The third layer was still the same stone labyrinth.

From here on, it's a new map.

"Let's keep our heads up."

"""Roge that"""

The dog-eared Meena, who has a good sense of smell, leads the vanguard, followed by Serina and Ione, with Lily standing in the middle, holding the light.

Behind them were Nene and Letty, a pair of wizards, followed by the priest Fianna. I'm at the end of the line.

"Wait, what's that?"

Serina pointed. When I looked, I saw that the aisle was covered with a net of something white ...... like yogurt, sprinkled all over the area.

"Maybe someone had sex here?"

Lily said, but there's no way there's this much sperm. There must have been three buckets of it.

"If that's the case, Alec's in for a surprise."

"Yeah, Ufufu."

"No! Master can do this if he want to!"

No, I can't, you idiot.

"Don't use me as a metaphor, you idiot. Be careful you don't step on anything and we'll move on."

"""Roger that."""

I try not to touch it because it's creepy, and move on down the aisle.

"Master, there's something in the corner of this passage. It's not human, but I don't remember what it smells like. ...... I'm sorry." Said Meena 

But it would make a big difference if we knew the location of the enemy beforehand.

"Don't worry about it, you'll remember it when you see it. All hands, get ready for battle."


I drew my sword and slowly made my way down the corridor.

When Lily turned a corner and illuminated the passage with a magic lantern, the enemy's figure became apparent.

"Oh, that is..!"

"Uwaaa, that's disgusting!"


A few of the women were frightened, but this monster was something I could feel coming.

The first thing to do is to calmly evaluate it.

【Name】 Big Spider

【L v】 28

【H P 】 166/166

【Status】 Normal


A large spider, about a meter long.

It has a rather aggressive personality.

It is active against anyone who approaches it.

They spit out sticky threads to make their prey immobile.

It is also effective against ice and fire spells.

But half-hearted flames are dangerous, as they can make them rage.

The fact that they are above our average level is a bit of a concern, but there are only two of them, so we should be able to handle them.

"Watch out for the thread! Or you'll get stuck. Attack it with ice."

I gave them a warning and I'll see the situation for the time being.

"Yes, Master!"

"I'm coming!"

"I got it!"

The three vanguards, Meena, Ione, and Serina, run in and slash at it.

The spider jumped back rather agilely and spat out a white liquid from its mouth.


"Kyaa! What the hell is this?"

Meena dodged well, but Serina couldn't avoid it and got covered with the white liquid on her head.



She paid attention to the HP of the window displayed in the air, but her HP was not decreasing.

But it was so sticky that Serina couldn't move properly, and it seemed that this was the spider's thread. The thing in the passage earlier was also the thread of this thing.

"Hey! Don't spiders have threads coming out of their butts!?"

Hoshirina screamed as she struggled.

It's not like she was caught off guard, but it's going to be hard to avoid that thing.

"Hehehe, I got you, I got you. It's the meat of a woman, so fresh and delicious!, guhehe!"

"Nene, I don't want any weird guess-records."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Spider-san looked so happy."

It's [Empathy☆].

I don't know if I can sympathize with these people, but it's better than being scared and panicking.

As for the spiders, we didn't get rid of them in one blow, but Meena and Ione each attacked and killed one, and Letty's freeze spell took care of the other.

"Why won't this thread go away?"

It's a common practice in this world for monsters to vanish in a cloud of smoke when defeated, but apparently threads are an exception.

"It's sticky. ......"

"Wow, ...... you're erotic, Serina."

After the monsters are taken care of, everyone surrounds Serina and observes her.

"Do something about it. I can't get it off. Kuu."

"Back up a bit."

Letty said, stepping forward and casting a fire spell.

The thread quickly burst into flames and disappeared into thin air.

"T-That's good."

Serina stood up, looking relieved.

"I'd better be careful with the thread. But ......"

I wondered how some of the other adventurers in the party, who couldn't even use magic, were doing.

I was curious about that.

"Master, the other party is coming."

As I was thinking about it, Meena told me.

"Wait in the large area over there. Don't be quiet or they'll think we're a PK."


I said a little louder and waited while talking.

"Hey, bro."

A party of five warriors arrived from the other side, two of them carrying torches. I see.  It seems that they would use that fire to burn off that thread.

"If you're out of torches, I'll give you one?"

The warrior said. Another warrior saw this and shook his head.

"No, guys, they have two wizards there."

"Oh, that's convenient, I envy you."

One of them is still an apprentice, but it will be more balanced than not. Well, it would be more durable to have an all-warrior team. I guess that's the style and preference of the party.

After the rest of the party had passed by, the pouty face of Serina opened her mouth.

"Proposal. I want to switch positions with Alec."

"Rejected. Even of I, a man, wear a thread, no audience's going to like that."

"What do you mean, 'audience?' ...... geez."

The audience is mainly me.

"I want to see Alec greasy and struggling."

Lily grinned, but I didn't want to.

"No, Lily, Alec's hair is very important."

Ione whispered, but it wasn't that important.

It's also a little annoying that Lily nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"I can't help it. I'll let your hair do the talking, but you owe me one, Alec."

"Hmm, I don't like the way you say it, but I'll let you borrow it."

If Serina can't stand it, I'll have to take over for her. Well, if I don't mind, that is.

After that, there were many more spiders, and each time one of the vanguards got stuck, but it was not enough to interfere with the battle.

At most, it would only prolong the battle for a minute or so.

"Okay, let's call it a day."

Looking at the time on my skills, I decided it was time to call it a day.

"Ahh! I want to take a bath! I'm taking a bath today!" Serina, who was in a bad mood because of her messy hair, said, but I could at least pay for the hot water. There is no such thing as a bath or shower in that inn. It was a tub bath.

However, the problem turned out to be when I returned to the inn.

I had thought I had finished early, but it was still late, and I had returned two hours later than usual.

"I guess we should camp on the third layer."

During a late dinner, I brought up the subject.

"Well, I was just thinking that it would be a waste of time to go back every time."

I was expecting her to disagree, but Serina, who had just finished bathing, said, 

"Are you sure? You can't wash your hair right away."

"It's nothing to worry about, but three days is the limit."

That would only get us to the fifth layer, but let's just think about the third layer for now.

There was no particular objection, so we decided to spend a night in the dungeon first.

Nene looked a little worried, but as long as we keep a good lookout, we should be fine.