With Nene's leveling up complete, we headed for the second layerl in search of stronger monsters.

"It's so big that you don't like it."

"Yes, it is."

Serina seemed to want to head for the lower layers of the dungeon as soon as possible. It would be natural if the enemies were all easy-going and unchallenging, and the traps were nothing to write home about.

However, the words of the innkeeper, who she said she had been in a legendary A-rank party, were still stuck in my ears.

If you think you've gotten used to it and go ahead, you'll be outsmarted. That dungeon.

Well, it's better not to think that the second layer is just a hair smaller than the first. That's how easy the first layer was.

This is because when I tried to enter this place, some unnecessary adventurers made fun of me for being a novice.

The soldier also said that a level 27 would be fine for the third layer.

If this is the case, I should have taken the party rank certification at the guild.

"Master, it's silver treasure chest!"

"Okay, Meena, open it up."

I was a little excited at the prospect of a rare item. I don't think we'll find any mithril armor in this level, but we want rare items, too.

Please take care of that, Mr. Dungeon.

"The trap was a poison needle. No problem. It's just ......."

Meena took out the contents and twisted her neck.

"What is it? This cloth. There's a string attached to it."



Hoshirina and I noticed it immediately. It's a bikini swimsuit.

"I can't believe it! What the hell is this dungeon?"

"Well, don't be so upset, it doesn't matter if there's a swimsuit in there."

"I'd rather wear mithril armor or something."

"It's a fine piece of equipment, too. Let's have a look at it."

【Name】  Enchanted Bikini

【Type】  Clothes

【Material】  Mysterious Cloth

【Defense】 1 

【Weight】  1


A small triangle with a string attached.

It boasts a particularly sharp attack power against male reason.

Basic ability value of charm +20

Curse of Gaze Rigidity (Weak)

I see, it's a cursed item.

"What was it?"

It seems that Ione doesn't understand either, so I'll explain it to her.

"It's an outfit you wear when you go into the water or seduce someone. It can't be used in battle, but it will make you more attractive. Who wants it?"


"Oh, then I'll take that too."

Meena and Ione raised their hands.

"Then let's play rock, paper, scissors."

I let them decide by rock-paper-scissors, but Meena won. I guess it's a matter of luck. I'll give it to Ione next time.

"Let's move on."

We set up our formation and started walking again.


Serina stopped in the middle of her walk and looked ahead.

Unlike the previous maze, this place seems to be a hall.

"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing. Looks like this is big place."

"Yes, it does. It'll be tricky if we get surrounded by enemies. ...... Meena, are there any enemies nearby?"

"No, there are no enemies. But I think there's an adventurer who was killed here."

"What? How long has it been?"

"Oh, yes, it's been so long I can't even smell the blood."

"I see, well, good. Let's go."

We enter the hall, which has many pillars and looks like a temple.

There was a large stone statue on the center wall just above the ceiling that resembled a warrior with a sword.

What do we have here?

"We're going in with a little caution."

"""I understand."""

However nothing happened, and I ended up near the warrior statue. There are still passages leading off to the right and left on both sides of this place.

"Looks like it was just a decoration."

"Yeah, it was. I'll go first."

When I said that, Nene suddenly shouted.

"Something's coming!"

"Hmm? Nene?"

When I turned around, I had a bad feeling and took a step to the left and heard a whizzing sound in my ear. The arrow seemed to have passed right by my body.

"Damn it, there's an enemy behind me! It's a archers!"

I wondered where the shot had come from, but then the enemy appeared from behind a shimmering pillar.

Tsk, I see. With these guys, I guess I can't rely on Meena's nose.


"Uwahh, skeletons."

I've never seen skeletons in motion before, but they are, in fact, moving. Well, it's a different world. I guess it's a lost cause to think about why they're moving.

Anyway, let's fight.

"Nene! You stay with me or behind the pillar."

"Yes, sir."

Nene is the one in most danger of being targeted. She was still level 13.

The skeletons on the other side don't all seem to be attacking as vanguards.

There's a nasty rearguard who hides behind a pillar and shoots a bow and arrow or fires a bowgun.

"Damn it, get out of the way!"

Perhaps Serina was thinking of taking out the rearguard first or not, but she ran in, but was blocked by the vanguard skeleton's sword.

