I nodded at the sensei's question.

"Yes. That's why I'm not thinking of making a career with a sword or becoming a top-notch swordsman. As long as you can teach me the sword techniques I need for my adventures."

"I understand. Is that okay with you, Meena?"

"Yes, I'm a slave to my master."

"I see. But you've got the qualities, What do you think, Alec? I think you'll have an easier time adventuring as a top-notch swordsman."

"Yes, you can teach Meena the higher levels. I'll pay you well."

"No, that's no good."

"No, It's fine."

"Fufu, if she's a slave, she have to obey her master's rules. Well, you're still a novice, so you'll have to wait and see."


Meena is a little unconvinced, but I'll tell her later that it's easier for me if she get stronger.

"I don't like the idea of letting a woman fight while I sit back and take the easy way out."

Billy, who is swinging his bare head, says to me as if he is guessing, but hey you, if you don't stop it, it's time for me to get angry, too.

"Billy-san, please don't speak ill of my master. It's only natural for an adventurer's battle slave to serve as the vanguard."

Meena says in annoyance.

"G-got it"

"Right. Hmm, a battle slave, huh."

I'm sure Welbard thinks she's a sex slave. Well, actually, that's what I make her do...

"Meena's got a good nose, and she'll be useful in hunting and adventuring."

I'll tell her that. Welbard nodded.

"Yes, beastmen, especially dog-eared ones, have a good nose. Aah, Ione, I'm sorry, I don't need it anymore."

Ione came from behind the building.

"I see. I'm sorry it took me so long to find it. I bought some of these at the tool store this morning, but they don't have any in stock either."

She showed me three herbs, but they all seemed to be out of stock.

"I'll send a request to the adventurer's guild later."

"Ah, father, I'll go and make a request."

"Yes, please do."

"Yeah. And, Billy, don't get into a quarrel, okay?"

Ione said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Tch, I know."

It was lunchtime and I was getting hungry, so Ione brought me a basket full of bread.

Oh man, I think I'm going to fall in love with Ione.

"Father, I've brought you something."

"All right, then. Let's take a break."


"Come on, Billy, wipe your hands."

"No, I don't need it."

"Geez. Alec-san, here a hand towel...Ohh"

Ione had brought me a hand towel, but Meena had also brought it out for me.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and neck with Meena's hand towel, and wiped my hands with Ione's hand towel and returned it to her.


"No, you're welcome"

"Mmm, Ione, this is better bread than usual!"

"Oh, yeah, I was hoping Alec-san would like it."

"What? Why are you paying so much attention to this guy?"

"I-I don't, but you know, he just join us today."

"Ione-san, then this is as payment."

"Oh, no, Alec-san, that's all right. It's just a gift. Don't worry about it."

"You should careー"

"Billy. Oh, that's right, I'll give help you this afternoon. A lot of it."

"Uh, ugh, no, I thought I'd just do some swinging today."

"You don't."

"Fufu, Well, it's good for a change. It's good medicine for Billy."

"Huh? Se-sensei!"

Ione, of course, seemed to take it easy on him, but she moved so fast and struck in rapid succession that Billy soon lost his temper. She was so busy trying to prevent it that he couldn't even fight back, but I wondered if she was just talking out of his ass or if Ione was too strong.

She seems calm and her arms are slender, but after all, she is the dojo owner's daughter, she must have talent.

"I-I give up. I'm sorry, Ione. I can't!"

"Okay. Well, I guess that's it then."

Ione, still in her plain clothes, sheathed her sword in its scabbard with a snap, her sword looking very presentable.

"What's the matter Billy, you're giving up too soon, that's no way to maintain your dignity as a senior."

"Give me a break, Sensei. There's no way I can beat Ione or Fritz. I can beat up that old man there, though."

Hmm, well, eventually."

I don't know when I'll get to meet Billy. I doesn't even seem to be able to put my sword away yet.


"Hou~. That was neatly done. That's good, Alec."


I pulled it out again and put it away with a snap. It worked again. My speed was much faster than before, and I was stable and unperturbed.

I guess I've learned the skill of sword delivery after seeing Ione's swordsmanship earlier. This is the ability of my skill, 【Skill Copy Lv1】.

"Mmm, he's getting better all of a sudden..."

"Sensei, can you show us a little example of your sword drawing?"

I say

"All right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have to set an example. I forgot about that."

"Get a grip, sensei."

"Geez, Billy's on a roll already."

"Fufu. Now, let's review. I want you all to take a break and watch."

