The battle that would later be referred to in the Grandsword's history books as the "War of the Deadly Disasters" was about to begin in this dungeon, but there was no way we could have known that as we headed down the stairs.


"Okay, we're almost to the fourth level. Let's keep going."

"""Copy that."""

I don't use [Levitation] and move along with everyone on foot. It's not like I'm the only one who can get there first.

I hope that Sarah guy is still alive.

We arrived at the fourth layer, but it was blizzardy and a little dark outside.

I wonder what the other adventurers will say if the undead continue to stay in this layer.

We walked through the snow until we were near the log cabin construction point, but the battle still seemed to be going on.

A huge fireball flew by us and grazed our sides. There was a loud explosion over there.

"Ueehh, I can wait here, right?"

Lily was frightened.

"I know. I'm not going to force you. Only those who are ready will be able to follow me."

I don't think Lily will be of any use to us if she goes to that place.

"Uwaahh, The way you put it, it's subtle~. I don't want to go, but the idea of seeing all the legendary magic I can is just too much. Aahhh"

Letty squirms, but you're coming anyway. You mad.

I left Lily alone there and went through the blizzard area.

The view was clear, but it was kind of dark where the specters were.

One of the warriors seemed to have been killed, and was lying on the ground.

I could also see Sarah, but I'm relieved, she was still alive.

There was another, more party, who seemed to be working together.

"Damn it! Just when I thought I had reinforcements, these fucking bugs can't even reach level 30!"

An all-back blond warrior looked at me and swore. He was wearing black armor with fur and a jet black sword. It looks like the end of the century.

"It's better than no one coming, Es-chan. Besides, Alec, you have good news for me, don't you?"

Sarah asks me.

"Yes, I've called the king for help. He's going to dispatch troops."

"Oooh, thank you. This was a little out of my league, too. But! If that's the case, we'll just have to hold on a little longer."

"Let's buy some time!"

We'll try to stay out of it, and wait for the rescue team.

"Alec! You're back."

Elisa's party has arrived.

I was a little worried when I saw them disappear, but it looks like they were temporarily evacuated.

"Oh, Elisa. I'm glad you're okay. The king's relief force will be here soon."

"That's great, but can you defeat that thing?"

"I don't know. If we can't, we'll just have to retreat."

"Hmm, I suppose that's true."

I watch the battle of Sarah and the others from afar.

The vanguard is slashing at the boss, but the Immortal King is dodging with its instantaneous movement.

Occasionally, the Immortal King will summon an evil spirit or send out a ball of flame, but that seems to be the only pattern.

"It seems they can't catch their opponent."

Serina says in analysis.

"Well, if it's moving that fast. It's hard to get a foothold."

"My name is Garrard! I am here at the king's request!"

"I'm Jake the Black Dragon Slayer. Heh. Sorry to keep you waiting, guys."

Two parties and about ten knights arrived.

There are not many of them, but the king seems to have decided that it would be useless without an elite few.

"Thank you for your assistance. As you can see, we're dealing with a single undead. All sacred magic below the intermediate level will be nullified. Even the advanced ones are almost useless because of its magic resistance."

The wizard in Sarah's party explained briefly.

"What an unusual combination, huh? Sarah and Esclados, huh? I think we've got all the A-rankers in the country here, right?"

"Jake, we still have the Stone Snake and the Mad King."

"Yeah, they're just too much trouble to deal with, we're better off without them!"

"You're right! Ahaha."

It looks like a lot of people know each other.

"Somebody use this item. The high priest gave it to me."

I take out the beads and say.

"Hou~, so it's the 'Bead of Binding'. It would be good to put it around the thing's neck. It should stop it from moving. It's just a matter of who's going to do it."

One of the priest in the room said.

"Pass! You can't even hit that thing with sword, let alone get behind it!"

Sarah said with her sword at the ready.

"It's fine to do it from the front."

"Well then, you do it, Es-chan."

"Hmph, even I can't get close enough to cross-range that thing. You'll die just by touching it."

【Death touch】 huh, If it's not sucking HP out of you, but giving you literal death, it's too nasty.

"Seriously, can you beat that thing?"

Jake, an A ranker, also asked in surprise. He's the one who made me lose so much money in the arena before, but that's not the point now.

"It's chants fast, but that thing's still a mage at heart. If you can get past the big magic, you'll have a fighting chance."

