While I'm slowly making my way through the seventh layer of the Labyrinth of No Return, the Black Cat of the Wind public bath has opened at the inn on the surface.

A bath.

The baths are still popular among the women, and other guests and adventurers come to the inn after hearing the rumors.

Unfortunately, however, Serina is keeping a close eye on me, so I don't have a chance to sneak into the main bath.

Well, she can't keep an eye on two places at the same time either, so I can bring someone into the bathroom next to my room all I want.

"Alec, do you have a minute?"

While I was eating my late breakfast alone, a red-haired magician in a black robe came up to me and said,

"Let's see. ...... you're at Sarah's party."

"I'm Lunette. Sierra told me. ......"


Did Lunette come to retaliate after I told her about being manhandled?

"Ah, there's no need to get defensive. I mean, why are you getting all defensive?"

"No, why would I?"

By the looks of it, Sierra doesn't seem angry.

"That's weird. Sierra told me that you have a bathroom in your room, don't you?"

"Yes, there is."

"And if I know you, you'll let me borrow it, right?"

"Yeah. If you're a close acquaintance to me, I can lend it to you."

"Eh? Are you and Sierra that close?"

"Well, Sierra and I have only recently become friends."

"Yeah. You'll get to know me, too, won't you?"

"All right. I'll be a good friend to you, if that's what you want."

"I'm glad you're someone I can talk to. You're good friends with Sarah, too."

"Yeah. Well, shall we get on with it?"

"Sure! Sierra says it felt really good."

"I guess so. I'm glad she like it. You'll get a little service from me, too."

"Hee~, I'm looking forward to it."

Fufufu. I'm looking forward to it too.

However, Lunette is the type of person who can communicate her intentions clearly and is not a pushover.

The first thing to do is to get her into the bath and take off her clothes.

"So, the bath is here. You can use it as you like."

"Thank you."

Lunette smiles, but waits patiently for me to leave.

I smile, too, and walk out of the room as usual.

"Oh, Alec."

Serina passed by me in the hallway.

"Whoa! S-Serina!"

"Why are you so freaked out?"

"No, it's nothing."

" ...... It's suspicious, but oh well. The manager of the Maria Rouge store said that they have some good products in stock, so come and visit."


It's a store that deals in high quality slaves.

I've been away for a while now, preparing for public baths and hot springs, but I think I'll go back there.

"I wasn't going to let him go until he paid off his debt, but that "Armor of the Earth" sells for a very high price. ......"

The item that was dropped when we killed the behemoth fetched seven million gold at auction.

In fact, I wanted to equip it to one of our own, but we don't have any heavy warriors. Matheus, the dwarf, refused, saying he didn't want it either. He said that dwarves are marketed as iron breastplates, but I think it's fine for dwarves to wear other armor. ......

Anyway, no one equipped it, so I sold it for a high price.

"You got your share too, so the higher price is fine."

However, since the number of members is increasing, the amount per person is not that much.

"Well, yes, but it's complicated. Well, then, I made sure to tell them, right?"


Serina seemed to be going out again, All right! The distraction is gone.

I went downstairs to the counter and asked.

"Hey, landlady, you got any good liquor, a Lady Killer?"

"One silver coin."

"1000 gold!? You're ripping me off, man. Why is it so expensive?"

"Because you're about to spend it on something stupid."

Kkehh. She know what I'm going to do.

"But now that I've put a price on it, I'll have to sell it."

I'll give her a silver coin.

"Sigh, why don't you just go to the tavern and buy some... Oh, well, here's some sweet wine. It's strong, so be careful."

I take the bottle.

"And don't you dare destroy or burn the inn."

"I'm not going to make that mistake."

But it's not a good idea to anger Lunette, a high-level magician.

I'll be careful there.

I knock on my door and enter my room. I also enter the bathroom with proud. I'm an employee now, you know.

"Uwah, Alec, W-what do you want?"

A somewhat flustered Lunette asks me while hiding her breasts in the bathtub.

:I told you, I have a service for you. I'm going to serve all the top customers who come in here."

I open a bottle of liquor and pour it into a glass.

"Oh. Or someone else, if you prefer."

"Not so fast. This is my private room."


Raising an eyebrow, Lunette seemed to think it was a mistake to come here.

"Well, take a sip. I'm sure it's good, it cost a thousand gold."

"Ehh? Is it that expensive? According to my appraisal, it's at most 200."