"""Yes, sir."""

Welbard stood naturally in place and drew his sword with a shout of "Teiyaa!" He drew his sword with a shout of enthusiasm.


I couldn't see a thing.

"But next time I'll pull it out slower, so watch the position of my arms and the center of gravity of my body."

Welbard pulled it out very slowly, and I watched him closely.

"Now, each of you, try to imitate me a little."

"""Yes, sir!"""

They each pulled out their swords. I, too, imitated the mood of the Welbard earlier and pulled out my sword.


The sword didn't catch in its sheath.

"Good one, Alec. You've got it."

"Yes, I think I've got it."

"That's good. Hmm, I thought this would be tough, but you're learning faster than I thought. You might be ready in six months."

"Thank you. Well, swordsmanship is not learned in a day, and I have some business to attend to, so I'll leave you here for now."

I'm getting a little tired, so I'm going to run some errands and call it a day. 

"I see, okay. Come visit dojo at your convenience any time."

"Okay, well then, what's today's bill?"

"Well, it's only half a day, so fifty gold for the two of you."


Meena and I will leave the dojo together.

"So, Master, where are we going?"

"Ah, let's go to the Adventurer's Guild. Ione should be giving a quest for medicinal herbs."

"Yes, that's right. Let's go."

There was a quest for get hundred aloe plants, so I raised my skill to "Herb Identification Lv2" and had Meena take both "Herb Identification Lv1" and "Herb Collection Lv1". Level 1 requires the least amount of skill points and consumes the least amount of time.

I walked around steadily, and in the evening I was able to collect a hundred of them.

I took them to the guild.

"Here's your reward, 55 gold."

"Yeah, thank you."

"But with that gear, you'll get do better quests."

"Yeah, I'll do that tomorrow."

"I see."

I went back to the inn, had dinner, and then had sex with Meena.

"Uuaahhhn! Master, Aaaaahhhhnnn!"

Meena laughs and hugs me after we finish.

"I'm glad."


"I'll always be Master's slave, won't I?"

"Hmm, if you want to be a commoner again, I'll help you."

"Ah, no, I don't mean like that. I mean, I'll always want to be with you..."

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna let you go, so don't worry."


The next day, I went back to Welbard's dojo, and today he made me do some swinging.

The sword was so heavy that I felt sluggish even after a few swings.

Welbard was watching me closely, so I couldn't slack off....

But after a hundred swings, I couldn't swing it properly anymore.


"Okay, Alec, Meena, you guys can get some rest.

""Yes, sir.""

I was expecting Billy to say something, but although he looked at me, he didn't say anything.

I wonder if Ione's medicine from yesterday is working.

"You're both adventurers, so you're used to wielding swords, aren't you?"

Welburd said.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, it's hard to swing a sword when you're an amateur, and it's better to start with fifty swings."

"Aah, yeah."

Ione brought us some tea and we all went straight to our morning break.

"Thank you, Alec-san, for accepting our request for medicinal herbs."

Ione said with a smile, but it seemed that she had heard about the client from the staff.

Tsk, I should have kept them mouth shut.

"No, I'm an adventurer. So don't worry about it."

"But I've heard that not many people take the gathering quests because they don't pay well."

"That's true if you're a full-fledged adventurer, but we're just starting out."

"That's true, but..."

"Only your equipment is full-fledged."


"Oh, scary, scary. I complimented him, you know."

"That's not compliment."

In this case, I should have bought the armor in order, starting with the leather armor. Well, there's no point in worrying about looking good.

If you die, that's over for you.

I confirmed with Meena that there is no temple of resurrection in this world.

I ate some bread for lunch, did a little swinging, and then left the dojo, saying I had more business to attend to.


Ione chased after me. I wonder if I forgot something.

"What's wrong?

"No, it's just Billy, you know, but he's just a kid, so please excuse him."

"Oh, I see. It's not like I'm upset about it. I don't mind."

"Really? You're an adult after all."


I thought that would be the end of my business, but Ione refused to leave.

"Hmm? Is there something more?

"Ah, uhm..."

"Well, Master, let's hurry."

Meena said.

"Yeah? We don't need to rush, but..."

"But if we don't get there early, we might run out of good quests. Come on, come on."

Meena is rushing me, but that's okay.

"Well, then. See you tomorrow."

"Ah, Yes, Oh, hey!"


"You're going on an adventure, right?"

"Yeah, that's the plan. I'm thinking of doing some Crawler hunting today instead of gathering."

"If so, then please take me with you."

Ione said.