"Hmm...fuu~, I slept well. Huh?"

I was supposed to have slept on the floor, but I woke up in bed.


I look at the floor, but Meena doesn't seem to be there.

"Oh, you're awake, Master."

Meena came in without knocking, but she seemed to have fetched water from a tub.

"Meena, I thought I slept on the floor."

"Yes, in the morning, I was already awake, so I brought it up and moved it so Master could use the bed. I'm sorry for being so selfish."

"That's all very well, but you don't have to that, you know. It must have been difficult for you, a girl."

"No, it's easy with a body like Master's. Beastmen are very powerful.

"Is that so?



"Now, wipe your face with this."

"Yeah. Sorry."

"No, it's the least I can do. *cough*,*cough*,*cough*."

"Are you catching a cold?"

She took a hot bath yesterday and didn't dry it off properly with a hair dryer.

"Oh, I've been a little under the weather for the last week, ...but I'm fine. I can go on adventures and dive into dungeons."

Meena, though, purposely makes a gut punch with empty energy.

"You know, I'm not that kind of hard-working adventurer, and I don't plan to go dungeon diving."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I've been here for a week now... and I know a doctor, so I'll have him take a look at you."

"No, no, I'm penniless and..."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of the fee, and they probably won't charge you either."


He seemed skeptical, but Kojima would do something about it if I asked.

"So, yeah, let's go get some breakfast first."

"Yes. I'll be here cleaning..."

"Idiot. You're going to eat with me. A sick person can't get well without food. Listen, Meena, your first task will be to cure that cold."

"Okay, I understand. I'll do my best."

"Yes. Rest easy."


"So, you got an appetite? Do you feel nauseous?"

"No, I don't have much of an appetite. I'm just tired, but I can, and do eat."


She was quiet yesterday, but she seems to be a rather articulate girl. She seems to be a lot more independent than I am.

I went downstairs and had breakfast with Meena in the inn's dining room. The innkeeper's father was in a good mood because Meena was now clean, and he bought us some extra cheese.

"Then, Meena, let's go to the castle. There should be a doctor there who knows me."

"I understand. I'll repay you by working for you."

"You don't have to worry about borrowing or lending."

You're a target of maximum sensitivity, you know. You're going to have to pay me back with your body.

"I can't allow that."

She seems to be quite difficult to capture. I'd prefer a girl who's a bit more gentle.

When I went to the castle and asked to see Kojima, he instructed me to wait in a room.

"Oh, Alec-san, I'm so glad you're all right."

Kojima arrived, looking a little sick.

"From the looks of it, it looks like you haven't found any clues to get back to our world,"

I said.

"Yes, His Majesty the King gave me permission to look through the archives here, but other than the stories of heroes in this world, there is nothing. I don't know what's going on here."

"I see…"

I nodded, pretending to be seriously sympathetic, but I have no intention of going back to the original world, and that glasses-wearing god said I couldn't.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Kojima-sensei, but could you take care of one of patients for me?"

"Yeah, I don't know how much help I can be since I can't do CT or blood work, but I'll try. Is she seriously injured?"

"No, She's a who's been having coughing and lethargy symptoms for a week now."

"Oh. Is that her?"


"Then, have a seat here for a moment."

"Okay. *cough*, *cough*."

Kojima looked into Meena's eyes, put his hand on her chest and tapped it, and put his ear close to her mouth to listen to the sound of her breathing.


"How is she, doctor?"

"She seem to have a slight fever and her trachea seems to be a little inflamed. I'd like to do a detailed examination to see if it's influenza or tuberculosis, but unfortunately, we don't have the facilities here, and the medicine would be difficult to obtain."

"Is that so, In general, it's good to get some nutrition and rest enough."

"Yes, that's right. And gargle often and wear a mask to prevent infection.――No, keep a cloth over her mouth. I'll see if there's anything I can do to help here."

"Thank you. Well, this isn't much, but is this okay?"

"No, I don't need the money. I can't even give you a prescription. Even with the most advanced medical knowledge, without machines and medicines, you're screwed."

"I guess we're modern people after all. By the way, how is your income?"

"Yes, since I am well versed in medicine, I will be taken care of here in the castle."

Well, it looks like the king isn't just incompetent. He must have realized the usefulness of Kojima's expertise.

"I see. If possible, you should raise your level as soon as possible.

"Monster extermination? I'm not really good at that kind of thing, though Keiji and his friends are always trying to lure me."

"Is that so. Then, thank you very much, Doctor."

It would be useless to invite him any further, and well, I don't have the luxury of taking care of others.