"Then I guess I got ripped off. I'll buy it at a different bar next time."

"That's a good idea. Hmm, this is easy to drink!"

Seeming to have a palate that could take it, Lunette quickly downed the entire glass.


I pour her more.

"Mmm, drinking in the bath is quite nice. But it's a lady-killer, so I have to be careful. Alec, did you make Sierra drink this too?"

Lunette asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's a different drink. And I only gave her one drink."

"That's fine, but ...... if you'd like to leave, that'd be great."

"You say that, but it would be better if you had a drink."

"Well, yeah. I'd really like to see that dog-eared girl. Where is she?"

"She's out."

"Oh. Too bad."

I fill the empty glass only halfway. If I poured all of it in here, it would be obvious what I was doing.

Of course, my eyes are locked on Lunette's body the whole time.

"Geez, don't look at me like that."

"You've got a nice body, you shouldn't be embarrassed to be seen."

"It's----not---like that. Fufu, You're a real smooth talker."

"There's a lot of other things I'm good at."

"Like what?"

"You want to try it?"

"No, I'm good! I have a really bad feeling about this right now. I think it's time for me to go up."

"You can go up."

"I can't get out of here with you around. Oh, that's right. If you can chug that bottle, I'll go out naked."


You idiot.

Well, I guess it's not a bad strategy to make someone drink so that you won't be tempted to drink.

But you chalenged the wrong guy.

I purposely exhaled loudly and pretended to get into the mood.

"It's okay to drink, but I don't want you to tip over and be carried into the temple."

"Don't worry. I can handle my liquor."

"You're not a dwarf, so I don't think you can."

I'll get the skill 【Anti-Sickness Lv5】.

I'm going to go straight for the bottle and drink it.

"Phew, that's a good drink."

I tilt the bottle down to show that it's empty.

"Now, how long can you keep laughing?"

"I don't know. I wonder how long you can stay in there."

"Mmm...... eh? Do you have the skills of a drunkard, by any chance?"

"Well, something like that."

"Wow, that's not fair. I got cheated. ......"

"I told you, I'm a skilled drinker. Well, I kept my word. Now it's your turn."

"Ehh? It's not a promise, it's a bet. Hey, I'll buy you a bottle of booze, and then we'll call it even. ......"

"That's not gonna work."

"I knew it. Geez, if you want to see me naked so badly, I'll at least show you a little."

Lunette seemed to be quite strong-minded and stood up quickly in the bathtub. Her breasts were modest, but they swayed nicely.

"I mean, whoa."

Lunette seemed to be dizzy because she had been drinking on the verge of spinning out of control and then suddenly stood up.

"Oops, watch out!"

I support her back with my hand. But only as a gentleman.

"T-thank you. Okay, that's enough."

"Not so fast. In our store, the safety of our customers is our top priority. If you get hurt and my reputation is ruined, it's bad for business and my reputation."

"Now, you just want to touch me by saying nice things, don't you?"

"You could say that."

"Uwahh, I admit it. ...... You dirty old man."

"Anyway, it wouldn't be good if you got any hotter. Now get out and sit down here."


Lunette, still unable to walk on her own, sat down in the chair with my support.

"Ugh, I'm more drunk than I thought. Hey, why is this chair dented in the middle?"

Lunette wondered about the chair she was sitting in.

"Do you want to know?"

"No, I don't. I have a really bad feeling about this."

"Well, don't be so sure, I had it custom made for you. But the craftsman only made it as he was told, he doesn't know what it's for."

"It's very scary, but ...... Kkuhh."

Lunette braced herself.

"It's not a torture device, so don't worry. It's called a "Lewd Chair".  It has a dent in the middle to make it easier to wash your hands while sitting on it."

"Uwahh ......, S-so you're saying that someone else, you, is going to put your hand in here on the chair and wash me?"

Blushing, but interested, Lunette asked.


"That's really lewd. ......Do you offer that kind of service?"

"I don't usually do that, but as a service, I'll be flexible if it's a request from a regular customer, okay?

"By the way, I'm not a regular yet, right?"

"Yes, but if you promise to keep coming back, you'll become a regular."

"Yeah ......?"

"I'm also a master of that type of erotic skill, so it's going to feel great. You might just get a taste of heaven like no other."

"You have such a face. ...... Gulp."

Lunette swallows her spit, whether in fear or anticipation.

Can this thing goes on?