We spent the night in a log cabin on the fourth layer and continued on to the next layer, which was a piece of cake due to the shortest route and high level members.

"This party is great. It's easy to advance."

Sarah says with a smiling face.

"That's right. It might be a good idea to add dog ears to the search for enemies."

The burly female warrior agreed.

"Ehh? Jamie, are you going to recruiting new members?"

"No, I'm not talking about specifics."

"Maybe we should have a dog-eared member too."

"We only need humans."

Abel sassed at Howell's words, but I don't know if dog-ears are something to worry about so much.

Except for the ears and tails, I think they're all human.

We arrived at the boss room of the sixth layer, the Great Hollow.


"What's the matter, Elisa?"

"No, I was just remembering the fight to the death here: ......"

"You're right, I thought I was going to die."

"It was a bit much for us to handle."

"That's why I'm saying we should take it easy, we're only as good as our lives. The people back home don't care about the results of the investigation anyway."

Well, if we had fought the Behemoth normally, it would have been tough. Elisa and the others did well to defeat it.

"Not so fast. I've been commissioned as a Templar Knight, and I'm going to do it right."

"Okay, okay."

"We're arrive on the seventh layer. So, which way to the hot springs?"

"Over there."

We got to a place where we couldn't cross because of the lava, and I used my levitation skills to carry them over one by one.

The Magician in Sarah's party could also use levitation magic, so it didn't take too long.

"Ah, this way, huh? We've gone straight to the boss, haven't we?"

"Well, we've already started exploring the eighth layer. The seventh layer is too hot, so forget it."

The rugged female warrior said, but Sarah and the others are capturing the eighth layer?

"This is the "Black Cat of the Wind" hot spring."

The words are carved into the stone as a sign.

"Oh, it's really a hot spring!"

"I've never seen a hot spring before."

"The men's bath is over there, and the women's bath is over there. We'll escort you, so don't hesitate to enjoy it."

"Wait a minute! It's good that you're escorting us, but are you going to take a look around?"

"We'll take care of that. I won't go into the women's baths, so don't worry."

"I hope so."

Yeah. I don't go in the baths.

But I have a lot of skills dedicated to erotic things that I have acquired so far.

【Sign Blocking Lv5】

【Peeping Tom Lv5】Lv up! 

【Stick to Wall Lv5】

【Stick to Ceiling Lv5】

【Optical Camouflage Lv5】Lv up!

I also maxed out its levels, which is perfect.

"Then let's get this escort started."

"Ho, it;s here. Fufu"

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, sir."

"Y-yes. Awawa."

I let Saki, Meena, Ione, and Nene escort then as usual, and I hid behind a rock, turned invisible with [Optical Camouflage], cut off my presence, and put up walls and ceilings.

It was a bit of a misstep, but they were adventurers, too, and they seemed to be bold enough and were already naked in the hot water.

I guess I'll have to stick in from the beginning in order to enjoy the strip show.

"Hmm, It feels so good. I never thought I'd be able to get into hot water in a dungeon."

"As expected, I'm worried about the enemies, so I'm not feeling too comfortable. Also, I think that dirty old man is going to come peeping in."

"Hahaha, it's possible."

Tsk, some of them are covering their breasts with cloth.

I need to put up a sign that says, "Please do not put towels in the hot water."

Sarah and Elisa don't cover their breasts, but I've had sex with them before, so it's not fresh.

Of course, I'll be able to appreciate it.

Another member of Sarah's party, a red-haired magician, is showing me some fresh nudity, and her modest breasts and beautiful cherry-red nipples are quite nice.

Let's get a little closer.


The out-of-sight, burly woman looked at me.

"What's wrong, Jamie?

"No, I just thought I heard something. Around there."

Yikes, this woman's got good ears. Damn .......

"Hmm. Isn't it okay? There's no monster here. Fufufu."

Saraha seems to have already noticed me. Give me a break.

"What do you think? How's the water temperature, everyone?"

Saki came over, so I used [Levitate] to hide behind her and move away from Jaime.

"Yeah! It's the best! I wish I had known about this earlier."

"It feels good."

"No problem."

"Very good. If you want a sake, let me know and I'll bring you one."

"Oh, I want to drink!"

"Sarah, it's not safe, you know"

"It's okay, it's okay. Alec and the others are guarding us."

"But, you know ......"

"I don't see any enemies, so you're worrying too much."

"I'm not going to drink it."

"Hmm, I'll have a drink."

"Then, sure, Sarah-san."

"Thank you. Hmm, I think I'm going to get addicted to this."

"Is it that good?"

"You should drink it too, Sierra."

"Sigh, well, just a little."

The Priest in Sarah's party takes the cup and drinks it.

"Ah, it's delicious."

I've brought some fine liquor with me. Even with the cost of the tour, we're still in the red, but that doesn't matter.

"One more cup, please."


"Sierra, don't drink too much, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll just have this one then."

Sierra's face turned red, but she still seemed to be drunk, so she stood up and took the cloth from herself.

"Fuu~, I'm kind of faint. It feels good. ......"

Stunning big tits. It's a shame I can only peek at them.

Oh well, I'll just have to make sure I enjoy it.

"Everybody, get up here now!"

Damn it, it's Serina!?

"Huh? Serina, what's going on?"

"It's Alec's trap. He's got the [Optical camouflage] skill."

Damn it, who'd told her?

"But there's no sign of him."

"Wait, didn't he originally have that kind of skill too? When we were fighting the Immortal King."

"Now that you mention it ..., ......Kkuhh, where are you, come out!"

Tsk, I guess that's it.

I floated to the shade of the rock and released my [Optical Camouflage] and [Sign Blocking].

Serina, let's not make any strange accusations."

"Ah, Alec."


"Don't come over here."

"All right, all right. But I heard voices. I just came to check it out."

I'll pretend that I just came.

Also, it's more flammable when the other side knows you're peeking. Sierra hiding her body in embarrassment is very intriguing.

This hot spring tour was interrupted by an unnecessary interruption, so I'll end it here.

If I had also bribed Letty, who has levitation magic, Serina wouldn't have been able to get here, but as expected, I'm not too comfortable in a dungeon either.

It's better to build a bath in the inn.