The eighth layer, the lowest layer in fact.

In the highly difficult Labyrinth of No Return, the only people who can make it this far are A-ranked parties.

A person who can go toe-to-toe solo with such a skilled party.

No, that's not a person.

Maybe she sold her soul to the devil, or maybe she's a zombie.

Either way, it's better to think of her as a monster.

How can Luka, who adored her former partymate Hannah, attack her?

It's not Luka's fault, but it's a disgusting story.

If that's the case, it would have been much better if Hannah had died.

"Luka, don't push yourself too hard."

I said. In fact, if she hesitate right then and there, it could be fatal. It's not just Luka, it's all of us.

"I'm not pushing it! No, I'm probably pushing it. But! I liked Hannah. If she's acting strangely, I have to end her as friends, right?"

Luka seemed to have thought of that as well. 

But even though she was a famous adventurer, Hannah was still a B-ranked adventurer, and there was no way she could take on Esclados' party by herself.

Esclados is an A-rank adventure, he's guy who seems to have survived a long fight against the level 86 "Shadow Immortal King".

"...... alright. I'll let you talk to her. But you have to follow my instructions, okay?"

"I know, leader."

Luka also seems to be determined to make it with the Black Cat of the Wind.


I'll just call her by name and signal her with my eyes.

In case of emergency, you're the one who has to do it.

"I understand."

That's all she needed to know to get through to me. We've been through a lot of death lines together as a party, and we're close even in sex.

We understand each other's way of thinking.

So did the other female members.

I said to all of them.

"Listen here, our opponent is a talented person who can solo in a place like this. Don't think of her as B-ranked adventurer. Think of her as superior."

""" Okay! """

Good answer.

"Let's get out of here."

We leave the small room and resume our search on the eighth layer.

We have enough food left for three more days, and some emergency chocolates, so we can extend our stay for another two or three days.

"Master, I smell blood. A Human!"

Meena announced in a tense voice.

It's here.

"Everyone, prepare for battle! Be ready to go at any time."

""" I understand! """

The swords are quickly pulled out and everyone is ready.

I heard the sound of barefoot running from the end of the passage, and that guy was coming towards us.


A blonde woman with a screaming voice ran at us with her bare hands and attacked us.

Her eyes are glowing red, but she's a complete horror.

She was bleeding from her mouth, and two long canine teeth were peeking out.

It was now fangs.

"Don't let her bite you! She's a vampire!"

I hastily instructed and checked my skill list.

【Venereal Disease Resistance】

No, that's not right. It's definitely not that.

But I got it just in case.

And one more thing.

【Charm Resistance】

This is it.

I read in a book that vampires have the ability to charm their opponents with their glowing red eyes.

It's a classic.

【Blood Spirit】

I don't know if this is the same thing, but I've accumulated a lot of points from my adventures so far.

My opponent is a powerful enemy, so I'm not going to regret this.

I can't laugh at the idea of me becoming a vampire and having a bad ending.

【Shine Flash】

And this is a holy attribute range attack magic.

【Venereal Disease Resistance Lv 5】 New!

【Charm Resistance Lv 5】 New!

【Blood Spirit Lv 5】 New!

【Shine Flash Lv 5】 New!

Alright, this is fine.

"You've kept me waiting. I'll take care of the rest."

I ran forward. 

"It's already over, darling."

"Hmm? Are you done?"

When I looked, I saw the blonde vampire from earlier lying at my feet. She was bleeding from her chest, but Saki had apparently cleaned her up.

"Of course. With the "Mithril Sword" and the "Flame Sword", vampires will be no problem! Hannah isn't the only one who uses dual-wield."

Saki tapped her sword, which she had already sheathed, to show off, but she was also dual-wield.

"That ...... Luka, I'm sorry."

Serina apologize to Luka, who is crouched there.

"What are you talking about, Serina? There's nothing wrong kill this vampire. Besides, this is not Hannah."

Luka says, turning around.


"It's true that she's blonde too, but Hannah is much more beautiful."

So she's a different person.

Well, the blonde hair rate is high in this world. It would be better not to identify her just because she's blonde.

"I see."

The other members of the group looked a little relieved.

"This vampire seemed different from what I'd heard of. I thought we could communicate."

Luka said.

"It's a Lesser."

Letty said.


"It's a lower species. It means inferior. "Lesser vampires" are created by vampires who bite at random things. You can't expect them to be intelligent."


"Huh? Didn't get the point? Let me see. ......"

"No, I know what you mean, Letty."

I said, and everyone nodded their heads.

"Then why?"

"Because it's unusual for you to say something that sounds like a magician."

"Wha! It's not "like", I'm a real magician! I'm a real A-ranked genius magician. I'm still a B-ranked magician, but that's just because the old men in the magic guild are mean to me."

"Oh, no, I don't care about your rank."

"It's not good! It's not good at all!"

Oops, I think I flipped a troublesome switch on Letty.

"Okay, let's go."

"Hey, wait! Alec! I told you wait!"

She's so annoying.

If I say yes, yes, A-rank, A-rank here, she'll get angry and say, "What's with the lax acknowledgement?"

It's best to leave her alone.

"*sob*, even though I'm an A-rank magician. ......"

I found a small room and took a break, but she's still whimpering.

"Letty, come here."


"Just come here."

I pulled Letty into my arms and gave her a deep kiss.

"Mmm! Hey, quit it, Nnhh, Mmm...."

Letty didn't like it, but she was already well trained. I licked up her tongue and she immediately complied.

"Okay, now be quiet."

"Ahn, more."

"When we get back up to surface there."


Although this place is where monsters can't get inside, human adventurers are different.

There's no way we can have sex in a place like this.

"Go to sleep."

"Don't wanna, I can't sleep unless you sleep."

Don't sound so naive.

I was just thinking about what I was going to say to Letty when there was a knock on the door.

"Is there anyone over there?"

It was a clear voice, a young woman's voice.