These guys are much stronger than goblins, you know?

I immediately discarded the fact that this was the first layer of the game and used my appraisal.

【Name】 Skeleton H

【 L v】 22

【Class】 Hero

【Job】 Swordman

【 Race 】 Undead

【 Gender 】 Male

【 H P 】 61/141

【Status】 Immortality


The end of the otherworldly hero.

He was turned into an undead by someone's ritual.

His personality is cheerful and he is active in everything.

"This is bad, these guys are heroes. Watch out for their skills!"

I immediately tell everyone.

"What? These guys is?"

It seems that Serina was quite surprised and turned around and took her eyes off the skeleton that was slashing at her.

As if he had been watching for an opening, the skeleton unleashes a barrage of thrusts.

It's a skill.


Serina tried to avoid the sword, but failed and she fell down.


I'm sure she didn't take that much damage because her level is higher than them, but I'm afraid of their skills.

"I-I'm fine!"

The fallen Hoshirina was dismayed, but quickly got up. But with arrows flying at her, she couldn't fight back right away.

I had to deal with the approaching bandit-like skeleton while keeping an eye out for flying arrows.

"Damn, this isn't good for a stalemate."

I was far away from Serina and Ione who went to take down the rear guard.

It seems that I had become so ingrained in the mindset of defeating the weaker goblins as quickly as possible that I had naturally developed the habit of leaving a large distance between formations.

I see, being outsmarted, huh?

"I know. If I take out the archer first, kyaa!"

You don't get it, do you, Serina? You can't let the enemy gain time by keeping you in check like that.

This is where my judgment as a leader comes into play.

"All of you, gather around! We'll take them down one by one and move forward."



Serina starts to retreat, but she can't turn her back on the enemy with the bow and arrow, and she has enemies behind her, making things pretty tough.

If there was a little more of a level difference, it wouldn't matter.

"Ione! Meena! Both of you, cover Hoshirina. I'll take care of our defense."

"Okay! Master!"

"I understand!"

"Ugh, I hate the living, I never wanted to come to this place. I should never have sought the treasure..."

"Nene? What are you talking about?"

She started mumbling behind me, so I check her.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just had a feeling that's what the skeletons were saying."

"Oh, so it's the [Empathy] skill. Well, it's okay if you're normal."

If you can talk to the dead, no, now is not the time to be thinking about that.

"Nene, they are is our enemies. Let's take them down."

"Y, yes."

As Ione and Meena went to rescue Serina, it was just me and Lily here.

"Aaghh! Geez, I can't hit the skeleton!"

It may be due to Lily's lack of skill, but they're a skeleton. The target is small with that body. The slingshot is not a good match for the weapon.

"Lily, aim for the head, not the stomach."


"Hyaaah! Please don't come here!"

The next thing I know, Nene is being pursued by another skeleton.

Damn it, that's why you should at least run away too.

Do adventuring beginners have a difference in tactics in places like this when their level suddenly increases?

"Nene, take the [Situational Judgment] skill!"

"Nooooo! Please forgive me. Eeekkk!"

Damn it, she's panicked. I should have let her take it first. It's better to have Psychological Skills such as [Courage] and [Calmness].

"Get out of the way!"

I slashed the skeleton that was attacking Nene from the side and killed it with a single blow.

All right, there's no defense at all. One blow and it's over.

"It's hurts!"

However an arrow from behind pierced my leg, making it difficult for me to move.

The two newcomers were slowly approaching from the left and right, but I was grateful for the difference in their mobility.

"Kakakaka! Kakakaka!"

They seems to be smiling, clicking their teeth.

"Don't underestimate me! [Matsuba Kuzushi]!"

This is a skill.

I grab the legs of one of the enemies and forcibly roll it over.

Because there's no point in doing a [Choke Sleeper] here.

[Machine Gun Vibe Lv.1]

"Ow ow ow ow ow!"

I slammed  it's back down hard, but this hurt more than I did.

I shouldn't have forced myself to use the skill combo and just attacked it's normally without any skills. ......

This man's pain, it's killing me. ......

"Geez, you idiot, what are you doing?"

Ione and Meena seemed to have succeeded in rescuing Serina, and we were all able to meet up.

I'm out of the fight for a little while due to the intense pain in my groin, but I'm sure these guys can handle it.