We returned to the first floor of the tower, and as expected, the other members were angry with Sylvie and questioning her.

That's right. If she were an official member, she would have been expelled immediately for suddenly putting a party member in danger.

"Sylvie, if you ever do anything strange to Master again, I will kill you."

"All right, Meena. I'll keep that in mind. It won't happen again, I promise."

Meena, who had been the most angry, forgave her, and we managed to settle the matter.

I went back to the inn, had dinner, and let Sylvie into my room.

She had already changed out of her armor and into her clothes, and although she was slender, her proportions were quite respectable.

"Then get undressed."

I let Sylvie undress by herself and sprinkle some lotion on her. The lotion was so thick that it felt like melted honey, and it dripped down her body.

"Nnhh~, This looks promising. ......"

"Well. Then I'll decide how to do it. You're just gonna get fucked."

"I got it."

I put some lotion on my hands and started to touch her breasts.

"Khh, Aahh, This feeling is still similar to slime. ......"

"You like that, huh?"

"Well, yeah. It felt so good when it was slippery. It's a great feeling."

"I see. But I think it's much better with a man."

"I'm afraid I've never had a man."


I thought she was a non-virgin, but she's still virgin. I don't understand her. Anyway, I rubbed her breasts with my smooth hands.

"Nnhh~, Ahh~! Khh, Yeah, that's it. Aahh~, that's good!"

It's not fun to entertain this guy, but her slender, pale body is quite intriguing. Only her breasts were large and soft.

I touched her genitals, but they were no different from those of a normal human woman.

"Ugh, Alec, that's enough. Let's end this."

"Don't be silly, okay? We're going to have a lot of fun."

"O-Oh, no. if you continue, kghh~, s-stop it...Aahh~!"

Sylvie's body seemed to be tingling, but this was her punishment, too.

I stroked her all over, making her impatient.

"Ugh, please, h-here, whatever it is, please thrust it. I'm begging you, ......."

After about three hours of this, I was starting to get the urge to do it too, and that was enough. I'll put it in.

"Aahhh~! Khhh~, what's this, this is amazing……!"

"Come on, it's just the beginning."

"Hyaah~! Th-that's enough, please forgive me, Aahh~, N-no, don't move. hyii~, If you move now...Aaahnnn~!"

I was going to try cowgirl, but the squishy Sylvie was useless.


The next day, Sylvie looked at me with a grudging look on her face and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

"You're the devil. You're a real bad guy."

"You're a pretty bad guy, too."

In the morning, I went to the Kenjutsu dojo as usual, and in the afternoon I headed to the West Tower, and Sylvie followed me.

"The day before yesterday, a party of three was killed in the west tower. Their belongings have been found."

Sylvie said curiously.

"What's floor?"

"Sixteenth floor."

"Then It's still up there. We'll keep going."

"Then it's still up there. Let's keep going."

However, we don't intend to overreach. We need to assess the strength of the enemy, but we have the appraisal, so we will be at an advantage.

"What's on the sixteenth floor?"

Serina seemed concerned and asked.

"I heard there's a Roper, but I don't know much about its. I've only seen the eleventh floor."

"Well, I guess we can gather more information later."

In any case, we would only be going up to the third or fourth floor today.

"Yeah, that's right"

While defeating monsters, I explore the tower and fill in the auto-mapping.

"Ah, Master, It's treasure chest!"

When she killed the horned rabbit, a golden treasure chest came out.

"Good. Then, Meena, open it for me."

"Yes, sir. Huh? It's not a skill point, is it? I found a bracelet."

A beautiful shining silver bangle. If it's real silver, it will sell for a high price, but I'll have to appraise it first.

【Name】  Bracelet of Strength

【Type】  Equipment

【Material】  Mithril

【Defense】 25

【Defense Range】 2%

【Weight】  1


Increases the power of the equipped person.

It also provides protection, but the range is limited.

Basic ability value of power +20

"Hou~. Your power will be increasing. Maybe twice as much."



