I took Jouga, whose foot was swollen, to the temple.

My evaluation showed that it was "Tetanus" and according to Fianna, the cleric, it is difficult to treat.

It seems that in this world, illnesses are not easily cured even with a heal.

"What do you think, priest?" Fianna asks.

"Hmm ......"

The other man was an old man with all white hair and eyes obscured by long eyebrows. He stroked his beard a few times when he saw Jouga's wound, but said nothing.

"What do you think, old man? If you don't tell me soon, I'll pull out your beard."

"Hey, Jouga-san, don't be rude."

"If it's going to heal, it's going to heal. If it's not, it's not going to heal. I don't like it when things are done halfway."

"Very well. Then I'll tell you, it's too late for this wound. The only way to save yourself is to cut off your leg."

"Wha! O, Oi oi, You want me to be one legged? What about my adventure?"

"You have no choice but to quit."

"Quit. ...... No, you're kidding, right?"

"Then I can cast a healing spell and pray to the gods without cutting off your leg. However, I will not be able to save your life. I've seen many wounds like yours in my life."


"You can decide for yourself what to do. You have until the end of the day. Any longer than that and your life is at stake."

The priest said with a straight face.

"What the hell ...... no, you're kidding, right?"

Jouga asks with a half smile, but he doesn't seem to be able to clear his mind.

Survive on one leg or die as an adventurer? It's a really hard choice. It's not something he can decide right away, and It's not something I can say anything about.

"I'll let him decide on his own. If you need advice, Fianna, stay with him."

I say, to make him think seriously.


We left the temple.

"Hey, what do you think about having Dr. Kojima, the surgeon, take a look at him?"

Serina said. I thought about it too, but without modern drugs and equipment, even he would find it difficult.

Besides, there was a more difficult problem.

"He might be able to help with the surgery, but it would take time to bring him here. The skilled priest said we have time until sundown today to decide. I don't think we'll make it in time."

"I see. ...... you're right. ...... It would take five days to get here by carriage."

Kojima is in a neighboring country, so it will take longer.

"Letty-sensei, can't you do something about it?" Nene squirmed.

"Hmmm, treating the injured is not my specialty. The only thing I can think of is an elixir."

The elixir was not something that could be sold on the market, but it was said to be stored in the royal castle, but there was no chance that the slave, Jouga, could get it.

In the end, there was nothing that could be done.

The priest, an expert in restorative magic, had given up on him, so there was nothing we could do.

We didn't feel like going back into the dungeon that day, so we returned to the inn.

"I'm going to go ask around and see what I can do."

"Yeah. Make sure you don't get ripped off or anything."


After seeing off Serina, I browsed through the healing skills.

However, I don't think that [Allowance] or [Nursing] can do anything about the ineffectiveness of Heal.

I just realized that there are almost no healing-related skills that I can acquire.

In the initial selection of that browser game, I was able to choose the high-level skills of a priest, but not now.

Once I changed jobs to a priest and re-trained from there, I still wouldn't be able to heal Jouga in time.

It would be better to change one of the party members to a priest and train them systematically with the goal of becoming a priest.

It was Jouga this time, but I might be injured next time.

Let's talk about it over dinner.

While I was thinking this, Fianna came to the inn in the afternoon. She told me that Jouga had finally made a decision and was going to cut off his leg.

"I see."

"So, um, ......."

Fianna makes it difficult to say.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I need some money."

"Yeah, how much?"

I had agreed to pay for Jouga's surgery.

"Three thousand gold for the surgery, immediate treatment, and a month's rent for a room in the temple, ......."

"All right, I'll pay."

"Uhm! I'm sure God will see this donation. If you want, you can just pay for the surgery! I'll pay for it too, please..."

"Wait. I told you I'll pay for it. Come on, three pieces of silver will be enough, right?"

"Oh, thank you. But are you sure? I don't think he'll be able to pay you back right away."

"I'm sure he won't. But it's a bad taste to abandon a man who has formed a party. Besides, I have enough money to let him play around, don't worry."

"Is that so. I think it's really admirable that you can spend three thousand gold for the sake of others. Then I have to get ready for the surgery right away. Oh, I have to buy some manjuu."

"Manjuu? What does that have to do with the treatment?"

I was curious, so I asked Fianna.

"Well, not directly, but I heard that the priest has a sweet tooth."

"Gratuity, huh. Well, do as you please. Here, I'll add some miscellaneous expenses."

I'll also add a large copper coin.

"Thank you very much. But I'll buy the manju, so I'll use the money for other clothes and herbs."

"Yes, you can spend it as you see fit."


Fianna bowed politely and ran off.

If she looked like that, Fianna would be fine because she could see what was going on around her.