Serina and the other have gotten caught up in the mess and are in jail.

It would have been easier to ask the king for help, but I don't feel comfortable using him too casually.

So I decided to hire a lawyer from this world to negotiate with the guards or the knights.

Of course, I don't have any such acquaintance, so I have to get an introduction first.

Yumi, a merchant, would be a good choice.

I don't think the adventurer's guild here is very dependable.

It's just that ...... I said I wasn't going to do anything, and I'm sure Yumi will be reluctant to do anything, but in fact, I didn't mean to do it.

It's not on purpose.

With that in mind, I headed to the merchants' guild, only to find a large crowd of people gathered in front of the guild building, chanting "We are the merchants' guild!

"We demand an immediate refund from the Merchant's Guild! Bring out those who's responsible!"

"" Yeah, we want our money back~! ""

When I looked, I saw that the entrance was fortified with soldiers, so it would be impossible to enter.

The air is tense, and it's starting to look like a big deal. This is bad.

I was about to leave the place quietly, but suddenly someone grabbed me from behind by the neck.


"If you don't want to die, don't move."

What are you going to do?

But if you were going to kill me, you would have done it suddenly from behind.

"Come here."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry, I'm just gonna let you meet some people."

When the man said that, he put a sack over my head and pushed me into the carriage.

It looks like they're tying me up with a rope behind my back.


By whom?

"Did they know that I was Alec from the Black Cat of the Wind?"

"Of course they did."

The man answers.

"What is your purpose?"

"I told you. I want you to meet someone. We're on the way. Don't make a sound. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"And I'm supposed to trust you?"

"You have to trust me."

As I watched, bewildered, the carriage stopped and a man got out, taking me with him.

As usual, I couldn't see what was going on because of the bag over my head.

"We're going down the stairs."

He opens the door and seems to be moving underground, but the [auto-mapping] is only partially filled, so I have no idea where he is. It's probably around a house on a back street.

It wouldn't be funny if I met him in the torture chamber and found out he was Janatha.

"I've got him."

"Let me see his face."

The woman said, and the bag was taken.

"What, it's you huh."

It was Yumi in front of me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tie you up. I told you not to hurt him, didn't I?"

"Hmph, the other guy is the one who defeated "Disaster". You can't be that classy and crafty. If you want to do that, you'll have to hire an A-rank adventure."

The mercenary complained back.

"Fuu~. That's enough. Watch the outside."

"Yes, sir."

"Alec-sama, did you deceive me?"

Yumi asks me.

"No, I didn't. That was just a fluke. It looks like Serina had a little too much coin in her pocket."

"I'm in trouble. I just turned in my notice, and I'm in the worst possible position. No, not only that, but my clan could be destroyed."

"What clan are you a member of?"

"Double Balance."

"One of the merchant guilds?"

"No, it's much larger. We have nobles and artisans as well."

"Hmm. So, you wanted to ask me what's going on?"

"Yes, and I also thought that if you were to go out in the open, White Dog might be able to make the first move."

"First move? You mean they're going to attack me?"

"Yes. At the very least, I'm sure that White Dog has taken this installation as an act of hostility against you. You are a close friend of the King of Grandsword, and just the other day, a White Dog associate was found guilty of tax evasion."

"That's completely irrelevant and none of my business. And while I'm at it, I thought I'd keep my distance from the King."

"Kkuh! Does that mean you're going to side with the 'White Dog'?"

Yumi made a strange noise and backed away.

"Don't get me wrong, I'll never work with them. It's not in my nature. I just don't want to get too deep into the king's affairs."

"Is that so. If that's the case, fufu, then I may have won the bet."

Yumi chuckles.

"I don't see what you're talking about."

"Oh, I'm sorry, there are now three main factions in the merchant guild. The White Dog, the opposition to it, and the rest are neutral. Whether to start a war here or not, it was a big gamble because it's hard to predict who will be in charge."

"In other words, you joined the camp of White Dog's opponents and started the war?"

"That's what happened. I'm thankful that Alec-sama is an unshakeable person. There are people who belong to our clan, but they are bought off and turned over easily."

"That's ...... none of my business, I guess. Anyway, I want to get Serina and the others out of jail. I need a referral to an expert in that kind of negotiation."

"I understand. Then let's go see Lord Seiren. He's a renowned nobleman who works to eliminate false accusations. He's a bit strange, but I think he's the perfect expert."

"Alright. And next time, write to me and don't call me like this."

"No, I won't do it again. It was an urgent."

"Urgent. So, Yumi, you're done talking?"

"Yes, I have a decision to make now. I think it's better to have Lord Seiren on our side."

I'm starting to feel like I'm dancing on her palm, but Yumi won't do anything to my detriment.

If the White Dog people are going to be hostile, then Yumi is on our side. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Even if it's only temporary.

We surreptitiously boarded the carriage Yumi had prepared and headed to the outskirts of the royal capital.

The mansion, surrounded by a spacious wall, is said to be the home of a very important man.

"Although the Marquis of Seiren doesn't hold any position, he is from a prestigious family and can be called a great nobleman. He is also active in charitable activities and has a good reputation in many fields. Of course, because of his activities, he does have enemies."

"Is he in conflict with the king?"

If I were to appeal for the release of a false accused, it would be against the King's castle. I was a little concerned, because I don't want a confrontation with the king.

"No, I've heard that the two of them are on good terms. It seems that both of them are keeping neutral on the surface."


"Besides, if you're really to blame, I'm sure they'll help you."

"There's no problem there. It's not like Serina was planning to cause a scene either."

"Yes, sir."

She told the gatekeeper of the Seiren mansion that she wanted to see him, and the gatekeeper let us in right away.

"It seems he can meet anyone, but I'm concerned about security."

"Yes, you might want to advise them to be careful there. It's going to be rough from now on."

It's as if we're the plague, but I guess the Marquis does it as a hobby. We don't have that much of a conscience either.

"This way, please. I'll take your sword."

After leaving the sword with the butler, Yumi and I were ushered into a calmly decorated parlor. The guards that Yumi had hired earlier would remain in the carriage, ready to make a quick escape if anyone came in here.

In the parlor, there was a portrait of a woman who looked like a priestess smiling gently, suggesting that Lord Seiren had a close relationship with the temple.

Honestly, I don't like people who are working for the prevention of false accusations.

It's hypocritical, no matter how you look at it.

And how much use can a reclusive aristocrat who loves philanthropy be?

But the man who came to see me, with his dour, Beethoven-like brows, was not the man I had imagined.

"Now, tell me your story."

He said at the beginning of his opening, looking busy.