The question is who will be equipped with this .......

Sylvie is out of the question. This guy is just tag along for the ride and doesn't count as a party.

Someone in the vanguard would be good, since equipping it would increase their attack power.

So it would be me, Meena, or Ione.

If I give it to Serina and I get hit by her, it's going to hurt a bit.

"Well, then, Meena, you should equip it."

"Are you sure? The Master is ......."

"No, because you're the first in line. You'll have more attacks. I'm counting on you."


Without any complaints from the other members, Meena equipped on her left arm.

"Fufu, It's look good on you, Meena."

"Thank you, Serina-san."

We resumed our search.

We encountered a group of goblins, but Meena's attack was so effective that it ignored their shield defense and repelled them.

"That's good, Meena."

"Yes, Master!

"Ah, ......."

Ione tried to say something, but seemed lost.

"What it is, Ione."

"Yes, the way she's attacking, it's going to wear out your weapon."


"Ah, I-I'm very so sorry!"

"Don't worry, I'll get you a new one when it breaks."

Even if I don't sell the jewel, I have enough money saved up to do so.

Should I prepare a spare weapon already?

"Yes, but I'll try to fight without destroying it."

"Yeah. But remember, Meena, weapons are replaceable, but you are not, so don't forget your priorities."

"Y-Yes, sir."

Meena's cheeks blush with embarrassment, she's cute.

"That's a nice thing to say."

Serina smiled as she seemed to really mean it.

"Let's go."

We went down the passageway. Then I heard a clinking sound of metal hitting metal from the other side, it''s goblins?

"Master, it smells human."

Meena said, but other adventurers?

"Yeah, just be careful."


As we paused and waited, a party emerged from the other corner.

"Hey, bro, how's business?

A young man in leather armor held up one hand in a cheerful voice.

"Not bad."

"I see, it's not bad, but it's good. Look, we just got this from the silver treasure chest, right?"

The young man proudly held up a dagger and showed it. It's a beautiful dagger with a vermilion color from the blade to the handle.


It seems to have some kind of special effect, so I'm going to try to appraise it.

【Name】  Cutlass of Injustice

【Type】  Short Sword

【Material】  Red Iron

【Attack Power】 44 

【Hit Power】 44

【Weight】  2


A beautiful crimson dagger.

It boasts a sharp attack power, but

But it can deceive the beholder.

It is a tragedy of blood.

This must be a cursed item.

"You'd better sell that thing fast. It's a cursed item."

"Hey, hey, I've got some connoisseurship skills. It's not cursed at all."

"Don't say a word, Dilmud."

The old mage in the robe said, "It's okay to show off a little. It's one of the best things I've ever gotten my hands on. I didn't expect to find something like this in the West Tower, though."

"I envy you that. See ya."

If the Cutlass of Injustice is the best item, then these guys don't seem like much of a party, and I don't have any obligation to go along with their story.

"Yeah, see ya"

As I passed them, I locked eyes with a beautiful girl in a white robe. She had light blue hair and kind eyes. I like her.

"That party was full of beautiful women, by the way. There was one old man floating around, I wonder if he was a slave?"

The young man from earlier said rudely. Who's a slave? I can hear you.

"Dill, that's rude you know. He's must be the leader."

"What? That ugly old man? You're kidding right!"

"No, after he made his move, the others followed suit. It's an enviable harem."

"What!? Damn, that bastard! I'm gonna go stir things up a bit."

"Stop it, you idiot."

"That's right, Dill, you've already got Fianna."

"Yeah? She's not like that. I'm telling you, she's just a childhood friend."

"...... Yeah, well, we're just childhood friends. ......"

The clear-voiced Fianna would be the beautiful girl in the white robe from earlier. That girl seems to be interested in him, but Dill is an idiot.

"Master is not ugly. He has a tasteful face."

Meena says in a whisper, but it's an unnecessary follow-up.

Even Serina and Ione are holding their mouths and trying not to laugh. I'm going to make you guys squeal later.