This is the first layer of Grandsword's Labyrinth of No Return. It's a little different than the one in the Kingdom of Vernia, but there's no change in our fighting style.

Nene has been added to the middle of the formation, but she won't be fighting until a little later.

First, I want to get a feel for the enemy here.

"Master, I smell goblins from the left. Multiple in number."

"All right, let's head to the left. Nene, you don't have to do anything yet, just observe for now."

"Y-Yes, sir."

I turned left down the passageway and saw the goblins at the end of a straight stretch.

They noticed us too, and making sound Gee! Gee! They shouted and drew their swords.

They were armed with armor, but they looked basically the same as the goblins in the west tower.

"There are five of them!"

Serina grasped the total number of enemies with the 【Enemy Counter】. There were three enemies in the vanguard and two in the rear. One of them is an archer.

It would be troublesome if Nene was targeted by the archers, so I stepped in front of Nene to defend her myself.

Even so, when Meena, Serina, and Ione slashed at the vanguard, the game was won in a flash.


"Easy win!"

"I'm ready! Master."

"It's seems we're gonna be okay."

"All right, keep going... hmm?"

I was about to tell her to take out the rear guard of the goblins as well, but one of the rear guards stood upright and closed his eyes, and something was wrong.

"Don't take down that non-moving guy. Bow first."

"Copy that."

Serina dodged the arrow and killed the bow-toting goblin with a single blow.

"Hey, maybe you know (・・・・・), but he's going to attack you too."

Ralph says from behind me, but it's to get a feel for their different attack patterns. I raise my hand to signal him to shut up.

We waited for about twenty seconds without doing anything, but finally the last goblin went on the attack.

"Gyagyagyagay! Gyasuu!"

A goblin in a robe pointed its hand at me, and a fireball the size of a small fist flew toward me.

Hou~, you use magic too?

I dared to grab the fireball with my left hand.


"Ouch. Hmm, The damage is 6 HP. No big deal. You can take then down."

My hand is a little red, just before it burns.

"Oh, just 6 HP. I wonder if it's magic is weak?"

Serina said as she finished off the last one.

"No, goblins' magic is weak, but there are some in this dungeon like the [Spectre]. It's better to think of them as exceptions."

Ralph said.

"Yeah. But that's enough right?."

"Yeah, that's right. You seem to be properly protecting your own party, and I'm sorry I misunderstood you."

Ralph waved his hand and went on.

"Fufu, looks like you passed."

Serina smiled.

"I don't need him to tell me how to fight. We'll just level up here."


We'll go around the area, find the goblins, reduce their numbers, and let Nene get the last kill.

Nene is not very strong, so I had to make the enemies in nealy-state die, but as she repeated the process, she soon gained seven levels.

"I'd say most of the enemies around here are about level 10."

"Looks like it."

I appraised all the enemies and found that they were just as the innkeeper had informed me. There were no monsters of drastically different levels.

"Master, the humans are coming."

"Then let's stay back a bit. This is the route to the exit stairs, and it wouldn't be fun if they mistook us for PKs and attacked us first."

The party that came from the other side looked at us with obvious alarm, but we just walked past them.

There seemed to be two of them who were not well, and we wanted them to pass quickly, but no matter what we said, if they didn't trust us, it was the same thing.

But then one of them collapsed.

"Ah, hey, are you okay?"

"Tsk, you're useless. I'm leaving you here."

The warrior who seemed to be the leader of the party tried to move on.

"Wait! I have potions."

"No need. He's a slave."

"No, slaves are people. What are you talking about?"

Serina rushed over, indignant, and made the fallen man drink the potion.

"I-I'm sorry."

He was skinny and didn't look like he had eaten much. She also offered him some bread.

"Oh, thank you, thank you."

The slave was crying and devouring the bread, which was disgusting.

"Alec, rewrite the ownership, please."

"If there's any trouble, you're responsible for it."

"Yeah, I'm gonna get you exactly what you paid for."

"Now give me your left arm."

I ordered the slave man to take out his left arm, dripping my blood on it and rewriting the ownership. This is something that can be done with the skill【Slave Master Lv5】.

"You are now free. You can go wherever you want."


The slave, who looked a little troubled, trudged off, but if he wanted to, he could eat his way through collecting herbs.

"I'm sure Ralph was wondering if Alec was going to use Nene-chan as a disposable. They had the same dog ears."


You can usually tell by looking at the condition of the slaves, but no, it's not so easy when you've just bought them.

"Let's go back to the inn."

We went back to the ground to let Nene learn her skills.

"Oh, Alec. How's it going down there?" the soldier at the gate asked.

"There seems to be no problem with the first layer."

"Well, then, don't get greedy and move on little by little. New places are dangerous anyway."

"Yeah, I know."

"That's good."

"He's worried about you right."

"It's none of your business."

"You don't have to say it like that. The gatekeeper is worried about you."

"Anyway, let's go to the inn."


At the inn, I taught Nene how learn new skill. The other members of the team hadn't leveled up yet, so it was just her.

【Fireball Lv2】New!

【Hate Reduction Lv1】New!

【Physical Strength Increase Lv5】New!

【Arrows Repellent Lv1】New!

【Item Storage Lv1】New!

【Luck Lv5】 New

I'll have her take Fireball and the Survival Enhancement skill.

I'm planning to have her take [Evasion] at some point, but it won't do her much good if she's a slow, and it's a bit of a heavy acquisition point, so I put it off.

So far, 67 points have been spent. Only 21 points left.

But if she use them all up, I won't be able to deal with anything that happens. I'll leave a few points on the table.


【Masturbation Lv1】New!

"Hey! Why are you making her take that thing!"

Serina gets angry, but I argue with her openly.

"Nene is going to have a tough fight ahead of her. She won't be able to do very much without her own enjoyment."

"That why we should looking something else for having fun."

"Like what?"

"Like shopping and eating."

"'I'm going to give her a decent allowance for shopping and eating. In fact, Meena, Lily, I'm giving it to you guys, aren't I?"


"Yes, I receive it."

It's more of a share than an allowance, but I give it to her. I heard that they don't usually give money to slaves, but I do.

"Serina, are you going to let Nene have all the fun while you enjoy yourself with your eroticism?"

"I-it's not like that, and I didn't get into this relationship because I like it. ......"

"Then, I guess I won't be having sex with you after today."

"What? Murghh ......... I understand. Yes, I enjoy it. But Nene-chan is too young to be doing that."

"Thirteen years old is already an adult in this world."

I think it's a bit of a stretch, but I'm going to try and force my argument. The adult in this world is fifteen years old.

"I'm an adult!"

"Hmm, I'm not a child, but I'm not an adult either."

"You're still a kid. Fufu."

Meena was the only one who agreed with me.

"Look at them."

Serina said, putting her hands on her hips. Well, it doesn't have to be right now.