A flimsy wooden board with a dog's face drawn on it was actually being used as coins in the store.

I thought it was just a bunch of scammers exchanging them among their friends, but in fact, it seems to be a much bigger deal.

"Wow, I didn't know this place was like this. I've never been to a merchants' guild before."

Lily, who came with me, looked around the guild and said in a curious way.

"Well, unless you're a merchant, there's not much to do."

I buy and sell jewels here, but if I tell Lily about it, she might try to steal and sell them herself.

I'm not going to tell her anything else.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to investigate the Cacoo coin."

"Oh, you still doubt it."

"Of course. Oh, Yumi."

The red-haired merchant was the first to find me, but I have a feeling that she's one of the top talents in this guild.

That's why it makes all the difference if she's a friend or foe.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Alec-sama, but what can I do for you today?"

"It's complicated. Can you arrange a private room?"

"Yes, of course. This way, please. I'll take you upstairs to the reception room."

I walked up the fancy spiral staircase and entered one of the several doors. There are probably other rooms where secret talks and business meetings are being held.

"Please wait a moment. I'll bring you some tea."

"Yeah, thank you"

"I want to eat cake!"

Lily said selfishly, but I'm sure they can serve it here.

"Lily, give me a dog coin."

"Okay, but it's only a hundred gold."

"Fuu~. Well, here."

I exchanged it for a copper coin.

"Thank you for waiting."

It didn't take long, and Yumi came back with tea and cake on a tray.

"Oh, It's really here...!"

After asking for it myself, I leave the slightly thrilled Lily alone and start talking.

"I want to know the details of this coin."

I knew I couldn't play games with her, so I showed her the dog-printed coin in a straightforward manner.

*twitch*, Yumi's eyebrows twitched just a little, but you couldn't tell unless you were watching her face closely.

I guess it's black (jackpot).

"It's a coin that's currently being handled by the merchant guild."

"Is it the entire merchant guild? Or is it issued by some of the large merchants?"

"It was conceived by a portion of the large merchants, but since the resolution passed, we are handling it as a guild. We have voting rights based on the amount of investment. ...... In short, think of it as a majority vote in favor of the rich!"

"Yeah, that doesn't need to be explained. What is the name of the person who came up with it?"

"I'm not supposed to share this with outsiders, but he's a merchant named Balm, and he's been growing in power lately."

"Can I trust him?"

"Well ...... depending on what Alec-sama means by that, payment is not a problem. I also have the talent to come up with new business for this coin. I just don't want to work with you."

"Fair enough. Who's backing this guy?"

"It's Count Bon Voyage."

"Hmm. Is he a big shot?"

"Yes, sir. He's only a count, but he does a lot of trading and has connections to the Gilan Empire. He's not a great noble, but he's an influential one."

"Is he close to the King of Grandsword?"

"No, he often opposes the proposed reforms, and although both parties appear to be good friends, I think they are on bad terms."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

If the king had been involved, I would have been out, but if push came to shove, that king would have taken care of it.

"Uhm, if you don't mind my asking, what exactly are you doing, Alec-sama?"

"My Clan is trying to buy a lot of those coins. I'm just trying to get them to quit."

"You could have made a fortune.."

"Shut up, Lily."

"...... This is a pretty big project. There is a lot of opposition to this project from the old merchants, who consider it to be a scam, and there is also factional strife, so it is quite sensitive. ......"

It's a sensitive issue even within the merchant guild, so it's not a monolithic issue.

"I understand. I don't intend to make it a big deal. If my Clan, the Black Cats of the Wind, don't want to buy the coins, that's fine, right?"

"I'm relieved to hear that. I'll send out a notice not to recommend it to everyone."

"Yeah, that's fine."

I get up from the couch, and Lily snatches the cake off my plate with great force. I told her not to do that.

"Alec-sama, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, there's nothing. Sorry to bother you."

"No, sir."

"And is Janatha involved in all this?"

"He doesn't seem to be directly involved, but Balm is also a member of the "White Dog" clan that he's a member of."

"So Cacoo coins will work in that store with the black sign?"

"Yes, it does."


I thought Janatha would never get involved in something that would be to his detriment, but I guess he decided that the Cacoo Coin has that much credibility. Or is it one of the cherry-picked ones?

Well, it doesn't matter either way.

As long as you don't buy a single Cacoo coin, you'll never be scammed.