"It's coming! It's a fire-attribute range system! That magic circle there is the target!"

"Hey, hey. It's too big, isn't it? Let's run away and see what happens first."

A magic circle about fifty meters in diameter appeared, and the adventurers on top of it hurriedly dispersed.

In the next instant, a huge pillar of flame rose up and burned down the surrounding area.

The snow disappeared, revealing the charred surface of the earth.

"I can't take this shit. If I get hit by that, I'm sure to die."

"Somebody get the high priest's item."

I'll tell them what.

"Alec, you brought it, so you use it."

"I'm level 29. Don't be absurd."

But since no one else will take it, I'm stuck. Well, if we don't have to use it, it's fine as long as these guys beat that thing.


"Paul! God damn it!"

Aahh, one of them died... I guess I can't just sit back and watch when even an A-rank party gets killed.

"Master, would you like me to go?"

Meena made an auspicious offer, but even if I let her go, she would be like going to die.

"No, you don't need to do that. Serina, do you think you can hit that thing with your special move?"

Serina's Starlight Attack is supposed to be a holy attribute that ignores HP and defense, so I think it can do some damage.

"Hmm, I'm not so sure. If someone can stop its for three seconds, I can do it."


I'll check my skill list.

【Blocking Presence Lv5】 New!

It looks like I was able to copy the skills of someone else here.

"Can anyone make me invisible or blind that thing?"

"I have no choice but to lend you this. It's a fog cloak. Put it on and you'll be lost in the mist."

I took it from the bandit-looking guy, but he wouldn't let go of the cloak. When I pulled it, he glared at me.

"I'll be damned if I let you get away with it, Alec. I've memorized your face and your name."

"I'm in your debt. Don't worry, I'll return it properly."

Finally, he let go of my hand and I put it on.

"How it is?"

"Oh, great!"

"It's completely invisible! Give me that."

"If you're going to hang these beads around that thing's neck, fine, Letty."

"Good luck. I'm rooting for you, Alec. It's can only used by the hero and the chosen one, so, Kkuhh, what a shame! Aww, shame!"

"Just say it, idiot."

I have a feeling that the undead don't have a good nose, so I'll be able to get by with [Blocking Presence] and this cloak.

"Then, Serina, when it gets stuck, jump in."

"Okay. You be careful too."

I used [Levitation] to muffle the sound of my footsteps, and also used [Blocking Presence] to get closer.

Then I saw a red line of light below me.

Uwaahh, a magic circle? This is bad.

I managed to escape and approached it again.

But it's also using instantaneous movement, so it's going to be tough.

I can use instantaneous movement too, but its distance is much greater than mine.



As I was looking the situation, an electric shock spell grazed her, and Sarah fell to the ground.

Right in front of me.

The Immortal King also moved in an instant, and came to finish off Sarah.

This is it! This is the only chance!

I hurriedly moved in an instant and got even closer to the Immortal King. Of course, I had to do it from behind.

"I won't let you do that!"

Jaime slashed in from the side at the same time.

I then forced the bead into the Immortal King's neck. The bead suddenly grew in size, and it automatically snapped into place as if it were alive.


The Immortal King grabbed the bead with its hand to remove it, but it didn't seem to come off.

Its was shaking and its movements seemed to be restricted.

"Now! Serina!"

"I got it!"

Serina rushes in.

"I'll go first! Dark Catastrophe!"

The Black Knight Esculados unleashes a special move, but it's probably dark attribute, no matter how you look at it.

But it seems to have broken the Immortal King's barrier, so it made sense.

"Out of the way! Starlight Attack!"

Serina thrusts out her longsword. The starlight spilled out from the sword.


The Immortal King let out a deafening scream, and its body began to disintegrate and fade.

It worked.

"Now! One more push!"

『You, bastard hero, I'll retire now, but in three hundred years, when my wounds have healed, I will eradicate you all. You can look forward to that time.』

Just as I thought I heard a voice echoing in my head, the Immortal King disappeared in a ball of darkness.

There's nothing there.

There was only ...... snow left in the air.

"It's gone!"

"Find it!"

"Well, it looks like this one got away. But Alec, thank you for saving me, *kiss*."

Sarah hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

That thing get away, huh. .......

Well, it's a good thing We survived.