We've cleared the fourth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return and have been certified as a B-rank party.

The number of applicants for the transportation quest has also been gathered.

We're one step closer to realizing our log cabin project.

"Now, who has any other questions?"

We'll hold a preliminary briefing at the inn, listen to the opinions of the mercenaries, and work out the details of the plan.

"What if we get lost in a blizzard?"

A large warrior asks me in a loud and quarrelsome voice. Well, I guess he's serious because his life is at stake.

"I have the [Auto Mapping] skill, so you'll be fine even in a blizzard."

"But what if we get separated?"

"I have 【Party Search】 skill, so as long as we don't stray too far, I can find you."

Serina also answers the question.

"Then what if we get separated by a large distance?"

"I'll have them stay where they are. We'll start the search right after. If they can move on their own, have them head for the entrance of the fourth layer. If you're involved in a battle, it's not considered a giveaway."

"In that case, I can abandon my luggage, right?"

"Yes, you may. The goal of this quest is to complete the log cabin, but not causing any deaths is a higher priority. If even one death occurs, our credibility will be ruined. If that happens, it will affect our next quest. I don't want that to happen."

And I want to do it with true safety first.

"All right. I understand what you're saying."

"Anyone else have any questions. ...... Good! I guess not. The mission starts in three days. Don't forget your gloves. Dismissed!"

Three days later, we took the adventurers (porters) who had responded to our recruitment and headed to the fourth layer.

We proceeded at our normal pace, but the adventurers were impressed and praised us one after another.

"It's not dangerous"

"Yeah, it's a familiar party. We're moving fast."

"We're taking plenty of breaks, but we're moving at a good pace."

"Anyway, their reconnaissance is amazing. I wish we had dog ears like that."

"Yeah, we can get ahead of them and react quickly."

"They dealt the enemy is also very quick. That's quite a skill."

"There's no hesitation outside of combat. Looks like the auto-mapping is real."

"That's rank B for you. It's just like they say. That's a good reference."

"They're being ridiculed when they first started."

Serina shrugs when she hears the talking behind her.

"It's probably because that's when we were exploring and power leveling. But today is the shortest route. Different objectives, different fighting styles."

"That's true."

We've been doing some rehearsals beforehand, using the Black Cat Clan as porters.

That's why we can expect some of them to stray from us.

"There, you're getting separated. Back to the line!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to check out the map over there."

"Don't bother the others, you'll get in the way. I'll show you the map later."

"Oh, thanks a lot."

We arrived in front of the stairs leading to the fourth layer.

Over here, the snow is piled white. So far, so good.

"It is now 11:00 a.m., but we will have lunch now. After lunch, we'll start work at noon and finish at 5:00 p.m. We'll be back here again. Is anyone feeling sick or want to give-ups?"

"""We're fine."""

"All right, Meena, hand them out."

"Yes, Master."

Bread, dried meat, and a glass of wine for lunch. We're planning to have hot pot for dinner after the work. We'll be working in the snow, so we'll be cold.

But it's still not cold here in the third layer. 

"Oh, booze, that's good, this is unbearable.."

"Hey, hey, that's beer, isn't it? It's not ale, is it?"

"I brought my own food, but I didn't need it."

"But with all this luggage, will you be able to make dinner?"

"No worries. I've already sent out another quest and asked for a porter for the food."

"We're all set, aren't we?"

The mood is good as we start chatting over dinner.

"Time to go. Everyone, get your gloves on."

I checked to see if they were wearing warm clothes, and gave a spare pair to anyone who forgot their gloves.

"Here's the wood."

It's neatly placed at the end of the aisle.

"All right, fellas, let's get started."

"""All right!"""

Me and Meena, the first team, went out to the field through the entrance of the fourth layer.


Elisa in white armor came from the other side with her own party.

"Any problems?"

"No problem. I've wiped out all the enemies within sight. Well, I'm sure they'll be back soon anyway."

"Yeah. Keep working on it."


"Hey, hey, they're escort team? They're moving away."

"Don't worry. That's a backup sweep team. The other escort team is over there."

"We're the escort B team!"

Serina raise her hand near the entrance.

"Alec, that's a great plan. You're running three or four parties? That's impressive."

"Well, there are some people who can help us. You're one of them, Ralph."

Well, It's just a friendly acquaintance. I felt sorry for you that I couldn't get any of us together, but I was worried about you."

"Yeah, your advice came in handy. Thank you."

"I didn't say much of anything. But I can't believe you beat the fourth layer boss."