"If your condition worsens, please come back here. I'll look for some of the medicines from our world."

"Thank you for your help."

We left the castle.

"Am I suffering from an incurable disease....?"

"You're thinking too much. I'm sure it's just a cold, but Meena, what kind of healers are there in this world?"

"People with money can buy medicine or see a doctor, but I think go to the temples are the norm."

"So let's go to the temple."

"Yes. Well, you'll need to make a donation..."

"Is it expensive?"

"I don't know. They say it's more expensive if you're very sick."

"Well, let's go, and if I can't afford it, we'll find someone who can."


When we went to the temple, we found a majestic building waiting for us, lined with large columns like the Parthenon.

I was a little overwhelmed, but as the people of the city went inside, Meena and I went in as well.

It was huge.

The ceiling was high, and the sound reverberated faintly.

"Um, the treatment is..."

"Over there."

Meena seemed to have been here several times and pointed to the right. In the center, a group of believers were gathered and a priest was preaching something.

Walking down the corridor, we saw a row of individual rooms, and a wounded man with bandages was led into them by a person.

"Is any of this okay?"

"Yes. Anywhere that's available."

There is no door, so we find a room with no waiting list inside and enter it.

There was a strong-looking old monk inside. Tsk, bad luck. Couldn't pull off a beautiful girl cleric, huh?

Do your job [Luck Lv 4].

"Let's go back in."

"Wait, wait, wait! You don't like me, do you?"


"How punishable. I'm a veteran of this temple, and I'm very much appreciated."

"Yes, well, I suppose so."

I don't care about your arms. I just want to see a pretty cleric.

"It's not very encouraging. Hmm, looks like your girl's sick.

"How did you know?"

"Hmm, that's like breakfast for me. Now, girl, get down on your knees and take off your clothes."

"Wait, does she have to take her clothes off?"

"That's ......, of course. It's only natural, in order to get a better look at the feeling of the sick."

"Then we'll have a female priest take a look."

"Wait, wait, wait! All right, I'll do it with your clothes on. What a selfish believer."

I'm tempted to complain, but as long as we achieve our goal, I'll be fine.

"So, how much will the donation be?"

"Well, I'd say fifty to a hundred gold for a normal illness. Since you seem to be poor, I'll give you half the price."

I don't think it's very businesslike at all to lose a donation.

"That's 25 gold. If you can't cure her, I'll get it back."

"Okay, okay. Now, ......, oi, what's with the hand?"

Normally, this fishy priest was trying to grab Meena's breasts with both hands, so I guarded it.

"Can't you treat her without touching her? You don't seem to have much skill."

"What do you mean!? You should see my ability! Hmph! Ieeeeiiii!"

The fresh-smelling priest combines the fingers of both hands like a ninja to get into the spirit.


A white light began to faintly appear from his hand and enveloped Meena.

Somehow. The light coming from the old man.

I want to shake it off, but Meena doesn't mind, so I'll hold back.

"Okay, phew, that went well."

"Really? Meena, how are you feeling?"

"Oh, yes, my chest feels better, I'm less sluggish."

Hmm, looks like it worked.

"See, kid?"

I'm not old enough to be called a "kid," but I'll respect that.

"Yeah, I saw it."

"Then. If you are injured or sick in the future, you may ask me to come to this room. Mufufu."

This guy is definitely targeting Meena. I'm not letting her come here again.

"Then, let's go, Meena."


We're leaving the temple.

"And avoid that priest next time. Get another priest to take care of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Meena didn't like the fresh-smelling priest either, and she seemed to be well guarded in that area.

"Then, Meena, let's go buy you some new clothes."

I bought her some yesterday, but one outfit is not enough for her.

"Ah, yes, thank you very much."

I went there with the intention of letting her choose freely, but Meena quickly picked out and brought it to me. A plain cloth dress.

"Are you sure about this? You don't have to worry about the price, you know?

"Yes, I'm not usually a very careful person."

That's okay. I'll let her dress her up when I save up enough money, but she doesn't seem to be a fancy girl.

I paid the fee and also bought Meena's bag, since she might need it for something.

"Now for the weapon... have you ever had a fight with a monster?"

"Yes, but only with weak enemies."

She didn't seem to mind, so I guess she was okay.

"What weapon do you use?"

"I've only ever handled a shortsword, so that'll have to do."

"Yes. How much would it cost?"

"I think they sell cheap used ones for about 50 gold."

When I get the money from the auction, I can get some good equipment, but right now I have very little money.

