I don't know about that.

Well, he's the owner of a store that rents out battle slaves to parties of adventurers, so there's nothing suspicious about Janatha's story.

"What is the name of this adventurer?"

I ask.

"You're very curious. I don't know his name, either. We don't know the name of the adventurer, but he was reported to me by the manager."

"I see."

But if that report goes up, it must mean that Janatha or the manager is aware of me. Well, I'm sure you're wondering about our movements.

"So, what do you think? One of the arms dealers I know says he has a guess."

"Well, no, I'm supposed to be talking to my business partner tonight. It's not too late."

"So you haven't signed the contract or made the payment yet?"

"Well, yes."

"Then why don't you take a look at our weapons? You might be able to get a cheaper and more powerful weapon, and if you're, Alec, you can buy both."

"Both? Hmm, I don't think I can afford that much, but if I can get it cheap, I guess I can."

That snowman is a formidable opponent. It would be reassuring to have two powerful Flame Sword there.

It's unlikely, but with 700,000 gold for both swords, it's not impossible to buy them.

"I'm just about to meet with the arms dealer. Would you like to join us?"

The conversation was proceeding at a brisk pace. This guy is pushing me too hard, and I'm wondering about his intentions.

"No, it's a good idea, but I'd like to finish our negotiations first, and then, if things break down or if we can afford it, we can talk about it."

"I see, I understand. I'm not trying to be a hard sell either, so I hope your business goes well."

"Yeah, you too."

I was going to leave him there, but it seemed that the arms dealer had already arrived. The fat, turbaned man came over with a smile and raised one hand.

"Well, well, well, Janatha-san. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"No, I was just on my way there, so you saved me the trouble. Let me introduce you. This is Alec-san, the hero who defeated the disaster. In fact, he's a client of mine who has done business with me."

I don't think it's enough to call me a customer, but Janatha seems to be trying to raise the reputation of the store by taking advantage of the hero's reputation.

If that's the case, I don't have anything to be upset about, and I think it's okay.

"Oh, so you're that Alec-san. It's an honor to meet you."

When the fat merchant looked at me, he shook my hand with an exaggeratedly surprised smile.

"No, you don't have to lift your head that much for an adventurer. I'm not even nobles. So, according to Janatha, you know about the Flame Sword."

The fat merchant nodded with a smile when I turned to talk to him.

"Yes, yes, that is correct. I have a friend who is a bard. He has a Flame Sword, and when I talked to him this morning, he said he'd be happy to sell it to me."

"A bard? Does he fight with a sword?"

"No, no way, he's all about singing. I heard that in his previous generation, a famous adventurer gave him a sword as a thank you for creating his own heroic tale."

"Hmm, such a great sword, huh?"

I think it's too good to be a thank you gift.

"The song must have been that good. As a famous adventurer, there are many people who are well versed in the arts. You will have a wide range of friendships with them."

That may be true, but it's none of my business.

I have no intention of buying any art.

"Soil-san, we can't just stand here and talk."

Janatha whispered.

"Oh, that's right, I'm sorry for what I did. Well, why don't you go into the store right there? It's a place that serves delicious cookies and tea, and I highly recommend it. I'll buy you a drink."

"No, thanks, but ......"

I'm not going to have a tea party with a gold-digger, a greasy merchant, and a mute guy with long hair.

Especially since the hero Mitsurugi is an assassin with a bounty.

"I've heard that Soil-san has the actual item in question."

Janatha told me.

I guess that means he now has the Flame Sword. I looked at him, but he was carrying a tube that looked like it, with a cord tied to his body.

"Yeah, it's a little too public to bring out here, so please, go to the store."

Soil nodded and invited me.

"I understand. Well, I'll take a look."

Curious as to what the Flame Sword was like, I decided to accept the invitation.