We were following the baron's maid to get back Lily's ring.

And, When the maid glanced back at us, she started running as fast as she could.

"Tch, She's notice us. Let's do this."

"Yes! Master."

"Khh! This is also for the ring ......!"

"H-hey! What are you going to her!"

Serina looked up, but it wasn't like I was planning to catch her and rape her.

I was just thinking of asking her out using [Pickup Lv2].

There's no way my technique can make her steal a ring while she's in a hairdo.

However, when she started running and turned the next corner, the maid unfortunately bumped into someone and fell down.


"Tch! Hey, where the hell is this bitch looking?"

It was a group of three men who looked like bad characters. It's really unsafe here, even though it's the royal capital.

"I-I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry. Oh."

The maid tried to run away, but the man caught her arm.

"Wait! Hey!"

As I thought, these guys don't seem to give up for free.

"Please wait! You just bumped into that maid and she's already apologizing too."

Serina walked out in style. I'm sure the maid's sensitivity would have gone up if I had said that, but I missed the right moment.

"Oh? You've got a lot of nerve complaining about us."

"This woman's face is still a kid, but she's got a nice body."

"Hehe, if you include this maid and the dog-eared girl over there, that makes three, right?"

The men chuckled meaningfully.

"Let that person go, if you're not, Starlight Attack!"

Serina said and immediately slashed at him.


What about the attack now? The other men were too upset by her haste.

"C-come on, you can't just let go and slash at me like----Gyaaa!"

"Damn, this woman is crazy, she's a mess! Gyaaaa!!"

The last one who tried to escape was taken care of by Meena, so you guys have to leave me some active parts.

"Are you okay?"

I use【Pickup Lv2】and offer my hand to the maid.


Hey. That reaction is pretty hurtful. It's not like she thought I was one of these trio, right?

"Pfft. It's okay. Come on, get up."

Serina rudely blurted out as she made the maid stand up.

"Master, I'll go inform the soldiers."

"Yeah, Meena, I leave it to you."

Two soldiers came and asked about the situation, but when they found out that this maid was a servant of Baron Riot, the soldiers' attitude suddenly became polite.

The three men were immediately dealt with as criminals and we were released, but I'm still afraid of status in this world.

"Thank you so much for your help, Alec-san."

A maid who thanked me. Her name was Karen. It's [Pickup Lv2] skills again here.

"No, don't worry about it. By the way, at the bar there..."

"I'm sorry! I have to go home or They'll get angry, excuse me!"

Karen bowed her head and ran off.


A girl with freckles in her hair tied into a braid. She looked simple and innocent.

She was definitely my kind of beauty, and it looked like [Charm☆ Lv3] would work, but doesn't this skill have an immediate effect?

"Fufu, you've been rejected..."

Serina said with an unusually happy expression.

"Are you going to get the ring back for Lily?"

"Yes, I do, but we should have just visited the baron's house."

"That's true, too. But it's almost nightfall. Let's do it tomorrow."


When we returned to the inn and were having dinner at the inn, Karen showed her face again. She has changed her clothes into civilian clothes, but they look similar to maid's clothes.

"Good evening."

"Ah, Karen. How did you find this place?"

"Yes, I was acquainted with the staff of the Adventurer's Guild, so they told me."

I'm concerned about the management of personal information, but in this world without telephones, we have to allow for that or else there will be inconveniences.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"Oh, no, not yet. ......"

"Okay, Old man, one more for her."


"It's on me. We'll talk over dinner."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you very much."

"Karen-san, I want you to know that you should be careful when a man buys you a drink, because he might have ulterior motives."

And Serina is saying unnecessary things.

"Ah, y-yes, ......."

"Don't say anything strange. It's already late at night, and it would be a pity to keep her hungry until we've finished eating."

I'll counter with a plausible reason.

"I'm not talking about that, I'm talking abou the buying part."

"That's the thing you know, because I'm rich hero."

"Ehh? Then You'll buy me a drink too, right?"

"No, you can't."


Because I caught the fish.

"Anyway, Karen, do you have some business with us?"

"Well, no, it's nothing like that, but I didn't get a chance to thank you properly, so I'm sorry."

"Ahh, you don't have to worry about it, but, well, as a person, that kind of courtesy is natural."


Shut up, Serina.

"It's matter of course."

"It is natural that you should be polite."

Meena and Lily are on my side.

"That's fine. By the way, Karen-san, the white rose ring that Baron Riot wore..."

"Here you go. One serving, thanks for waiting."

The old man brought me a plate at the right moment.

"Thank you very much, sir. It's looks delicious."

"Serina, we can talk about complicated story all this later."

"Huh? No, but..."

"Who's the leader of this party?" I ask.

"Murghh, you are."

"As long as you know that."

"Wow, you're the leader of the party?"

"Yeah, sort of."

Karen looked at me with a bit of respect, while Serina said with a dubious look on her face.

"I'll tell you, being a leader is not a big deal, you know?"

"That's why your party was forced to disband."

I'll give her a good argument.


"Each member of the party has different goals, different fighting styles, and different preferences. It's important to be considerate and attentive to them." I said plausibly.

Meena nodded her head in agreement, Lily furrowed her brow, but when I kicked her legs away, she hurriedly nodded her head.

"I wish you'd pay attention to me too, though."

Serina's mouth twitched and turned away, as if she was teasing a little.

"I know, I know. Old man, get me the best liquor you have here."

"Hehe, then, I'd recommend this one."

The old man grinned and pulled out a pink bottle.

"Mm, that's called lady killer, isn't it? Get another one."

Serina said something unnecessary again.

"Oh, I like that liquor, it's sweet, so I'll have that."

Karen insisted without regard to the advice of Serina.

"What? No, but..."

"Serina, I'll love you later too, so cooperate with me here."

I give her a gentle earful.

"Ugh, I-I get it. ...... It's promise, okay?"

"Yeah, I promise"

The rest of the time I just let her listen about our adventures and drink, and Karen got nice and drunk.

"Ahaha, it's feels good~.Hick, let's see, the white rose ring, you know, the baron wife likes it and she wore it, hick."

I was able to get information on the location of the ring, but the fact that the baroness liked it was not good news.

In the worst case scenario, the baroness might refuse to give it to us no matter how much money we pile on.

"That was my mother's memento. ......"

Lily was also a little drunk, but she said something unnecessary.

"I'll take care of it, Lily, but you need to rest. You're too drunk."

"Hmm, okay."

Lily seemed to trust me there, and the situation was quickly settled.

"Then, why don't you stop drinking? I'll drink it for you."

Serina says and takes Karen's cup.

"Ah, Serina-san, you're terrible."

"But you're very drunk. I don't think you should drink anymore."

I think it's time.

"Karen, can you stand up?"

"No, I caaan't. I can't stand uuup. Ahahaha."

"Then, Old man, the room charge, for one person."

"Thanks. Even so, you've got a lot of money, and you're a very popular guy, Alec."

"Who knows. Meena, carry her to her room."

"Yes, master."

She's stronger than I am, so I have Meena carry Karen upstairs to her room.


Now, on my bed, Karen, a maid, is lying down and looking at me with a burning face.

I've already convinced the party members, so I won't be disturbed.