"All right. Let's go to the weapon shop."


I went to the weapon shop and got the cheapest shortsword for 40 gold.

Hmmm, Should I get skill for negotiate a lower price or save such skills, early?

"Can you use it?"

"Yes. But is it all right, sir, to use a weapon on a new slave?"

"As long as you don't come at me with a knife, I won't have a problem. Don't worry about anything else."

"Y-yes, you're right. I'm sorry."

I've heard it's common for adventurers to use slaves for combat, and if they're in mortal painful limbo, they won't betray you so easily. Meena seems thoughtful and wise. So far, she's been obedient.

Once I returned to the inn to drop off my clothes, I immediately went out with Meena to hunt rabbits.

"Leave it to me."

With that, Meena ran in with a ready stance and stuck her shortsword into the rabbit's neck, moving quite well.

"Hmm. What's your level?"

"I'm nine."

"Hee~, you're higher than me."


Mmm. Meena is holding a shortsword, so I take an involuntary step back.

"Ah, I-it's okay, I won't attack you, master!

"Yeah, you're right. Okay, let's hunt the next one."


Most of the rabbits were taken care of by Meena by herself, so it was easy. However, looking at the way the experience value increases, it seems that the person who gets the last kill gets the most experience, so I guess I'll have to fight from time to time.

"I did it! I've gained a level!"

"I see."

I also gained one level, but the all-important treasure didn't show up. Well, it's rare after all.

"Then, let's call it a day."


I'm going to the Adventurer's Guild to get some cash.

"Take care of this."

We each put out a bag of meat and fur on the counter.

"Aah, Alec, you're looking good today."


"Those dog-eared people over there, Is she your people?

"Yes. Her name is Meena."

"Hmm. Oh, you bought a slave?"

"Yeah. I sold the jewel for a very high price. I thank you."

"I'm glad to hear that. Well, if you're solo, you're in danger of getting hurt. It's better to have more than two people. By the way, are you using birth control?"

"Eh? Aah, No…"

I haven't done it yet, but come to think of it, I wonder what's going on with the birth control over here.

"It's no good. If she get pregnant, she won't be able to explore for a while. So I'm going to give you some birth control pills. Meena, and you're going to have to take one of these every week, okay?"


Meena, red-faced and embarrassed, accepted the bag. Hmm, she seemed to understand her role.

I'm going to go back to the inn and get this ......

"What does this mean?"


When I turned around at the voice, Shiraishi was behind me with her arms folded.

"Hey, Alec. It looks like you bought a slave. What does this mean?"

"N-No, I don't need to tell you what to do every time I do something."

It should be, but my heart is racing as if I've been caught in a very bad place. Calm down. In this world, slaves are common for adventurers...

"No, we're properly educated. Why are you so tainted by the bad system over here, you know?"

"No, I'm not. Solo is dangerous, so I'm just adding to the group. I'm not doing anything crazy."

I say. I haven't done it yet. I'm definitely going to do it today, though.

"Hmm? I don't know. You said you were going solo."

"Well, well, you shouldn't meddle too much in other parties' affairs, Serina. In fact, solo is dangerous."

Erwin says, Damn, you guys are already calling each other name? This guy seems to be popular. It was a good thing I didn't go to their party with them. I'd go crazy if someone flirted in front of me while I was sleeping.


"But, wow, sis, you do have a tail. Let me touch it!"

Keiji, full of curiosity, reached out his hand without hearing Meena's reply, but Meena quickly changed direction and ducked.

"Oi, Cage, it's not polite to touch a beastman's tail, so stop it."

I say.

"Eeh? I see......Sorry, I didn't know you that, haha."


"Meena-chan, is this guy doing anything terrible to you?"

Shiraishi asks.

"No. Master has been very good to me, and he has cured my illness."

"Aah. Oh, by the way, Kojima-san was looking for a herb that can cure coughs."

I'll just report that I no longer need it later.

"I got it fixed at the temple. with Magic, I suppose."

I say.

"Well. I'm Serina. We're from the same world, so if you need anything, just let me know."

"The same world?"

"Oh, you haven't told her?"

"It's been a bit of a mess."

I don't really feel the need to talk to her.


Now that the money has been exchanged, I have no more use for this place.

"Let's go, Meena."

"Oh, yes."

"Wait! Murgh."

Shiraishi tried to call me off, but she either couldn't find a reason to call me off or gave up.

If you don't like it, go ahead and free the slaves or do whatever you want.

"Um, Master?"

Meena said with a slightly thoughtful look on her face.