"I guess you can handle a Yeti."

"Well, if it's a Yeti, I can handle it."

It seems that Ralph has already defeated the Yeti, and although he's still ranked C, I guess he hasn't applied to the guild.

I guess that's one way to go, but I'm going up. No, lower.

"Alright, we're moving!"

The wind has picked up and we need to raise our voices or we may not be heard.

I'd like to get some kind of radio, but it's too late now.

If we need to, we can send someone to run a message. I've saved enough room for that.

"Alec-sama, coming up on your right."

Nene was the first to detect the Spectre's approach and announced.

"To the right! Porter, keep moving forward! Trust us."

Ione runs in and takes one of them down.

I didn't move and used Fireball from this spot.


"Hyuu, they took them out in a flash!"

"That was close. I could've made a thousand gold if they'd attacked."

"But how did they just run like that? They didn't get their feet stuck in the snow."

"They were running like a normal person."

"Anyone with enough skill points should get the movement skill while they're at it."

"Hey, there's no such thing."

Well, I guess so.

As expected, I can't even take care of the mercenaries' skills, so I'll just keep going.

"Okay, we'll take a break here. Leave the wood there and go inside the hut."

We've made it to the rest stop hut, the first barrier, and we're through.

"At this rate, we'll be okay."

"We don't know that yet"

"We'll have to wait until after the blizzard."

That's what one of the adventurers said, and he was right. It's when the visibility gets bad that the real battle begins.

We have twenty-four porters, six sets of porters, and a total of 480 pieces of wood. We can't do it all, so we're planning on 140 pieces for the first phase.

But we still have to go back and forth between here and there.

"Okay, break's over. Go outside."

On the way, some unrelated adventurers pass by and look at us to see what's going on. None of them pointed at us and laughed. They must have realized how hard it was to carry the wood this far.

"A blizzard!"

As soon as one of the porters said that, the snow blocked the view, making everyone tense.

"Don't worry, we have search capabilities. There are no enemies, right, Nene?"

"No, sir."

"You're a little off to the right. That's right. Go that way."

While checking the auto-mapping, keep going, we're through the blizzard.

"Okay, there we are. Put the wood down."

We piled up the wood and headed back to the entrance.

The porters were light on their feet as they returned. Even though the wood can be abandoned at a moment's notice, it would be a hindrance to the battle if both hands are occupied.

We are putting our lives in other people's hands, so there is inevitably pressure on us.

"Four more round trips for 4,000 gold? Isn't it a good job?"

"At first, I wondered what would happen."

"I was hoping for a fight, but I was wrong."

At the end of the third round trip, Meena shouted.

"Master! The Yeti is coming."

"What? Tch, get ready for battle!"

"H-Hey, hey. Are you sure the fourth layer boss is coming?"

"I-I'm gonna run."

"Me too!"

The porter team is in turmoil.

"Those who wish to return may abandon the wood. But please stand by the entrance."

The Yeti didn't like our work, so they came out in packs.

Damn it.

Don't you dare do anything out of the ordinary. We even rehearsed for this day.

Bosses don't come out of the boss room, that's the rule.

No, I don't think they're the real bosses of this floor. There's a moth. Damn it.

"Letty, cast that magic. We're gonna clean this up real fast."

"Yeah, okay."

She cast a light saber sword-strengthening spell and I slash in as the vanguard.

I'll get more compensation if they pull this off, so I'm desperate.

"Okay, it's clear!"

"We're clear too!"

"Master! One of them's headed your way!"

"Damn it, we're not gonna make it. Letty! Use your magic to clear it out."

"Geez, you're too rough with people!"

Letty managed to finish off the Yeti that was about to attack the porter group.

"Okay, let's get back to work."


"What's the matter? It's not a battle, is it? I'll admit it was a bit of a scare, but you guys didn't take any damage. We took out the enemy, too."

I'm not going to compromise by using my [Speaking] skill here either.

"No, no, that's not it. They're the bosses of the fourth layer, remember?"

"Yeah, well, I guess so."

Are you scared? That's not my fault.

"What kind of people are you to take out so many of them in such a short time?"

"My party fought it for two hours, and the guy behind me complained."

"It's funny."

"Alec's guy just said, "Yeah, I guess so!" That's all he had to say.!"

The porter group laughed excitedly and carried the wood.

"All right, all right, Alec."

"I'm gonna keep you company."

"Just pick up the drop. It's a waste of money. We'll wait that long."

Okay, that's good.