, and I am a member of the holy temple."

"The holy temple, huh?" Shou Xun muttered as he nodded in understanding. "No wonder you know our ancestor, especially since the first master of that place, Sheng Dian, is his old friend. So what is your purpose in inviting us here?"