
I stretch my arms out as far as I can.

I can hear the birds chirping, and it's a crisp morning. My body feels strangely light. And I can't tell what it is, but it smells faintly good.

Also, there's something else that makes me feel good and comfortable.

"Hmm? Yeah."

Apparently, I had fallen asleep with Meena in my arms. She was already awake, it seemed, but she was staring at my face on the bed.

"Good morning."

I call out to her.

"Ah! G-good morning, Master."

"What were you doing? If you were awake, you could have moved separately."

"No, it's just... it's comfortable to be in Master's arms..."

"Fufu, I see. Well, in that case, you can stay as long as you want.

I hug her.

"Hyah, yes. Thank you so much..."

I wanted to do it again, but she was a virgin until yesterday. It would have to be after the wound healed.

I hugged her for a while, then woke up to shake her off.


"Then get ready. Let's get some food and go on an adventure."


Meena quickly got up and put on her clothes as well. She looked at the sheet, but there was a little blood on it.

"Master, can I go wash this first?"

"I don't mind, but I'll let the innkeeper do it.―――"

"No, you can't!"

I'm not in a hurry. It wasn't like I had anything urgent to do.

"I-I see. Do what you want."


I waited for Meena to finish washing in the water from the well behind the house, and then we had breakfast.

"I'm sorry, I would have preferred you to have breakfast first."

"No, from now on, we're party buddies, and we'll have breakfast together."

"Yes. That... I'm happy."


With her as my wife, I thought it would be nice to have this kind of breakfast in the morning.

We spent a strangely uncomfortable time glancing at each other and giggling, and then headed to the adventurer's guild.

Well, I'll have to brace myself from here on out.

"Then, Let's go on a rabbit-hunting quest."

"I understand."

I confirm the request and head out of the city.

"There's a rabbit over there."


Meena was able to find the prey upwind quickly, making the search for the enemy is fast.

But after a few battles, I had to stop her.

"Wait, wait, wait! What the hell are you doing, you are?"

"I'm sorry..."

I already know why. She's trying to do too much for me, and she's forcing herself to kill my prey first.

"You know, if I don't get the last kill, I'm not going to be able to level up, and more importantly, if you get hurt, it's going to cost me dearly. It's fine to be enthusiastic, but don't change your fighting style. Just do what you've always done."


Well, if she's uptight after sex, I guess that means she've agreed to live with me. I'm glad.

I still feel that she's too aggressive, but she has started to avoid enemy attacks, so that's good.

Both of us didn't level up that day, and it might be that we're not getting enough experience with rabbits. However, I'm steadily accumulating experience in status, and I finish the day's hunt, deciding to solidify my partnership with Meena before heading to the next enemy.

"Oh, yeah. Alec. A guy named Merlot from the merchants' guild wants you to come and pick up the money."

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

The guild employee told me about it, so after I redeemed the rabbit drop, I headed over there.

"Oh, Alec-san, thank goodness. The other day's auction has been paid for by the other party. I'll bring it soon."


He led me to a room at the back of the merchants' guild and handed me a small bag. Inside were five silver coins.

"The winning bid is fifty thousand gold, the commission is ten thousand gold, and the price of the slave you bid on is thirty-five thousand gold, that's five thousand gold minus the commission. Please confirm."

"Yes, I did receive it. But can you break this one down into large copper coins?"

"Yes, sir. Here you go."

I accepted the copper coins.

"Speaking of which, I would like you to tell me about the slave traders...'

"Yes, of course."

He said that there were several types and ranks of slave trader, but he basically introduced me to a decent and somewhat large trader who dealt in battle slaves.

"And the Swordsmen's Guild? I'd like to be introduced to that as well, if possible."

"Yes. There's only one in the capital, so it would be better to have them explain the details of their school."

"All right."

After being informed of the location, I thanked him and left the merchants' guild.

"Uhmm, Master..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"A-am I not good enough for you ......"

When Meena saw that I wanted a new slave, she seemed to misunderstand that I had no use for her.

"Oh, no, you wrong. I just thought it would be good to have a few more people. We don't have enough strength yet."


She seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Just so you know, it's not because I'm selling you out or because I'm unhappy with you, okay? Don't misunderstand that."


"Well, it's getting late. We'll talk about our gear another time. Let's go back to the inn."

"Yes, master."

I took Meena back to the inn and finished dinner.

I went back to my room, but I was too busy.

"U-uhmm, do you want me to take it off?"

"Ah, no, not today. You're still sore, aren't you?"

"Ah, no, I'm fine now after eating the herbs."

"Mmm... so you can do it?"



I almost jumped, but I hid it and let Meena take off her clothes.

Meena was a little nervous, but this was her second time, so she didn't seem to be worried.

"Aah! Master! Masteer!"

I don't know how many times I slammed my hips against hers, excited by the sound of her calling out to me, unable to hold back the pleasure.

I let it out inside.

I'm getting sleepy and there's no need to push myself. I should go to bed.

"Let's call it a day. How'd it go?"

"Y-yes, it was very, very amazing..."

Meena, who seemed absend minded, fufu, she was cumming.

When I hugged her, she didn't seem to mind as she pressed herself against me.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The next day, I visited the Swordsmen's Guild I had been told about. I was expecting to see a bunch of burly swordsmen, but instead there was just a young lady at the counter.

"I heard this was a swordsmen's guild..."

"Yes, it's definitely the Swordsmen's Guild. People who come to the guild for the first time may be confused, but all we do here is help people change jobs and find masters, so people like me who don't know anything about swordsmanship are the ones who work at the counter."

"Oh, I see."

"So, what can I do for you?"

"Aah, I'd like you to introduce me to Master Swordsman, but is it possible for me to become a swordsman quickly?"

"Yes, it is possible. However, even if you change jobs, you are still an apprentice and will not suddenly become stronger."

Well, of course it is. I'll give her a nod there.

The fee for changing jobs is one hundred gold. It's cheap now that you can make money with rabbits. Meena and I will pay for both of us.

"Then, please go to the back room first. We'll perform the job change ceremony there."

When I was led into the back room, an old white-haired swordsman was waiting for me. He was very muscular.

As soon as the old swordsman saw us, he smiled! With full of energy.