The next day, I took my usual group of friends and went to the White Waterfowl Mansion, where the target of my escort was staying, and met up with Elisa's party.

"Now, let me introduce you. This is Abel."

Elisa said, pointing to the young man on her right.

"...It's nice to meet you."

He straightened his back and bowed, but didn't even smile. He looks like a sincere young man. Equipped with steel armor and a longsword, he's a vanguard.

"Next to him is Howell. He's our healer and priest, but he can also use fire spells."

"Well, don't expect any offensive magic from me."

A man in a robe smiles bitterly. He's a simple guy in his thirties. The way he said it, I'm sure he's expecting a lot of recovery magic, so let's give him a good workout.

"This girl is Marin. She can use recovery magic, but she's a vanguard."

"Yes, Nice to meet you!"

A petite girl with a short cut of light blue hair. She doesn't seem to be a mainforce, but she seems to be motivated.

She is equipped with a rapier.

"And he in the back ――hey, Edgar, is that alcohol?"

"No, no, it's just free water, captain. Uiii!"

What the hell is this guy?

"Then lend it to me!"

Elisa quickly took up the liquor can and smelled it, but she frowned.

"Isn't that alcohol?"

"Oh, God must have blessed it and turned it into alcohol."

"Don't be silly. I'll confiscate this."

It disappeared in a flash, but seemed to have found its way into her item storage.

"Hey, hey."

"...... Ohon, excuse me. This is Edgar, the vanguard."

The middle-aged man with the beard is sneaking another bottle out the back again, is he an alcoholic? Is he an alcoholic?"

"Elisa, that man has a problem. Can you take him off today?"

I know it's taboo to get involved in the organization of another party, but I have to say something.

"Um, I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. Edgar, give me that too."

"Oh, dear, God seems to be in a very bad mood today."

"That's disrespectful, Edgar. I'll pretend I didn't just hear that. I'm begging you, don't ruin the reputation of the Order of the Holy Kingdom in front of people from other countries."

"Yes, captain."

We have a lot of work ahead of us.

The members of this party have been introduced, and it has been decided that the two parties will work together.

By the way, this party is a bit overcrowded with me, Serina, Meena, Lily, Ione, Nene, Jouga, Fianna, Letty, and Luka.

When we get a few more people, we'll probably split the party in two.

But that's a story for another time. Let's go with this for now.

"Then we'll take the shortest route to the fourth layer. Is that okay?"

Elisa said, and we nodded. There are still a few blank spaces left on the map of the third layer, but we'll deal with them later. Elisa knows the location of the stairs to the bottom, so there's no problem.

"Let's go!"

I decide to let Elisa's party go first and see what happens.

"What's up, Alec, are you going to dive with the Holy Kingdom guys?"

The gatekeeper at the entrance of the dungeon asks in a whisper. From the looks of it, it seems that the king hasn't told him about the escort. Well, I guess it's better not to know.

"It's just how it goes. Just for a little while."

"Hmm. Well, they've been here for a week, made it to the fourth layer, and now they're coming back. I'm sure they're good."

"Yeah, I guess so."

I was more tempted to tell the soldiers to keep an eye on the twin dancers, but if the Kingdom of Grandsword is ostensibly neutral and non-interventionist, the assassins might just let them pass, so I kept my mouth shut and went on.

It's our mission from here on out.

"Twenty meters ahead, goblins, four!"

Anyone could tell the distance by looking at it, but the small knight Marin reported dutifully.

Not bad.

If someone is looking away, it could delay the battle and disrupt the formation.

"We'll take care of it. Alec's party can take a break."

When she said that, Elisa took the initiative to slash into the enemy and almost killed them by herself.

"Wow, that's amazing. I already knew that you were skilled, but your swordsmanship is pretty fast."

Serina said honestly.

"While you're at it, take a good look at her and see if you can spot her sword line and timing."

"What? Why is that?"

"Well, to improve?"

I'm going to be wary of all the strong ones as hypothetical enemies, but if I tell that to her, it will only lead to a troublesome argument. I'll just answer appropriately here.

"You're right. I understand."

We continued on, and at the second laye, Elisa used sacred magic.

"――Shatter the darkness with the light of holy judgment! Divine Punishment!"

A white light shot out from Elisa's left hand and struck the enemy like lightning. The convulsing zombie vanishes in an instant.

"It's ...... cool! I wonder if I can get that thing, too."

Serina seems to have stopped to check her skill list. There's a window in the air.

The battle is over, but I wonder if you remember what mission we're on.

"Camping request! Beware of the surrounding area!"

I say in a loud voice.

"Acknowledged! Beware of the surrounding area!"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, so, did you get that spell?"

No, I can't. Elisa-san, what are the job change requirements for Templar Knight?"

"Elisa is fine. For the Templar Knight job change, you need to be consecrated by the High Priest of the Holy Law Kingdom."


"It's like a prayer."

Marin supplemented it for me.

"Yeah. Hmm, too bad, then I can't use it right away."

"I think you have enough qualities, Serina-dono. If you feel like it, you can come to the Holy Kingdom. I'll talk to the high priest."

"Wow, thank you very much!

"But that means joining the Knights of the Holy Kingdom, right?"

I'll check that out.

"Oh, ......, well, it does."


It's unlikely that you'll be able to move freely, being bound by your duties.

"By the way if you take the consecration and then leave, you'll lose your title, but you'll still have the art, right?"

Edgar, who is behind me, says.


"Edgar, please don't talk crazy things. I don't know how I'm going to look when I introduce you."

"That's right! This is why the people of the Privy Council"

Marin crosses her arms grumpily, but the way she said it, does that mean this Edgar is a Privy Council and Marin is a Pope faction?

"Stop it, Marin!"

"But, Elisa-sama."

When Edgar saw this, he apologized lightly.

"No, I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean it like that, but, well, forget it. I just thought that your little girl would only want the technique."

"As an adventurer, I suppose you could say that. Now that you're all already rested, why don't we move on?"

Howell, in his robes, says as if to take charge of the situation.

"Yeah, I guess so. Alec?"

"Yeah, let's go."

The battle was easily settled since Elisa and the others were strong, and we could proceed without any problems. We've already reached the third layer. It's faster than I thought.

"I'm glad it's so easy, but I'm free. Why don't you let us go in front of them, brother?"

Jouga asked me, looking a little bored. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to relax if I have to carry him around on my back.

"That's right. Elisa, I need you to take a turn."


"Hmm, I thought it was a party of lazy people taking advantage of others, but it looks like you're a little more motivated."

The young knight over there is being sarcastic, but it's a good thing we took turns. It's hard to protect yourself when the people you're guarding hate you.

"Abel, that's overstatement. I'm at fault for this incident. It's very generous of you to offer me a week's cooperation to make it all go away. I know you're dissatisfied, but I need your help."

"O-of course I will. It's not that I'm dissatisfied with Elisa-sama."

"Well, if we're going to be adventuring together, there are advantages for us as well. We'll be able to take a break this way, too."

Howell, the priest, is very cooperative and helpful. He's a an adult.

"All right, then, you guys, keep your eyes on the your surroundings. If you see a monster or even a passing party, tell me immediately."

I'll send out instructions to the party as well.

The assassins haven't shown up yet, and we're not being followed at the moment.

"If we go straight that way, we'll be on the fourth layer."

Just as Elisa said this, a roar of something came from across the passage.