The three masked men are tall, each two meters away. Their clothes are even more strange and strange. There is a frightening ghost spirit all over them. Even the terrorists with submachine guns are afraid to look straight, their eyes are full of fear.

But Lei Haotian looked up at them calmly and said with a smile: "I heard that your Bible of the dead was stolen by the father of Satan? Even your Pope has been killed... "


Before he finished speaking, the guy with the huge sickle waved fiercely, and the sickle wrapped up a wind and went straight to Lei Haotian.


Almost at the same time, the corpse of the US Army lying on the ground stood upright, and dozens of thin claws together held the blade.

The bone claws touch the blade and make a sound of gold and iron. A dozen bones are pushed out seven or eight steps away, but they are finally blocked by the sweeping trend of the knife!

The guy took a big drink and stepped forward. He was about to be furious, but he was stopped by the mask man holding the cross in the middle.

"Lei Haotian, you're too much for yourself." Lin Zhenbang got up from the ground, put on his glasses again, shrunk behind the mask man and said, "I know that you really have some small skills, but compared with these three people, you are far behind. What's more ridiculous is that you don't know the height of the earth and the depth of the earth, but you still use the necromancy to fight. Isn't it not that you have to learn from others to find your own death? "

Leihaotian squinted at him and said with a cold smile, "speaking of Necromancy, I can't compare with these people naturally. I just want them to see something."

With that, he took out a shabby copper bell from his arms and shook it dangdangdangly.

With the sound of the bell, those bony eyes suddenly opened, a blood bright red, two fangs exposed under the lip, the fingernails on the hand suddenly grew a lot, a sharp as a knife.

"Gentlemen, don't you need me to say anything more?" Leihaotian said triumphantly.

"You mean the Bible of the dead is in your hands?" Asked the man with the cross in his hand.

"To be more precise, it's in Mr. IM's hands. It's his way of handing me over." Leihaotian stopped the bell and scanned the three people again: "this is your stuff originally, and the old man has no intention of hiding it. So, now do you want to continue to be the running dog of the US Army, or do you want to cooperate with us? "

The masked men could not help but lay down their weapons and look at each other.

When Lin Zhenbang saw this situation, he was immediately in a hurry: "several masters, Lei is so ambitious that he even wants to rule the world of Yin, and he does the same in Ming and in secret. It's not a thing at all, but don't believe his nonsense. "

"Hahaha..." Lei Haotian laughed: "even if what you said is true, what's the difference between the American master behind you and me?" With and turn to ask to those humanitarian: "three, can think well."

"Where is Mr. em?" The masked man holding the cross seemed to be the backbone of the three of them, who took the lead in expressing their attitude.

"But never." As soon as Lin Zhenbang saw that the event was not good and was about to be stopped, he was glared at by the mask man with a steel fork, and he immediately dared not make a sound.

"Mr. IM has been waiting for a long time. Please come in!" Leihaotian said, turning aside and making a respectful gesture.

The three masked men each carry their weapons and follow leihaotian to the inside.

"Here This... " Lin Zhenbang was blindfolded immediately. He wanted to persuade him again and didn't dare to say anything. He didn't want to go back. He didn't want to stay here. After a long time, he followed three people closely.


They had just walked out a few steps when there was a sudden explosion in the distance.

When they looked around, they saw a piece of fire rising from the ruins not far away. Under the fire, half of the propeller was flying down.

It seems that Zhang Tianbei got it!

Bang bang bang!

Then there was a barrage of gunfire in the other direction.

Seven or eight terrorists with submachinegun shouted something and backed back vigilantly.

Leihaotian turned his head and looked at it, but ignored it. He continued to lead the three masked men to the inner church.

The gunfire started from behind us, which is the direction of these terrorists. Once they found out, they would be in trouble!

I just wanted to use the invisibility talisman, but Gao Shenghan shook his head at me, closed his eyes and lay down.

Pretend to be dead?

I got it right away!

Just now, the U.S. Army broke in from the front and killed a lot of terrorists. The two of us are dressed like these people now. No one will find anything when we pretend to die on the spot.

At present, I squint my eyes, but I hold the invisible needle tightly, just in case.

The noise of disordered footsteps came from far to near.

Bang! Bang!

There were two more shots. A few terrorists who had just run to our side were shot suddenly, lying on our body, and the hot blood spilled all over my face.The rest of them were shouting, turning around and shooting aimlessly, and running away.

Gao Shenghan grabs a handful of blood and wipes it on his face. Then he picks up a submachinegun, sweeps a shuttle at the back, and runs with those people.

This is to take advantage of the chaos and enter the team!

I quickly got up, picked up a gun and followed.

Dada, boom!

All of a sudden, the whole rear front was in a mess.

Obviously, this was not Zhang Tianbei's job. Maybe the Syrian government army heard the gunshots and thought it was the mobs who wanted to fight back and immediately joined the battle group.

Soon, the terrorists running in front converged with the large forces, saying something in a jilihuala way, and their faces were full of fear.

There was an immediate commotion in the army!


There's a big beard that looks like a small head. It's a shuttle in the sky. At the same time, it's shouting something. These guys will be quiet soon.

The beard shouted, and at the same time, some people hurriedly got into the fortification and began to shoot out. A few of them turn around and run back. It seems that they have reported to their superiors.

Gao Shenghan made a look at me, and indicated that we should take advantage of the chaos to enter the church.

But at this time, the beard suddenly stopped us. I don't know what he suddenly found, or he assigned us something else.

But no matter that kind of possibility, you can't put it on.

Gao Shenghan's eyes narrowed, pretending to be obedient, he walked forward two steps and suddenly shook his hands.


A white light flew out!

It's the embroidered spring knife with the shape of a curved moon.

Before the beard could see what it was, his head fell to the ground.

The blade did not decrease, and the people standing beside him were wiped their necks together. The blade was like the moon, turning a half circle and falling back into his hands.

It wasn't until they heard the popping of the corpse that the terrorists who were a little further away found out that those people were already different!

Gao Shenghan throws away his gun, learns the terrified voice of those thugs just now, and runs to the church with his head in his arms.

It seems that this matter just now has nothing to do with him. He's just frightened!

I also learn from him, shouting and running around.